-- ************************************************************************* -- AMERICAN POWER CONVERSION PowerNet-MIB -- ************************************************************************* -- Copyright (c) 2022 American Power Conversion, Inc. -- PowerNet is a Trademark of American Power Conversion Corp. -- -- Title: APC TOP LEVEL PowerNet MIB -- -- Version : 4.4.6 -- -- Generated by script: tomib.awk -- -- Input File: powernetPS.mib -- -- Created: Wednesday, December, 21, 2022 -- -- Revision History: -- ************************************************************************* -- - v3.2.0 Added functionality for MasterSwitch Plus -- - v3.3.0 Added functionality for MX28B (dcDM3) and 3-phase UPS -- - v3.3.2 New traps for Symmetra PX UPS -- 07/15/01 - v3.4.0 Added transfer switch -- - v3.4.3 Added functionality for External and Integrated Environmental Monitor -- 06/14/02 - v3.4.4 Added dcmim2(Siemens) branch, Battery Manager(Reading) traps, and -- Psx Traps for PDU and RM-PDU and Netlock branch/traps -- 12/13/02 - v3.5.0 netlock - Initial support for netlock (nl). Traps 261-265 added. -- rPDU - Initial support for rPDU. Traps 266-283 added. -- rARU - Initial support for rARU. -- gateway - Initial support for gateway (gw). Traps 230-260, 284-297 added. -- ups - upsSyncCtrlGroup and upsState sections added. -- 02/19/03 - v3.6.0 ups - UpsOutletGroups section added. Traps 298-299 added. -- smw - Traps 300-305 added. -- rPDU - General OID description cleanups. -- gw - Updated SNMP support for gw. -- 05/21/03 - v3.6.1 ups - Updated SNMP support for ups. -- ems - Environmental Management System OIDs renamed from gateway (gw). -- raru - Updated SNMP support for raru. -- 06/13/03 - v3.6.3 airFM - Initial support for airFM. Traps 306-311 added. -- nl - Traps 261-265 removed. -- 11/26/03 - v3.6.4 xPDU - Initial support for xPDU. Traps 312-344 added. -- airPA - Initial support for airPA. Traps 306-311 modified for airPA use. -- airFM - AirFMStatus OIDs cleaned up. -- 03/19/04 - v3.6.5 rPDU - Updated SNMP support for rPDU. -- airFM - AirFMGroup section added. -- 05/13/04 - v3.6.6 ups - Added several upsAdvBattery OIDs. -- ems - Added emsStatusHardwareStatus and emsHardwareState traps 345-346. -- aru - Trap 228 redefined to aruDeviceConfigChange. -- 08/04/04 - v3.6.7 ups - Added upsAdvConfigNumExternalBatteries and -- upsAdvConfigSimpleSignalShutdowns. -- ce - Custom Event traps 347-352 added. -- 11/22/04 - v3.6.8 ems - Many emsProbeConfig and emsProbeStatus OIDs added. -- ups - Traps 353-358 added. -- env - Traps 359-374 added. -- 01/26/05 - v3.6.9 battman - Initial support for battman, traps 375-380 added. -- xATS - Initial support for xATS, traps 381-478 added. -- generator - Initial support for generator. -- rPDU - Trap edits. -- xPDU - Trap edits. -- 05/26/05 - v3.7.0 consolePortServer - Initial support for consolePortServer (cpsAP930x). -- xPDU - Cleaned up many descriptions. -- xATS - Cleaned up many descriptions. -- ups - Added several upsAdvConfig OIDs. -- 09/28/05 - v3.8.0 modEnvMgr - Initial support for modEnvMgr (mem). -- rARU - Added functionality for Gen 2 ARU. -- ups/aru/mem - Traps 500-569 added. -- all - General cleanup on typos and spelling errors. -- 01/04/06 - v3.8.1 rARU - Added functionality for Gen 2 ARU -- 02/22/06 - v3.8.2 accessControl - Initial support for accessControl. -- Traps 570-592 added. -- accessPX - Initial support for accessPX. -- airIR - Initial support for airIR and airIRAlarms. -- airIRRC - Initial support for airIRRC. -- 05/24/06 - v3.8.4 apcLocalDisplay - Initial support for apcLocalDisplay. -- ups - UpsAdvOutputRedundancy, upsAdvOutputKVACapacity, -- upsAdvConfigBasicSignalLowBatteryDuration, and -- upsAdvConfigBypassPhaseLockRequired OIDs added. -- UpsAdvConfigMinReturnRuntime SYNTAX changed. -- UPS trap numbers 600-623 added. -- em - New emConfigProbe, emConfigContact, emStatusProbe OIDs added. -- iem - New iemConfigProbe, iemConfigContact, iemStatusProbe OIDs added. -- 08/31/06 - v3.8.5 airIRSC - Initial support for airIRSC. -- XPDU - XPDUBranchBreaker OIDs and xPDUBranchCurrent traps added. -- 11/03/06 - v3.8.6 rPDU - Updated SNMP support for rPDU. -- accessPX - accessPXConfigCardFormat OID added. -- airIRSC - airIRSCUnitStatusCompressor added. -- 01/03/07 - v3.8.7 airIRRP - Initial support for airIRRP100 and airIRRP500. -- 04/06/07 - v3.8.8 battMan - Updated SNMP support for Battery Manager, -- battManConfigApplication OID deprecated. -- airIRRP - Added HeatAssistEnable to airIRRP100 and airIRRP500. -- ups - Added several upsDiagSubSys OIDs. -- iem - Added iemStatusProbeLocation OID. -- all - Cleaned up version history section. -- 12/19/07 - v3.9.1 airFM - Added full SNMP support, deprecating some existing OIDs in -- favor of new structure. -- 12/19/07 - v3.9.2 Added new OIDs for isxModularDistribution, isxModularPdu, airInRoomPerimeter -- airIRGen2, symmetraPX IDs, isxServers IDs, upsAdvConfig, upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCard, -- memInputsCommStatus, airIRRP100GroupSetpoints. Added new SNMP Traps for -- ISX Modular Distribution, and xATS. -- 08/13/08 - v3.9.3 Added new OIDs for UPS HighPrec OIDs: -- upsHighPrecBattery, upsHighPrecInput, and upsHighPrecOutput. -- Added new OIDs for the 10kW the AIR IR Gen2: -- airIRG2RDT2ConfigUnitRoleOverride, airIRG2RDT2RunHoursUnit, -- airIRG2GroupConfigNumberofBackupUnits, airIRG2GroupConfigRuntimeBalancingEnable, -- and airIRG2GroupConfigLoadAssistEnable for use by 10kW application. -- Added new traps apcInternalCommunicationFault and apcInternalCommunicationFaultCleared -- for use by the SUMX application. -- Updated descriptions in existing OIDs. -- 09/25/08 - v3.9.4 Added new OIDs for Symmetra PX: -- upsParallelSystem, upsPhysicalLayout, upsAdvConfigMainsSetting, upsAdvConfigACWiringSetting, -- upsAdvConfigUpperOutputVoltTolerance, upsAdvConfigLowerOutputVoltTolerance, upsAdvConfigUpperBypassVoltTolerance -- upsAdvConfigLowerBypassVoltTolerance, upsAdvConfigOutofSyncBypassTransferDelay, upsAdvTestDiagnosticTime -- upsAdvTestDiagnosticDay, upsDiagSwitchGearBypassInputSwitchStatus, upsDiagSubFeedBreakerTable, -- upsDiagSubFeedBreakerTable, upsSideCarFrameLayoutTable, upsPowerFrameLayoutTable -- Added new OIDs for UPSs: -- upsBasicSystemStatus, upsAdvControlFlashAndBeep (appended new list options) -- Added new OIDs for the AC RP10kW: -- airIRG2RDT2ConfigUnitIdleOnCoolFail -- Added new OID for isxModularPDU device: -- isxModularPduDeviceTransformerPresent (appended new list option) -- 02/24/09 - v3.9.5 Added new OIDs for the UPS Integrated ATS product, Air IRSC product, added new Traps for UPS support -- and fixed MIB compilier warnings. -- 02/24/09 - v3.9.6 Added new Traps and mtrapargs for the ISXC Trap Notification support. -- 09/18/09 - v3.9.8 Added new OIDs for the InRoom C7000 Air product. -- 04/14/10 - v3.9.9 Added new rPDU2 device and modified some rPDU OIDs. -- 06/22/10 - v4.0.0 Added traps 638 through 651 to support ATS. -- Updated control OIDs for rPDU2g -- Updates to support PX100kW UPS. -- Added traps 756 and 757 to support PX100kW UPS. -- Added upsAdvBattery, upsHighPrecBattery, and upsDiagBattery OIDs to support PX250kW/PX500kW UPS. -- 06/30/10 - v4.0.1 Added new OID's upsAdvBatteryFullCapacity, upsAdvInputNominalFrequency, upsAdvInputNominalVoltage, -- upsAdvInputBypassNominalFrequency, upsAdvInputBypassNominalVoltage, upsBasicSystemInternalTemperature, -- upsAdvOutputNominalFrequency, upsAdvOutputActivePower and upsAdvOutputApparentPower. -- Added traps 734 to 739 to support Galaxy 300 and Galaxy 7000 UPS. -- Added SyOid's galaxy300UPS10kVA33, galaxy300UPS15kVA33, galaxy300UPS20kVA33, -- galaxy300UPS30kVA33, galaxy300UPS40kVA33, galaxy300UPS10kVA31, galaxy300UPS15kVA31, -- galaxy300UPS20kVA31 and galaxy300UPS30kVA31,galaxy7000UPS200kVA,galaxy7000UPS250kVA, -- galaxy7000UPS300kVA,galaxy7000UPS400kVA,galaxy7000UPS500kVA,galaxy7000SSC800kVA, -- galaxy7000SSC1200kVA and galaxy7000SSC2000kVA. -- 10/27/10 - v4.0.2 Added Idle on Cool Fail and Fan Speed Control OIDs for the InRow ACRC. -- Added new OID's for Odin UPS upsAdvInputStatisticsTable, upsAdvInputApparentPower, -- upsAdvInputVoltageTHD, upsAdvInputBypassVoltageTHD, upsAdvInputPeakCurrent, upsAdvInputBypassPeakCurrent, -- upsAdvOutputStatisticsTable, upsAdvOutputPeakCurrent, upsAdvOutputCurrentTHD, upsAdvOutputCrestFactor, -- upsAdvStateTotaltimeonbattery, upsAdvStateTotaltimeonbypass, upsAdvStateTotaltimeonNormal, -- upsAdvStateNumberoftimesonbattery, upsAdvStateNumberoftimesbypass, upsAdvStateNumberoftimesNormal, -- subfeedBreakerUpperAcceptPowerCritical, upsParallelInputMaximumCurrent, upsParallelTotalOutputPower, -- upsParallelTotalOutputApparentPower, upsParallelInputCurrent, upsParallelInputActivePower, -- upsParallelInputApparentPower, upsParallelInputVoltage, upsParallelInputMaxVoltage, -- upsParallelInputMaxCurrent, upsParallelInputTotalActivePower, upsParallelInputTotalApparentPower, -- upsParallelOutputCurrent, upsParallelOutputLoad, upsParallelOutputPercentLoad, upsParallelOutputPower, -- upsParallelOutputApparentPower, upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerStatus, upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerName -- and upsParallelOutputTotalPercentLoad. -- Modified the OID upsAdvConfigOutputFreqRange and upsParallelSysRedundancy. -- 01/13/11 - v4.0.3 Added new oids, upsHighPrecOutputEfficiency and upsHighPrecOutputEnergyUsage. -- Added green mode for bit 51 of upsBasicStateOutputState. -- Added traps 758 to 763 to support UPS firmware update. -- Deprecated all OIDs off branch mfiletransfer -- Added rPDU2 Metered Outlet Data -- 08/17/11 - v4.0.4 Updated several rPDU2 and rPDU OIDs. -- 12/07/11 - v4.0.5 Added new OID's for SYPX upsPhaseOutputPowerFactor and symmetraPxDisplay. -- Added SYS OID's for different Caphorn models galaxy5000UPS20KVA, galaxy5000UPS30KVA, galaxy5000UPS40KVA -- galaxy5000UPS50KVA, galaxy5000UPS60KVA , galaxy5000UPS80KVA, galaxy5000UPS100KVA, galaxy5000UPS120KVA -- galaxy5000UPS130KVA, galaxy5500UPS20KVA, galaxy5500UPS30KVA, galaxy5500UPS40KVA, galaxy5500UPS50KVA -- galaxy5500UPS60KVA, galaxy5500UPS80KVA, galaxy5500UPS100KVA, galaxy5500UPS120KVA, galaxy5500UPS130KVA -- and new OID upsAdvStateEcomode -- 06/05/12 - v4.0.6 Added new OID rPDUIdentDeviceLineToNeutralVoltage for AP7823 Rack PDU. -- 06/20/12 - v4.0.6 Added new rPDU2Group OID table for AP84xx, AP86xx, AP88xx, AP89xx Rack PDUs. -- 08/10/12 - v4.0.6 Added new OIDs for SYPX 250/500 upsAdvConfigWarningAlarmDelay, upsAdvConfigInformationalAlarmDelay, upsDiagSwitchGearInstallationLoadPct, -- upsParallelOutputActivePowerTable,upsParallelSysSwitchGearInstallationLoadPct, upsParallelSysRedundancyStatus and upsParallelSysName. -- Modified the description for upsBasicBatteryLastReplaceDate and bit 51 of upsBasicStateOutputState. -- Updated upsBasicOutputStatus and upsBasicSystemStatus. -- 08/10/12 - v4.0.6 Added SYS OIDs for different Caphorn models galaxy9000UPS, galaxy9000SSC, galaxy9000UPSWithSSC, galaxy9000FreqConverter, eps6000UPS, -- eps6000SSC, eps6000UPSWithSSC, eps6000FreqConverter, eps7000UPS, eps7000SSC, eps7000UPSWithSSC, -- eps7000FreqConverter, eps8000UPS, eps8000SSC, eps8000UPSWithSSC, eps8000FreqConverter. -- Modified the description for bits 53 to 56 of upsBasicStateOutputState. -- 02/22/13 -v4.0.8 Added OIDs upsAdvBatteryInternalSKU, upsAdvBatteryExternalSKU, upsAdvBatteryRecommendedReplaceDate, -- upsAdvConfigGreenMode, upsAdvConfigLCDLocalLanguage, upsAdvConfigLCDLockOut, -- upsAdvConfigChargerRate, and upsAdvConfigBatterySelection for the SUMX application. -- 04/10/13 -v4.0.9 Added new SYS OID for sPDU masterSwitchsPDU -- 10/18/13 -v4.1.0 Added new cooling section of OIDs for second generation cooling products. -- 02/17/14 -v4.1.1 Added the OIDs for Valhal(Galaxy VM)UPS. -- 08/11/14 -v4.1.2 Added upsHighPrecBatteryPacks category. -- Added upsHighPrecInputBypassVoltage and upsHighPrecInputBypassFrequency OIDs. -- Added traps upsLocalDisplayButtonFault, upsLocalDisplayButtonFaultCleared, upsNeedsFactorySetupFault, -- upsNeedsFactorySetupFaultCleared, upsEPOActive, upsEPOActiveCleared, upsFirmwareMismatch, upsFirmwareMismatchCleared, -- upsOscillatorFailed, and upsOscillatorFailedCleared -- Updated the description for upsHighPrecOutputEfficiency to display all currently defined error conditions. -- 11/25/14 -v4.1.4 Changes for IRRP100 and IRRP500: -- 1.New OIDs added to support Active Flow Controller: -- airIRRP100GroupStatusActiveFlowControlStatus, airIRRP100GroupSetpointsActiveFlowControlBias, airIRRP100GroupConfigNumberOfActiveFlowControllers, -- airIRRP100GroupConfigActiveFlowControllerLampTest, airIRRP100GroupConfigAltitudeUS, airIRRP100GroupConfigAltitudeMetric, -- airIRRP500GroupStatusActiveFlowControlStatus, airIRRP500GroupSetpointsActiveFlowControlBias, airIRRP500GroupConfigNumberOfActiveFlowControllers, -- airIRRP500GroupConfigActiveFlowControllerLampTest, airIRRP500GroupConfigAltitudeUS, airIRRP500GroupConfigAltitudeMetric. -- 2.Updated OIDs airIRRP100GroupConfigConfigurationType and airIRRP500GroupConfigConfigurationType to support CACS strategy. -- 3.Added OIDs airIRRP100UnitConfigSecondaryPowerFeedCapability and airIRRP500UnitConfigSecondaryPowerFeedCapability -- to support secondary power feed capability. -- 4.Added OIDs airIRRP100UnitConfigIdleOnCoolFail and airIRRP500UnitConfigIdleOnCoolFail to support Idle on Cool Fail setting. -- 5.Added OIDs airIRRP100GroupStatusDewPointTempUS, airIRRP100GroupStatusDewPointTempMetric, airIRRP500GroupStatusDewPointTempUS -- and airIRRP500GroupStatusDewPointTempMetric to support the group dew point temperature. -- 6.Added OIDs airIRRP100UnitStatusLeakSensor and airIRRP500UnitStatusLeakSensor to support leak sensor status. -- 05/06/15 -v4.1.5 Added configurable contact OID rPDU2DeviceConfigContact. -- Added enums for the chargerSpotmode, inverterSpotmode state in upsBasicOutputStatus OID and StaticBypassStandby state in the upsBasicSystemStatus OID. -- Added new OIDs to support Active Flow Controller for airIRSC: -- airIRSCGroupConfigNumberOfActiveFlowControllers, airIRSCGroupConfigActiveFlowControllerLampTest, -- airIRSCGroupStatusActiveFlowControlStatus, airIRSCGroupSetpointsActiveFlowControlBias, airIRSCUnitStatusLeakSensor -- 07/13/15 -v4.1.6 Changes for airIR Gen2 RD: -- 1. Updated airIRG2GroupConfigConfigurationType to support CACS strategy. -- 2. Added airIRG2RDT2StatusLeakSensor to support leak sensor status. -- 3. Added OIDs to support Active Flow Controller: -- airIRG2GroupStatusActiveFlowControlStatus,airIRG2GroupSetpointsActiveFlowControlBias,airIRG2GroupConfigNumberOfActiveFlowControllers, -- airIRG2GroupConfigActiveFlowControllerLampTest,airIRG2GroupConfigAltitudeUS,airIRG2GroupConfigAltitudeMetric. -- 08/05/15 -v4.1.7 Changes for SUMX and SY: -- 1. Added upsAdvConfigBatteryHealthAlarmWarningTime and upsAdvConfigBatteryHealthAlarmSleepTime OIDs. -- 2. Added upsDCOutput OIDs to support UPSes with DC outputs -- 3. Added upsOnBatteryDueToFault and upsOnBatteryDueToFaultCleared for Symmetra UPSes. -- 04/27/16 -v4.1.8 Changes for Galaxy VX: -- 1. Added SYSOIDs for various models of Galaxy VX galaxyVXUPS500kVA, galaxyVXUPS625kVA, galaxyVXUPS750kVA, galaxyVXUPS1000kVA, -- galaxyVXUPS1250kVA and galaxyVXUPS1500kVA -- 2. Added New OIDs upsAdvInputEnergyUsage, upsAdvOutputEnergyUsage, upsDiagnosticPowerCabinet and upsDiagSwitchgearAmbientTemperature. -- 3. Replaced the options "batteryBreaker1" and "batteryBreaker2" from "switchgearBreakerType" in OID upsDiagSwitchGearBreakerTable with -- "batteryBreaker" and "bypassBackFeedBreaker". -- 05/11/16 -v4.1.8 Added SYSOID for Air Economizer. -- 07/01/16 -v4.1.9 Added support for PowerChute Network Shutdown. -- 08/18/16 -v4.2.0 Added description "Minor or Environment Alarm" for bit 60 of OID upsBasicStateOutputState. -- 09/08/16 -v4.2.0 Added support for AP7xxxB series Rack PDUs -- 09/08/16 -v4.2.0 Added the following tables for NB250: -- 1.emsInputStateSensorConfig, emsInputStateSensorStatus, memInputStateSensors -- 2.Added wireless entry under environmentalMonitor. -- 09/30/16 -v4.2.1 Changes for SUMX: -- Added upsAdvConfigSignalFlashVoltage and upsAdvConfigBatteryTemperatureCompensation. -- Added upsIntegratedUIO and subtree upsOutputRelays. -- Added configuration oids for universal input / output ports and associated sensors. -- Added upsHighPrecBatteryHealth. -- Added upsOutletGroupStatusGroupFullState in upsOutletGroupStatusTable. -- Added trap for temporary bypass. -- Updated fault list for upsDCOutputStatusAbnormalConditions. -- 01/24/17 -v4.2.2 Changes for G300: Added Oids upsAdvConfigBatteryChargerType, upsAdvConfigAutomaticRestart, upsAdvConfigDeepDischargeProtection, -- upsAdvConfigFreqBypassTransferRange, upsAdvConfigUpsPowerconverterType, upsAdvConfigFrequencyConverterMode,upsEcoModeSetting, -- upsEcoModeFreqTransferRange, upsEcoModeHighVoltThreshold, upsEcoModeLowVoltThreshold,upsParallelNumOfUpsPoweringLoad, -- upsParallelMinNumOfRequiredUps. -- 08/03/2017 Changed the range value for xPDUSystemOutputOverCurrentThreshold and xPDUSystemOutputOverCurrentNeutralThreshold -- from 100 to 110 to maintain consistency across all interfaces. -- 03/24/17 Changes for Galaxy VX and Galaxy VM -- Added the options NiCd and Li-Ion to upsAdvConfigBatterySelection. -- 03/31/2017 -v4.2.3 Changes for NB250: -- Added new card option to accessPXConfigCardFormat. -- 08/02/2017 -v4.2.4 Changes for G7000: Added new oid's to support EBM and ECO modes and upsAdvBatteryNominalBackupTime. -- 11/13/2017 Changes for NB250: Added oid's memSensorsTemperatureHighPrec, memOutputStatusAlarmState, memOutletStatusAlarmState, memBeaconStatusAlarmState, -- wirelessSensorStatusLocation, wirelessSensorStatusAlarmStatus, wirelessSensorPodStatusLocation, wirelessSensorPodStatusAlarmStatus, -- wirelessSensorConfigLocation, wirelessSensorPodConfigLocation. -- 3/2/2018 -v4.2.7 Corrected OBJECT-TYPE and DESCRIPTION for airIRRP500UnitThresholdsSupplyHumidityHigh and airIRRP500UnitThresholdsSupplyHumidityLow to -- airIRRP500UnitThresholdsReturnHumidityHigh and airIRRP500UnitThresholdsReturnHumidityLow. -- 9/11/2018 -v4.2.8 Added oid's upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyTableSize, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyIndex, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyFirmwareRevision, -- upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlySerialNumber, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyTemperature, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyStatus, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyHealth, -- upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyReplaceDate, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyInstallDate. -- 01/31/2019 -v4.2.9 Added a new SYSOID for galaxyVXUPS1100kVA for Galaxy VX. -- 02/15/2019 -v4.3.0 Added oid's rPDU2IdentBootMonitorRev,rPDU2IdentLongDescription,rPDU2IdentNMCSerialNumber,rPDU2DevicePropertiesDevicePowerRating -- rPDU2OutletSwitchedConfigExternalLink,rPDU2OutletSwitchedStatusExternalLink,rPDU2OutletMeteredConfigExternalLink,rPDU2OutletMeteredStatusReceptacleType, -- rPDU2OutletMeteredStatusExternalLink. -- 03/11/2019 Added oid upsAdvConfigACQualificationTime. -- 10/29/2019 Added oid upsHighPrecExtdBatteryTemperature. -- Added traps upsInputContactOutputRelayFault, upsInputContactOutputRelayFaultCleared, upsAirFilterWarning, upsAirFilterWarningCleared -- upsBatteryPackIncompatible, upsBatteryPackIncompatibleCleared, upsInputContactAbnormal, upsInputContactAbnormalCleared, -- upsOutputRelayAbnormal, upsOutputRelayAbnormalCleared. -- 05/12/2020 Modified the description for atsOutputPower and atsOutputBankPower OIDs. -- 08/27/2020 Changed oid upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsTimeSinceReset to upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsOutputEnergyTimeSinceReset and modified the description -- Modified the descriptions for oids upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsTimeInECOmode and upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsTimeInECOnversion -- Added oids upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsInputEnergyTimeSinceReset, upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsECOmodeTimeSinceReset -- and upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsECOnversionTimeSinceReset -- Modified the description for oid upsBasicIdentName -- 10/19/2020 Modified the description for rPDU2OutletConfigPowerOnTime, rPDU2OutletConfigPowerOffTime, -- rPDU2DevicePropertiesDevicePowerRating, rPDU2DevicePropertiesOutletLayout... OIDs for rPDU/rPDU2g -- to make description more suitable for different rPDU model numbers -- 08/27/2021 Added automaticXferSwitch4G and automaticXferSwitch5G as possible values of SysObjectId -- 10/05/2021 Specified that OIDs in the atsCalibration category are not supported in ATS5G or newer -- 05/27/2022 Created new ats5g OID to support network port sharing for ATS -- 12/06/2022 Added new OID galaxyVXLUPS1250kW -- -- ******************************************************************************************** -- ******************************************************************************************** -- PowerNet-MIB { iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) -- enterprises(1) apc(318) } PowerNet-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, IpAddress, Gauge, TimeTicks FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215; -- IMPORTS End apc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 318 } products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apc 1 } apcmgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apc 2 } hardware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 1 } software OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 2 } system OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 3 } experimental OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 4 } mconfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apcmgmt 1 } mcontrol OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apcmgmt 2 } mtrapargs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apcmgmt 3 } mfiletransfer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apcmgmt 4 } mconfigClock OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mconfig 6 } mfiletransferStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mfiletransfer 1 } mfiletransferConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mfiletransfer 2 } mfiletransferControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mfiletransfer 3 } mfiletransferConfigSettings OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mfiletransferConfig 1 } mfiletransferConfigTFTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mfiletransferConfig 2 } mfiletransferConfigFTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mfiletransferConfig 3 } ups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 1 } measureUps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 2 } miniSNMPadapter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 3 } masterswitch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 4 } masterswitchVM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 5 } masterswitchMSP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 6 } dcDM3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 7 } automaticTransferSwitch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 8 } dc2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 9 } environmentalMonitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 10 } netlock OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 11 } rPDU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 12 } airConditioners OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 13 } rARU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 14 } xPDU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 15 } battMan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 16 } xATS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 17 } generator OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 18 } consolePortServer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 19 } accessControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 20 } apcLocalDisplay OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 21 } isxModularDistribution OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 22 } isxModularPdu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 23 } universalInputOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 25 } rPDU2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 26 } cooling OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 27 } powerManagementModule OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 28 } charger OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 29 } ePDU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 30 } mdc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 31 } cPDU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 32 } ats5g OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 33 } powerNetSubAgent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { software 1 } struxureWareOperations OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { software 2 } powerChuteNetworkShutdown OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { software 3 } powerChuteBusinessEdition OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { software 4 } struxureWareOperationsStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { struxureWareOperations 1 } powerNetSoftwareSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerNetSubAgent 1 } powerNetSoftwareConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerNetSubAgent 2 } backUPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 1 } smartUPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 2 } matrixUPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 3 } masterSwitch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 4 } symmetraUPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 5 } dp100E OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 6 } dp300E OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 7 } monitors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 8 } redundantSwitch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 9 } dcPower OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 10 } automaticXferSwitch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 11 } netLock OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 12 } symmetra3PhaseUPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 13 } networkAir OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 14 } infraStruXurePDU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 15 } ais5000UPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 16 } smartUPS3Phase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 17 } battManager OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 18 } infraStruXureATS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 19 } conPortServ OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 20 } gutor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 21 } accControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 22 } symmetraPX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 23 } isxModDistribution OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 24 } isxServers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 25 } smartUPS2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 27 } galaxy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 28 } eps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 30 } pcns OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 31 } automaticXferSwitch4G OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 32 } pcbe OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 33 } pmm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 34 } rpp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 35 } microdc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 36 } easyUPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 37 } automaticXferSwitch5G OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 38 } battManIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { battMan 1 } battManSystemCalib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { battMan 2 } battManUnitCalib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { battMan 3 } battManStringCalib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { battMan 4 } battManBatteryCalib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { battMan 5 } battManConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { battMan 6 } battManAlarm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { battMan 7 } battManSystemStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { battMan 8 } battManStringStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { battMan 9 } battManBatteryStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { battMan 10 } battManInputContactStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { battMan 11 } battManControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { battMan 12 } battManTestResults OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { battMan 13 } battManUnitStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { battMan 14 } xPDUIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xPDU 1 } xPDUDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xPDU 2 } xPDUACMonitoringPoint OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xPDU 3 } xPDUCircuitBreakers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xPDU 4 } xPDUInputContacts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xPDU 5 } xPDUOutputRelays OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xPDU 6 } xPDUMiscGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xPDU 7 } xPDUMainInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xPDUACMonitoringPoint 1 } xPDUBypassInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xPDUACMonitoringPoint 2 } xPDUUPSInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xPDUACMonitoringPoint 3 } xPDUSystemOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xPDUACMonitoringPoint 4 } xPDUGroundMonitorPoint OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xPDUACMonitoringPoint 5 } xPDUSystemBreakers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xPDUCircuitBreakers 1 } xPDUBranchBreakers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xPDUCircuitBreakers 2 } pmmIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerManagementModule 1 } pmmDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerManagementModule 2 } pmmMonitoring OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerManagementModule 3 } pmmInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pmmMonitoring 1 } pmmOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pmmMonitoring 2 } pmmBranch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pmmMonitoring 3 } pmmSiteConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pmmMonitoring 4 } chargerIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { charger 1 } chargerInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { charger 2 } chargerOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { charger 3 } xATSIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATS 1 } xATSDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATS 2 } xATSSwitch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATS 3 } xATSACMonitoringPoint OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATS 4 } xATSTesting OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATS 5 } xATSInputContacts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATS 6 } xATSOutputRelays OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATS 7 } xATSMisc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATS 8 } xATSSwitchStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSSwitch 1 } xATSSwitchSettings OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSSwitch 2 } xATSSwitchTimers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSSwitch 3 } xATSSwitchBlockMap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSSwitch 4 } xATSSwitchStatistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSSwitch 5 } xATSSource1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSACMonitoringPoint 1 } xATSSource2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSACMonitoringPoint 2 } xATSSystemOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSACMonitoringPoint 3 } xATSTestingStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSTesting 1 } xATSTestingResults OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSTesting 2 } xATSTestingSchedule OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSTesting 3 } xATSTestingSimulatePowerFail OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSTesting 4 } xATSGenerator OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { generator 1 } xATSGeneratorIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSGenerator 1 } xATSGeneratorStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSGenerator 2 } xATSGeneratorAdvStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSGenerator 3 } xATSGeneratorOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSGenerator 4 } xATSGeneratorSettings OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSGenerator 5 } xATSGeneratorService OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSGenerator 6 } xATSGeneratorFuelSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xATSGenerator 7 } cpsAP930x OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { consolePortServer 1 } cpsAP930xSys OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpsAP930x 1 } cpsAP930xConf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpsAP930x 2 } cpsAP930xInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpsAP930x 3 } cpsAP930xAdm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpsAP930x 4 } smartUPS250 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 1 } smartUPS400 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 2 } smartUPS600 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 3 } smartUPS900 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 4 } smartUPS1250 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 5 } smartUPS2000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 6 } smartUPS450 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 7 } smartUPS700 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 8 } smartUPS1000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 9 } smartUPS1400 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 10 } smartUPS2200 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 11 } smartUPS3000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 12 } smartUPS5000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 13 } smartUPS7500 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 14 } smartUPS10000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 15 } smartUPS1500 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 16 } smartUPS3000DSP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 17 } smartUPS5000DSP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 18 } smartUPS8000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS 19 } matrixUPS3000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { matrixUPS 1 } matrixUPS5000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { matrixUPS 2 } masterSwitchV1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterSwitch 1} masterSwitchV2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterSwitch 2} masterSwitchVM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterSwitch 3} masterSwitchMSP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterSwitch 4} masterSwitchrPDU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterSwitch 5} masterSwitchrPDU2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterSwitch 6} masterSwitchsPDU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterSwitch 7} masterSwitchrPDUB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterSwitch 8} masterSwitchePDU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterSwitch 9} symmetraUPS4kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symmetraUPS 1 } symmetraUPS8kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symmetraUPS 2 } symmetraUPS12kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symmetraUPS 3 } symmetraUPS16kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symmetraUPS 4 } environmental OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { monitors 1 } environmentalMgtSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { monitors 2 } emu2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { monitors 3 } mem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { monitors 4 } dm3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcPower 1 } dcmim2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcPower 2 } symmetra3PhaseUPS40kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symmetra3PhaseUPS 1 } symmetra3PhaseUPS60kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symmetra3PhaseUPS 2 } symmetra3PhaseUPS80kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symmetra3PhaseUPS 3 } symmetra3PhaseUPS20kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symmetra3PhaseUPS 4 } airFMSeries OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 1 } rackAirRemovalUnit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 2 } airPASeries OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 3 } airIRSC100Series OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 4 } airIRRC100Series OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 5 } airIRRP100Series OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 6 } airIRRP500Series OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 7 } airIRRD100Series OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 8 } airInRoomPerimeter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 9 } airACRC300Series OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 10 } airLESeries OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 11 } airIRRDU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 12 } airEcoBreeze OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 13 } airLELSeries OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 14 } airACRC600Series OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 15 } airACRD600Series OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 16 } airEconomizer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 17 } airTSAChillers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 18 } airLEG2Series OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 19 } airAmico OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 20 } airUniflarSP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 21 } airTrimChiller OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 22 } airACRD300Series OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 23 } airAquaCentr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 24 } airLeoGen2Series OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkAir 25 } ais5000UPS10kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ais5000UPS 1 } ais5000UPS20kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ais5000UPS 2 } ais5000UPS30kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ais5000UPS 3 } ais5000UPS40kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ais5000UPS 4 } ais5000UPS60kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ais5000UPS 5 } ais5000UPS80kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ais5000UPS 6 } ais5000UPS100kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ais5000UPS 7 } smartUPS3Phase10kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS3Phase 1 } smartUPS3Phase15kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS3Phase 2 } smartUPS3Phase20kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS3Phase 3 } smartUPS3Phase30kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS3Phase 4 } smartUPS3Phase40kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smartUPS3Phase 5 } galaxy7000UPS200kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 1 } galaxy7000UPS250kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 2 } galaxy7000UPS300kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 3 } galaxy7000UPS400kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 4 } galaxy7000UPS500kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 5 } galaxy7000SSC800kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 6 } galaxy7000SSC1200kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 7 } galaxy7000SSC2000kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 8 } galaxy300UPS10kVA33 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 9 } galaxy300UPS15kVA33 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 10 } galaxy300UPS20kVA33 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 11 } galaxy300UPS30kVA33 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 12 } galaxy300UPS40kVA33 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 13 } galaxy300UPS10kVA31 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 14 } galaxy300UPS15kVA31 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 15 } galaxy300UPS20kVA31 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 16 } galaxy300UPS30kVA31 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 17 } galaxy5000UPS20KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 18 } galaxy5000UPS30KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 19 } galaxy5000UPS40KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 20 } galaxy5000UPS50KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 21 } galaxy5000UPS60KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 22 } galaxy5000UPS80KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 23 } galaxy5000UPS100KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 24 } galaxy5000UPS120KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 25 } galaxy5000UPS130KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 26 } galaxy5500UPS20KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 27 } galaxy5500UPS30KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 28 } galaxy5500UPS40KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 29 } galaxy5500UPS50KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 30 } galaxy5500UPS60KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 31 } galaxy5500UPS80KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 32 } galaxy5500UPS100KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 33 } galaxy5500UPS120KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 34 } galaxy5500UPS130KVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 35 } galaxyVMUPS50kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 36 } galaxyVMUPS60kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 37 } galaxyVMUPS80kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 38 } galaxyVMUPS90kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 39 } galaxyVMUPS100kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 40 } galaxyVMUPS110kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 41 } galaxyVMUPS120kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 42 } galaxyVMUPS130kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 43 } galaxyVMUPS160kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 44 } galaxyVMUPS180kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 45 } galaxyVMUPS200kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 46 } galaxyVMUPS225kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 47 } galaxy9000UPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 48 } galaxy9000SSC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 49 } galaxy9000UPSWithSSC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 50 } galaxy9000FreqConverter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 51 } galaxyVXUPS625kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 56 } galaxyVXUPS750kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 57 } galaxyVXUPS1000kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 58 } galaxyVXUPS1250kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 59 } galaxyVXUPS1500kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 60 } galaxy300UPS60kVA33 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 61 } galaxy300UPS80kVA33 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 62 } galaxyVXUPS500kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 63 } galaxyVXUPS250kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 64 } galaxyVXUPS400kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 65 } galaxyVSUPS100kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 66 } galaxy7000UPS160kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 67 } galaxyVXUPS300kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 68 } galaxyVXUPS1100kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 69 } galaxyVSUPS10kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 70 } galaxyVSUPS15kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 71 } galaxyVSUPS20kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 72 } galaxyVSUPS25kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 73 } galaxyVSUPS30kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 74 } galaxyVSUPS40kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 75 } galaxyVSUPS50kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 76 } galaxyVSUPS60kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 77 } galaxyVSUPS75kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 78 } galaxyVSUPS80kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 79 } galaxyVSUPS120kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 80 } galaxyVSUPS150kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 81 } galaxyVXUPS800kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 82 } galaxyPXUPS60kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 83 } galaxyPXUPS80kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 84 } galaxyPXUPS100kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 85 } galaxyVLUPS500kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 86 } galaxyPXUPS250kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 87 } galaxyVXLUPS1250kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { galaxy 88 } eps6000UPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eps 1 } eps6000SSC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eps 2 } eps6000UPSWithSSC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eps 3 } eps6000FreqConverter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eps 4 } eps7000UPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eps 5 } eps7000SSC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eps 6 } eps7000UPSWithSSC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eps 7 } eps7000FreqConverter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eps 8 } eps8000UPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eps 9 } eps8000SSC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eps 10 } eps8000UPSWithSSC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eps 11 } eps8000FreqConverter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eps 12 } pcns4 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcns 1 } pcnsIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerChuteNetworkShutdown 1 } pcnsNetworking OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerChuteNetworkShutdown 2 } pcnsNMC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerChuteNetworkShutdown 3 } pcnsEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerChuteNetworkShutdown 4 } pcnsShutdown OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerChuteNetworkShutdown 5 } pcnsAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerChuteNetworkShutdown 6 } pcnsLoggingLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Override the Root Logging level for PCNS. Possible Values: CLEAR, DEBUG" ::= { powerChuteNetworkShutdown 7 } pcbe9 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcbe 1 } pmm400kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pmm 1 } pmm500kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pmm 2 } rpp400kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rpp 1 } rpp250kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rpp 2 } kiteMDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { microdc 1 } easyMDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { microdc 2 } easyUPS1P OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { easyUPS 1 } easyUPS3P OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { easyUPS 2 } easyUPS250kW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { easyUPS 3 } pcbeIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerChuteBusinessEdition 1 } -- Deliberately leaving gap in the numbers so they are consistant with PCNS pcbeAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerChuteBusinessEdition 6 } conPortServAP930x OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { conPortServ 1 } gutorPEW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gutor 1 } gutorPDW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gutor 2 } gutorWEW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gutor 3 } gutorWDW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gutor 4 } gutorSDC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gutor 5 } gutorPXP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gutor 6 } gutorPXC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gutor 7 } gutorModularCharger OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gutor 8 } gutorModularInverter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gutor 9 } gutorModularUPS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gutor 10 } upsIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 1 } upsBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 2 } upsInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 3 } upsOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 4 } upsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 5 } upsControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 6 } upsTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 7 } upsComm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 8 } upsPhase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 9 } upsSyncCtrlGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 10 } upsState OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 11 } upsOutletGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 12 } upsDiagnostics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 13 } upsParallelSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 14 } upsPhysicalLayout OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 15 } upsIntegratedATS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 16 } upsDCOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 17 } upsIntegratedUIO OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 18 } upsEnergyEfficiency OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 20 } upsStatistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ups 22 } upsBasicIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsIdent 1 } upsAdvIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsIdent 2 } upsBasicBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsBattery 1 } upsAdvBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsBattery 2 } upsHighPrecBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsBattery 3 } upsBasicInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsInput 1 } upsAdvInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsInput 2 } upsHighPrecInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsInput 3 } upsBasicOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsOutput 1 } upsAdvOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsOutput 2 } upsHighPrecOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsOutput 3 } upsBasicConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsConfig 1 } upsAdvConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsConfig 2 } upsBasicControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsControl 1 } upsAdvControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsControl 2 } upsBasicTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsTest 1 } upsAdvTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsTest 2 } upsPhaseResetValues OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsPhase 1 } upsPhaseInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsPhase 2 } upsPhaseOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsPhase 3 } upsSyncCtrlGroupConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsSyncCtrlGroup 1 } upsSyncCtrlGroupStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsSyncCtrlGroup 2 } upsBasicState OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsState 1 } upsAdvState OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsState 2 } upsOutletGroupStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsOutletGroups 1 } upsOutletGroupConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsOutletGroups 2 } upsOutletGroupControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsOutletGroups 3 } upsDiagnosticIM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnostics 1 } upsDiagnosticPowerModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnostics 2 } upsDiagnosticBatteries OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnostics 3 } upsDiagnosticSubsystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnostics 4 } upsDiagnosticExternalDevices OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnostics 5 } upsDiagnosticComBus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnostics 6 } upsDiagnosticPowerCabinet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnostics 7 } upsDiagnosticDisplay OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnostics 8 } upsDiagnosticUnitController OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnostics 9 } upsDiagnosticSLC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnostics 10 } upsDiagnosticTemperature OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnostics 11 } upsDiagnosticLifeCycleManagement OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnostics 12 } upsDiagSwitchGear OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnosticExternalDevices 1 } upsDiagMCCBBox OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnosticExternalDevices 2 } upsDiagTransformer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnosticExternalDevices 3 } upsDiagFlyWheel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDiagnosticExternalDevices 4 } upsOutputRelays OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsIntegratedUIO 1 } upsInputContacts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsIntegratedUIO 2 } upsECOmode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsEnergyEfficiency 1 } upsEBMmode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsEnergyEfficiency 2 } upsBatteryStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsStatistics 1 } upsOperationalStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsStatistics 2 } upsEnergyEfficiencyStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsStatistics 3 } mUpsEnviron OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { measureUps 1 } mUpsContact OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { measureUps 2 } serialPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { miniSNMPadapter 1} serialPort1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { serialPort 1} serialPort2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { serialPort 2} serialPort2Config OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { serialPort2 1} serialPort2Control OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { serialPort2 2} sPDUIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitch 1 } sPDUMasterControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitch 2 } sPDUMasterConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitch 3 } sPDUOutletControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitch 4 } sPDUOutletConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitch 5 } sPDUIdentVM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitchVM 1 } sPDUMasterControlVM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitchVM 2 } sPDUMasterConfigVM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitchVM 3 } sPDUMasterStatusVM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitchVM 4 } sPDUOutletControlVM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitchVM 5 } sPDUOutletConfigVM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitchVM 6 } sPDUOutletStatusVM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitchVM 7 } sPDUIdentMSP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitchMSP 1 } sPDUMasterControlMSP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitchMSP 2 } sPDUMasterConfigMSP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitchMSP 3 } sPDUMasterStatusMSP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitchMSP 4 } sPDUOutletControlMSP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitchMSP 5 } sPDUOutletConfigMSP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitchMSP 6 } sPDUOutletStatusMSP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterswitchMSP 7 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPall OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSP 1 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSP 2 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPannun OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSP 3 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSP 4 } rPDUIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDU 1 } rPDULoad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDU 2 } rPDUOutlet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDU 3 } rPDUPowerSupply OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDU 4 } rPDUStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDU 5 } rPDULoadDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDULoad 1 } rPDULoadPhaseConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDULoad 2 } rPDULoadStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDULoad 3 } rPDULoadBankConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDULoad 4 } rPDUOutletDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDUOutlet 1 } rPDUOutletPhase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDUOutlet 2 } rPDUOutletControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDUOutlet 3 } rPDUOutletConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDUOutlet 4 } rPDUOutletStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDUOutlet 5 } rPDUOutletBank OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDUOutlet 6 } rPDUPowerSupplyDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDUPowerSupply 1 } dm3Ident OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcDM3 1 } dm3Config OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcDM3 2 } dm3Status OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcDM3 3 } dm3IdentSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Ident 1} dm3ConfigSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Config 1 } dm3ConfigLVD OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Config 2 } dm3ConfigBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Config 3 } dm3ConfigPowerModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Config 4 } dm3ConfigRelays OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Config 5 } dm3ConfigDistribution OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Config 6 } dm3ConfigRectifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3ConfigPowerModules 1 } dm3ConfigConverter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3ConfigPowerModules 2 } dm3ConfigRectThresh OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3ConfigRectifier 1 } dm3ConfigRectAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3ConfigRectifier 2 } dm3ConfigConvThresh OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3ConfigConverter 1 } dm3ConfigConvAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3ConfigConverter 2 } dm3ConfigOutputRelays OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3ConfigRelays 1 } dm3ConfigInputRelays OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3ConfigRelays 2 } dm3ConfigBreakers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3ConfigDistribution 1 } dm3ConfigFuses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3ConfigDistribution 2 } dm3StatusSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Status 1 } dm3StatusAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Status 2 } dm3StatusBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Status 3 } dm3StatusOEM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Status 4 } dm3StatusLVD OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Status 5 } dm3StatusPowerModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Status 6 } dm3StatusRelays OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Status 7 } dm3StatusDistribution OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3Status 8 } dm3StatusRectifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3StatusPowerModules 1 } dm3StatusConverter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3StatusPowerModules 2 } dm3StatusOutputRelays OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3StatusRelays 1 } dm3StatusInputRelays OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3StatusRelays 2 } dm3StatusBreakers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3StatusDistribution 1 } dm3StatusFuses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dm3StatusDistribution 2 } atsIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { automaticTransferSwitch 1 } atsCalibration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { automaticTransferSwitch 2 } atsControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { automaticTransferSwitch 3 } atsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { automaticTransferSwitch 4 } atsStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { automaticTransferSwitch 5 } atsCalibrationInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atsCalibration 1 } atsCalibrationPowerSupply OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atsCalibration 2 } atsCalibrationOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atsCalibration 3 } atsStatusDeviceStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atsStatus 1 } atsStatusResetValues OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atsStatus 2 } atsStatusInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atsStatus 3 } atsStatusOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atsStatus 4 } dcmim2Ident OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dc2 1 } dcmim2Control OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dc2 2 } dcmim2Config OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dc2 3 } dcmim2Status OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dc2 4 } dcmim2IdentSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcmim2Ident 1 } dcmim2ControlSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcmim2Control 1 } dcmim2ConfigSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcmim2Config 1 } dcmim2ConfigBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcmim2Config 2 } dcmim2ConfigLVD OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcmim2Config 3 } dcmim2StatusSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcmim2Status 1 } dcmim2StatusRectifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcmim2Status 2 } dcmim2StatusBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcmim2Status 3 } dcmim2StatusLVD OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcmim2Status 4 } dcmim2StatusAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcmim2Status 5 } external OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { environmentalMonitor 1 } integrated OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { environmentalMonitor 2 } envMgtSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { environmentalMonitor 3 } modEnvMgr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { environmentalMonitor 4 } envWireless OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { environmentalMonitor 5 } emIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { external 1 } emConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { external 2 } emStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { external 3 } iemIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { integrated 1 } iemConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { integrated 2 } iemStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { integrated 3 } emsIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 1 } emsOutputRelayControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 2 } emsOutletControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 3 } emsSensorControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 4 } emsAlarmDeviceControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 5 } emsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 6 } emsProbeConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 7 } emsInputContactConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 8 } emsOutputRelayConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 9 } emsOutletConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 10 } emsSensorConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 11 } emsStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 12 } emsProbeStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 13 } emsInputContactStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 14 } emsOutputRelayStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 15 } emsOutletStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 16 } emsAlarmDeviceStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 17 } emsSensorStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 18 } emsInputStateSensorConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 19 } emsInputStateSensorStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMgtSystem 20 } memModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modEnvMgr 1 } memSensors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modEnvMgr 2 } memInputs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modEnvMgr 3 } memOutputs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modEnvMgr 4 } memOutlets OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modEnvMgr 5 } memBeacons OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modEnvMgr 6 } memInputStateSensors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modEnvMgr 7 } wirelessSensorStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envWireless 1 } wirelessSensorPodStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envWireless 2 } wirelessSensorConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envWireless 3 } wirelessSensorPodConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envWireless 4 } nlIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netlock 1 } nlStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { netlock 2 } airFM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airConditioners 1 } airFMIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFM 1 } airFMStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFM 2 } airFMGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFM 3 } airFMSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFM 4 } airFMModule OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFM 5 } airFMAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFM 6 } airFMGroupSysRoles OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMGroup 4 } airFMGroupCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMGroup 5 } airFMGroupLoadShare OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMGroup 6 } airFMGroupFailover OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMGroup 7 } airFMGroupFailoverSys OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMGroupFailover 1 } airFMGroupFailoverMod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMGroupFailover 2 } airFMSysStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSystem 1 } airFMSysDemands OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSystem 2 } airFMSysSetup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSystem 3 } airFMSysConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSystem 4 } airFMSysCooling OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSystem 5 } airFMSysHumidify OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSystem 6 } airFMSysDehumidify OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSystem 7 } airFMSysReheat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSystem 8 } airFMSysThresholds OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSystem 9 } airFMSysInputs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSystem 10 } airFMSysOutputs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSystem 11 } airFMSysAlarmMap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSystem 12 } airFMSysAlarmMapSys OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSysAlarmMap 1 } airFMSysAlarmMapMainMod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSysAlarmMap 2 } airFMSysAlarmMapExpMod1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSysAlarmMap 3 } airFMSysAlarmMapExpMod2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSysAlarmMap 4 } airFMSysAlarmMapInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSysAlarmMap 5 } airFMSysAlarmMapOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMSysAlarmMap 6 } airFMModIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMModule 1 } airFMModStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMModule 2 } airFMModProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMModule 3 } airFMModCooling OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMModule 4 } airFMModHumidity OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMModule 5 } airFMModBlower1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMModule 6 } airFMModBlower2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMModule 7 } airFMModRunHours OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMModule 8 } airFMModServIntervals OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMModule 9 } airFMModServIntResets OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airFMModule 10 } airPA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airConditioners 2 } airPAIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airPA 1 } airPAStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airPA 2 } airIR OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airConditioners 3 } airIRAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIR 1 } airIRRC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIR 2 } airIRRP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIR 3 } airIRSC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIR 4 } airIRRCGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRC 1 } airIRRCUnit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRC 2 } airIRRCGroupStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRCGroup 1 } airIRRCGroupSetpoints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRCGroup 2 } airIRRCGroupConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRCGroup 3 } airIRRCUnitIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRCUnit 1 } airIRRCUnitStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRCUnit 2 } airIRRCUnitRunHours OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRCUnit 3 } airIRRCUnitServiceIntervals OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRCUnit 4 } airIRRCUnitThresholds OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRCUnit 5 } airIRRCUnitConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRCUnit 6 } -- Series 100 DX Air Conditioners airIRRP100 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP 1 } -- Series 500 CW Air Conditioners airIRRP500 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP 2 } airIRRP100Group OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP100 1 } airIRRP100Unit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP100 2 } airIRRP100GroupStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP100Group 1 } airIRRP100GroupSetpoints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP100Group 2 } airIRRP100GroupConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP100Group 3 } airIRRP100UnitIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP100Unit 1 } airIRRP100UnitStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP100Unit 2 } airIRRP100UnitRunHours OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP100Unit 3 } airIRRP100UnitServiceIntervals OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP100Unit 4 } airIRRP100UnitThresholds OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP100Unit 5 } airIRRP100UnitConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP100Unit 6 } airIRRP500Group OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP500 1 } airIRRP500Unit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP500 2 } airIRRP500GroupStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP500Group 1 } airIRRP500GroupSetpoints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP500Group 2 } airIRRP500GroupConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP500Group 3 } airIRRP500UnitIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP500Unit 1 } airIRRP500UnitStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP500Unit 2 } airIRRP500UnitRunHours OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP500Unit 3 } airIRRP500UnitServiceIntervals OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP500Unit 4 } airIRRP500UnitThresholds OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP500Unit 5 } airIRRP500UnitConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRRP500Unit 6 } airIRSCUnit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRSC 1 } airIRSCUnitIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRSCUnit 1 } airIRSCUnitStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRSCUnit 2 } airIRSCUnitRunHours OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRSCUnit 3 } airIRSCUnitServiceIntervals OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRSCUnit 4 } airIRSCUnitThresholds OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRSCUnit 5 } airIRSCUnitSetpoints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRSCUnit 6 } airIRSCUnitConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRSCUnit 7 } airIRSCGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRSC 2 } airIRSCGroupStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRSCGroup 1 } airIRSCGroupSetpoints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRSCGroup 2 } airIRSCGroupConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRSCGroup 3 } airIRGen2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airConditioners 4 } airIRG2Ident OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRGen2 1 } airIRG2Group OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRGen2 2 } airIRG2Alarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRGen2 3 } airIRG2RC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRGen2 4 } airIRG2RD OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRGen2 5 } airIRG2SC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRGen2 6 } airIRG2RA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRGen2 7 } -- airIR Gen2 Group data airIRG2GroupStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRG2Group 1 } airIRG2GroupSetpoints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRG2Group 2 } airIRG2GroupConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRG2Group 3 } -- airIR Gen2 RD Unit data airIRG2RDType1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRG2RD 1 } airIRG2RDType2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRG2RD 2 } airIRG2RDT2Status OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRG2RDType2 1 } airIRG2RDT2RunHours OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRG2RDType2 2 } airIRG2RDT2ServiceIntervals OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRG2RDType2 3 } airIRG2RDT2Thresholds OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRG2RDType2 4 } airIRG2RDT2Setpoints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRG2RDType2 5 } airIRG2RDT2Config OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRG2RDType2 6 } airInRoom OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airConditioners 5 } airIRmIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airInRoom 1 } airIRmAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airInRoom 2 } airIRmPerimeter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airInRoom 3 } airIRmPmCommon1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 2 } airIRmPmCommon2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 3 } airIRmPmCommon3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 4 } airIRmPmCommon4 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 5 } airIRmPmCommon5 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 6 } airIRmPmCompressor1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 7 } airIRmPmCompressor2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 8 } airIRmPmSuctionValve1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 9 } airIRmPmSuctionValve2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 10 } airIRmPmEheating1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 11 } airIRmPmEheating2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 12 } airIRmPmEheating3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 13 } airIRmPmEheating4 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 14 } airIRmPmGECWvalve OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 15 } airIRmPmGvalve OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 16 } airIRmPmDrycooler1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 17 } airIRmPmDrycooler2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 18 } airIRmPmDrycooler3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 19 } airIRmPmDrycooler4 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 20 } airIRmPmPump1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 21 } airIRmPmPump2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 22 } airIRmPmPump3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 23 } airIRmPmPump4 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 24 } airIRmPmHotgasHeating OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 25 } airIRmPmPWWHeating OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 26 } airIRmPmHumidifier1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 27 } airIRmPmHumidifier2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 28 } -- Skipping 29 and 30. airIRmPmDehumidification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 31 } airIRmPmFan1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 32 } airIRmPmFan2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 33 } airIRmPmFan3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 34 } airIRmPmLouver1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 35 } airIRmPmLouver2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 36 } airIRmPmLouver3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 37 } airIRmPmAuxAlarm1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 38 } airIRmPmAuxAlarm2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 39 } airIRmPmAuxAlarm3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 40 } airIRmPmAuxAlarm4 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 41 } airIRmPmAuxAlarm5 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 42 } airIRmPmAlarmBits OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 43 } airIRmPmMyZone OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 44 } airIRmPmGlobalZoneData OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRmPerimeter 45 } airIRGen3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airConditioners 6 } airIRG3Ident OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRGen3 1 } airIRG3Group OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRGen3 2 } airIRG3Alarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRGen3 3 } airIRG3RDU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRGen3 4 } airIRG3CM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { airIRGen3 5 } rARUIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rARU 1 } rARUConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rARU 2 } rARUStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rARU 3 } rARUFanStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rARU 4 } rARUPower OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rARU 5 } rARUSensors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rARU 6 } accessPX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { accessControl 1 } accessPXIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { accessPX 1 } accessPXConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { accessPX 2 } accessPXConfigFront OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { accessPX 3 } accessPXStatusFront OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { accessPX 4 } accessPXConfigRear OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { accessPX 5 } accessPXStatusRear OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { accessPX 6 } accessPXConfigBeacon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { accessPX 7 } accessPXStatusBeacon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { accessPX 8 } apcLocalDisplayIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apcLocalDisplay 1 } apcLocalDisplayConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { apcLocalDisplay 2 } accPX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { accControl 1 } isxModularPduIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxModularPdu 1 } isxModularPduDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxModularPdu 2 } isxModularPduStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxModularPdu 3 } symmetraPx48kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symmetraPX 1 } symmetraPx160kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symmetraPX 2 } symmetraPx250kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symmetraPX 3 } symmetraPx500kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symmetraPX 4 } symmetraPx100kVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symmetraPX 5 } symmetraPxDisplay OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symmetraPX 6 } isx24ModuleHalfRackPdu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxModDistribution 1 } isx6ModuleRackPdu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxModDistribution 2 } isxModularDistInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxModularDistribution 1 } isxModularDistModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxModularDistribution 2 } isxModularDistSubFeeds OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxModularDistribution 3 } isxModularDistTotals OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxModularDistribution 4 } isxModularDistSysVoltage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxModularDistTotals 1 } isxModularDistSysCurrent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxModularDistTotals 2 } isxModularDistSysPower OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxModularDistTotals 3 } isxcBasic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxServers 1 } isxcStandard OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxServers 2 } isxcEnterprise OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxServers 3 } isxcVirtual OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { isxServers 4 } uioSensor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { universalInputOutput 1 } uioInputContact OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { universalInputOutput 2 } uioOutputRelay OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { universalInputOutput 3 } -- object types -- the products group -- the experimental group -- the apcmgmt group -- the mconfig group mconfigNumTrapReceivers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of managers to send traps to." ::= { mconfig 1 } mconfigTrapReceiverTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MconfigTrapReceiverEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of managers to send traps to. The number of entries is given by the value of mconfigNumTrapReceivers." ::= { mconfig 2 } mconfigTrapReceiverEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MconfigTrapReceiverEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The managers to send traps to." INDEX { trapIndex} ::= { mconfigTrapReceiverTable 1 } MconfigTrapReceiverEntry ::= SEQUENCE { trapIndex INTEGER, receiverAddr IpAddress, communityString DisplayString, severity INTEGER, acceptThisReceiver INTEGER, receiveTrapType INTEGER } trapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to a trap receiver entry." ::= { mconfigTrapReceiverEntry 1 } receiverAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the manager to send a trap to." ::= { mconfigTrapReceiverEntry 2 } communityString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The community name to use in the trap when sent to the manager." ::= { mconfigTrapReceiverEntry 3 } severity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { information(1), warning(2), severe(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The severity threshold of traps to send to the manager. traps are labeled in severity as informational(1), warning(2), severe(3). Only traps of equal or greater severity than this value are sent to the manager." ::= { mconfigTrapReceiverEntry 4 } acceptThisReceiver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of yes(1) indicates that trap generation for this manager is enabled. The value of no(2) indicates that trap generation for this manager is disabled" ::= { mconfigTrapReceiverEntry 5 } receiveTrapType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { powernet (1), ietf (2), both (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Type of trap." ::= { mconfigTrapReceiverEntry 6 } mconfigBOOTPEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of yes(1) indicates the PowerNet Adapter is configured to obtain its IP configuration parameters from a BOOTP server. The value of no(2) indicates adapter will assume IP configuration parameters values saved in adapter's eeprom, which was originally configured at local console." ::= { mconfig 3 } mconfigTFTPServerIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP address of TFTP server. If mconfigBOOTPEnabled is yes(1), then this IP address is provided by BOOTP server and not allowed to be modified; otherwise, this IP address can be modified. Before using TFTP to load new code image, the image file should be placed in proper directory of the specified TFTP server. This OID is only supported by APC Network Management Cards." ::= { mconfig 4 } newCodeAuthentViaTFTP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), validNewAgentCodeImage (2), sameAgentCodeImage (3), invalidAgentCodeImage (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Once mcontrolRestartAgent is set to loadAndExecuteNewAgent (3), PowerNet adapter will start to load the remote image file, for authentication only, instead of saving the code into flash memory. Only if a validNewAgentCodeImage (1) is found will the agent reboot the PowerNet adapter and invoke the loader to load and save new code into the flash memory. Otherwise, the current agent code will continue to run. This OID shows the result of the above authentication process. validNewAgentCodeImage (1) means the code image on TFTP server is a valid APC agent code and is different version from the current agent. Once agent identifies this, loader will start to update flash memory with the new agent code. sameAgentCodeImage (2) means the code image on TFTP server is exactly the same as the currently running agent. Currently running agent will not invoke loader to load the same again. invalidAgentCodeImage (3) means the code image on TFTP server is NOT a valid APC agent code. Thus, current agent will not load it into the flash memory. The value of this OID will be associated with TRAP codeImageAuthentDone. This OID is only supported by APC Network Management Cards." ::= { mconfig 5 } mconfigClockDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current date in the mm/dd/yyyy format. Example: 01/01/2000." ::= { mconfigClock 1 } mconfigClockTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current time in the hh:mm:ss am/pm format. Example: 12:00:00 am." ::= { mconfigClock 2 } mcontrolRestartAgent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { restartCurrentAgent (1), continueCurrentAgent (2), loadAndExecuteNewAgent (3), restartWithoutAgent (4), resetNetworkAndRestart (5), resetNetworkLeaveModeAndRestart (6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to restartCurrentAgent (1) will restart the same SNMP agent code currently saved in flash memory. Setting this OID to loadAndExecuteNewAgent (3) will enable adapter to load a new agent code into the flash memory and start to execute this new agent code. Bootp/tftp is the default protocol. loadAndExecuteNewAgent is only supported by APC Network Management Cards. Setting this OID to restartWithoutAgent (4) will restart the system and not start the agent. The subsequent time the system restarts the agent will also automatically restart. Setting this OID to resetNetworkAndRestart (5) will set the Boot Mode, IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway to defaults, expire any existing DHCP lease and then restart the system. Setting this OID to resetNetworkLeaveModeAndRestart (6) will leave the Boot Mode at the current setting, set the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway to defaults, expire any existing DHCP lease and then restart the system." ::= { mcontrol 1 } -- The mtrapargs group -- These OIDs allows APC traps to be sent with additional arguments -- which may not be defined in the APC MIB. mtrapargsInteger OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an integer argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargs 1 } mtrapargsIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an IP address argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return" ::= { mtrapargs 2 } mtrapargsString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 3 } mtrapargsGauge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with a Gauge argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargs 4 } mtrapargsTimeTicks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with a TimeTicks argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargs 5 } mtrapargsInteger02 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an integer argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargs 6 } mtrapargsInteger03 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an integer argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargs 7 } mtrapargsIpAddress02 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an IP address argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return" ::= { mtrapargs 8 } mtrapargsIpAddress03 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an IP address argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return" ::= { mtrapargs 9 } mtrapargsString02 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 10 } mtrapargsString03 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 11 } mtrapargsGauge02 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with a Gauge argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargs 12 } mtrapargsGauge03 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with a Gauge argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargs 13 } mtrapargsTimeTicks02 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with a TimeTicks argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargs 14 } mtrapargsTimeTicks03 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with a TimeTicks argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargs 15 } mtrapargsString04 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 16 } mtrapargsString05 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 17 } mtrapargsInteger04 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an integer argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargs 18 } mtrapargsInteger05 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an integer argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargs 19 } mtrapargsString06 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 20 } mtrapargsString07 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 21 } mtrapargsString08 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 22 } mtrapargsOctetString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 23 } mtrapargsOctetString02 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 24 } mtrapargsOctetString03 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 25 } mtrapargsOctetString04 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 26 } mtrapargsOctetString05 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 27 } mtrapargsOctetString06 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 28 } mtrapargsOctetString07 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 29 } mtrapargsOctetString08 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows APC traps to be sent with an octet string argument that my not be defined in the APC MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargs 30 } -- the mfiletransfer group -- the mfiletransferStatus group mfiletransferStatusLastTransferResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { lastFileTransferResultSuccessful (1), lastFileTransferResultNotAvailable (2), lastFileTransferResultFailureUnknown (3), lastFileTransferResultFailureServerInaccessible (4), lastFileTransferResultFailureServerAccessDenied (5), lastFileTransferResultFailureFileNotFound (6), lastFileTransferResultFailureFileTypeUnknown (7), lastFileTransferResultFailureFileCorrupted (8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This OID has been deprecated. Once mfiletransferControlInitiateFileTransfer is set to a value other than doNotInitiateFileTransfer a file transfer of mfiletransferConfigSettingsFilename will be attempted from either a TFTP or FTP server. This OID shows the last attempted file transfer result. lastFileTransferResultSuccessful (1) means the file transfer was successful. lastFileTransferResultNotAvailable (2) means that there have been no previous file transfers. lastFileTransferResultFailureUnknown (3) means that the last file transfer failed for an unknown reason. lastFileTransferResultFailureServerInaccessible (4) means that the TFTP or FTP server could not be found on the network. lastFileTransferResultFailureServerAccessDenied (5) means that the TFTP or FTP server denied access. lastFileTransferResultFailureFileNotFound (6) means that the file could not be located. lastFileTransferResultFailureFileTypeUnknown (7) means the file was examined, but the contents were unknown. lastFileTransferResultFailureFileCorrupt (8) means the transferred file was corrupt." ::= { mfiletransferStatus 1 } -- the mfiletransferConfig group -- the mfiletransferConfigSettings group mfiletransferConfigSettingsFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This OID has been deprecated. The path and name of the file to transfer using the mfiletransferControlInitiateFileTransfer OID. If the file to transfer exists in the default server directory then the path may be omitted." ::= { mfiletransferConfigSettings 1 } -- the mfiletransferConfigTFTP group mfiletransferConfigTFTPServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This OID has been deprecated. The IP Address in dotted decimal notation of the TFTP server involved in the file transfer." ::= { mfiletransferConfigTFTP 1 } -- the mfiletransferConfigFTP group mfiletransferConfigFTPServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This OID has been deprecated. The IP Address in dotted decimal notation of the FTP server involved in the file transfer." ::= { mfiletransferConfigFTP 1 } mfiletransferConfigFTPServerUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This OID has been deprecated. The user identification for logging into the FTP server specified with mfiletransferConfigFTPServerAddress." ::= { mfiletransferConfigFTP 2 } mfiletransferConfigFTPServerPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This OID has been deprecated. The password for logging into the FTP server specified with mfiletransferConfigFTPServerAddress." ::= { mfiletransferConfigFTP 3 } -- the mfiletransferControl group mfiletransferControlInitiateFileTransfer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { doNotInitiateFileTransfer (1), initiateFileTransferDownloadViaTFTP (2), initiateFileTransferDownloadViaFTP (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This OID has been deprecated. Setting this OID to doNotInitiateFileTransfer (1) will do nothing. Setting this OID to initiateFileTransferDownloadViaTFTP (2) will attempt to transfer the file named in mfiletransferConfigSettingsFilename from the TFTP Server identified in mfiletransferConfigTFTPAddress. Setting this OID to initiateFileTransferDownloadViaFTP (3) will attempt to transfer the file named in mfiletransferConfigSettingsFilename from the FTP Server identified in mfiletransferConfigFTPAddress using mfiletransferConfigFTPUser and mfiletransferConfigFTPPassword for the FTP Server login process." ::= { mfiletransferControl 1 } -- the battManIdent group battManIdentProductName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the battery manager." ::= { battManIdent 1 } battManIdentHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery manager network interface hardware revision. This value is set at the factory." ::= { battManIdent 2 } battManIdentFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery manager network interface firmware revision. This value is set at the factory and can change with firmware update." ::= { battManIdent 3 } battManIdentDateOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date the battery manager was manufactured in mm/dd/yyyy format. This value is set at the factory." ::= { battManIdent 4 } battManIdentModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery manager model number character string. This value is set at the factory." ::= { battManIdent 5 } battManIdentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery manager serial number character string. This value is set at the factory." ::= { battManIdent 6 } -- the battManCalib group -- system calibration battManOhmicValueCorrectionFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The system ohmic value correction factor in percent." ::= { battManSystemCalib 1 } -- unit calibration battManUnitCalibTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManUnitCalibTable." ::= { battManUnitCalib 1 } battManUnitCalibTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManUnitCalibEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting calibration information from each unit in the system." ::= { battManUnitCalib 2 } battManUnitCalibEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManUnitCalibEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unit to get data from." INDEX { battManUnitCalibIndex } ::= { battManUnitCalibTable 1 } BattManUnitCalibEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManUnitCalibIndex INTEGER, battManUnitSerialNumber DisplayString, battManBatteryVoltageZeroCalib INTEGER, battManBatteryVoltageSpanCalib INTEGER } battManUnitCalibIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of unit calibration entries in the table." ::= { battManUnitCalibEntry 1 } battManUnitSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the unit." ::= { battManUnitCalibEntry 2 } battManBatteryVoltageZeroCalib OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unit battery voltage zero calibration in millivolts." ::= { battManUnitCalibEntry 3 } battManBatteryVoltageSpanCalib OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unit battery voltage span calibration in hundredths of percent." ::= { battManUnitCalibEntry 4 } -- string calibration table battManStringCalibTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManStringCalibTable." ::= { battManStringCalib 1 } battManStringCalibTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManStringCalibEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting calibration information from each string in the system." ::= { battManStringCalib 2 } battManStringCalibEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManStringCalibEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string to get data from." INDEX { battManStringCalibIndex } ::= { battManStringCalibTable 1 } BattManStringCalibEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManStringCalibIndex INTEGER, battManDCCurrentZeroCalib INTEGER, battManACCurrentZeroCalib INTEGER, battManProbeRange INTEGER } battManStringCalibIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of string calibration entries in the table." ::= { battManStringCalibEntry 1 } battManDCCurrentZeroCalib OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string DC current zero calibration in tenths of amps." ::= { battManStringCalibEntry 2 } battManACCurrentZeroCalib OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string AC current zero calibration in tenths of amps." ::= { battManStringCalibEntry 3 } battManProbeRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { amps1000 (1), amps500 (2), amps100 (3), amps200 (4), amps2000 (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string probe range in amps." ::= { battManStringCalibEntry 4 } --string 1 battery calibration table battManString1BatteryCalibTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManString1BatteryCalibTable." ::= { battManBatteryCalib 1 } battManString1BatteryCalibTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManString1BatteryCalibEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting calibration information from each battery in String 1." ::= { battManBatteryCalib 2 } battManString1BatteryCalibEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManString1BatteryCalibEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string to get data from." INDEX { battManString1BatteryCalibIndex } ::= { battManString1BatteryCalibTable 1 } BattManString1BatteryCalibEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManString1BatteryCalibIndex INTEGER, battManString1BatteryInterTierOhmicValue INTEGER } battManString1BatteryCalibIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of battery calibration entries in the table." ::= { battManString1BatteryCalibEntry 1 } battManString1BatteryInterTierOhmicValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery inter-tier ohmic value in ohms. This corresponds to the ohmic value for the positive terminal of the battery." ::= { battManString1BatteryCalibEntry 2 } --string 2 battery calibration table battManString2BatteryCalibTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManString2BatteryCalibTable." ::= { battManBatteryCalib 3 } battManString2BatteryCalibTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManString2BatteryCalibEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting calibration information from each battery in String 2." ::= { battManBatteryCalib 4 } battManString2BatteryCalibEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManString2BatteryCalibEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string to get data from." INDEX { battManString2BatteryCalibIndex } ::= { battManString2BatteryCalibTable 1 } BattManString2BatteryCalibEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManString2BatteryCalibIndex INTEGER, battManString2BatteryInterTierOhmicValue INTEGER } battManString2BatteryCalibIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of battery calibration entries in the table." ::= { battManString2BatteryCalibEntry 1 } battManString2BatteryInterTierOhmicValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery inter-tier ohmic value in ohms." ::= { battManString2BatteryCalibEntry 2 } -- the battManConfig group battManConfigApplication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { silcon (1), other (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This OID has been deprecated." ::= { battManConfig 1 } battManConfigBatteryChemistry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { leadAcid (1), nickel-Cadmium (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery chemistry of the monitored batteries: LeadAcid(1) Lead Acid or Nickel-Cadmium(2) Nickel-Cadmium." ::= { battManConfig 2 } battManConfigBatteryAHCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amp hour capacity of the monitored batteries 5-4000 AH." ::= { battManConfig 3 } battManConfigNumberofStrings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of strings in the battery manager system." ::= { battManConfig 4 } battManConfigBatteriesperString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of batteries per string." ::= { battManConfig 5 } battManConfigCellsperBattery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { oneCell (1), twoCells (2), fourCells (4), sixCells (6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of cells per battery (1, 2, 4 or 6 for lead-acid, 1 or 2 for NiCd." ::= { battManConfig 6 } battManConfigMinCellVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum battery cell voltage alarm limit in millivolts DC." ::= { battManConfig 7 } battManConfigMaxCellVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum battery cell voltage alarm limit in millivolts DC." ::= { battManConfig 8 } battManConfigMaxPilotTempF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum pilot battery temperature alarm limit in tenths of degrees Fahrenheit." ::= { battManConfig 9 } battManConfigMaxPilotTempC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum pilot battery temperature alarm limit in tenths of degrees Celsius." ::= { battManConfig 10 } battManConfigMaxAmbientTempF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum ambient temperature alarm limit in tenths of degrees Fahrenheit." ::= { battManConfig 11 } battManConfigMaxAmbientTempC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum ambient temperature alarm limit in tenths of degrees Celsius." ::= { battManConfig 12 } battManConfigMinAmbientTempF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Minimum Ambient Temperature alarm limit in tenths of degrees Fahrenheit." ::= { battManConfig 13 } battManConfigMinAmbientTempC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Minimum Ambient Temperature alarm limit in tenths of degrees Celsius." ::= { battManConfig 14 } battManConfigMaxRippleCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum ripple current alarm limit for the monitored battery strings in percent of AH capacity." ::= { battManConfig 15 } battManConfigMaxCurrentAcceptanceDeviation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum current acceptance deviation alarm limit in percent." ::= { battManConfig 16 } battManConfigMonitorWireLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fiftyFeetOrLess (1), moreThanFiftyFeet (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The monitor wire length: fiftyFeetOrLess (1) indicates that the wire length is less than or equal to 50 feet. moreThanFiftyFeet (2) indicates that the wire length is greater than 50 feet." ::= { battManConfig 17 } battManConfigDischargeVoltageAlarmLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The discharge voltage alarm level in percent." ::= { battManConfig 18 } battManConfigAutoAnnunciatorReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The annunciator output signal reset method: disabled(1) means the annunciator signal output will be reset when the reset button is pressed. enabled(2) means the annunciator will stop signaling when all alarm conditions clear." ::= { battManConfig 19 } battManConfigSuspendCellVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is used along with the number of cells per battery and the number of batteries per string to determine if a battery string has violated the low voltage limit. If so, the Battery Management System will enter suspend mode. Measured in millivolts DC" ::= { battManConfig 20 } battManConfigOhmicTestWaitTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time in seconds after a discharge event before data will be collected for the ohmic value calculation." ::= { battManConfig 21 } battManConfigNumberOfBoosts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of consecutive times the Battery Management System applies a charge to each battery during a boost cycle. Batteries with a Rated Battery AH Capacity less than or equal to 120 AH will always have a value of one for Number of Boosts." ::= { battManConfig 22 } -- the battManAlarm group battManAlarmManagementController OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Management Controller Alarm is : normal(1) no alarm conditions identified alarm(2) an alarm condition exists." ::= { battManAlarm 1 } battManAlarmBatteries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Batteries Alarm is : normal(1) no alarm conditions identified alarm(2) an alarm condition exists." ::= { battManAlarm 2 } battManAlarmCharger OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Charger Alarm is : normal(1) no alarm conditions identified alarm(2) an alarm condition exists." ::= { battManAlarm 3 } battManAlarmEnvironment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Environment Alarm is : normal(1) no alarm conditions identified alarm(2) an alarm condition exists." ::= { battManAlarm 4 } -- the battManSystemStatus group -- These are system wide parameters battManSystemAmbientTempC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The system ambient temperature in tenths of degrees Celsius." ::= { battManSystemStatus 1 } battManSystemAmbientTempF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The system ambient temperature in tenths of degrees Fahrenheit." ::= { battManSystemStatus 2 } battManSystemPilotTempC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The system pilot temperature in tenths of degrees Celsius." ::= { battManSystemStatus 3 } battManSystemPilotTempF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The system pilot temperature in tenths of degrees Fahrenheit." ::= { battManSystemStatus 4 } battManSystemAmbientHighTempAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that the system has a high temperature alarm." ::= { battManSystemStatus 5 } battManSystemAmbientLowTempAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that the system has a low temperature alarm." ::= { battManSystemStatus 6 } battManSystemPilotBatteryHighTempAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that the system has a pilot battery high temperature alarm." ::= { battManSystemStatus 7 } battManSystemPilotProbeDisconnected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that the system pilot probe is disconnected." ::= { battManSystemStatus 8 } battManSystemAmbientProbeDisconnected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that the system ambient probe is disconnected." ::= { battManSystemStatus 9 } battManSystemConfigurationInvalid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that the system is not configured correctly." ::= { battManSystemStatus 10 } battManSystemSuspendVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that the system has suspended voltage scans." ::= { battManSystemStatus 11 } -- This is a table of input contact parameters battManInputContactTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManInputContactTable." ::= { battManInputContactStatus 1 } battManInputContactTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManInputContactEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting information from each contact in the system. " ::= { battManInputContactStatus 2 } battManInputContactEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManInputContactEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contact to get data from." INDEX { battManInputContactIndex } ::= { battManInputContactTable 1 } BattManInputContactEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManInputContactIndex INTEGER, battManInputContactName DisplayString, battManInputContactAlarmState INTEGER, battManInputContactState INTEGER, battManInputContactNormalState INTEGER, battManInputContactAlarmDelay INTEGER } battManInputContactIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of contact entries in the table." ::= { battManInputContactEntry 1 } battManInputContactName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the input contact." ::= { battManInputContactEntry 2 } battManInputContactAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that the alarm condition is active for this contact." ::= { battManInputContactEntry 3 } battManInputContactState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to open(1), the input contact is in the open state. When set to closed(2), the input contact is in the closed state." ::= { battManInputContactEntry 4 } battManInputContactNormalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to open(1), the input contact is normally open. When set to closed(2), the input contact is normally closed." ::= { battManInputContactEntry 5 } battManInputContactAlarmDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input contact alarm delay time in seconds." ::= { battManInputContactEntry 6 } -- This is a table of battery string parameters battManStringTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManStringTable." ::= { battManStringStatus 1 } battManStringTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManStringEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting information from each string in the system. " ::= { battManStringStatus 2 } battManStringEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManStringEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string to get data from." INDEX { battManStringIndex } ::= { battManStringTable 1 } BattManStringEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManStringIndex INTEGER, battManStringCurrent INTEGER, battManStringRippleCurrent INTEGER, battManStringChargerHighVoltageAlarm INTEGER, battManStringChargerLowVoltageAlarm INTEGER, battManStringCurrentProbeDisconnected INTEGER, battManStringOnBattery INTEGER, battManStringHighRippleCurrent INTEGER, battManStringVoltage INTEGER, battManStringDischargeLess5Seconds INTEGER, battManStringDischarge5to10Seconds INTEGER, battManStringDischarge10to60Seconds INTEGER, battManStringDischargeMore60Seconds INTEGER } battManStringIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of string entries in the table." ::= { battManStringEntry 1 } battManStringCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string current in tenths of amps." ::= { battManStringEntry 2 } battManStringRippleCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string ripple current in tenths of amps." ::= { battManStringEntry 3 } battManStringChargerHighVoltageAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that the string charger has a high voltage alarm." ::= { battManStringEntry 4 } battManStringChargerLowVoltageAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that the string charger has a low voltage alarm." ::= { battManStringEntry 5 } battManStringCurrentProbeDisconnected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that the string charger probe is disconnected." ::= { battManStringEntry 6 } battManStringOnBattery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that the string is in the on-battery state." ::= { battManStringEntry 7 } battManStringHighRippleCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that the string has a high ripple current." ::= { battManStringEntry 8 } battManStringVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sum of the voltages for all of the batteries on a string in millivolts DC." ::= { battManStringEntry 9 } battManStringDischargeLess5Seconds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of recorded discharges lasting less than 5 seconds." ::= { battManStringEntry 10 } battManStringDischarge5to10Seconds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of recorded discharges lasting between 5 and 10 seconds." ::= { battManStringEntry 11 } battManStringDischarge10to60Seconds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of recorded discharges lasting between 10 and 60 seconds." ::= { battManStringEntry 12 } battManStringDischargeMore60Seconds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of recorded discharges lasting more than 60 seconds (1 minute)." ::= { battManStringEntry 13 } -- the battManString1BatteryStatus group battManString1BatteryTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManString1BatteryTable." ::= { battManBatteryStatus 1 } battManString1BatteryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManString1BatteryEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting information from each string in the system. " ::= { battManBatteryStatus 2 } battManString1BatteryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManString1BatteryEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string to get data from." INDEX { battManString1BatteryIndex } ::= { battManString1BatteryTable 1 } BattManString1BatteryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManString1BatteryIndex INTEGER, battManString1BatteryVoltage INTEGER, battManString1BatteryLowestVoltage INTEGER, battManString1BatteryCellShorted INTEGER, battManString1BatteryOpenFuseOrConnection INTEGER, battManString1BatteryLowCapacity INTEGER, battManString1BatteryHighOhmicValue INTEGER, battManString1BatteryThermalRunaway INTEGER, battManString1BatteryDryout INTEGER, battManString1BatteryUserHighVoltageAlarm INTEGER, battManString1BatteryUserLowVoltageAlarm INTEGER, battManString1BatteryChemHighVoltageAlarm INTEGER, battManString1BatteryChemLowVoltageAlarm INTEGER, battManString1BatteryOpenCell INTEGER } battManString1BatteryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of string entries in the table." ::= { battManString1BatteryEntry 1 } battManString1BatteryVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery voltage in millivolts DC." ::= { battManString1BatteryEntry 2 } battManString1BatteryLowestVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The lowest battery discharge voltage during the last power event in millivolts DC." ::= { battManString1BatteryEntry 3 } battManString1BatteryCellShorted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that a battery cell is shorted." ::= { battManString1BatteryEntry 4 } battManString1BatteryOpenFuseOrConnection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that a fuse or connection is open." ::= { battManString1BatteryEntry 5 } battManString1BatteryLowCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has low capacity." ::= { battManString1BatteryEntry 6 } battManString1BatteryHighOhmicValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has a high ohmic value." ::= { battManString1BatteryEntry 7 } battManString1BatteryThermalRunaway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has a thermal runaway condition." ::= { battManString1BatteryEntry 8 } battManString1BatteryDryout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has a dryout condition." ::= { battManString1BatteryEntry 9 } battManString1BatteryUserHighVoltageAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has violated the user level high voltage limit." ::= { battManString1BatteryEntry 10 } battManString1BatteryUserLowVoltageAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has violated the user level low voltage limit." ::= { battManString1BatteryEntry 11 } battManString1BatteryChemHighVoltageAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has violated the chemistry level high voltage limit." ::= { battManString1BatteryEntry 12 } battManString1BatteryChemLowVoltageAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has violated the chemistry level low voltage limit." ::= { battManString1BatteryEntry 13 } battManString1BatteryOpenCell OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates the battery has an open cell or an inter-connection is abnormal." ::= { battManString1BatteryEntry 14 } -- the battManString2BatteryStatus group battManString2BatteryTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManString2BatteryTable." ::= { battManBatteryStatus 3 } battManString2BatteryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManString2BatteryEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting information from each string in the system. " ::= { battManBatteryStatus 4 } battManString2BatteryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManString2BatteryEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string to get data from." INDEX { battManString2BatteryIndex } ::= { battManString2BatteryTable 1 } BattManString2BatteryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManString2BatteryIndex INTEGER, battManString2BatteryVoltage INTEGER, battManString2BatteryLowestVoltage INTEGER, battManString2BatteryCellShorted INTEGER, battManString2BatteryOpenFuseOrConnection INTEGER, battManString2BatteryLowCapacity INTEGER, battManString2BatteryHighOhmicValue INTEGER, battManString2BatteryThermalRunaway INTEGER, battManString2BatteryDryout INTEGER, battManString2BatteryUserHighVoltageAlarm INTEGER, battManString2BatteryUserLowVoltageAlarm INTEGER, battManString2BatteryChemHighVoltageAlarm INTEGER, battManString2BatteryChemLowVoltageAlarm INTEGER, battManString2BatteryOpenCell INTEGER } battManString2BatteryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of string entries in the table." ::= { battManString2BatteryEntry 1 } battManString2BatteryVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery voltage in millivolts DC." ::= { battManString2BatteryEntry 2 } battManString2BatteryLowestVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The lowest battery discharge voltage during the last power event in millivolts DC." ::= { battManString2BatteryEntry 3 } battManString2BatteryCellShorted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that a battery cell is shorted." ::= { battManString2BatteryEntry 4 } battManString2BatteryOpenFuseOrConnection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates that a fuse or connection is open." ::= { battManString2BatteryEntry 5 } battManString2BatteryLowCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has low capacity." ::= { battManString2BatteryEntry 6 } battManString2BatteryHighOhmicValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has a high ohmic value." ::= { battManString2BatteryEntry 7 } battManString2BatteryThermalRunaway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has a thermal runaway condition." ::= { battManString2BatteryEntry 8 } battManString2BatteryDryout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has a dryout condition." ::= { battManString2BatteryEntry 9 } battManString2BatteryUserHighVoltageAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has violated the user level high voltage limit." ::= { battManString2BatteryEntry 10 } battManString2BatteryUserLowVoltageAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has violated the user level low voltage limit." ::= { battManString2BatteryEntry 11 } battManString2BatteryChemHighVoltageAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has violated the chemistry level high voltage limit." ::= { battManString2BatteryEntry 12 } battManString2BatteryChemLowVoltageAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates a battery has violated the chemistry level low voltage limit." ::= { battManString2BatteryEntry 13 } battManString2BatteryOpenCell OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates the battery has an open cell or an inter-connection is abnormal." ::= { battManString2BatteryEntry 14 } -- battery manager control group battManRemoteAnnunciatorReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noOperation (1), reset (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to reset(2) will reset the user interface annunciator. Getting this OID will do nothing and return the noOperation(1) value." ::= { battManControl 1 } battManResetChargeCurrentDeviationBenchmark OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noOperation (1), reset (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to reset(2) will reset the charge current deviation benchmark. Getting this OID will do nothing and return the noOperation(1) value." ::= { battManControl 2 } battManResetLowestDischargeVoltages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noOperation (1), reset (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to reset(2) will reset the lowest discharge voltages. Getting this OID will do nothing and return the noOperation(1) value." ::= { battManControl 3 } battManResetDischargeCounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noOperation (1), reset (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to reset(2) will reset all discharge event counters. Getting this OID will do nothing and return the noOperation(1) value." ::= { battManControl 4 } -- the battManTestResults group --string 1 test results table battManString1OhmicValueLastDischargeInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Informational text showing the date/time, load, and pilot temperature for the string during the last discharge when ohmic values were recorded." ::= { battManTestResults 1 } battManString1OhmicValueTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManString1OhmicValueTable." ::= { battManTestResults 2 } battManString1OhmicValueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManString1OhmicValueEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting ohmic value information from each battery in String 1." ::= { battManTestResults 3 } battManString1OhmicValueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManString1OhmicValueEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string to get data from." INDEX { battManString1OhmicValueIndex } ::= { battManString1OhmicValueTable 1 } BattManString1OhmicValueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManString1OhmicValueIndex INTEGER, battManString1OhmicValueData INTEGER } battManString1OhmicValueIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery number." ::= { battManString1OhmicValueEntry 1 } battManString1OhmicValueData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery inter-tier ohmic value in tenths of milli-Ohms. Note: Zero or negative values are invalid and may indicate faulty calibration of ohmic value correction factors." ::= { battManString1OhmicValueEntry 2 } battManString1ResponseTestChangeTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManString1ResponseTestChangeTable." ::= { battManTestResults 4 } battManString1ResponseTestChangeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManString1ResponseTestChangeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting response test change information from each battery in String 1." ::= { battManTestResults 5 } battManString1ResponseTestChangeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManString1ResponseTestChangeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string to get data from." INDEX { battManString1ResponseTestChangeIndex } ::= { battManString1ResponseTestChangeTable 1 } BattManString1ResponseTestChangeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManString1ResponseTestChangeIndex INTEGER, battManString1ResponseTestChangeData INTEGER } battManString1ResponseTestChangeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of the entries in the table." ::= { battManString1ResponseTestChangeEntry 1 } battManString1ResponseTestChangeData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery response test change in percent." ::= { battManString1ResponseTestChangeEntry 2 } battManString2OhmicValueLastDischargeInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Informational text showing the date/time, load, and pilot temperature for the string during the last discharge when ohmic values were recorded." ::= { battManTestResults 6 } battManString2OhmicValueTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManString2OhmicValueTable." ::= { battManTestResults 7 } battManString2OhmicValueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManString2OhmicValueEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting ohmic value information from each battery in String 2." ::= { battManTestResults 8 } battManString2OhmicValueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManString2OhmicValueEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string to get data from." INDEX { battManString2OhmicValueIndex } ::= { battManString2OhmicValueTable 1 } BattManString2OhmicValueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManString2OhmicValueIndex INTEGER, battManString2OhmicValueData INTEGER } battManString2OhmicValueIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of battery calibration entries in the table." ::= { battManString2OhmicValueEntry 1 } battManString2OhmicValueData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery inter-tier ohmic value in ohms. Note: Zero or negative values are invalid and may indicate faulty calibration of ohmic value correction factors." ::= { battManString2OhmicValueEntry 2 } battManString2ResponseTestChangeTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManString2ResponseTestChangeTable." ::= { battManTestResults 9 } battManString2ResponseTestChangeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManString2ResponseTestChangeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting response test change information from each battery in String 2." ::= { battManTestResults 10 } battManString2ResponseTestChangeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManString2ResponseTestChangeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string to get data from." INDEX { battManString2ResponseTestChangeIndex } ::= { battManString2ResponseTestChangeTable 1 } BattManString2ResponseTestChangeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManString2ResponseTestChangeIndex INTEGER, battManString2ResponseTestChangeData INTEGER } battManString2ResponseTestChangeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of the entries in the table." ::= { battManString2ResponseTestChangeEntry 1 } battManString2ResponseTestChangeData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery response test change in percent." ::= { battManString2ResponseTestChangeEntry 2 } battManString1ResponseTestCurrentTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManString1ResponseTestCurrentTable." ::= { battManTestResults 11 } battManString1ResponseTestCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManString1ResponseTestCurrentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting response test current information from each battery in String 1." ::= { battManTestResults 12 } battManString1ResponseTestCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManString1ResponseTestCurrentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string to get data from." INDEX { battManString1ResponseTestCurrentIndex } ::= { battManString1ResponseTestCurrentTable 1 } BattManString1ResponseTestCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManString1ResponseTestCurrentIndex INTEGER, battManString1ResponseTestCurrentData INTEGER } battManString1ResponseTestCurrentIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of the entries in the table." ::= { battManString1ResponseTestCurrentEntry 1 } battManString1ResponseTestCurrentData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery response test current in milliamps." ::= { battManString1ResponseTestCurrentEntry 2 } battManString2ResponseTestCurrentTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManString2ResponseTestCurrentTable." ::= { battManTestResults 13 } battManString2ResponseTestCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManString2ResponseTestCurrentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting response test current information from each battery in String 2." ::= { battManTestResults 14 } battManString2ResponseTestCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManString2ResponseTestCurrentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string to get data from." INDEX { battManString2ResponseTestCurrentIndex } ::= { battManString2ResponseTestCurrentTable 1 } BattManString2ResponseTestCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManString2ResponseTestCurrentIndex INTEGER, battManString2ResponseTestCurrentData INTEGER } battManString2ResponseTestCurrentIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of the entries in the table." ::= { battManString2ResponseTestCurrentEntry 1 } battManString2ResponseTestCurrentData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery response test current in milliamps." ::= { battManString2ResponseTestCurrentEntry 2 } battManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkTable." ::= { battManTestResults 15 } battManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting response test current benchmark information from each battery in String 1." ::= { battManTestResults 16 } battManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string to get data from." INDEX { battManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkIndex } ::= { battManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkTable 1 } BattManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkIndex INTEGER, battManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkData INTEGER } battManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of the entries in the table." ::= { battManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkEntry 1 } battManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery response test current benchmark in milliamps." ::= { battManString1ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkEntry 2 } battManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkTable." ::= { battManTestResults 17 } battManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting response test current benchmark information from each battery in String 2." ::= { battManTestResults 18 } battManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string to get data from." INDEX { battManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkIndex } ::= { battManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkTable 1 } BattManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkIndex INTEGER, battManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkData INTEGER } battManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of the entries in the table." ::= { battManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkEntry 1 } battManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery response test current benchmark in milliamps." ::= { battManString2ResponseTestCurrentBenchmarkEntry 2 } -- battManUnitStatus battManUnitStatusTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the battManUnitStatusTable." ::= { battManUnitStatus 1 } battManUnitStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BattManUnitStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting status information from each unit in the system." ::= { battManUnitStatus 2 } battManUnitStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BattManUnitStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unit to get data from." INDEX { battManUnitStatusIndex } ::= { battManUnitStatusTable 1 } BattManUnitStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { battManUnitStatusIndex INTEGER, battManUnitStatusSerialNumber DisplayString, battManUnitHardwareRev INTEGER, battManUnitFirmwareRev INTEGER, battManUnitCommLoss INTEGER, battManUnitRelayStuck INTEGER } battManUnitStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of unit status entries in the table." ::= { battManUnitStatusEntry 1 } battManUnitStatusSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery manager unit serial number character string. This value is set at the factory." ::= { battManUnitStatusEntry 2 } battManUnitHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery manager unit hardware revision. This value is set at the factory." ::= { battManUnitStatusEntry 3 } battManUnitFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery manager unit firmware revision. This value is set at the factory and can change with firmware update." ::= { battManUnitStatusEntry 4 } battManUnitCommLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates the system has lost communication with the unit." ::= { battManUnitStatusEntry 5 } battManUnitRelayStuck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to alarm(2), indicates the unit monitor relay is stuck." ::= { battManUnitStatusEntry 6 } -- the xPDUIdent group xPDUIdentProductName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the PDU." ::= { xPDUIdent 1 } xPDUIdentHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the PDU. This value is set at the factory." ::= { xPDUIdent 2 } xPDUIdentFirmwareAppRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ID string identifying the application firmware revision of the PDU." ::= { xPDUIdent 3 } xPDUIdentFirmwareAppOSRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ID string identifying the application operating system firmware revision of the PDU." ::= { xPDUIdent 4 } xPDUIdentFirmwareControllerRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ID string identifying the PDU controller firmware revision." ::= { xPDUIdent 5 } xPDUIdentDateOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date when the PDU was manufactured in mm/dd/yyyy format. This value is set at the factory." ::= { xPDUIdent 6 } xPDUIdentModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying the model number of the PDU. This value is set at the factory." ::= { xPDUIdent 7 } xPDUIdentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying the serial number of the PDU. This value is set at the factory." ::= { xPDUIdent 8 } -- the xPDUDevice group xPDUDeviceNominalMainInputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal main input voltage to the PDU. Measured in Volts, line-to-line for a 3-wire (delta) service or line-to-neutral for a 4-wire (wye) service." ::= { xPDUDevice 1 } xPDUDeviceServiceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { threeWire (1), fourWire (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of utility input to the PDU. Either 3 wires (delta), or 4 wires (wye)." ::= { xPDUDevice 2 } xPDUDeviceNominalOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal line-to-neutral output voltage to the load measured in Volts." ::= { xPDUDevice 3 } xPDUDeviceMainInputBreakerRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The rating of the main input breaker measured in Amps." ::= { xPDUDevice 4 } xPDUDevicePanelBreakerRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The rating of the panel breaker measured in Amps." ::= { xPDUDevice 5 } xPDUDeviceTransformerPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent (1), present (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not a transformer is installed in the PDU." ::= { xPDUDevice 6 } xPDUDeviceLoadTieBreakerPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent (1), present (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not a load tie breaker is installed in the PDU." ::= { xPDUDevice 7 } xPDUDeviceLoadTestPortPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent (1), present (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not a load test port is installed in the PDU." ::= { xPDUDevice 8 } xPDUDeviceFusesPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent (1), present (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not the UPS feed from the PDU includes fuses." ::= { xPDUDevice 9 } xPDUDeviceFansPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent (1), present (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not cooling fans are installed in the PDU." ::= { xPDUDevice 10 } xPDUDeviceBypassInputPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent (1), present (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not the PDU is equipped with a second feed for the UPS device's bypass input." ::= { xPDUDevice 11 } xPDUDeviceCrossTieOutputPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent (1), present (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not the PDU is equipped with a cross-tie output." ::= { xPDUDevice 12 } xPDUDeviceEarthGroundMonitorPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent (1), present (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not the PDU can provide ground current measurements." ::= { xPDUDevice 13 } xPDUDeviceInfraStruXureType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { typeB (1), typeC (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the configuration of this PDU system. Type-B PDU is in a distributed UPS system and has bypass capabilities. Type-C PDU receives power from a larger central UPS." ::= { xPDUDevice 14 } -- Main Input xPDUMainInputOverVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..30) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an input over voltage condition will be generated. Specified as percent deviation from nominal." ::= { xPDUMainInput 1 } xPDUMainInputUnderVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..30) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an input under voltage condition will be generated. Specified as percent deviation from nominal. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { xPDUMainInput 2 } -- Main Input Voltage Table xPDUMainInputVoltageTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Main input voltage entries." ::= { xPDUMainInput 3 } xPDUMainInputVoltagePhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XPDUMainInputVoltagePhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of input voltage table entries. The number of entries are the phase entries. The number of entries is contained in the xPDUMainInputVoltageTableSize OID." ::= { xPDUMainInput 4 } xPDUMainInputVoltagePhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XPDUMainInputVoltagePhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular main input voltage phase." INDEX { xPDUMainInputVoltagePhaseIndex } ::= { xPDUMainInputVoltagePhaseTable 1 } XPDUMainInputVoltagePhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xPDUMainInputVoltagePhaseIndex INTEGER, xPDUMainInputVoltageLtoL INTEGER, xPDUMainInputVoltageLtoN INTEGER } xPDUMainInputVoltagePhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ phase1(1), phase2(2), phase3(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of each input phase entry in the table." ::= { xPDUMainInputVoltagePhaseEntry 1 } xPDUMainInputVoltageLtoL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line-to-line PDU input voltage when an isolation transformer is present, or -1 if no transformer present in this PDU. Measured in tenths of Volts." ::= { xPDUMainInputVoltagePhaseEntry 2 } xPDUMainInputVoltageLtoN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line-to-neutral PDU input voltage when an isolation transformer is not present, or -1 if a transformer is present in this PDU. Measured in tenths of Volts." ::= { xPDUMainInputVoltagePhaseEntry 3 } xPDUBypassInputOverVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..30) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which a bypass input over voltage condition will be generated. Specified as percent deviation from nominal." ::= { xPDUBypassInput 1 } xPDUBypassInputUnderVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..30) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an bypass input under voltage condition will be generated. Specified as percent deviation from nominal. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { xPDUBypassInput 2 } -- Bypass Input Voltage Table xPDUBypassInputVoltagePhaseTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bypass input voltage entries." ::= { xPDUBypassInput 3 } xPDUBypassInputVoltagePhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XPDUBypassInputVoltagePhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of output table entries. The number of entries are the phase entries. The number of entries is contained in the xPDUBypassInputVoltagePhaseTableSize OID." ::= { xPDUBypassInput 4 } xPDUBypassInputVoltagePhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XPDUBypassInputVoltagePhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular bypass input voltage phase." INDEX { xPDUBypassInputVoltagePhaseIndex } ::= { xPDUBypassInputVoltagePhaseTable 1 } XPDUBypassInputVoltagePhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xPDUBypassInputVoltagePhaseIndex INTEGER, xPDUBypassInputVoltageLtoL INTEGER, xPDUBypassInputVoltageLtoN INTEGER } xPDUBypassInputVoltagePhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ phase1(1), phase2(2), phase3(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of each bypass input phase entry in the table." ::= { xPDUBypassInputVoltagePhaseEntry 1 } xPDUBypassInputVoltageLtoL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line-to-line bypass input voltage, or -1 if no bypass feed is present in this PDU. Measured in tenths of Volts." ::= { xPDUBypassInputVoltagePhaseEntry 2 } xPDUBypassInputVoltageLtoN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line-to-neutral bypass input voltage, or -1 if no bypass feed is present in this PDU. Measured in tenths of Volts." ::= { xPDUBypassInputVoltagePhaseEntry 3 } -- UPS Input Table xPDUUPSInputVoltagePhaseTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of UPS input voltage entries." ::= { xPDUUPSInput 1 } xPDUUPSInputVoltagePhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XPDUUPSInputVoltagePhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of UPS input table entries. The number of entries are the phase entries. The number of entries is contained in the xPDUUPSInputVoltagePhaseTableSize OID." ::= { xPDUUPSInput 2 } xPDUUPSInputVoltagePhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XPDUUPSInputVoltagePhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular UPS input voltage phase." INDEX { xPDUUPSInputVoltagePhaseIndex } ::= { xPDUUPSInputVoltagePhaseTable 1 } XPDUUPSInputVoltagePhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xPDUUPSInputVoltagePhaseIndex INTEGER, xPDUUPSInputVoltageLtoNPresent INTEGER } xPDUUPSInputVoltagePhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ phase1(1), phase2(2), phase3(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of each UPS input phase entry in the table." ::= { xPDUUPSInputVoltagePhaseEntry 1 } xPDUUPSInputVoltageLtoNPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent (1), present (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not voltage is present at the UPS feed." ::= { xPDUUPSInputVoltagePhaseEntry 2 } -- System Output xPDUSystemOutputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The system output frequency in tenths of Hertz." ::= { xPDUSystemOutput 1 } xPDUSystemOutputNeutralCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the neutral current measured at the system output in tenths of Amps." ::= { xPDUSystemOutput 2 } xPDUSystemOutputTotalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the total system output power in tenths of kW." ::= { xPDUSystemOutput 3 } xPDUSystemOutputTotalApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the total system output power in tenths of kVA." ::= { xPDUSystemOutput 4 } xPDUSystemOutputTotalPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the total power factor of the system output. A value of 100 representing a unity power factor (1.00). Measured in hundredths." ::= { xPDUSystemOutput 5 } xPDUSystemOutputFrequencyTolerance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ freqToleranceOff (1), freqTolerancePointTwo (2), freqTolerancePointFive (3), freqToleranceOne (4), freqToleranceOnePointFive (5), freqToleranceTwo (6), freqToleranceThree (7), freqToleranceFour (8), freqToleranceFive (9), freqToleranceNine (10) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the circuit panel output frequency tolerance in Hertz." ::= { xPDUSystemOutput 6 } xPDUSystemOutputMaxKWPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines 100% load in kW. Purpose is to set to match UPS capabilities." ::= { xPDUSystemOutput 7 } xPDUSystemOutputOverVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..30) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an output over voltage condition will be generated. Specified as percent deviation from nominal." ::= { xPDUSystemOutput 8 } xPDUSystemOutputUnderVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..30) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an output under voltage condition will be generated. Specified as percent deviation from nominal. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { xPDUSystemOutput 9 } xPDUSystemOutputOverCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..110) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an over current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the panel breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { xPDUSystemOutput 10 } xPDUSystemOutputOverCurrentNeutralThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..110) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an Over current neutral condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the panel breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { xPDUSystemOutput 11 } xPDUSystemOutputUnderCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an under current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the panel breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { xPDUSystemOutput 12 } xPDUSystemOutputTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of System Output phase entries." ::= { xPDUSystemOutput 13 } xPDUSystemOutputPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XPDUSystemOutputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of system output table entries. The number of entries is contained in the xPDUSystemOutputTableSize OID." ::= { xPDUSystemOutput 14 } xPDUSystemOutputPhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XPDUSystemOutputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular system output phase." INDEX { xPDUSystemOutputPhaseIndex } ::= { xPDUSystemOutputPhaseTable 1 } XPDUSystemOutputPhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xPDUSystemOutputPhaseIndex INTEGER, xPDUSystemOutputVoltageLtoL INTEGER, xPDUSystemOutputVoltageLtoN INTEGER, xPDUSystemOutputPhaseCurrent INTEGER, xPDUSystemOutputPower INTEGER, xPDUSystemOutputApparentPower INTEGER, xPDUSystemOutputPowerFactor INTEGER } xPDUSystemOutputPhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ phase1(1), phase2(2), phase3(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of each output phase entry in the table." ::= { xPDUSystemOutputPhaseEntry 1 } xPDUSystemOutputVoltageLtoL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line-to-line system output voltage available at the circuit panel. Measured in tenths of Volts." ::= { xPDUSystemOutputPhaseEntry 2 } xPDUSystemOutputVoltageLtoN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line-to-neutral system output voltage available at the circuit panel. Measured in tenths of Volts." ::= { xPDUSystemOutputPhaseEntry 3 } xPDUSystemOutputPhaseCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System load current per phase. Measured in tenths of Amps." ::= { xPDUSystemOutputPhaseEntry 4 } xPDUSystemOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System output power per phase. Measured in tenths of kW." ::= { xPDUSystemOutputPhaseEntry 5 } xPDUSystemOutputApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System output power per phase. Measured in tenths of kVA." ::= { xPDUSystemOutputPhaseEntry 6 } xPDUSystemOutputPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Power Factor of the system output per phase. A value of 100 representing a unity Power Factor (1.00). Measured in hundredths." ::= { xPDUSystemOutputPhaseEntry 7 } xPDUGroundCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the current measured in the earth ground conductor. Measured in tenths of Amps, or -1 if not available." ::= { xPDUGroundMonitorPoint 1 } xPDUGroundCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..50) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which a ground current over current condition will be generated. Specified in tenths of Amps." ::= { xPDUGroundMonitorPoint 2 } -- System Breakers xPDUSystemBreakerTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of system breaker entries." ::= { xPDUSystemBreakers 1 } xPDUSystemBreakerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XPDUSystemBreakerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of system breaker entries. The number of entries is contained in the xPDUSystemBreakerTableSize OID." ::= { xPDUSystemBreakers 2 } xPDUSystemBreakerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XPDUSystemBreakerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular system breaker." INDEX { xPDUSystemBreakerTableIndex } ::= { xPDUSystemBreakerTable 1 } XPDUSystemBreakerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xPDUSystemBreakerTableIndex INTEGER, xPDUSystemBreakerDescription DisplayString, xPDUSystemBreakerPosition INTEGER } xPDUSystemBreakerTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of system breaker entries in the table." ::= { xPDUSystemBreakerEntry 1 } xPDUSystemBreakerDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..79)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A brief description of the system breakers." ::= { xPDUSystemBreakerEntry 2 } xPDUSystemBreakerPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this breaker is open(1) or closed(2)." ::= { xPDUSystemBreakerEntry 3 } -- Branch Breakers (Breaker Panel) xPDUNumOfBranchBreakers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of branch breakers (panel positions) in the Panel. returns 42 for a 1-panel or 84 for a 2-panel system." ::= { xPDUBranchBreakers 1 } -- Branch Breakers Table xPDUBranchBreakerTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of branch breaker entries determined by the xPDUNumOfBranchBreakers OID." ::= { xPDUBranchBreakers 2 } xPDUBranchBreakerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XPDUBranchBreakerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of branch breaker table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of xPDUBranchBreakerTableSize The number of entries is contained in the xPDUBranchBreakerTableSize OID." ::= { xPDUBranchBreakers 3 } xPDUBranchBreakerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XPDUBranchBreakerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular branch breaker (panel position)." INDEX { xPDUBranchBreakerTableIndex } ::= { xPDUBranchBreakerTable 1 } XPDUBranchBreakerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xPDUBranchBreakerTableIndex INTEGER, xPDUBranchBreakerRating INTEGER, xPDUBranchBreakerRDPFeed INTEGER, xPDUBranchBreakerTieIndicator INTEGER, xPDUBranchBreakerCurrent INTEGER, xPDUBranchBreakerOverCurrentThreshold INTEGER, xPDUBranchBreakerUnderCurrentThreshold INTEGER, xPDUBranchBreakerMaxCurrentThreshold INTEGER, xPDUBranchBreakerMinCurrentThreshold INTEGER, xPDUBranchBreakerName DisplayString, xPDUBranchBreakerLocation DisplayString } xPDUBranchBreakerTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of branch breaker entries in the table." ::= { xPDUBranchBreakerEntry 1 } xPDUBranchBreakerRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates current rating of this breaker. 0=Breaker is not present. 1=Earth leakage connection. 2=Neutral connection. A value greater than 2 indicates breaker current rating in Amps. A value above 60 Amp will signify a remote feed. The xPDUBranchBreakerRDPFeed OID will indicate which breakers are configured as a remote drop. Note: When setting branch circuit thresholds/ratings for an entry, all positions tied (see the xPDUBranchBreakerTieIndicator OID) to this entry will inherit the new threshold/rating." ::= { xPDUBranchBreakerEntry 2 } xPDUBranchBreakerRDPFeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { remoteDistribution (1), noRemoteDistribution (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates that a breaker position is feeding a remote distribution panel." ::= { xPDUBranchBreakerEntry 3 } xPDUBranchBreakerTieIndicator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { breakerUnTied (1), breakerTied (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not the breaker in this position is logically associated with the breaker immediately below it. This setting is used grouping the breakers feeding a multi-pole branch circuit. Note: When setting an entry's branch breaker tie indicator to breakerTied, all the positions that are tied to this breaker will take on the rating and thresholds for this entry of the table." ::= { xPDUBranchBreakerEntry 4 } xPDUBranchBreakerCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the branch current in tenths of Amps or -1 when not available." ::= { xPDUBranchBreakerEntry 5 } xPDUBranchBreakerOverCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which a branch circuit high current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the branch breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled. Note: When setting branch circuit thresholds/ratings for an entry, all positions tied (see the xPDUBranchBreakerTieIndicator OID) to this entry will inherit the new threshold/rating." ::= { xPDUBranchBreakerEntry 6 } xPDUBranchBreakerUnderCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which a branch circuit low current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the branch breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled. Note: When setting branch circuit thresholds/ratings for an entry, all positions tied (see the xPDUBranchBreakerTieIndicator OID) to this entry will inherit the new threshold/rating." ::= { xPDUBranchBreakerEntry 7 } xPDUBranchBreakerMaxCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which a branch circuit maximum current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the branch breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled. Note: When setting branch circuit thresholds/ratings for an entry, all positions tied (see the xPDUBranchBreakerTieIndicator OID) to this entry will inherit the new threshold/rating." ::= { xPDUBranchBreakerEntry 8 } xPDUBranchBreakerMinCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which a branch circuit minimum current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the branch breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled. Note: When setting branch circuit thresholds/ratings for an entry, all positions tied (see the xPDUBranchBreakerTieIndicator OID) to this entry will inherit the new threshold/rating." ::= { xPDUBranchBreakerEntry 9 } xPDUBranchBreakerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The description of the purpose/use of the breaker." ::= { xPDUBranchBreakerEntry 10 } xPDUBranchBreakerLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The description of the location of the breaker." ::= { xPDUBranchBreakerEntry 11 } -- the xPDUInputContacts group xPDUInputContactNumContacts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of contacts supported by the PDU." ::= { xPDUInputContacts 1 } xPDUInputContactTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of input contact entries." ::= { xPDUInputContacts 2 } xPDUInputContactTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XPDUInputContactEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of contacts supported by the PDU. The number of entries is contained in the xPDUInputContactTableSize OID." ::= { xPDUInputContacts 3 } xPDUInputContactEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XPDUInputContactEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A contact entry containing information for a given contact." INDEX { xPDUInputContactNumber } ::= { xPDUInputContactTable 1 } XPDUInputContactEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xPDUInputContactNumber INTEGER, xPDUInputContactName DisplayString, xPDUInputContactNormalState INTEGER, xPDUInputContactCurrentState INTEGER } xPDUInputContactNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An index identifying the contact on the PDU." ::= { xPDUInputContactEntry 1 } xPDUInputContactName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The description of the purpose/use of the contact." ::= { xPDUInputContactEntry 2 } xPDUInputContactNormalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The normal operating position of the contact." ::= { xPDUInputContactEntry 3 } xPDUInputContactCurrentState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the current state of the contact." ::= { xPDUInputContactEntry 4 } -- the xPDUOutputRelays group xPDUOutputRelaysNumRelays OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of output relays supported by the PDU." ::= { xPDUOutputRelays 1 } xPDUOutputRelaysTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of output relay entries." ::= { xPDUOutputRelays 2 } xPDUOutputRelayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XPDUOutputRelayEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of output relays supported by the PDU. The number of entries is contained in the xPDUOutputRelayTableSize OID." ::= { xPDUOutputRelays 3 } xPDUOutputRelayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XPDUOutputRelayEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A output relay entry containing information for a given contact." INDEX { xPDUOutputRelayNumber } ::= { xPDUOutputRelayTable 1 } XPDUOutputRelayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xPDUOutputRelayNumber INTEGER, xPDUOutputRelayName DisplayString, xPDUOutputRelayNormalState INTEGER, xPDUOutputRelayCurrentState INTEGER } xPDUOutputRelayNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An index identifying the output relay on the PDU." ::= { xPDUOutputRelayEntry 1 } xPDUOutputRelayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The description of the purpose/use of the output relay." ::= { xPDUOutputRelayEntry 2 } xPDUOutputRelayNormalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The normal operating position of the output relay." ::= { xPDUOutputRelayEntry 3 } xPDUOutputRelayCurrentState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the current state of the output relay." ::= { xPDUOutputRelayEntry 4 } -- the xPDUMiscGroup xPDUEPOMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { armed (1), disarmed (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the EPO System is armed(1) or disarmed(2)." ::= { xPDUMiscGroup 1 } xPDUTransformTempStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), overtemp (2), noTransformerPresent (3), unknown (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the PDU's isolation transformer is over temperature." ::= { xPDUMiscGroup 2 } xPDUCoolingFanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), failed (2), noCoolingFansPresent (3), unknown (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates if one or more of the PDU's cooling fans have failed." ::= { xPDUMiscGroup 3 } -- The pmmIdent group pmmIdentModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying the model number of the PMM. This value is set at the factory." ::= { pmmIdent 1 } pmmIdentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying the serial number of the PMM. This value is set at the factory." ::= { pmmIdent 2 } pmmIdentDateOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date when the PMM was manufactured in mm/dd/yyyy format. This value is set at the factory." ::= { pmmIdent 3 } pmmIdentHMISerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying the serial number of the HMI. This value is set at the factory." ::= { pmmIdent 4 } pmmIdentHMIHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the HMI. This value is set at the factory." ::= { pmmIdent 5 } pmmIdentHMIFirmwareAppRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ID string identifying the application firmware revision of the HMI." ::= { pmmIdent 6 } pmmIdentHMIFirmwareAppOSRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ID string identifying the application operating system firmware revision of the HMI." ::= { pmmIdent 7 } -- The pmmDevice group pmmDeviceNominalInputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal input voltage to the PMM. Measured in Volts, line-to-line for a 3-wire (delta) service or line-to-neutral for a 4-wire (wye) service." ::= { pmmDevice 1 } pmmDeviceServiceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ threeWire (1), fourWire (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of utility input to the PMM. Either 3 wires (delta), or 4 wires (wye)." ::= { pmmDevice 2 } pmmDeviceNominalOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal line-to-neutral output voltage to the load measured in Volts." ::= { pmmDevice 3 } -- The pmmInput group pmmInputMeterTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of input meters attached to the system." ::= { pmmInput 1 } pmmInputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PMMInputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of input meter entries." ::= { pmmInput 2} pmmInputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PMMInputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular input meter." INDEX { pmmInputMeterIndex } ::= { pmmInputTable 1 } PMMInputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pmmInputMeterIndex INTEGER, pmmInputFrequency INTEGER, pmmInputTotalActivePower INTEGER, pmmInputTotalApparentPower INTEGER, pmmInputTotalPowerFactor INTEGER, pmmInputActiveEnergyDelivered Integer32, pmmInputActiveEnergyReceived Integer32, pmmInputApparentEnergyDelivered Integer32, pmmInputApparentEnergyReceived Integer32, pmmInputFrequencyDeviation INTEGER, pmmInputPowerFactorDeviation INTEGER, pmmInputMinVoltThreshold INTEGER, pmmInputLowVoltThreshold INTEGER, pmmInputHighVoltThreshold INTEGER, pmmInputMaxVoltThreshold INTEGER, pmmInputMinCurrentThreshold INTEGER, pmmInputLowCurrentThreshold INTEGER, pmmInputHighCurrentThreshold INTEGER, pmmInputMaxCurrentThreshold INTEGER, pmmInputMinApparentPowerThreshold INTEGER, pmmInputMaxApparentPowerThreshold INTEGER, pmmInputOverActivePowerThreshold INTEGER, pmmInputBreakerState INTEGER, pmmInputBreakerOpenAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputAverageCurrent INTEGER, pmmInputNeturalCurrent INTEGER, pmmInputMaxInstantaneousNeutralCurrent INTEGER, pmmInputAverageCurrentTHD INTEGER, pmmInputAverageVoltageLtoL INTEGER, pmmInputAverageVoltageLtoN INTEGER, pmmInputLoad INTEGER, pmmInputMeterFirmwareVersion INTEGER, pmmInputMeterSerialNumber DisplayString, pmmInputEnergyUsageAccumulatedTotal INTEGER, pmmInputPhaseLoss INTEGER, pmmInputBreakerCTSize INTEGER, pmmInputBreakerRating INTEGER, pmmInputKWHResetDate DisplayString, pmmInputAlarmGeneration INTEGER, pmmInputVoltageMaximumAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputVoltageHighAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputVoltageLowAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputVoltageMinimumAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputCurrentMaximumAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputCurrentHighAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputCurrentLowAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputCurrentMinimumAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputApparentPowerMaximumAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputApparentPowerMinimumAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputKWOverAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputPhaseLossAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputPowerFactorTotalAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputFrequencyDeviationAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputNeutralOverCurrentAlarm INTEGER, pmmInputNeutralOverCurrentThreshold INTEGER } pmmInputMeterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input meter identifier." ::= { pmmInputEntry 1 } pmmInputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input frequency in tenths of Hertz." ::= { pmmInputEntry 2 } pmmInputTotalActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the total input active power in tenths of kW." ::= { pmmInputEntry 3 } pmmInputTotalApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the total input apparent power in tenths of kVA." ::= { pmmInputEntry 4 } pmmInputTotalPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the total power factor. A value of 100 representing a unity power factor (1.00). Specified in hundredths." ::= { pmmInputEntry 5 } pmmInputActiveEnergyDelivered OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the input active energy delivered in tenths of kWh." ::= { pmmInputEntry 6 } pmmInputActiveEnergyReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the input active energy received in tenths of kWh." ::= { pmmInputEntry 7 } pmmInputApparentEnergyDelivered OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the input apparent energy delivered in tenths of kVAh." ::= { pmmInputEntry 8 } pmmInputApparentEnergyReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the input apparent energy received in tenths of kVAh." ::= { pmmInputEntry 9 } pmmInputFrequencyDeviation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ freqDeviationOff (1), freqDeviationPointTwo (2), freqDeviationPointFive (3), freqDeviationOne (4), freqDeviationOnePointFive (5), freqDeviationTwo (6), freqDeviationThree (7), freqDeviationFour (8), freqDeviationFive (9), freqDeviationNine (10) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the input frequency deviation in Hertz." ::= { pmmInputEntry 10 } pmmInputPowerFactorDeviation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the input power factor deviation. Specified in tenths. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmInputEntry 11 } pmmInputMinVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an input minimum voltage condition will be generated. Specified as percent deviation from nominal voltage represented in the OID pmmDeviceNominalInputVoltage. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmInputEntry 12 } pmmInputLowVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an input low voltage condition will be generated. Specified as percent deviation from nominal voltage represented in the OID pmmDeviceNominalInputVoltage. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmInputEntry 13 } pmmInputHighVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..120) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an input high voltage condition will be generated. Specified as percent deviation from nominal voltage represented in the OID pmmDeviceNominalInputVoltage. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmInputEntry 14 } pmmInputMaxVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..120) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an input maximum voltage condition will be generated. Specified as percent deviation from nominal voltage represented in the OID pmmDeviceNominalInputVoltage. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmInputEntry 15 } pmmInputMinCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an input minimum current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the panel breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmInputEntry 16 } pmmInputLowCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an input low current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the panel breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmInputEntry 17 } pmmInputHighCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..110) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an input high current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the panel breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmInputEntry 18 } pmmInputMaxCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an input maximum current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the panel breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmInputEntry 19 } pmmInputMinApparentPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an input minimum apparent power condition will be generated. Specified as a percent deviation from nominal power rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmInputEntry 20 } pmmInputMaxApparentPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..110) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an input maximum apparent power condition will be generated. Specified as a percent deviation from nominal power rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmInputEntry 21 } pmmInputOverActivePowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an input over active power condition will be generated. Specified as a percent deviation from nominal power rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmInputEntry 22 } pmmInputBreakerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2), unknown(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the current state of input breaker. 1 will indicate open, 2 will indicate closed, 3 will indicate unknown. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmInputEntry 23 } pmmInputBreakerOpenAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Breaker open alarm status. 1 will indicate enabled, 2 will indicate disabled, 3 will indicate unknown." ::= { pmmInputEntry 24 } pmmInputAverageCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input Average current. Measured in tenths of Amps." ::= { pmmInputEntry 25 } pmmInputNeturalCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input Netural current. Measured in tenths of Amps." ::= { pmmInputEntry 26 } pmmInputMaxInstantaneousNeutralCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input maximum instantaneous neutral current. Measured in tenths of Amps." ::= { pmmInputEntry 27 } pmmInputAverageCurrentTHD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input average harmonic distortions. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmInputEntry 28 } pmmInputAverageVoltageLtoL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input Average Line to Line voltage. Measured in tenths of Volts. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmInputEntry 29 } pmmInputAverageVoltageLtoN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input Average Line to Neutral voltage. Measured in tenths of Volts. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmInputEntry 30 } pmmInputLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total load of input breaker in percentage. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmInputEntry 31 } pmmInputMeterFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the input meter firmware revision. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmInputEntry 32 } pmmInputMeterSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the input meter serial number. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmInputEntry 33 } pmmInputEnergyUsageAccumulatedTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the total accumulated input energy usage in kwh. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmInputEntry 34 } pmmInputPhaseLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an input phase loss condition will be generated. Specified as a percent deviation from phase to neutral nominal voltage. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmInputEntry 35 } pmmInputBreakerCTSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the input breaker CT size. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmInputEntry 36 } pmmInputBreakerRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the input breaker rating in Amps(A). Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmInputEntry 37 } pmmInputKWHResetDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date that the kWh usage was reset, in the format mm/dd/yyyy." ::= { pmmInputEntry 38 } pmmInputAlarmGeneration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 39 } pmmInputVoltageMaximumAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Voltage maximum alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 40 } pmmInputVoltageHighAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Voltage high alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 41 } pmmInputVoltageLowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Voltage low alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 42 } pmmInputVoltageMinimumAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Voltage minimum alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 43 } pmmInputCurrentMaximumAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current maximum alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 44 } pmmInputCurrentHighAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current high alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 45 } pmmInputCurrentLowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current low alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 46 } pmmInputCurrentMinimumAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current minimum alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 47 } pmmInputApparentPowerMaximumAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Apparent Power maximum alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 48 } pmmInputApparentPowerMinimumAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Apparent Power minimum alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 49 } pmmInputKWOverAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Over active power alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 50 } pmmInputPhaseLossAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Phase loss alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 51 } pmmInputPowerFactorTotalAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total power factor alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 52 } pmmInputFrequencyDeviationAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Frequency deviation alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 53 } pmmInputNeutralOverCurrentAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Neutral Overcurrent alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmInputEntry 54 } pmmInputNeutralOverCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an input neutral overcurrent condition will be generated. Specified as a percent deviation from nominal current. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmInputEntry 55 } pmmInputPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PMMInputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of input table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of pmmInputMeterTableSize OID." ::= { pmmInput 3 } pmmInputPhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PMMInputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular input phase." INDEX { pmmInputMeterNum, pmmInputPhase } ::= { pmmInputPhaseTable 1 } PMMInputPhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pmmInputMeterNum INTEGER, pmmInputPhase INTEGER, pmmInputVoltageLtoL INTEGER, pmmInputVoltageLtoN INTEGER, pmmInputPhaseCurrent INTEGER, pmmInputActivePower INTEGER, pmmInputApparentPower INTEGER, pmmInputPowerFactor INTEGER, pmmInputMaxInstantaneousCurrent INTEGER, pmmInputPhaseAngle INTEGER, pmmInputTHDLtoL INTEGER, pmmInputTHDLtoN INTEGER, pmmInputCurrentTHD INTEGER } pmmInputMeterNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input meter identifier." ::= { pmmInputPhaseEntry 1 } pmmInputPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input phase index." ::= { pmmInputPhaseEntry 2 } pmmInputVoltageLtoL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line-to-line input voltage available. Measured in tenths of Volts." ::= { pmmInputPhaseEntry 3 } pmmInputVoltageLtoN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line-to-neutral input voltage available. Measured in tenths of Volts." ::= { pmmInputPhaseEntry 4 } pmmInputPhaseCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input current per phase. Measured in tenths of Amps." ::= { pmmInputPhaseEntry 5 } pmmInputActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input power per phase. Measured in tenths of kW." ::= { pmmInputPhaseEntry 6 } pmmInputApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input power per phase. Measured in tenths of kVA." ::= { pmmInputPhaseEntry 7 } pmmInputPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the power factor of the input per phase. A value of 100 representing a unity power factor (1.00). Specified in hundredths." ::= { pmmInputPhaseEntry 8 } pmmInputMaxInstantaneousCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input maximum phase instantaneous current. Measured in tenths of Amps." ::= { pmmInputPhaseEntry 9 } pmmInputPhaseAngle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current phase Angle. Measured in tenths of decimal" ::= { pmmInputPhaseEntry 10 } pmmInputTHDLtoL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input harmonic distortions line to line." ::= { pmmInputPhaseEntry 11 } pmmInputTHDLtoN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input harmonic distortions line to netural." ::= { pmmInputPhaseEntry 12 } pmmInputCurrentTHD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input harmonic distortions. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed. Specified in tenths." ::= { pmmInputPhaseEntry 13 } -- The pmmOutput group pmmOutputMeterTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of output meters attached to the system." ::= { pmmOutput 1 } pmmOutputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PMMOutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of output meter entries." ::= { pmmOutput 2} pmmOutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PMMOutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular output meter." INDEX { pmmOutputMeterIndex } ::= { pmmOutputTable 1 } PMMOutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pmmOutputMeterIndex INTEGER, pmmOutputFrequency INTEGER, pmmOutputTotalActivePower INTEGER, pmmOutputTotalApparentPower INTEGER, pmmOutputTotalPowerFactor INTEGER, pmmOutputActiveEnergyDelivered Integer32, pmmOutputActiveEnergyReceived Integer32, pmmOutputApparentEnergyDelivered Integer32, pmmOutputApparentEnergyReceived Integer32, pmmOutputFrequencyDeviation INTEGER, pmmOutputPowerFactorDeviation INTEGER, pmmOutputMinVoltThreshold INTEGER, pmmOutputLowVoltThreshold INTEGER, pmmOutputHighVoltThreshold INTEGER, pmmOutputMaxVoltThreshold INTEGER, pmmOutputMinCurrentThreshold INTEGER, pmmOutputLowCurrentThreshold INTEGER, pmmOutputHighCurrentThreshold INTEGER, pmmOutputMaxCurrentThreshold INTEGER, pmmOutputMinApparentPowerThreshold INTEGER, pmmOutputMaxApparentPowerThreshold INTEGER, pmmOutputOverActivePowerThreshold INTEGER, pmmOutputPhaseLossThreshold INTEGER, pmmOutputBreakerState INTEGER, pmmOutputBreakerOpenAlarm INTEGER } pmmOutputMeterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output meter identifier." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 1 } pmmOutputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output frequency in tenths of Hertz." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 2 } pmmOutputTotalActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the total output active power in tenths of kW." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 3 } pmmOutputTotalApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the total output apparent power in tenths of kVA." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 4 } pmmOutputTotalPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the total power factor. A value of 100 representing a unity power factor (1.00). Specified in hundredths." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 5 } pmmOutputActiveEnergyDelivered OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the output active energy delivered in tenths of kWh." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 6 } pmmOutputActiveEnergyReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the output active energy received in tenths of kWh." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 7 } pmmOutputApparentEnergyDelivered OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the output apparent energy delivered in tenths of kVAh." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 8 } pmmOutputApparentEnergyReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the output apparent energy received in tenths of kVAh." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 9 } pmmOutputFrequencyDeviation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ freqDeviationOff (1), freqDeviationPointTwo (2), freqDeviationPointFive (3), freqDeviationOne (4), freqDeviationOnePointFive (5), freqDeviationTwo (6), freqDeviationThree (7), freqDeviationFour (8), freqDeviationFive (9), freqDeviationNine (10) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the output frequency deviation in Hertz." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 10 } pmmOutputPowerFactorDeviation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the output power factor deviation. Specified in tenths. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 11 } pmmOutputMinVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an output minimum voltage condition will be generated. Specified as percent deviation from nominal voltage represented in the OID pmmDeviceNominalOutputVoltage. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 12 } pmmOutputLowVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an output low voltage condition will be generated. Specified as percent deviation from nominal voltage represented in the OID pmmDeviceNominalOutputVoltage. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 13 } pmmOutputHighVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..120) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an output high voltage condition will be generated. Specified as percent deviation from nominal voltage represented in the OID pmmDeviceNominalOutputVoltage. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 14 } pmmOutputMaxVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..120) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an output maximum voltage condition will be generated. Specified as percent deviation from nominal voltage represented in the OID pmmDeviceNominalOutputVoltage. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 15 } pmmOutputMinCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an output minimum current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the panel breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 16 } pmmOutputLowCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an output low current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the panel breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 17 } pmmOutputHighCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..110) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an output high current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the panel breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 18 } pmmOutputMaxCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an output maximum current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the panel breaker rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 19 } pmmOutputMinApparentPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an output minimum apparent power condition will be generated. Specified as a percent deviation from nominal power rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 20 } pmmOutputMaxApparentPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..110) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an output maximum apparent power condition will be generated. Specified as a percent deviation from nominal power rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 21 } pmmOutputOverActivePowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an output over active power condition will be generated. Specified as a percent deviation from nominal power rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 22 } pmmOutputPhaseLossThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an output phase loss condition will be generated. Specified as a percent deviation from nominal voltage represented in the OID pmmDeviceNominalOutputVoltage. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 23 } pmmOutputBreakerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2), unknown(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the current state of output breaker. 1 will indicate open, 2 will indicate closed, 3 will indicate unknown." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 24 } pmmOutputBreakerOpenAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Breaker open alarm status. 1 will indicate enabled, 2 will indicate disabled, 3 will indicate unknown." ::= { pmmOutputEntry 25 } pmmOutputPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PMMOutputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of output table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of pmmOutputMeterTableSize OID." ::= { pmmOutput 3 } pmmOutputPhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PMMOutputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular output phase." INDEX { pmmOutputMeterNum, pmmOutputPhase } ::= { pmmOutputPhaseTable 1 } PMMOutputPhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pmmOutputMeterNum INTEGER, pmmOutputPhase INTEGER, pmmOutputVoltageLtoL INTEGER, pmmOutputVoltageLtoN INTEGER, pmmOutputPhaseCurrent INTEGER, pmmOutputActivePower INTEGER, pmmOutputApparentPower INTEGER, pmmOutputPowerFactor INTEGER } pmmOutputMeterNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output meter identifier." ::= { pmmOutputPhaseEntry 1 } pmmOutputPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output phase index." ::= { pmmOutputPhaseEntry 2 } pmmOutputVoltageLtoL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line-to-line output voltage available. Measured in tenths of Volts." ::= { pmmOutputPhaseEntry 3 } pmmOutputVoltageLtoN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line-to-neutral output voltage available. Measured in tenths of Volts." ::= { pmmOutputPhaseEntry 4 } pmmOutputPhaseCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Load current per phase. Measured in tenths of Amps." ::= { pmmOutputPhaseEntry 5 } pmmOutputActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output power per phase. Measured in tenths of kW." ::= { pmmOutputPhaseEntry 6 } pmmOutputApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output power per phase. Measured in tenths of kVA." ::= { pmmOutputPhaseEntry 7 } pmmOutputPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the power factor of the output per phase. A value of 100 representing a unity power factor (1.00). Specified in hundredths." ::= { pmmOutputPhaseEntry 8 } -- The pmmBranch group pmmnumofBranchMeters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of branch meters attached to the system." ::= { pmmBranch 1 } pmmBranchBreakerTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of branch breaker entries." ::= { pmmBranch 2 } pmmBranchBreakerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PMMBranchBreakerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of branch breaker table entries. The number of entries is contained in the pmmBranchBreakerTableSize OID." ::= { pmmBranch 3 } pmmBranchBreakerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PMMBranchBreakerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular branch breaker (panel/circuit position)." INDEX {pmmBranchCircuitMeterIndex, pmmBranchCircuitIndex } ::= { pmmBranchBreakerTable 1 } PMMBranchBreakerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pmmBranchCircuitMeterIndex INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitIndex INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitNumberOfPoles INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitPhase DisplayString, pmmBranchCircuitBreakerIdentifier DisplayString, pmmBranchCircuitLoadIdentifier DisplayString, pmmBranchCircuitCurrent INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitBreakerRating INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitTotalActivePower INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitTotalApparentPower INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitEnergyUsage Gauge, pmmBranchCircuitEnergyUsageResetDate DisplayString, pmmBranchCircuitTotalPowerFactor INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitBreakerState INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitMinCurrentThreshold INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitLowCurrentThreshold INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitHighCurrentThreshold INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitMaxCurrentThreshold INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitMinApparentPowerThreshold INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitMaxApparentPowerThreshold INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitAlaramGeneration INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitBreakerOpenAlarm INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitBreakerAverageCurrent INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitMaxInstantaneousCurrentPhase INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitBreakerMaxInstantaneousAverageCurrent INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitAngle INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitActivePower INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitApparentPower INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitBreakerEnergyTotalUsage Gauge, pmmBranchCircuitPowerFactor INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitTHD INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitBreakerTHD INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitBreakerLoad INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitBranchNumber INTEGER, pmmBranchCircuitChannelCTSize INTEGER, pmmBranchcircuitCurrentMaxAlarm INTEGER, pmmBranchcircuitCurrentHighAlarm INTEGER, pmmBranchcircuitCurrentLowAlarm INTEGER, pmmBranchcircuitCurrentMinAlarm INTEGER, pmmBranchcircuitApparentPowerMaxAlarm INTEGER, pmmBranchcircuitApparentPowerMinAlarm INTEGER } pmmBranchCircuitMeterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of branch circuit meter in the table." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 1 } pmmBranchCircuitIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The branch circuit index." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 2 } pmmBranchCircuitNumberOfPoles OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of poles." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 3 } pmmBranchCircuitPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The phase associated with branch circuit." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 4 } pmmBranchCircuitBreakerIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The branch circuit identifier. Returns (-1) if not supported." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 5 } pmmBranchCircuitLoadIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identifies the name or location of the branch circuit load." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 6 } pmmBranchCircuitCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The branch circuit current Measured in tenths of Amps." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 7 } pmmBranchCircuitBreakerRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The rating of the branch circuit breaker in Amps." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 8 } pmmBranchCircuitTotalActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Branch circuit total power. Measured in tenths of kW." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 9 } pmmBranchCircuitTotalApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Branch circuit total apparent power. Measured in tenths of kVA." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 10 } pmmBranchCircuitEnergyUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the accumulated energy usage in tenths of kWh. Displayed as 0 when not available or no energy used." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 11 } pmmBranchCircuitEnergyUsageResetDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date that the kWh usage was reset, in the format mm/dd/yyyy. The default energy usage reset date is Not Available. Displayed as NA when breaker is not installed or if not first pole of breaker." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 12 } pmmBranchCircuitTotalPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the total power factor of the branch circuit output. A value of 100 representing a unity power factor (1.00) Specified in hundredths." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 13 } pmmBranchCircuitBreakerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the current state of branch circuit breaker. 1 will indicate open, 2 will indicate closed, 3 will indicate unknown." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 14 } pmmBranchCircuitMinCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which a branch circuit minimum current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the branch breaker rating represented in the OID pmmBranchCircuitBreakerRating A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 15 } pmmBranchCircuitLowCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which a branch circuit low current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the branch breaker rating represented in the OID pmmBranchCircuitBreakerRating A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 16 } pmmBranchCircuitHighCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which a branch circuit high current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the branch breaker rating represented in the OID pmmBranchCircuitBreakerRating A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 17 } pmmBranchCircuitMaxCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which a branch circuit maximum current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the branch breaker rating represented in the OID pmmBranchCircuitBreakerRating A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 18 } pmmBranchCircuitMinApparentPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which a branch circuit minimum apparent power condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the branch breaker apparent power rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 19 } pmmBranchCircuitMaxApparentPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which a branch circuit maximum apparent power condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the branch breaker apparent power rating. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 20 } pmmBranchCircuitAlaramGeneration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm generation status. 1 will indicate enabled, 2 will indicate disabled, 3 will indicate unknown." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 21 } pmmBranchCircuitBreakerOpenAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Breaker open alarm status. 1 will indicate enabled, 2 will indicate disabled, 3 will indicate unknown." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 22 } pmmBranchCircuitBreakerAverageCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Branch breaker current. Measured in tenths of Amps." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 23 } pmmBranchCircuitMaxInstantaneousCurrentPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Branch circuit maximum instantaneous current. Measured in tenths of Amps." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 24 } pmmBranchCircuitBreakerMaxInstantaneousAverageCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Branch breaker maximum instantaneous current. Measured in tenths of Amps." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 25 } pmmBranchCircuitAngle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Branch circuit phase angle. Measured in tenths of Decimal." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 26 } pmmBranchCircuitActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Branch circuit Active power. Measured in tenths of kW." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 27 } pmmBranchCircuitApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Branch circuit apparent power. Measured in tenths of kVA." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 28 } pmmBranchCircuitBreakerEnergyTotalUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the circuit Breaker total accumulated energy usage in tenths of kWh. Displayed as 0 when not available or no energy used." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 29 } pmmBranchCircuitPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the power factor of the branch circuit. A value of 100 representing a unity power factor (1.00) Specified in hundredths." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 30 } pmmBranchCircuitTHD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Branch circuit harmonic distortion." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 31 } pmmBranchCircuitBreakerTHD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Branch Breaker harmonic distortion." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 32 } pmmBranchCircuitBreakerLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total load on the Breaker. Measured in tenths of Amps." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 33 } pmmBranchCircuitBranchNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The branch number. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 34 } pmmBranchCircuitChannelCTSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The branch CT Size. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 35 } pmmBranchcircuitCurrentMaxAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current maximum alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 36 } pmmBranchcircuitCurrentHighAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current high alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 37 } pmmBranchcircuitCurrentLowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current low alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 38 } pmmBranchcircuitCurrentMinAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current minimum alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 39 } pmmBranchcircuitApparentPowerMaxAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Apparent power maximum alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 40 } pmmBranchcircuitApparentPowerMinAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Apparent power minimum alarm generation status. 1 - enabled 2 - disabled 3 - unknown " ::= { pmmBranchBreakerEntry 41 } -- pmmsite Configuration begins pmmSiteConfigTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of site configuration set supported by system." ::= { pmmSiteConfig 1 } pmmSiteConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PmmSiteConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of PMM site configurable entries." ::= { pmmSiteConfig 2} pmmSiteConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmmSiteConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular site configuration." INDEX { pmmSiteConfigIndex} ::= { pmmSiteConfigTable 1 } PmmSiteConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pmmSiteConfigIndex INTEGER, pmmSiteConfigNominalPtoPVoltage INTEGER, pmmSiteConfigNominalPtoNVoltage INTEGER, pmmSiteConfigNominalCurrent INTEGER, pmmSiteConfigNominalFrequency INTEGER, pmmSiteConfigNominalApparentPower INTEGER, pmmSiteConfigServiceType INTEGER } pmmSiteConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PMM site configuration identifier." ::= { pmmSiteConfigEntry 1 } pmmSiteConfigNominalPtoPVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal input phase to phase voltage to the PMM. Measured in Volts, line-to-line for a 3-wire (delta) service or line-to-neutral for a 4-wire (wye) service." ::= { pmmSiteConfigEntry 2 } pmmSiteConfigNominalPtoNVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal input phase to neutral voltage to the PMM. Measured in Volts, line-to-line for a 3-wire (delta) service or line-to-neutral for a 4-wire (wye) service." ::= { pmmSiteConfigEntry 3 } pmmSiteConfigNominalCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal input current to the PMM. Measured in tenths of Amps." ::= { pmmSiteConfigEntry 4 } pmmSiteConfigNominalFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal input frequency to the PMM. Measured in tenths of Hertz." ::= { pmmSiteConfigEntry 5 } pmmSiteConfigNominalApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal input apparent power to the PMM. Measured in tenths of kVA." ::= { pmmSiteConfigEntry 6 } pmmSiteConfigServiceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ threeWire (1), fourWire (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of utility input to the PMM. Either 3 wires (delta), or 4 wires (wye)." ::= { pmmSiteConfigEntry 7 } pmmSiteConfigNumberofPanel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of panels present. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmSiteConfig 3 } pmmSiteConfigNumberofChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of channels present. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmSiteConfig 4 } pmmSiteConfigNumberofsources OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of input sources present. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmSiteConfig 5 } pmmSiteConfigProductModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " A character string identifying the model number of the RPP. This value is set at the factory. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmSiteConfig 6 } pmmSiteConfigProductSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying the serial number of the RPP. This value is set at the factory. Returns -1 if unsupported or failed." ::= { pmmSiteConfig 7 } -- pmm site config end -- pmm end -- charger group chargerIdentModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying the model name of the Charger. This value is set at the factory. If not supported, return null string (\0)." ::= { chargerIdent 1 } chargerBasicIdentName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An 8 byte ID string identifying the Charger. This object can be set by the administrator." ::= { chargerIdent 2 } chargerIdentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying the serial number of the Charger. This value is set at the factory. If not supported, return null string (\0)." ::= { chargerIdent 3 } chargerIdentModelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The detailed model information of the Charger. If not supported, return null string (\0)." ::= { chargerIdent 4 } -- Input Phase Table chargerInputPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ChargerInputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of input table entries. The number of entries is given by the sum of the Charger input phases." ::= { chargerInput 1 } chargerInputPhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ChargerInputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular input phase." INDEX { chargerInputPhaseTableIndex} ::= { chargerInputPhaseTable 1 } ChargerInputPhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { chargerInputPhaseTableIndex INTEGER, chargerInputPhaseVoltage INTEGER, chargerInputPhaseMinVoltage INTEGER, chargerInputPhaseMaxVoltage INTEGER, chargerInputPhaseCurrent INTEGER } chargerInputPhaseTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input identifier. If not supported, return 0." ::= { chargerInputPhaseEntry 1 } chargerInputPhaseVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input voltage in VAC, or -1 if it's unsupported by this Charger." ::= { chargerInputPhaseEntry 2 } chargerInputPhaseMinVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The lowest input voltage to the Charger during the previous minute of operation, or -1 if it's unsupported by this Charger." ::= { chargerInputPhaseEntry 3 } chargerInputPhaseMaxVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The highest input voltage to the Charger during the previous minute of operation, or -1 if it's unsupported by this Charger." ::= { chargerInputPhaseEntry 4 } chargerInputPhaseCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input current in 0.1 amperes, or -1 if it's unsupported by this Charger." ::= { chargerInputPhaseEntry 5 } -- end of Input table -- the charger output group chargerOutputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), initialising(2), standby(3), onBattery(4), floatCharging(5), boostCharging(6), initialCharging(7), directfeed(8), chargernotpresent(9) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of the Charger. If the Charger is unable to determine the state of the Charger, this variable is set to unknown(1). If the charger is not present, the variable is set to chargernotpresent(9)" ::= { chargerOutput 1 } chargerOutputVauxVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Load output voltage, measured in VDC." ::= { chargerOutput 2 } chargerOutputTotalCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current, in amperes, drawn by the load on the charger." ::= { chargerOutput 3 } chargerOutputLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current Charger load expressed in percent of the total rated current of the charger." ::= { chargerOutput 4 } -- charger end -- The xATSIdent group xATSIdentProductName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the transfer switch unit." ::= { xATSIdent 1 } xATSIdentHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the transfer switch. This value is set at the factory." ::= { xATSIdent 2 } xATSIdentFirmwareAppRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ID string identifying the application firmware revision of the transfer switch." ::= { xATSIdent 3 } xATSIdentFirmwareAppOSRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ID string identifying the application operating system firmware revision of the transfer switch." ::= { xATSIdent 4 } xATSIdentFirmwareControllerRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ID string identifying the transfer switch controller firmware revision." ::= { xATSIdent 5 } xATSIdentDateOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date when the transfer switch was manufactured in mm/dd/yyyy format. This value is set at the factory." ::= { xATSIdent 6 } xATSIdentModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying the model number of the transfer switch. This value is set at the factory." ::= { xATSIdent 7 } xATSIdentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying the serial number of the transfer switch. This value is set at the factory." ::= { xATSIdent 8 } -- The xATSDevice group xATSDeviceServiceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { threeWire (1), fourWire (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of utility input to the transfer switch. Either 3 wires (delta), or 4 wires (wye)." ::= { xATSDevice 1 } xATSDeviceNominalVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal line-to-neutral system voltage. Measured in Volts, line-to-line for a 3-wire service or line-to-neutral for a 4-wire service. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSDevice 2 } xATSDeviceNominalFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal system frequency. Measured in tenths of Hertz. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSDevice 3 } xATSDeviceTransferSwitchRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The rating of the transfer switch. Measured in Amps." ::= { xATSDevice 4 } xATSDeviceDCBackUpPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates if a DC backup is present or not." ::= { xATSDevice 5 } -- The xATS Switch Status group xATSSwitchStatusSelectedSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ none (1), source1 (2), source2 (3), fault (4), unknown (5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The source which is currently selected, i.e. supplying power to the load." ::= { xATSSwitchStatus 1 } xATSSwitchStatusOperationalMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ automatic (1), notInAutoAbnormal (2), notInAuto (3), unknown (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current operating mode of the transfer switch. When the ATS is in automatic mode, generator starting and ATS transferring is all done automatically as needed based on the state of source 1. Automatic operation is halted when the ATS is in either of the notInAuto modes. A mode of notInAuto indicates that the automatic operation switch is in the disabled position, as indicated by the xATSSwitchStatusAutomaticOperationSwitch OID. The notInAutoAbnormal condition indicates that an abnormal condition has caused the transfer switch to halt automatic operation. In this case, traps can indicate the exact problem. In the case of notInAutoAbnormal, refer to the operation manual for details on how debug the condition and restore automatic operation." ::= { xATSSwitchStatus 2 } xATSSwitchStatusAutomaticOperationSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ disabled (1), enabled (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The position of the automatic operation switch on the front of the transfer switch." ::= { xATSSwitchStatus 3 } xATSSwitchStatusEngineStartSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ run (1), stop (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The position of the Start/Stop contact which signals the generator engine to start/run. When the ATS is in automatic mode, generator starting/stopping is under ATS control." ::= { xATSSwitchStatus 4 } -- The xATS Switch Setting group xATSSwitchSettingsLowVoltageTransferPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The lowest acceptable voltage condition at source 1. When any phase of source 1 is lower than this voltage, source quality is considered bad and the generator run signal is asserted to begin generator operation. Specified in volts, line-to-line for a 3-wire service or line-to-neutral for a 4-wire service. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSSwitchSettings 1 } xATSSwitchSettingsHighVoltageTransferPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The highest acceptable voltage condition at source 1. When any phase of source 1 is greater than this voltage, source quality is considered bad and the generator run signal is asserted to begin generator operation. Specified in volts, line-to-line for a 3-wire service or line-to-neutral for a 4-wire service. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSSwitchSettings 2 } xATSSwitchSettingsMaxFrequencyDeviation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum acceptable frequency deviation condition from nominal at source 1. When source 1 frequency is outside the specified range, source quality is considered bad and the generator run signal is asserted to begin generator operation. Specified in tenths of Hertz above or below nominal. A value of zero indicates that frequency is ignored when determining source quality. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSSwitchSettings 3 } xATSSwitchSettingsMinPhaseBalance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum required phase balance at source 1. When the percentage difference between the minimum and maximum phase voltage measurements at source 1 is greater than this value, source quality is considered bad and the generator run signal is asserted to begin generator operation. Specified as a percentage. A value of zero indicates that phase balance is ignored when determining source quality. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSSwitchSettings 4 } xATSSwitchSettingsNominalRotation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ abc (1), cba (2), any (3), unknown (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal phase rotation (or phase sequence) required by the load. For certain types of equipment, such as rotating machinery, phase rotation is critical for proper operation as it determines the direction which motors will rotate (clockwise or counterclockwise). Source quality will be seen as bad if the rotation measured at that ATS input does not match this setting. If this setting is set to any, phase rotation is ignored." ::= { xATSSwitchSettings 5 } xATSSwitchSettingsAllowClosedTransfer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ yes (1), no (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This setting enables seamless (closed) transfers between sources. When possible, both source 1 and source 2 are closed to the output for a brief time. If closed transfer is not possible within the amount of time specified by the xATSSwitchSettingsMaxSyncTime OID, an open transfer will be executed." ::= { xATSSwitchSettings 6 } xATSSwitchSettingsMaxSyncTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When attempting/seeking to perform a closed transfer, this setting defines the maximum time allowed before the transfer switch will give up and perform an open transfer. Specified in seconds. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSSwitchSettings 7 } xATSSwitchSettingsNeutralTransferTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This setting defines how long both source 1 and source 2 will be disconnected from the output, during an open transfer. Specified in seconds. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSSwitchSettings 8 } xATSSwitchSettingsClearLatchedAlarms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clears any latched alarm conditions." ::= { xATSSwitchSettings 9 } xATSSwitchSettingsSetToFactoryDefaults OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sets all transfer switch settings to factory default values." ::= { xATSSwitchSettings 10 } -- The xATSSwitchTimers group xATSSwitchTimersTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of transfer switch timer entries." ::= { xATSSwitchTimers 1 } xATSSwitchTimersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XATSSwitchTimersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of timers supported by ATS. The number of entries is contained in the xATSSwitchTimersTableSize OID." ::= { xATSSwitchTimers 2 } xATSSwitchTimersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XATSSwitchTimersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information about an individual ATS timer." INDEX { xATSSwitchTimersIndex } ::= { xATSSwitchTimersTable 1 } XATSSwitchTimersEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xATSSwitchTimersIndex INTEGER, xATSSwitchTimersName DisplayString, xATSSwitchTimersAbort INTEGER, xATSSwitchTimersStatus INTEGER, xATSSwitchTimersRemainingTime INTEGER, xATSSwitchTimersDelaySetting INTEGER } xATSSwitchTimersIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of timer entries in the table." ::= { xATSSwitchTimersEntry 1 } xATSSwitchTimersName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the individual timer.Refer to ATS operation manual, or on-line help, for detailed descriptions of ATS timers." ::= { xATSSwitchTimersEntry 2 } xATSSwitchTimersAbort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This aborts the individual timer." ::= { xATSSwitchTimersEntry 3 } xATSSwitchTimersStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ inactive (1), active (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the individual timer. Designates whether this timer entry is currently running or inactive." ::= { xATSSwitchTimersEntry 4 } xATSSwitchTimersRemainingTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time remaining for this timer entry. Specified in seconds." ::= { xATSSwitchTimersEntry 5 } xATSSwitchTimersDelaySetting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The delay settings associated with this timer entry. When this timer entry is active, the timer value must exceed this setting before the ATS behavior associated with this timer is executed. Refer to ATS operation manual, or on-line help, for detailed descriptions of ATS timers." ::= { xATSSwitchTimersEntry 6 } -- The xATSSwitchBlockMap group xATSSwitchBlockMapTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of blocking map entries, or how many ATS actions can be blocked." ::= { xATSSwitchBlockMap 1 } xATSSwitchBlockMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XATSSwitchBlockMapEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of blocking maps supported by the ATS. The number of entries is contained in the xATSSwitchBlockMapTableSize OID." ::= { xATSSwitchBlockMap 2 } xATSSwitchBlockMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XATSSwitchBlockMapEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information about a specific ATS blocking map." INDEX { xATSSwitchBlockMapIndex } ::= { xATSSwitchBlockMapTable 1 } XATSSwitchBlockMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xATSSwitchBlockMapIndex INTEGER, xATSSwitchBlockMapName DisplayString, xATSSwitchBlockMapStatus INTEGER, xATSSwitchBlockMapSetting INTEGER } xATSSwitchBlockMapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of blocking map entries in the table." ::= { xATSSwitchBlockMapEntry 1 } xATSSwitchBlockMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A string describing the ATS action to be blocked." ::= { xATSSwitchBlockMapEntry 2 } xATSSwitchBlockMapStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Represents the status of this blocking map entry, in bit-mapped format. A non-zero value indicates that this entry's ATS action is currently being blocked. The bit(s) set indicate which input(s) are causing the blocking (bit0, bit1, etc). bit 0 - Contact 1 bit 1 - Contact 2 bit 2 - Contact 3 bit 3 - Contact 4." ::= { xATSSwitchBlockMapEntry 3 } xATSSwitchBlockMapSetting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This setting designates the inputs that block the ATS action The mapping is specified as a bit-field, where each bit set indicates the input that blocks the ATS action associated with the entry. bit 0 - Contact 1 bit 1 - Contact 2 bit 2 - Contact 3 bit 3 - Contact 4." ::= { xATSSwitchBlockMapEntry 4 } -- The xATSSwitchStatistics group xATSSwitchStatisticsTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of transfer switch statistics entries." ::= { xATSSwitchStatistics 1 } xATSSwitchStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XATSSwitchStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of statistics supported by ATS. The number of entries is contained in the xATSSwitchStatisticsTableSize OID." ::= { xATSSwitchStatistics 2 } xATSSwitchStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XATSSwitchStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information about an individual ATS statistic." INDEX { xATSSwitchStatisticsIndex } ::= { xATSSwitchStatisticsTable 1 } XATSSwitchStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xATSSwitchStatisticsIndex INTEGER, xATSSwitchStatisticsName DisplayString, xATSSwitchStatisticsValue DisplayString, xATSSwitchStatisticsReset INTEGER } xATSSwitchStatisticsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of ATS statistics entries in the table." ::= { xATSSwitchStatisticsEntry 1 } xATSSwitchStatisticsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the name of the ATS statistic associated with this entry." ::= { xATSSwitchStatisticsEntry 2 } xATSSwitchStatisticsValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the value of the ATS statistic associated with this entry." ::= { xATSSwitchStatisticsEntry 3 } xATSSwitchStatisticsReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This will reset the individual ATS statistic associated with this entry." ::= { xATSSwitchStatisticsEntry 4 } -- The xATS Source 1 group xATSSource1Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String used to identify source 1." ::= { xATSSource1 1 } xATSSource1Position OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ open (1), closed (2), tripped (3), unknown (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current position of the switch at source 1." ::= { xATSSource1 2 } xATSSource1Frequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frequency at source 1 in tenths of Hertz. -1 if unavailable." ::= { xATSSource1 3 } xATSSource1Quality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ sourceGood (1), lowVoltage (2), highVoltage (3), phaseImbalance (4), freqOutOfRange (5), badRotation (6), unknown (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current line quality of source 1." ::= { xATSSource1 4 } xATSSource1Rotation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ abc (1), cba (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The phase rotation measured at the source 1 input of the ATS. The sequence is a reference to the order in which the three phases pass the zero-crossing boundary in time." ::= { xATSSource1 5 } xATSSource1TableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of input voltage entries at the source 1 input of the ATS." ::= { xATSSource1 6 } xATSSource1PhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XATSSource1PhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of voltage table entries for source 1. The number of entries are the phase entries. The number of entries is contained in the xATSSource1TableSize OID." ::= { xATSSource1 7 } xATSSource1PhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XATSSource1PhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular input voltage phase at the source 1 input of the ATS." INDEX { xATSSource1Index } ::= { xATSSource1PhaseTable 1 } XATSSource1PhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xATSSource1Index INTEGER, xATSSource1VoltageLtoL INTEGER, xATSSource1VoltageLtoN INTEGER } xATSSource1Index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ phase1(1), phase2(2), phase3(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of each phase utilized at source 1." ::= { xATSSource1PhaseEntry 1 } xATSSource1VoltageLtoL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Source 1 line-to-line input voltage. Measured in tenths of Volts." ::= { xATSSource1PhaseEntry 2 } xATSSource1VoltageLtoN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Source 1 line-to-neutral input voltage. Measured in tenths of Volts. -1 for a 3-wire service type." ::= { xATSSource1PhaseEntry 3 } -- The xATS Source 2 group xATSSource2Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String used to identify source 2." ::= { xATSSource2 1 } xATSSource2Position OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ open (1), closed (2), tripped (3), unknown (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current position of the switch at source 2." ::= { xATSSource2 2 } xATSSource2Frequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frequency at source 2 in tenths of Hertz. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSSource2 3 } xATSSource2Quality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ sourceGood (1), lowVoltage (2), highVoltage (3), phaseImbalance (4), freqOutOfRange (5), badRotation (6), unknown (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current line quality of source 2." ::= { xATSSource2 4 } xATSSource2Rotation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ abc (1), cba (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The phase rotation measured at the source 2 input of the ATS. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSSource2 5 } xATSSource2TableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of input voltage entries at the source 2 input of the ATS." ::= { xATSSource2 6 } xATSSource2PhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XATSSource2PhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of voltage table entries for the source 2. The number of entries are the phase entries. The number of entries is contained in the xATSSource2TableSize OID." ::= { xATSSource2 7 } xATSSource2PhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XATSSource2PhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular input voltage phase at the source 2 input of the ATS." INDEX { xATSSource2Index } ::= { xATSSource2PhaseTable 1 } XATSSource2PhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xATSSource2Index INTEGER, xATSSource2VoltageLtoL INTEGER, xATSSource2VoltageLtoN INTEGER } xATSSource2Index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ phase1(1), phase2(2), phase3(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of each phase utilized at the source 2." ::= { xATSSource2PhaseEntry 1 } xATSSource2VoltageLtoL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Source 2 line-to-line input voltage. Measured in tenths of Volts." ::= { xATSSource2PhaseEntry 2 } xATSSource2VoltageLtoN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Source 2 line-to-neutral input voltage. Measured in tenths of Volts. -1 for a 3-wire service type." ::= { xATSSource2PhaseEntry 3 } -- The xATSSystemOutput xATSSystemOutputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The system output frequency in tenths of Hertz." ::= { xATSSystemOutput 1 } xATSSystemOutputTotalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the total system output power in tenths of kW." ::= { xATSSystemOutput 2 } xATSSystemOutputTotalApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the total system output power in tenths of kVA." ::= { xATSSystemOutput 3 } xATSSystemOutputTotalPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the total power factor of the system output. A value of 100 representing a unity power factor (1.00) Specified in hundredths." ::= { xATSSystemOutput 4 } xATSSystemOutputFrequencyTolerance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ freqToleranceOff (1), freqTolerancePointTwo (2), freqTolerancePointFive (3), freqToleranceOne (4), freqToleranceOnePointFive (5), freqToleranceTwo (6), freqToleranceThree (7), freqToleranceFour (8), freqToleranceFive (9), freqToleranceNine (10) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shows the panel output frequency tolerance in +/- Hertz." ::= { xATSSystemOutput 5 } xATSSystemOutputOverVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an output over voltage condition will be generated. Specified as tenths of percent deviation from nominal. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { xATSSystemOutput 6 } xATSSystemOutputUnderVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an output under voltage condition will be generated. Specified as tenths of percent deviation from nominal. A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { xATSSystemOutput 7 } xATSSystemOutputOverCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold above which an over current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the transfer switch rating (xATSDeviceTransferSwitchRating OID). A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { xATSSystemOutput 8 } xATSSystemOutputUnderCurrentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which an under current condition will be generated. Specified as a percent of the transfer switch rating (xATSDeviceTransferSwitchRating OID). A value of zero indicates that the threshold is disabled." ::= { xATSSystemOutput 9 } xATSSystemOutputAlarmDelayThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Delay the generation of an output alarm. Specified in seconds." ::= { xATSSystemOutput 10 } xATSSystemOutputTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of system output phase entries." ::= { xATSSystemOutput 11 } xATSSystemOutputPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XATSSystemOutputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of system output table entries. The number of entries is contained in the xATSSystemOutputTableSize OID." ::= { xATSSystemOutput 12 } xATSSystemOutputPhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XATSSystemOutputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular system output phase." INDEX { xATSSystemOutputPhaseIndex } ::= { xATSSystemOutputPhaseTable 1 } XATSSystemOutputPhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xATSSystemOutputPhaseIndex INTEGER, xATSSystemOutputVoltageLtoL INTEGER, xATSSystemOutputVoltageLtoN INTEGER, xATSSystemOutputPhaseCurrent INTEGER, xATSSystemOutputPower INTEGER, xATSSystemOutputApparentPower INTEGER, xATSSystemOutputPowerFactor INTEGER } xATSSystemOutputPhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ phase1(1), phase2(2), phase3(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of each system output phase utilized in this device." ::= { xATSSystemOutputPhaseEntry 1 } xATSSystemOutputVoltageLtoL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line-to-line system output voltage available at the circuit panel. Measured in tenths of Volts. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSSystemOutputPhaseEntry 2 } xATSSystemOutputVoltageLtoN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line-to-neutral system output voltage available at the circuit panel. Measured in tenths of Volts. -1 for a 3-wire service type or if not available." ::= { xATSSystemOutputPhaseEntry 3 } xATSSystemOutputPhaseCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System load current per phase. Measured in Amps. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSSystemOutputPhaseEntry 4 } xATSSystemOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System output power per phase. Measured in tenths of kW." ::= { xATSSystemOutputPhaseEntry 5 } xATSSystemOutputApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "system output power per phase. Measured in tenths of kVA." ::= { xATSSystemOutputPhaseEntry 6 } xATSSystemOutputPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "indicates the power factor of the system output per phase. A value of 100 representing a unity power factor (1.00). Measured in hundredths." ::= { xATSSystemOutputPhaseEntry 7 } -- xATS TestingStatus group xATSTestingStatusSelectTestProcess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { engineStartTest (1), systemLoadTest (2), generatorHoldTest (3), cancelTest (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of tests that can be selected when no test has been scheduled. engineStartTest and systemLoadTest may be selected when no tests are running. Tests that are selected may be canceled manually." ::= { xATSTestingStatus 1 } xATSTestingStatusTestStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noTestInProcess (1), testPending (2), startingEngine (3), engineWarmingUp (4), awaitingTransferToS2 (5), testingWithLoad (6), awaitingRetransferToS1 (7), testingWithoutLoad (8), stoppingEngine (9), holdingOnGenerator (10) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The present system test status/state." ::= { xATSTestingStatus 2 } xATSTestingStatusProfileWarmupTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time that the generator will warm up during a test. This is portion of the test when the xATSTestingStatusTestStatus OID returns the value engineWarmingUp. Specified in seconds." ::= { xATSTestingStatus 3 } xATSTestingStatusProfileLoadedTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time that ATS will apply the system load to the generator during a system load test. This is portion of the test when the xATSTestingStatusTestStatus OID returns the value testingWithLoad. Specified in minutes." ::= { xATSTestingStatus 4 } xATSTestingStatusProfileUnloadedTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time that the generator will run following the warm up portion of a start test, or the loaded portion of a load test. This is portion of the test when the xATSTestingStatusTestStatus OID returns the value testingWithoutLoad. Specified in seconds." ::= { xATSTestingStatus 5 } -- xATS TestingResults group xATSTestingResultsLastDateOfTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Date of the last test that was performed, either scheduled or manual. Test results are available in the xATSTestingResultsLastResult OID. Specified in the dd/mm/yyyy format, or 'none' if not available." ::= { xATSTestingResults 1 } xATSTestingResultsLastResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noResultsAvailable (1), startTestPassed (2), loadTestPassed (3), startSignalFailure (4), failedGenNotInAuto (5), failedGenEmerStop (6), failedGenShutdown (7), failedGenDidNotStart (8), failedS2NeverGood (9), genFailedDuringWarmup (10), failureOnXferToS1 (11), genFailedLoaded (12), failureOnRexferToS2 (13), failedOnCooldown (14), genFailedToStop (15), failedAtsInternalFault (16), failedAtsNotInAuto (17), canceledManualTest (18), canceledScheduledTest (19) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The result of the last ATS/generator system test." ::= { xATSTestingResults 2 } xATSTestingResultsTestLastTestTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time of day at which the last test was performed, either scheduled or manual. Test results are available in the xATSTestingResultsLastResult OID. Specified in the hh:mm:ss format, or 'none' if not available." ::= { xATSTestingResults 3 } xATSTestingResultsLastCrankDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time spent cranking the generator before it started during the last test. Specified in seconds, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSTestingResults 4 } xATSTestingResultsLastWarmupDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time spent in the engineWarmingUp state during the last system test. Specified in seconds, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSTestingResults 5 } xATSTestingResultsLastLoadedDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time spent in the testingWithLoad state during the last system test. Specified in seconds, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSTestingResults 6 } xATSTestingResultsLastUnloadedDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time spent in the testingWithoutLoad state during the last system test. Specified in seconds, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSTestingResults 7 } -- xATS TestingSchedule group xATSTestingScheduleFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { never (1), daily (2), weekly (3), monthly (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frequency of running scheduled tests." ::= { xATSTestingSchedule 1 } xATSTestingScheduleTestDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The desired day for the scheduled test. This object applies only when the xATSTestingScheduleFrequency OID is set to weekly or monthly. For weekly test frequency, the string is the day the test will be run. For monthly test frequency, the string indicates the day, and the instance within the month. For example, for monthly frequency: 2nd Sunday, 3rd Monday, 4th Tuesday, for weekly frequency: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday." ::= { xATSTestingSchedule 2 } xATSTestingScheduleTestTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time of day that the scheduled test will occur. Specified in the format hh:mm." ::= { xATSTestingSchedule 3 } xATSTestingScheduleTestWithLoadInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { applyLoadEveryTest (1), neverApplyLoad (2), applyLoadMonthly (3), applyLoadMonthlyDetailed (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This setting specifies which system tests should include applying the load to the generator. The applyLoadMonthlyDetailed entry in the list will apply load once, for each month represented in the xATSTestingScheduleTestWithLoadSelectMonth OID." ::= { xATSTestingSchedule 4 } xATSTestingScheduleTestWithLoadSelectMonth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The detailed selection for testing with load on a month-by-month basis. This object is applicable when the xATSTestingScheduleTestWithLoadInterval is set to applyLoadMonthlyDetailed. Otherwise this selection will be ignored. Format for this string is a comma-separated entry of months. For example: Jan,Mar,Dec. The string will return 'No Months Scheduled' if no months have been selected." ::= { xATSTestingSchedule 5 } xATSTestingScheduleNextTestDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date of the next scheduled test, in the format dd-mmm-yyyy." ::= { xATSTestingSchedule 6 } -- xATSTestingSimulatePowerFail group xATSTestingSimulatePowerFailTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ cancelSimulation (1), fiveSecondsSimulation (2), tenSecondsSimulation (3), thirtySecondsSimulation (4), oneMinuteSimulation (5), threeMinutesSimulation (6), fiveMinutesSimulation (7), tenMinutesSimulation (8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object executes a simulated power failure for the duration indicated. Simulation can be aborted by selecting cancelSimulation." ::= { xATSTestingSimulatePowerFail 1 } xATSTestingSimulatePowerFailTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the time remaining in seconds, for a simulated power failure. a value of zero indicates that simulated power failure is not active." ::= { xATSTestingSimulatePowerFail 2 } -- The xATS Input Contact group xATSInputContactNumContacts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of contacts supported by the ATS." ::= { xATSInputContacts 1 } xATSInputContactTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of input contact entries." ::= { xATSInputContacts 2 } xATSInputContactTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XATSInputContactEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of contacts supported by the ATS. The number of entries is contained in the xATSInputContactTableSize OID." ::= { xATSInputContacts 3 } xATSInputContactEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XATSInputContactEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A contact entry containing information for a given contact." INDEX { xATSInputContactNumber } ::= { xATSInputContactTable 1 } XATSInputContactEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xATSInputContactNumber INTEGER, xATSInputContactName DisplayString, xATSInputContactNormalState INTEGER, xATSInputContactCurrentState INTEGER } xATSInputContactNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An index identifying the contact on the ATS." ::= { xATSInputContactEntry 1 } xATSInputContactName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The description of the purpose/use of the contact." ::= { xATSInputContactEntry 2 } xATSInputContactNormalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The normal operating position of the contact." ::= { xATSInputContactEntry 3 } xATSInputContactCurrentState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the current state of the contact." ::= { xATSInputContactEntry 4 } -- the xATS OutputRelays group xATSOutputRelayNumRelays OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of output relays supported by the ATS." ::= { xATSOutputRelays 1 } xATSOutputRelayTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of output relay entries." ::= { xATSOutputRelays 2 } xATSOutputRelayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XATSOutputRelayEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of output relays supported by the ATS. The number of entries is contained in the xATSOutputRelayTableSize OID." ::= { xATSOutputRelays 3 } xATSOutputRelayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XATSOutputRelayEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A output relay entry containing information for a given contact." INDEX { xATSOutputRelayNumber } ::= { xATSOutputRelayTable 1 } XATSOutputRelayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xATSOutputRelayNumber INTEGER, xATSOutputRelayName DisplayString, xATSOutputRelayNormalState INTEGER, xATSOutputRelayCurrentState INTEGER } xATSOutputRelayNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An index identifying the output relay on the ATS." ::= { xATSOutputRelayEntry 1 } xATSOutputRelayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The description of the purpose/use of the output relay." ::= { xATSOutputRelayEntry 2 } xATSOutputRelayNormalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The normal operating position of the output relay." ::= { xATSOutputRelayEntry 3 } xATSOutputRelayCurrentState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the current state of the output relay." ::= { xATSOutputRelayEntry 4 } -- The xATS Generator Ident group xATSGeneratorIdentModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying the model number of the generator. This value is set at the factory." ::= { xATSGeneratorIdent 1 } xATSGeneratorIdentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying the serial number of the generator. This value is set at the factory." ::= { xATSGeneratorIdent 2 } xATSGeneratorIdentDateofManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying when the generator was manufactured in mm/dd/yyyy format. This value is set at the factory." ::= { xATSGeneratorIdent 3 } xATSGeneratorIdentVoltageConfiguration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The voltage for which the generator's alternator is designed. Specified in Volts line-to-line." ::= { xATSGeneratorIdent 4 } xATSGeneratorIdentMaxPowerRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The max power rating of the generator. Specified in kW." ::= { xATSGeneratorIdent 5 } xATSGeneratorIdentAlternatorFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frequency for which the generator's alternator is designed. Specified in Hertz." ::= { xATSGeneratorIdent 6 } -- The xATS Generator Status group xATSGeneratorStatusGeneratorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name or label for the generator connected to the source 2 of the ATS." ::= { xATSGeneratorStatus 1 } xATSGeneratorStatusOperational OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ nocomm (1), off (2), ready (3), starting (4), idle (5), running (6), normalStop (7), emergencyStop (8), notInAuto (9), shutdown (10), unknown (11) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the generator. unavailable when unrecognized status is received." ::= { xATSGeneratorStatus 2 } xATSGeneratorStatusModeSwitchPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ off (1), manual (2), automatic (3), unknown (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The position of the generator's auto-mode switch. In automatic mode, the generator is started and stopped via the remote start contact, which has state indicated in the xATSGeneratorStatusRemoteStart OID. In manual mode generator start/stop control is via local command only. Off prevents the generator from running." ::= { xATSGeneratorStatus 3 } xATSGeneratorStatusRemoteStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ stop (1), run (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the generator's remote start contact, which is provided as an output from the transfer switch to start/stop the generator when in automatic mode." ::= { xATSGeneratorStatus 4 } -- The xATS Generator Advanced Status group xATSGeneratorAdvStatusBatteryVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The voltage of the generator's starting battery. Measured in tenths of VDC, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorAdvStatus 1 } xATSGeneratorAdvStatusOilPressure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The generator's engine oil pressure. Measured in tenths of Psi or kPa, based on the value of the xATSGeneratorSettingsMetricUnit OID, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorAdvStatus 2 } xATSGeneratorAdvStatusCoolantTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current coolant temperature in the generator. Measured in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, based on the value of the xATSGeneratorSettingsMetricUnit OID, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorAdvStatus 3 } xATSGeneratorAdvStatusEngineRPM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current engine speed of the generator. Measured in RPM, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorAdvStatus 4 } xATSGeneratorAdvStatusOilLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ ok (1), low (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates adequate oil level in the generator." ::= { xATSGeneratorAdvStatus 5 } xATSGeneratorAdvStatusCoolantLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ ok (1), low (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates adequate coolant level in the generator." ::= { xATSGeneratorAdvStatus 6 } -- The xATS Generator Output group xATSGeneratorOutputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output frequency of the generator. Measured in tenths of Hertz, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorOutput 1 } xATSGeneratorOutputTotalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total output power of the generator. Measured in tenths of tenths of kW, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorOutput 2 } xATSGeneratorOutputTotalApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total output power of the generator. Measured in tenths of kVA, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorOutput 3 } xATSGeneratorOutputTotalPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the total load power factor of the generator. A value of 100 representing a unity power factor (1.00), or -1 when if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorOutput 4 } xATSGeneratorOutputTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of generator output phase entries." ::= { xATSGeneratorOutput 5 } xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XATSGeneratorOutputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of generator output table entries. The number of entries is contained in the xATSGeneratorOutputTableSize OID." ::= { xATSGeneratorOutput 6 } xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XATSGeneratorOutputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular generator output phase." INDEX { xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseIndex } ::= { xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseTable 1 } XATSGeneratorOutputPhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseIndex INTEGER, xATSGeneratorOutputVoltageLtoL INTEGER, xATSGeneratorOutputVoltageLtoN INTEGER, xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseCurrent INTEGER, xATSGeneratorOutputPower INTEGER, xATSGeneratorOutputApparentPower INTEGER, xATSGeneratorOutputPowerFactor INTEGER } xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ phase1(1), phase2(2), phase3(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of each generator output phase utilized in this device." ::= { xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseEntry 1 } xATSGeneratorOutputVoltageLtoL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line-to-line generator output voltage. Measured in Volts, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseEntry 2 } xATSGeneratorOutputVoltageLtoN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line-to-neutral generator output voltage. Measured in volts, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseEntry 3 } xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Generator load current per phase. Measured in Amps, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseEntry 4 } xATSGeneratorOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Generator output power per phase. Measured in tenths of kW, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseEntry 5 } xATSGeneratorOutputApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Generator output power per phase. Measured in tenths of kVA, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseEntry 6 } xATSGeneratorOutputPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the load power factor of the generator output per phase. A value of 100 representing a unity power factor (1.00), or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorOutputPhaseEntry 7 } -- xATS Generator Settings group xATSGeneratorSettingsVoltageAdjust OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The voltage adjust of the generator. Specified in volts line-to-line, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorSettings 1 } xATSGeneratorSettingsFrequencyAdjust OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frequency adjust of the generator. Specified in tenths of Hertz." ::= { xATSGeneratorSettings 2 } xATSGeneratorSettingsStartDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The delay, in seconds, after the remote run signal is activated before the generator's engine will be cranked to start, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorSettings 3 } xATSGeneratorSettingsStopDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The delay, in seconds, before the generator will stop after the remote run signal is deactivated, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorSettings 4 } xATSGeneratorSettingsCrankCycleEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ disabled (1), enabled (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When Crank Cycle is enabled, the engine will be cranked up to the time specified by the xATSGeneratorSettingsCrankTime OID. If the generator's engine does not start, there will be a pause as specified by the xATSGeneratorSettingsCrankRestTime OID before the engine will be cranked again. This cycle is repeated as specified by the xATSGeneratorSettingsNumberCrank OID. When crank cycle is disabled, the generator's engine will be cranked continuously until it starts." ::= { xATSGeneratorSettings 5 } xATSGeneratorSettingsCrankTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The duration of engine cranking, in seconds, when starting the generator. Applicable when the xATSGeneratorSettingsCrankCycleEnable OID is enabled. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorSettings 6 } xATSGeneratorSettingsCrankRestTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The pause duration, in seconds, following an unsuccessful attempt to start the generator. Applicable when the xATSGeneratorSettingsCrankCycleEnable OID is enabled. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorSettings 7 } xATSGeneratorSettingsNumberCrank OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of failed crank attempts before giving up on starting the generator. Applicable when the xATSGeneratorSettingsCrankCycleEnable OID is enabled. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorSettings 8 } xATSGeneratorSettingsMetricUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ disabled (1), enabled (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies the use of metric units in generator related OIDs, as well as on all other interfaces including the generator's local interface." ::= { xATSGeneratorSettings 9 } -- xATS generator service group xATSGeneratorServiceTotalRunHoursLifetime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total time that the generator engine has been run, over the life of the generator. Measured in hours. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorService 1 } xATSGeneratorServiceEngineStartsLifetime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of engine starts over the life of the generator. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorService 2 } xATSGeneratorServiceTotalkWhLifetime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total kWh of operation over the life of the generator. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorService 3 } xATSGeneratorServiceTotalRunHoursSinceMaintenance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total time that the generator engine has been run, since last service maintenance. Measured in tenths of hours. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorService 4 } xATSGeneratorServiceEngineStartsSinceMaintenance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of engine starts since last service maintenance. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorService 5 } xATSGeneratorServiceTotalkWhMaintenance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total kWh of operation since last service maintenance. -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorService 6 } xATSGeneratorServiceResetRecord OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Resets the engine start counter, engine run-hours, and kWh values that have accumulated in the generator since last maintenance. Also, the last service date will be reset to the current system date, and any service alarms will be cleared." ::= { xATSGeneratorService 7 } xATSGeneratorServiceRecordResetDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Date at which the generator's service record was reset, in dd-mmm-yyyy format." ::= { xATSGeneratorService 8 } xATSGeneratorServiceNextServiceDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Date at which the next generator service is due in dd-mmm-yyyy format. Based on the xATSGeneratorServiceCalendarIntervalThreshold OID or '' if the calendar-based threshold is set to off." ::= { xATSGeneratorService 9 } xATSGeneratorServiceRunHoursUntilServiceDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Run hours until the next generator service is due, in hours. Based on the xATSGeneratorServiceRunHoursThreshold OID or -1 if the run hour-based threshold is set to off." ::= { xATSGeneratorService 10 } xATSGeneratorServiceRunHoursThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ disabled (1), runThreshold100Hours (2), runThreshold150Hours (3), runThreshold200Hours (4), runThreshold250Hours (5), runThreshold300Hours (6), runThreshold400Hours (7), runThreshold500Hours (8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Run hour-based service interval. When the run-hours since service surpasses this threshold, generator service is due." ::= { xATSGeneratorService 11 } xATSGeneratorServiceCalendarIntervalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ disabled (1), interval1month (2), interval2month (3), interval3month (4), interval6month (5), intervalyearly (6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Calendar-based service interval. When the next service date, as indicated by the xATSGeneratorServiceNextServiceDate OID is in the past, generator is due for service." ::= { xATSGeneratorService 12 } -- The xATS Generator Fuel system group xATSGeneratorFuelSystemType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ diesel (1), propane (2), naturalGas (3), unknown (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of fuel used by the generator." ::= { xATSGeneratorFuelSystem 1 } xATSGeneratorFuelSystemTankSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Size of the generator's fuel tank. Specified in gallons or liters, based on the value of the xATSGeneratorSettingsMetricUnit OID, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorFuelSystem 2 } xATSGeneratorFuelSystemFuelLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Fuel remaining in the generator tank. Measured in percent of tank fill, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorFuelSystem 3 } xATSGeneratorFuelSystemRuntimePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The power value used in the runtime remaining calculation. Measured in tenths of kW, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorFuelSystem 4 } xATSGeneratorFuelSystemEstimatedRunTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An estimate of available runtime for the generator, based on available fuel as specified in the xATSGeneratorFuelSystemFuelLevel OID and kW load as specified in the xATSGeneratorFuelSystemRuntimePower OID. Measured in tenths of hours, or -1 if not available." ::= { xATSGeneratorFuelSystem 5 } xATSGeneratorFuelSystemLowRunTimeThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ disabled (1), oneHour (2), twoHours (3), threeHours (4), fourHours (5), fiveHours (6), sixHours (7), twelveHours (8), oneDay (9), twoDays (10), threeDays (11), fourDays (12), fiveDays (13), sixDays (14), sevenDays (15) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which a low runtime alarm will exist." ::= { xATSGeneratorFuelSystem 6 } xATSGeneratorFuelSystemVeryLowRunTimeThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ disabled (1), oneHour (2), twoHours (3), threeHours (4), fourHours (5), fiveHours (6), sixHours (7), twelveHours (8), oneDay (9), twoDays (10), threeDays (11), fourDays (12), fiveDays (13), sixDays (14), sevenDays (15) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which a very low runtime alarm will exist." ::= { xATSGeneratorFuelSystem 7 } xATSGeneratorFuelSystemLowFuelLevelThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which a low fuel alarm will exist, with a value of 0 indicating disabled. Specified as percent of tank fill." ::= { xATSGeneratorFuelSystem 8 } xATSGeneratorFuelSystemVeryLowFuelLevelThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold below which a very low fuel alarm will exist, with a value of 0 indicating disabled. Specified as percent of tank fill." ::= { xATSGeneratorFuelSystem 9 } -- The console Port Server AP930x system group apCPSpname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The product's name." ::= { cpsAP930xSys 1 } apCPSversion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware's version." ::= {cpsAP930xSys 2} apCPSPower OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpsAP930xSys 3 } apCPSPwNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of the power supplies." ::= { apCPSPower 1 } apCPSPw1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State of the first power supply. 0 will indicate not installed, 1 will indicate power ON, 2 will indicate power OFF." ::= { apCPSPower 2 } apCPSPw2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State of the second power supply. 0 will indicate not installed, 1 will indicate power ON, 2 will indicate power OFF." ::= { apCPSPower 3 } apCPSPcmcia OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cpsAP930xSys 4} apCPSNPcmcia OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of PCMCIA cards available." ::= { apCPSPcmcia 1 } cpsCardIdentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpsCardIdentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of PCMCIA card identifications." ::= { apCPSPcmcia 2 } cpsCardIdentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpsCardIdentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identification information for a PCMCIA card." INDEX { cpsCardIdentIndex } ::= { cpsCardIdentTable 1 } CpsCardIdentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpsCardIdentIndex Integer32, cpsCardIdentProd DisplayString, cpsCardIdentMan DisplayString , cpsCardIdentFunc DisplayString, cpsCardIdentPCI DisplayString } cpsCardIdentIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number to identify the socket Card." ::= { cpsCardIdentEntry 1 } cpsCardIdentProd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Product identification string." ::= { cpsCardIdentEntry 2 } cpsCardIdentMan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer ID code." ::= { cpsCardIdentEntry 3 } cpsCardIdentFunc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Function ID code." ::= { cpsCardIdentEntry 4 } cpsCardIdentPCI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PCI ID" ::= { cpsCardIdentEntry 5 } cpsCardConfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpsCardConfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of socket configuration information." ::= { apCPSPcmcia 3 } cpsCardConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpsCardConfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration information for a socket." INDEX { cpsCardConfIndex } ::= { cpsCardConfTable 1 } CpsCardConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpsCardConfIndex Integer32, cpsCardConfPower DisplayString, cpsCardConfType DisplayString, cpsCardConfInter DisplayString, cpsCardConfFunc DisplayString, cpsCardConfCardv DisplayString, cpsCardConfPort1 DisplayString, cpsCardConfPort2 DisplayString } cpsCardConfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number to identify the socket PCMCIA." ::= { cpsCardConfEntry 1 } cpsCardConfPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power Settings." ::= { cpsCardConfEntry 2 } cpsCardConfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface Type." ::= { cpsCardConfEntry 3 } cpsCardConfInter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interrupt number." ::= { cpsCardConfEntry 4 } cpsCardConfFunc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Function." ::= { cpsCardConfEntry 5 } cpsCardConfCardv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Card values." ::= { cpsCardConfEntry 6 } cpsCardConfPort1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "I/O Port 1." ::= { cpsCardConfEntry 7 } cpsCardConfPort2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "I/O Port 2." ::= { cpsCardConfEntry 8 } cpsCardStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpsCardStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of current socket status information." ::= { apCPSPcmcia 4 } cpsCardStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpsCardStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current status information for a socket." INDEX { cpsCardStatusIndex } ::= { cpsCardStatusTable 1 } CpsCardStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpsCardStatusIndex Integer32, cpsCardStatusCard DisplayString, cpsCardStatusFunc DisplayString } cpsCardStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..2) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number to identify the socket PCMCIA." ::= { cpsCardStatusEntry 1 } cpsCardStatusCard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current Card State." ::= { cpsCardStatusEntry 2 } cpsCardStatusFunc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current Function." ::= { cpsCardStatusEntry 3 } apCPSFlashSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total amount of flash memory in Mbytes." ::= {cpsAP930xSys 5} apCPSRAMSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total amount of RAM in Mbytes." ::= {cpsAP930xSys 6} apCPSCPUfreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPU clock in MHz." ::= {cpsAP930xSys 7} apCPSDevId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The product's identifier." ::= { cpsAP930xSys 8 } -- The console Port Server AP930x configuration group cpsHostName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Host Name." ::= { cpsAP930xConf 1 } cpsConsoleBanner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The console banner." ::= { cpsAP930xConf 2 } cpsMotd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The motd message." ::= { cpsAP930xConf 3 } cpsEthItf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpsAP930xConf 4 } cpsEthDhcpc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0 will indicate DHCP inactive, 1 will indicate DHCP active, 2 will indicate DHCP active and the last parameter is saved." ::= { cpsEthItf 1 } cpsEthIPaddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the IP address of the Ethernet Interface." ::= { cpsEthItf 2 } cpsEthIPmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mask for the Ethernet network." ::= { cpsEthItf 3 } cpsEthMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Maximum Transmission Unit size, which determines whether packets should be broken up." ::= { cpsEthItf 4 } cpsEthIPaddr2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Ethernet secondary IP address." ::= { cpsEthItf 5 } cpsEthIPmask2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Ethernet secondary IP mask." ::= { cpsEthItf 6 } cpsNameService OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpsAP930xConf 5 } cpsResolverOrder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies how host lookups are to be performed. Valid values : empty, 'hosts', 'bind', 'hosts, bind', 'bind, hosts' " ::= { cpsNameService 1 } cpsMultipleIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..3)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Valid values are ON or OFF. If set to ON, the resolve library will return all valid addresses for a host that appears in the /etc/hosts file, instead of only the first. " ::= { cpsNameService 2 } cpsDNSserv OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpsNameService 3 } cpsDNSpriserv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Internet Address (in dot notation) of primary name server that the resolver should query." ::= { cpsDNSserv 1 } cpsDNSsecserv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Internet Address (in dot notation) of secondary name server that the resolver should query." ::= { cpsDNSserv 2 } cpsDNSdomain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Local domain name." ::= { cpsDNSserv 3 } cpsSerialPortConf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpsAP930xConf 6 } cpsSerialGlobal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpsSerialPortConf 1 } cpsSerialInclude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "File used in centralized management." ::= { cpsSerialGlobal 1 } cpsSerialNFS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..50)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote Network File System where data buffering will be written instead of the default directory '/var/run/DB'." ::= { cpsSerialGlobal 2 } cpsSerialLockDir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..50)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The lock directory." ::= { cpsSerialGlobal 3 } cpsSerialRlogin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..50)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Location of the rlogin binary that accepts the -i flag." ::= { cpsSerialGlobal 4 } cpsSerialPppd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..50)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Location of the pppd binary." ::= { cpsSerialGlobal 5 } cpsSerialTelnet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..50)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Location of the telnet application." ::= { cpsSerialGlobal 6 } cpsSerialSsh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..50)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Location of the ssh application." ::= { cpsSerialGlobal 7 } cpsSerialLocalLogins OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter is only necessary when authentication is being performed for a port. This is useful if the Radius authentication server is down. 0 indicates OFF, 1 indicates ON." ::= { cpsSerialGlobal 8 } cpsSerialFacility OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value (0-7) is the Local facility sent to the syslog daemon." ::= { cpsSerialGlobal 9 } cpsSerialDBFacility OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value (0-7) is the Local facility sent to the syslog daemon." ::= { cpsSerialGlobal 10 } cpsSerialGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpsSerialGroupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { cpsSerialGlobal 11 } cpsSerialGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpsSerialGroupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { cpsSerialGroupIndex } ::= { cpsSerialGroupTable 1 } CpsSerialGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpsSerialGroupIndex INTEGER, cpsSerialGroupName DisplayString, cpsSerialGroupUsers DisplayString } cpsSerialGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number to identify the group." ::= { cpsSerialGroupEntry 1 } cpsSerialGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The group name." ::= { cpsSerialGroupEntry 2 } cpsSerialGroupUsers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user's names." ::= { cpsSerialGroupEntry 3 } cpsSerialSpec OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpsSerialPortConf 2 } cpsSerialPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpsSerialPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the specific configuration per serial port." ::= { cpsSerialSpec 1 } cpsSerialPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpsSerialPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "One particular serial port configuration." INDEX { cpsSerialPortNumber } ::= { cpsSerialPortTable 1 } CpsSerialPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpsSerialPortNumber INTEGER, -- 0 == all. X == ttyX sX. cpsSerialPortTty DisplayString, -- associate device cpsSerialPortName DisplayString, -- alias name cpsSerialPortSpeed Integer32, -- physical port configuration cpsSerialPortDataSize Integer32, cpsSerialPortStopBits Integer32, cpsSerialPortParity DisplayString, cpsSerialPortFlowCtrl DisplayString, cpsSerialPortDTRdelay Integer32, cpsSerialPortDCDCtrl INTEGER, cpsSerialPortLogUtmp INTEGER, -- log into UTMP cpsSerialPortLogWtmp INTEGER, -- log into WTMP cpsSerialPortLogform DisplayString, cpsSerialPortAuthtype DisplayString, -- authentication type cpsSerialPortAuthSrv1 IpAddress, -- IP address of the primary authentication server cpsSerialPortAccSrv1 IpAddress, -- IP address of the primary accounting server cpsSerialPortAuthTmo Integer32, -- time out per authentication query cpsSerialPortAuthRetr Integer32, -- authentication number of retries cpsSerialPortAuthSrv2 IpAddress, -- IP address of the secondary authentication server cpsSerialPortAccSrv2 IpAddress, -- IP address of the secondary accounting server cpsSerialPortAuthSecret DisplayString, -- secret used in authentication cpsSerialPortAuthRadP INTEGER, -- accept RADIUS' user without password cpsSerialPortAuthAcc DisplayString, -- access restriction on Users cpsSerialPortProtocol DisplayString, -- Profile cpsSerialPortRemoteIP DisplayString, -- remote IP address cpsSerialPortSocketPort DisplayString, -- number of socket port cpsSerialPortRemHost IpAddress, -- IP address of the remote Host cpsSerialPortBanner DisplayString, -- Banner cpsSerialPortPrompt DisplayString, -- Login prompt cpsSerialPortTermType DisplayString, -- terminal type cpsSerialPortAutomUsr DisplayString, -- automatic user cpsSerialPortNetMask IpAddress, -- net mask cpsSerialPortPppMtu Integer32, cpsSerialPortPppMru Integer32, cpsSerialPortPppOptions DisplayString, cpsSerialPortPppFoption DisplayString, cpsSerialPortModemChat DisplayString, -- initchat send to modem cpsSerialPortSttyCmd DisplayString, cpsSerialPortSockTx Integer32, -- socket transmission interval cpsSerialPortSockPoll Integer32, -- socket polling interval cpsSerialPortSockIdle Integer32, -- socket idle timeout cpsSerialPortDBsize Integer32, -- maximum size of the data buffering file cpsSerialPortDBtime INTEGER, -- data buffering with/without timestamp cpsSerialPortDBmode DisplayString, -- data bufferinf mode circ or line cpsSerialPortDBsyslog Integer32, -- size of the data send to syslog cpsSerialPortDBmenu INTEGER, -- menu of the data buffering cpsSerialPortDBalarm INTEGER, -- use alarm generating feature cpsSerialPortSSHbreak DisplayString, -- break sequence (SSH) cpsSerialPortSniffSess DisplayString, -- sniff session type cpsSerialPortSniffAdm DisplayString, -- admin users to sniff cpsSerialPortSniffEsc DisplayString, -- escape char to sniff session cpsSerialPortSniffMsess DisplayString, -- multiple session cpsSerialPortTelnetMode INTEGER, -- telnet client mode cpsSerialPortSysBufSess INTEGER, -- syslog buffering at all times cpsSerialPortLFSuppress INTEGER, -- LF suppression in socket_server session cpsSerialPortAutoInput DisplayString, -- Input string to auto answer cpsSerialPortAutoOutput DisplayString, -- Output string to auto answer cpsSerialPortBreakInterval Integer32 -- Break interval (in ms) } cpsSerialPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number to identify the serial port. Value 0 is ALL." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 1 } cpsSerialPortTty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..25)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The device name for the serial port." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 2 } cpsSerialPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alias name given to the server connected to the serial port." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 3 } cpsSerialPortSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The speed of the serial port. Supported values are: 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, and 460800" ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 4 } cpsSerialPortDataSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (4..8) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The data size for the serial port." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 5 } cpsSerialPortStopBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of stop bits for the serial port." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 6 } cpsSerialPortParity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..5)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The parity for the serial port." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 7 } cpsSerialPortFlowCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..5)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The flow control for the serial port." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 8 } cpsSerialPortDTRdelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This specifies how long (in milliseconds) a DTR signal will be turned off before it is turned on again." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 9 } cpsSerialPortDCDCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DCD signal controls the connection request. 0 will indicate nocontrol, 1 will indicate control." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 10 } cpsSerialPortLogUtmp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Update the login records in /var/run/utmp file. 0 will indicate inactive, 1 will indicate active." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 11 } cpsSerialPortLogWtmp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Update the login records in /var/run/wtmp file. 0 will indicate inactive, 1 will indicate active." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 12 } cpsSerialPortLogform OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the format to write the login record." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 13 } cpsSerialPortAuthtype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..25)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Authentication type." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 14 } cpsSerialPortAuthSrv1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP address of the primary authentication server." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 15 } cpsSerialPortAccSrv1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP address of the primary accounting server." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 16 } cpsSerialPortAuthTmo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the timeout (in seconds) for the authentication query to be answered." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 17 } cpsSerialPortAuthRetr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This defines the number of times each server is tried before another is contacted." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 18 } cpsSerialPortAuthSrv2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP address of the secondary authentication server." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 19 } cpsSerialPortAccSrv2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP address of the secondary accounting server." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 20 } cpsSerialPortAuthSecret OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the shared secret with authentication servers." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 21 } cpsSerialPortAuthRadP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radius state. 0 will indicate inactive, 1 will indicate active." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 22 } cpsSerialPortAuthAcc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Access restriction." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 23 } cpsSerialPortProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the serial port's protocol." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 24 } cpsSerialPortRemoteIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the default IP address of the serial port." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 25 } cpsSerialPortSocketPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This defines an alternative labeling system for the serial port." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 26 } cpsSerialPortRemHost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the host to which the serial port will connect." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 27 } cpsSerialPortBanner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..250)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This defines the banner." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 28 } cpsSerialPortPrompt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..250)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This defines the login prompt to the serial port." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 29 } cpsSerialPortTermType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This defines the terminal type." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 30 } cpsSerialPortAutomUsr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This defines the automatic user." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 31 } cpsSerialPortNetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The network mask used in dial in connection." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 32 } cpsSerialPortPppMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PPP MTU - dial in connection." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 33 } cpsSerialPortPppMru OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PPP MRU - dial in connection." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 34 } cpsSerialPortPppOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PPP options when the PPP session is autodetected." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 35 } cpsSerialPortPppFoption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PPP forced options when the user has already been authenticated." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 36 } cpsSerialPortModemChat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The initchat send to modem connected." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 37 } cpsSerialPortSttyCmd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..180)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The tty settings after socket connection is established." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 38 } cpsSerialPortSockTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the delay (in milliseconds) before transmission to the Ethernet of data received through a serial port." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 39 } cpsSerialPortSockPoll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Keep-alive timer (milliseconds) for the TCP connection." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 40 } cpsSerialPortSockIdle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The idle timeout in seconds." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 41 } cpsSerialPortDBsize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum size of the data buffering file." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 42 } cpsSerialPortDBtime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Timestamp in data buffering. 0 will indicate inactive, 1 will indicate active." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 43 } cpsSerialPortDBmode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..5)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Data buffering mode : circ or line." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 44 } cpsSerialPortDBsyslog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Size of the data buffer sent to syslog." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 45 } cpsSerialPortDBmenu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Menu type for data buffering. 0 will indicate display Menu, 1 will indicate inactive, 2 will indicate DB, 3 will indicate Parc." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 46 } cpsSerialPortDBalarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm generation status. 0 will indicate inactive, 1 will indicate active." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 47 } cpsSerialPortSSHbreak OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Break sequence - ssh session." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 48 } cpsSerialPortSniffSess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..5)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sniff session type." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 49 } cpsSerialPortSniffAdm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of admin users allowed to sniff session." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 50 } cpsSerialPortSniffEsc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Escape sequence used in sniff session." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 51 } cpsSerialPortSniffMsess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 52 } cpsSerialPortTelnetMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mode negotiated by client telnet with the server. 0 will indicate text, 1 will indicate binary." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 53 } cpsSerialPortSysBufSess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Syslog Buffering at all times. 0 will indicate yes, 1 will indicate no." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 54 } cpsSerialPortLFSuppress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "LF suppression in socket_server session. 0 will indicate inactive, 1 will indicate active." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 55 } cpsSerialPortAutoInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input string used for auto answer." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 56 } cpsSerialPortAutoOutput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output string used for auto answer." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 57 } cpsSerialPortBreakInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The break interval in milliseconds." ::= { cpsSerialPortEntry 58 } -- The console Port Server AP930x information group cpsInfoSerialPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpsInfoSerialPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the information of the specific serial port." ::= { cpsAP930xInfo 1 } cpsInfoSerialPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpsInfoSerialPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "One particular serial port." INDEX { cpsInfoSerialPortNumber } ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortTable 1 } CpsInfoSerialPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpsInfoSerialPortNumber INTEGER, -- X == ttyX sX. cpsInfoSerialPortTty DisplayString, -- associate device cpsInfoSerialPortName DisplayString, -- alias name cpsInfoSerialPortSpeed Integer32, cpsInfoSerialPortTxBytes Integer32, cpsInfoSerialPortRXBytes Integer32, cpsInfoSerialPortErrFrame Integer32, cpsInfoSerialPortErrParity Integer32, cpsInfoSerialPortErrBreaks Integer32, cpsInfoSerialPortErrOverrun Integer32, cpsInfoSerialPortSigDTR INTEGER, cpsInfoSerialPortSigCD INTEGER, cpsInfoSerialPortSigDSR INTEGER, cpsInfoSerialPortSigRTS INTEGER, cpsInfoSerialPortSigCTS INTEGER, cpsInfoSerialPortSigRI INTEGER } cpsInfoSerialPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number to identify the serial port." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 1 } cpsInfoSerialPortTty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The device name for the serial port." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 2 } cpsInfoSerialPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alias name given to the server connected to the serial port." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 3 } cpsInfoSerialPortSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The speed for serial port." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 4 } cpsInfoSerialPortTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of transmitted bytes by the serial port." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 5 } cpsInfoSerialPortRXBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of received bytes by the serial port." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 6 } cpsInfoSerialPortErrFrame OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of frame errors." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 7 } cpsInfoSerialPortErrParity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of parity errors." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 8 } cpsInfoSerialPortErrBreaks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of breaks errors." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 9 } cpsInfoSerialPortErrOverrun OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of overrun errors." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 10 } cpsInfoSerialPortSigDTR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the DTR signal. 0 will indicate down, 1 will indicate up." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 11 } cpsInfoSerialPortSigCD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the DCD signal. 0 will indicate down, 1 will indicate up." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 12 } cpsInfoSerialPortSigDSR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the DSR signal. 0 will indicate down, 1 will indicate up." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 13 } cpsInfoSerialPortSigRTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the RTS signal. 0 will indicate down, 1 will indicate up." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 14 } cpsInfoSerialPortSigCTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the CTS signal. 0 will indicate down, 1 will indicate up." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 15 } cpsInfoSerialPortSigRI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the RI signal. 0 will indicate down, 1 will indicate up." ::= { cpsInfoSerialPortEntry 16 } -- The console Port Server AP930x administrative group apCPSSave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Exec saveconf command. 0 will indicate don't save, 1 will indicate save." ::= { cpsAP930xAdm 1 } apCPSSerialHUP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Exec signal_ras hup command. 0 will indicate no restart, 1 will indicate restart." ::= { cpsAP930xAdm 2 } -- the access PX group accessPXIdentAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Access PX alarm status 1 = Normal 2 = Warning 3 = Critical." ::= { accessPXIdent 1 } accessPXIdentProductNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The product number of the Access PX." ::= { accessPXIdent 2 } accessPXIdentHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision number of the Access PX." ::= { accessPXIdent 3 } accessPXIdentDateOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date of manufacture of the Access PX." ::= { accessPXIdent 4 } accessPXIdentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the Access PX." ::= { accessPXIdent 5 } accessPXConfigCardReaderEnableDisableAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Action to disable/enable the card reader." ::= { accessPXConfig 1 } accessPXConfigAutoRelockTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time (10 - 60) in seconds when the door will automatically relock after it has been unlocked and the handle has not been opened." ::= { accessPXConfig 2 } accessPXConfigCardFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hidStd26 (1), hid37Bit (2), hid37BitWithFacility (3), hidCorp1000 (4), mifareclassic4b (5), mifareclassic7b (6), mifaredesfire (7), mifareplus (8), iCLASS8b (9) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates and controls the various card format." ::= { accessPXConfig 3 } accessPXConfigFrontDoorLockControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unlock (1), lock (2), notInstalledReadOnly (3), disconnectedReadOnly (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Control action (unlock, lock) for the front door. Setting this OID will unlock or lock the front door. Getting this OID will respond with the current state of the front door lock which could be 1 = unlocked, 2 = locked, 3 = not installed, 4 = disconnected." ::= { accessPXConfigFront 1 } accessPXConfigFrontDoorMaxOpenTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time in minutes, (1 - 120), that the front door can be allowed to remain open without generating an alarm condition." ::= { accessPXConfigFront 2 } accessPXStatusFrontDoorLock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unlocked (1), locked (2), notInstalled (3), disconnected (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Present state of the front door lock: unlocked, locked, not installed, or disconnected." ::= { accessPXStatusFront 1 } accessPXStatusFrontDoor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2), notInstalled (3), disconnected (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Present state of the front door: open, closed, not installed, or disconnected." ::= { accessPXStatusFront 2 } accessPXStatusFrontDoorHandle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2), notInstalled (3), disconnected (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Present state of the front door handle: open, closed, not installed, or disconnected." ::= { accessPXStatusFront 3 } accessPXStatusFrontDoorMaxOpenTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time in minutes, (1 - 120), that the front door can be allowed to remain open without generating an alarm condition." ::= { accessPXStatusFront 4 } accessPXStatusFrontDoorAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Front door alarm status 1 = Normal 2 = Warning 3 = Critical 4 = Front door not installed." ::= { accessPXStatusFront 5 } accessPXConfigRearDoorLockControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unlock (1), lock (2), notInstalledReadOnly (3), disconnectedReadOnly (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Control action (unlock, lock) for the rear door. Setting this OID will unlock or lock the rear door. Getting this OID will respond with the current state of the rear door lock which could be 1 = unlocked, 2 = locked, 3 = not installed, 4 = disconnected." ::= { accessPXConfigRear 1 } accessPXConfigRearDoorMaxOpenTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time in minutes, (1 - 120), that the rear door can be allowed to remain open without generating an alarm condition." ::= { accessPXConfigRear 2 } accessPXStatusRearDoorLock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unlocked (1), locked (2), notInstalled (3), disconnected (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Present state of the rear door lock: unlocked, locked, not installed, or disconnected." ::= { accessPXStatusRear 1 } accessPXStatusRearDoor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2), notInstalled (3), disconnected (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Present state of the rear door: open, closed, not installed, or disconnected." ::= { accessPXStatusRear 2 } accessPXStatusRearDoorHandle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2), notInstalled (3), disconnected (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Present state of the rear door handle: open, closed, not installed, or disconnected." ::= { accessPXStatusRear 3 } accessPXStatusRearDoorMaxOpenTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time in minutes, (1 - 120), that the rear door can be allowed to remain open without generating an alarm condition." ::= { accessPXStatusRear 4 } accessPXStatusRearDoorAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Rear door alarm status 1 = Normal 2 = Warning 3 = Critical 4 = Rear door not installed." ::= { accessPXStatusRear 5 } accessPXConfigBeaconName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A descriptive name for the Beacon." ::= { accessPXConfigBeacon 1 } accessPXConfigBeaconLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A descriptive name for the location of the Beacon." ::= { accessPXConfigBeacon 2 } accessPXConfigBeaconAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { turnOff (1), turnOn (2), notInstalledReadOnly (3), disconnectedReadOnly (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Control action (turnOff, turnOn) for the beacon. Setting this OID will turn the beacon off or on. Getting this OID will respond with the current state which could be 1 = off, 2 = on, 3 = not installed, 4 = disconnected." ::= { accessPXConfigBeacon 3 } accessPXStatusBeaconName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the beacon." ::= { accessPXStatusBeacon 1 } accessPXStatusBeaconLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the location of the beacon." ::= { accessPXStatusBeacon 2 } accessPXStatusBeaconCurrentState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), on (2), notInstalled (3), disconnected (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of the beacon: off, on, not installed, or disconnected." ::= { accessPXStatusBeacon 3 } -- the apcLocalDisplay group apcLocalDisplayIdentDisplayType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noDisplayFound (1), powerviewRM (2), powerviewWW (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Numeric value used to identify the type of display in use." ::= { apcLocalDisplayIdent 1 } apcLocalDisplayIdentModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The model number of the local display." ::= { apcLocalDisplayIdent 2 } apcLocalDisplayIdentFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision number of the local display." ::= { apcLocalDisplayIdent 3 } apcLocalDisplayIdentOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A display-specific string identifying options in the local display." ::= { apcLocalDisplayIdent 4 } apcLocalDisplayIdentDateOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date of manufacture of the local display, if available." ::= { apcLocalDisplayIdent 5 } apcLocalDisplayIdentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the local display, if available." ::= { apcLocalDisplayIdent 6 } apcLocalDisplayConfigAlarmBeeper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { beeperDisabled (1), beeperEnabled (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The alarm beeper setting for the local display. When enabled, the alarm beeper will begin to sound whenever there a new alarm becomes active. The alarm beeper will continue to periodically sound until a key is pressed on the display." ::= { apcLocalDisplayConfig 1 } apcLocalDisplayConfigBeeperVolume OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { beeperDisabled (1), beeperLow (2), beeperMedium (3), beeperHigh (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The volume setting of the beeper on the local display." ::= { apcLocalDisplayConfig 2 } apcLocalDisplayConfigCheckLogIndicator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { checklogNotPresent (1), checklogDisabled (2), checklogInformational (3), checklogWarning (4), checklogCritical (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum level event severity level required to illuminate the check log light on the local display. notPresent (1) indicates that the display does not have a check log light." ::= { apcLocalDisplayConfig 3 } apcLocalDisplayConfigKeyClick OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { keyclickDisabled (1), keyclickEnabled (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The key click setting of the local display." ::= { apcLocalDisplayConfig 4 } apcLocalDisplayConfigContrast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { contrast1 (1), contrast2 (2), contrast3 (3), contrast4 (4), contrast5 (5), contrast6 (6), contrast7 (7), contrast8 (8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contrast level of the local display." ::= { apcLocalDisplayConfig 5 } -- the software group -- the powerNetSubAgent group -- the powerNetSoftwareSystem group powerNetSoftwareSystemDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..79)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A brief description of the PowerNet sub-agent." ::= { powerNetSoftwareSystem 1 } powerNetSoftwareOid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The object identifier of the PowerNet sub-agent." ::= { powerNetSoftwareSystem 2 } -- powerNetSmuxPeer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerNetSoftwareOid 1 } -- powerNetDPIPeer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerNetSoftwareOid 2 } powerNetSoftwareSystemUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time that the sub-agent has been running." ::= { powerNetSoftwareSystem 3 } -- powerNetSoftwareConfig group powerNetSoftwareTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of software modules supporting the UPS." ::= { powerNetSoftwareConfig 1 } powerNetSoftwareTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PowerNetSoftwareEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of the software monitoring the UPS." ::= { powerNetSoftwareConfig 2 } powerNetSoftwareEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PowerNetSoftwareEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information on a software module." INDEX { moduleNumber } ::= { powerNetSoftwareTable 1 } PowerNetSoftwareEntry ::= SEQUENCE { moduleNumber INTEGER, moduleName DisplayString, moduleVersion DisplayString, moduleDate DisplayString } moduleNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index into the Software Entry Table" ::= { powerNetSoftwareEntry 1 } moduleName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..79)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the software module." ::= { powerNetSoftwareEntry 2 } moduleVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..8)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of the software module." ::= { powerNetSoftwareEntry 3 } moduleDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..9)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date of the software module represented as mm-dd-yy." ::= { powerNetSoftwareEntry 4 } -- the StruxureWare Operations group serverStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), stopped(2), running(3), running-missing(4), initializing(5), starting(6), disaster-recovery(7), postoffice-inconsistent(8), missing-jgroups(9) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the StruxureWare Operations server: 1: The status of the application server is unknown. Check Webmin and if the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 2: Restart the StruxureWare DC Operation server. If the server was part of a cluster, see the StruxureWare DC Operation User Assistance about rejoining the cluster. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 3: No problem. 4: High availability is lost. The StruxureWare DC Operation Application server is running but one or more nodes are not available. If the StruxureWare DC Operation server is part of a cluster, ensure all nodes are running and there is a network connection between the nodes. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 5: Wait for the StruxureWare DC Operation Application server to initialize. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 6: Wait for the StruxureWare DC Operation Application server to finish starting. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 7: This node is running in Disaster Recovery mode. 8: The JBoss postoffice is currently inconsistent. This may be a temporary issue. If the problem persists for more than 10 minutes, contact Technical Support. 9: The JBoss is missing jgroups. This may be a temporary issue. If the problem persists for more than 10 minutes, contact Technical Support." ::= { struxureWareOperationsStatus 1 } databaseStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), stopped(2), running(3), detached(4), catching-up(5), attaching(6), running-master(7), running-primary-slave(8), running-slave(9), running-alone(10) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the StruxureWare Operations database: 1: The status of the database is unknown. Check Webmin and if the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 2: Restart the StruxureWare DC Operation server. If the server was part of a cluster, see the StruxureWare DC Operation User Assistance about rejoining the cluster. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 3: No problem. 4: High availability is lost. The database is detached from the cluster and does not receive updates. See the StruxureWare DC Operation User Assistance about reattaching the database node to the StruxureWare DC Operation cluster. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 5: The database is catching up with the cluster. Wait for the StruxureWare DC Operation database to retrieve all updates from the master node. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 6: The database is attaching to the cluster. Wait for the StruxureWare Operation database to attach to the cluster. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 7: The database is the master in a cluster. 8: The database is the primary slave in the cluster. All changes on master are synchronously replicated to this node. 9: The database is a secondary slave in the cluster. All changes on master are asynchronously replicated to this node. 10: The database does not replicate its changes to other nodes." ::= { struxureWareOperationsStatus 2 } loadBalancerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), stopped(2), running(3), running-missing(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the StruxureWare Operations load balancer: 1: Load Balancer status is unknown. Check Webmin and if the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 2: Load Balancer stopped. Restart the StruxureWare DC Operation server. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 3: Normal status 4: High availability is lost. The StruxureWare DC Operation Load Balancer is running but one or more nodes are not available. If the StruxureWare DC Operation server is part of a cluster, ensure all nodes are running and there is a network connection between the nodes. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support." ::= { struxureWareOperationsStatus 3 } essentialServicesStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), stopped(2), running(3), time-sync-problems(4), backup-problems(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the StruxureWare Operations essential services: 1: Unknown status. Check Webmin and if the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 2: Essential services are not running on the StruxureWare DC Operation server. Reboot the node and monitor the status page in Webmin. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 3: Normal status 4: The time difference between the StruxureWare DC Operation slave and the master node is too big. Correct the time on the slave to match the time on the master. Consider using an NTP server. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. 5: The last backup that was attempted on the StruxureWare DC Operation server has failed. Make certain that the system can write to the location specified as backup location. This is particularly relevant for network attached storage. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support." ::= { struxureWareOperationsStatus 4 } etlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), running(2), failed(3), paused(4), stopped(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the StruxureWare Operations ETL services: 1: Unknown status. Check the network configuration and the server network settings. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support (http://www.apc.com/go/direct/index.cfm?tag=support). 2: Normal status, 3: ETL Transformations have failed and are subsequently stopped. Investigate the cause of the failure. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support (http://www.apc.com/go/direct/index.cfm?tag=support). 4: ETL Transformations are currently paused. 5: ETL Transformations are currently stopped." ::= { struxureWareOperationsStatus 5 } -- the software group -- the powerChuteNetworkShutdown group -- the pcnsIdent group pcnshostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hostname of the PCNS instance." ::= { pcnsIdent 1 } pcnsVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..9)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of PCNS installed. x.x.x" ::= { pcnsIdent 2 } pcnsOS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of OS PCNS is Installed on." ::= { pcnsIdent 3 } pcnsJavaVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of Java PCNS is running on." ::= { pcnsIdent 4 } -- the software group -- the powerChuteNetworkShutdown group -- the pcnsNetworking group pcnsUIProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { http(1), https(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Web Protocol used to connect to the PCNS UI." ::= { pcnsNetworking 1 } pcnsHttpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port used for PCNS http UI." ::= { pcnsNetworking 2 } pcnsHttpsPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port used for PCNS https UI." ::= { pcnsNetworking 3 } pcnsNetworkConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ipV4(1), ipV6(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration of the TCP Network." ::= { pcnsNetworking 4 } pcnsVirtualInstall OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), hyper-V(2), vmWare(3), nutanixAHV(4), nutanixESXi(5), simpliVity(6), hyperFlex(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Virtualization technology in use by PCNS." ::= { pcnsNetworking 5 } -- the software group -- the powerChuteNetworkShutdown group -- the pcnsNMC group pcnsMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { single(1), redundant(2), parallel(3), advanced(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration mode of the UPS(s) which PCNS is monitoring." ::= { pcnsNMC 1 } pcnsNMCPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port used to connect to all of the Network Management Card(s)." ::= { pcnsNMC 2 } pcnsNMCProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { http(1), https(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Web Protocol used to connect to all of the Network Management Card(s)." ::= { pcnsNMC 3 } pcnsNmcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PCNSNMCEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Network Management Cards in the UPS devices, which PCNS is monitoring to provide safe shutdown." ::= { pcnsNMC 4 } pcnsNmcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PCNSNMCEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Details of the NMC." INDEX { pcnsNmcIndex } ::= { pcnsNmcTable 1 } PCNSNMCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pcnsNmcIndex Gauge, pcnsNmcAddr IpAddress, pcnsNmcOutlet Gauge } pcnsNmcIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of the NMC within PCNS setup." ::= { pcnsNmcEntry 1 } pcnsNmcAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the NMC." ::= { pcnsNmcEntry 2 } pcnsNmcOutlet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Outlet Group which PCNS is enrolled with on the NMC." ::= { pcnsNmcEntry 3 } -- the software group -- the powerChuteNetworkShutdown group -- the pcnsEvents group pcnsPowerFailed OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 1 } pcnsPowerFailedDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsPowerFailed 1 } pcnsPowerFailedEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsPowerFailed 2 } pcnsPowerFailedEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsPowerFailed 3 } pcnsPowerFailedCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsPowerFailed 4 } pcnsPowerFailedCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsPowerFailed 5 } pcnsPowerFailedEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsPowerFailed 6 } pcnsPowerFailedShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsPowerFailed 7 } pcnsPowerRestored OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 2 } pcnsPowerRestoredDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsPowerRestored 1 } pcnsPowerRestoredEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsPowerRestored 2 } pcnsPowerRestoredEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsPowerRestored 3 } pcnsPowerRestoredCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsPowerRestored 4 } pcnsPowerRestoredCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsPowerRestored 5 } pcnsOverload OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 3 } pcnsOverloadDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsOverload 1 } pcnsOverloadEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsOverload 2 } pcnsOverloadEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsOverload 3 } pcnsOverloadCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsOverload 4 } pcnsOverloadCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsOverload 5 } pcnsOverloadEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsOverload 6 } pcnsOverloadShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsOverload 7 } pcnsOverloadSolved OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 4 } pcnsOverloadSolvedDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsOverloadSolved 1 } pcnsOverloadSolvedEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsOverloadSolved 2 } pcnsOverloadSolvedEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsOverloadSolved 3 } pcnsOverloadSolvedCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsOverloadSolved 4 } pcnsOverloadSolvedCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsOverloadSolved 5 } pcnsRunTimeExceeded OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 5 } pcnsRunTimeExceededDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsRunTimeExceeded 1 } pcnsRunTimeExceededEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsRunTimeExceeded 2 } pcnsRunTimeExceededEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsRunTimeExceeded 3 } pcnsRunTimeExceededCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsRunTimeExceeded 4 } pcnsRunTimeExceededCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsRunTimeExceeded 5 } pcnsRunTimeExceededEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsRunTimeExceeded 6 } pcnsRunTimeExceededShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsRunTimeExceeded 7 } pcnsRunTimeWithinRange OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 6 } pcnsRunTimeWithinRangeDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsRunTimeWithinRange 1 } pcnsRunTimeWithinRangeEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsRunTimeWithinRange 2 } pcnsRunTimeWithinRangeEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsRunTimeWithinRange 3 } pcnsRunTimeWithinRangeCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsRunTimeWithinRange 4 } pcnsRunTimeWithinRangeCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsRunTimeWithinRange 5 } pcnsRunTimeBelowThreshold OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 7 } pcnsRunTimeBelowThresholdDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsRunTimeBelowThreshold 1 } pcnspcnsRunTimeBelowThresholdEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsRunTimeBelowThreshold 2 } pcnsRunTimeBelowThresholdEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsRunTimeBelowThreshold 3 } pcnsRunTimeBelowThresholdCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsRunTimeBelowThreshold 4 } pcnsRunTimeBelowThresholdEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsRunTimeBelowThreshold 6 } pcnsRunTimeBelowThresholdCommandFileThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the Runtime Remaining falls below this (seconds), the command file will run." ::= { pcnsRunTimeBelowThreshold 8 } pcnsRunTimeBelowThresholdShutdownThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the Runtime Remaining falls below this (seconds), the shutdown will begin." ::= { pcnsRunTimeBelowThreshold 9 } pcnsRunTimeAboveThreshold OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 8 } pcnsRunTimeAboveThresholdDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsRunTimeAboveThreshold 1 } pcnsRunTimeAboveThresholdEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsRunTimeAboveThreshold 2 } pcnsRunTimeAboveThresholdEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsRunTimeAboveThreshold 3 } pcnsRunTimeAboveThresholdCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsRunTimeAboveThreshold 4 } pcnsRunTimeAboveThresholdCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsRunTimeAboveThreshold 5 } pcnsBatteryDischarged OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 10 } pcnsBatteryDischargedDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsBatteryDischarged 1 } pcnsBatteryDischargedEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsBatteryDischarged 2 } pcnsBatteryDischargedEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBatteryDischarged 3 } pcnsBatteryDischargedCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBatteryDischarged 4 } pcnsBatteryDischargedCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsBatteryDischarged 5 } pcnsBatteryDischargedEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBatteryDischarged 6 } pcnsBatteryDischargedShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsBatteryDischarged 7 } pcnsBatteryChargeInRange OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 11 } pcnsBatteryChargeInRangeDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsBatteryChargeInRange 1 } pcnsBatteryChargeInRangeEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsBatteryChargeInRange 2 } pcnsBatteryChargeInRangeEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBatteryChargeInRange 3 } pcnsBatteryChargeInRangeCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBatteryChargeInRange 4 } pcnsBatteryChargeInRangeCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsBatteryChargeInRange 5 } pcnsFaultBypassEnabled OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 12 } pcnsFaultBypassEnabledDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsFaultBypassEnabled 1 } pcnsFaultBypassEnabledEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsFaultBypassEnabled 2 } pcnsFaultBypassEnabledEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsFaultBypassEnabled 3 } pcnsFaultBypassEnabledCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsFaultBypassEnabled 4 } pcnsFaultBypassEnabledCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsFaultBypassEnabled 5 } pcnsFaultBypassEnabledEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsFaultBypassEnabled 6 } pcnsFaultBypassEnabledShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsFaultBypassEnabled 7 } pcnsBypassEnabled OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 13 } pcnsBypassEnabledDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsBypassEnabled 1 } pcnsBypassEnabledEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsBypassEnabled 2 } pcnsBypassEnabledEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBypassEnabled 3 } pcnsBypassEnabledCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBypassEnabled 4 } pcnsBypassEnabledCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsBypassEnabled 5 } pcnsBypassEnabledEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBypassEnabled 6 } pcnsBypassEnabledShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsBypassEnabled 7 } pcnsBypassManualEnabled OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 14 } pcnsBypassManualEnabledDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsBypassManualEnabled 1 } pcnsBypassManualEnabledEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsBypassManualEnabled 2 } pcnsBypassManualEnabledEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBypassManualEnabled 3 } pcnsBypassManualEnabledCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBypassManualEnabled 4 } pcnsBypassManualEnabledCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsBypassManualEnabled 5 } pcnsBypassManualEnabledEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBypassManualEnabled 6 } pcnsBypassManualEnabledShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsBypassManualEnabled 7 } pcnsBypassDisabled OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 15 } pcnsBypassDisabledDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsBypassDisabled 1 } pcnsBypassDisabledEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsBypassDisabled 2 } pcnsBypassDisabledEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBypassDisabled 3 } pcnsBypassDisabledCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBypassDisabled 4 } pcnsBypassDisabledCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsBypassDisabled 5 } pcnsBypassContactorFailed OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 16 } pcnsBypassContactorFailedDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsBypassContactorFailed 1 } pcnsBypassContactorFailedEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsBypassContactorFailed 2 } pcnsBypassContactorFailedEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBypassContactorFailed 3 } pcnsBypassContactorFailedCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBypassContactorFailed 4 } pcnsBypassContactorFailedCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsBypassContactorFailed 5 } pcnsBypassContactorFailedEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBypassContactorFailed 6 } pcnsBypassContactorFailedShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsBypassContactorFailed 7 } pcnsBypassContactorOk OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 17 } pcnsBypassContactorOkDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsBypassContactorOk 1 } pcnsBypassContactorOkEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsBypassContactorOk 2 } pcnsBypassContactorOkEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBypassContactorOk 3 } pcnsBypassContactorOkCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsBypassContactorOk 4 } pcnsBypassContactorOkCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsBypassContactorOk 5 } pcnsCommunicationLostOnBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 18 } pcnsCommunicationLostOnBatteryDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsCommunicationLostOnBattery 1 } pcnsCommunicationLostOnBatteryEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsCommunicationLostOnBattery 2 } pcnsCommunicationLostOnBatteryEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsCommunicationLostOnBattery 3 } pcnsCommunicationLostOnBatteryCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsCommunicationLostOnBattery 4 } pcnsCommunicationLostOnBatteryCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsCommunicationLostOnBattery 5 } pcnsCommunicationLostOnBatteryEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsCommunicationLostOnBattery 6 } pcnsCommunicationLostOnBatteryShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsCommunicationLostOnBattery 7 } pcnsCommunicationLost OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 19 } pcnsCommunicationLostDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsCommunicationLost 1 } pcnsCommunicationLostEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsCommunicationLost 2 } pcnsCommunicationLostEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsCommunicationLost 3 } pcnsCommunicationLostCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsCommunicationLost 4 } pcnsCommunicationLostCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsCommunicationLost 5 } pcnsCommunicationLostEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsCommunicationLost 6 } pcnsCommunicationLostShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsCommunicationLost 7 } pcnsNetCommunicationLost OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 20 } pcnsNetCommunicationLostDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsNetCommunicationLost 1 } pcnsNetCommunicationLostEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsNetCommunicationLost 2 } pcnsNetCommunicationLostEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsNetCommunicationLost 3 } pcnsNetCommunicationLostCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsNetCommunicationLost 4 } pcnsNetCommunicationLostCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsNetCommunicationLost 5 } pcnsNetCommunicationLostEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsNetCommunicationLost 6 } pcnsNetCommunicationLostShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsNetCommunicationLost 7 } pcnsCommunicationEstablished OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 21 } pcnsCommunicationEstablishedDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsCommunicationEstablished 1 } pcnsCommunicationEstablishedEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsCommunicationEstablished 2 } pcnsCommunicationEstablishedEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsCommunicationEstablished 3 } pcnsCommunicationEstablishedCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsCommunicationEstablished 4 } pcnsCommunicationEstablishedCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsCommunicationEstablished 5 } pcnsMinRedundancyLost OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 22 } pcnsMinRedundancyLostDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsMinRedundancyLost 1 } pcnsMinRedundancyLostEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsMinRedundancyLost 2 } pcnsMinRedundancyLostEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMinRedundancyLost 3 } pcnsMinRedundancyLostCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMinRedundancyLost 4 } pcnsMinRedundancyLostCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsMinRedundancyLost 5 } pcnsMinRedundancyLostEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMinRedundancyLost 6 } pcnsMinRedundancyLostShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsMinRedundancyLost 7 } pcnsMinRedundancyRegained OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 23 } pcnsMinRedundancyRegainedDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsMinRedundancyRegained 1 } pcnsMinRedundancyRegainedEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsMinRedundancyRegained 2 } pcnsMinRedundancyRegainedEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMinRedundancyRegained 3 } pcnsMinRedundancyRegainedCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMinRedundancyRegained 4 } pcnsMinRedundancyRegainedCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsMinRedundancyRegained 5 } pcnsParallelRedundancyLost OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 24 } pcnsParallelRedundancyLostDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsParallelRedundancyLost 1 } pcnsParallelRedundancyLostEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsParallelRedundancyLost 2 } pcnsParallelRedundancyLostEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsParallelRedundancyLost 3 } pcnsParallelRedundancyLostCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsParallelRedundancyLost 4 } pcnsParallelRedundancyLostCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsParallelRedundancyLost 5 } pcnsParallelRedundancyLostEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsParallelRedundancyLost 6 } pcnsParallelRedundancyLostShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsParallelRedundancyLost 7 } pcnsParallelRedundancyRegained OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 25 } pcnsParallelRedundancyRegainedDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsParallelRedundancyRegained 1 } pcnsParallelRedundancyRegainedEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsParallelRedundancyRegained 2 } pcnsParallelRedundancyRegainedEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsParallelRedundancyRegained 3 } pcnsParallelRedundancyRegainedCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsParallelRedundancyRegained 4 } pcnsParallelRedundancyRegainedCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsParallelRedundancyRegained 5 } pcnsMaxInternalTempExceeded OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 26 } pcnsMaxInternalTempExceededDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsMaxInternalTempExceeded 1 } pcnsMaxInternalTempExceededEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsMaxInternalTempExceeded 2 } pcnsMaxInternalTempExceededEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMaxInternalTempExceeded 3 } pcnsMaxInternalTempExceededCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMaxInternalTempExceeded 4 } pcnsMaxInternalTempExceededCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsMaxInternalTempExceeded 5 } pcnsMaxInternalTempExceededEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMaxInternalTempExceeded 6 } pcnsMaxInternalTempExceededShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsMaxInternalTempExceeded 7 } pcnsMaxInternalTempInRange OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 27 } pcnsMaxInternalTempInRangeDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsMaxInternalTempInRange 1 } pcnsMaxInternalTempInRangeEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsMaxInternalTempInRange 2 } pcnsMaxInternalTempInRangeEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMaxInternalTempInRange 3 } pcnsMaxInternalTempInRangeCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMaxInternalTempInRange 4 } pcnsMaxInternalTempInRangeCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsMaxInternalTempInRange 5 } pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLost OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 28 } pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLostDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLost 1 } pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLostEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLost 2 } pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLostEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLost 3 } pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLostCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLost 4 } pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLostCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLost 5 } pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLostEnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLost 6 } pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLostShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsMinLoadCapabilityLost 7 } pcnsMinLoadCapabilityRegained OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 29 } pcnsMinLoadCapabilityRegainedDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsMinLoadCapabilityRegained 1 } pcnsMinLoadCapabilityRegainedEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsMinLoadCapabilityRegained 2 } pcnsMinLoadCapabilityRegainedEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMinLoadCapabilityRegained 3 } pcnsMinLoadCapabilityRegainedCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsMinLoadCapabilityRegained 4 } pcnsMinLoadCapabilityRegainedCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsMinLoadCapabilityRegained 5 } -- PCNS Environmental Monitoring Card Events pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationEstablished OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 30 } pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationEstablishedDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationEstablished 1 } pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationEstablishedEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationEstablished 2 } pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationEstablishedEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationEstablished 3 } pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationEstablishedCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationEstablished 4 } pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationEstablishedCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationEstablished 5 } pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationLost OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 31 } pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationLostDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationLost 1 } pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationLostEnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationLost 2 } pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationLostEnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationLost 3 } pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationLostCommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationLost 4 } pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationLostCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsEnvironmentCommunicationLost 5 } pcnsTempInRangeProbe1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 32 } pcnsTempInRangeProbe1Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsTempInRangeProbe1 1 } pcnsTempInRangeProbe1EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsTempInRangeProbe1 2 } pcnsTempInRangeProbe1EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsTempInRangeProbe1 3 } pcnsTempInRangeProbe1CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsTempInRangeProbe1 4 } pcnsTempInRangeProbe1CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsTempInRangeProbe1 5 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 33 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1 1 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1 2 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1 3 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1 4 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1 5 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1EnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1 6 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1ShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe1 7 } pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 34 } pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe1Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe1 1 } pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe1EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe1 2 } pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe1EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe1 3 } pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe1CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe1 4 } pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe1CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe1 5 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 35 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1 1 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1 2 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1 3 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1 4 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1 5 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1EnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1 6 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1ShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe1 7 } pcnsTempInRangeProbe2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 36 } pcnsTempInRangeProbe2Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsTempInRangeProbe2 1 } pcnsTempInRangeProbe2EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsTempInRangeProbe2 2 } pcnsTempInRangeProbe2EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsTempInRangeProbe2 3 } pcnsTempInRangeProbe2CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsTempInRangeProbe2 4 } pcnsTempInRangeProbe2CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsTempInRangeProbe2 5 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 37 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2 1 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2 2 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2 3 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2 4 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2 5 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2EnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2 6 } pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2ShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsTempOutOfRangeProbe2 7 } pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 38 } pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe2Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe2 1 } pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe2EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe2 2 } pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe2EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe2 3 } pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe2CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe2 4 } pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe2CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsHumidityInRangeProbe2 5 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 39 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2 1 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2 2 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2 3 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2 4 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2 5 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2EnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2 6 } pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2ShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsHumidityOutOfRangeProbe2 7 } pcnsContactFault1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 40 } pcnsContactFault1Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsContactFault1 1 } pcnsContactFault1EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsContactFault1 2 } pcnsContactFault1EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactFault1 3 } pcnsContactFault1CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactFault1 4 } pcnsContactFault1CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsContactFault1 5 } pcnsContactFault1EnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactFault1 6 } pcnsContactFault1ShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsContactFault1 7 } pcnsContactFault2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 41 } pcnsContactFault2Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsContactFault2 1 } pcnsContactFault2EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsContactFault2 2 } pcnsContactFault2EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactFault2 3 } pcnsContactFault2CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactFault2 4 } pcnsContactFault2CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsContactFault2 5 } pcnsContactFault2EnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactFault2 6 } pcnsContactFault2ShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsContactFault2 7 } pcnsContactFault3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 42 } pcnsContactFault3Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsContactFault3 1 } pcnsContactFault3EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsContactFault3 2 } pcnsContactFault3EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactFault3 3 } pcnsContactFault3CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactFault3 4 } pcnsContactFault3CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsContactFault3 5 } pcnsContactFault3EnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactFault3 6 } pcnsContactFault3ShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsContactFault3 7 } pcnsContactFault4 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 43 } pcnsContactFault4Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsContactFault4 1 } pcnsContactFault4EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsContactFault4 2 } pcnsContactFault4EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactFault4 3 } pcnsContactFault4CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactFault4 4 } pcnsContactFault4CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsContactFault4 5 } pcnsContactFault4EnableShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a graceful shutdown of the server when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactFault4 6 } pcnsContactFault4ShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before performing a graceful shutdown of the server (seconds)." ::= { pcnsContactFault4 7 } pcnsContactNormal1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 44 } pcnsContactNormal1Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsContactNormal1 1 } pcnsContactNormal1EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsContactNormal1 2 } pcnsContactNormal1EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactNormal1 3 } pcnsContactNormal1CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactNormal1 4 } pcnsContactNormal1CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsContactNormal1 5 } pcnsContactNormal2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 45 } pcnsContactNormal2Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsContactNormal2 1 } pcnsContactNormal2EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsContactNormal2 2 } pcnsContactNormal2EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactNormal2 3 } pcnsContactNormal2CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactNormal2 4 } pcnsContactNormal2CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsContactNormal2 5 } pcnsContactNormal3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 46 } pcnsContactNormal3Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsContactNormal3 1 } pcnsContactNormal3EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsContactNormal3 2 } pcnsContactNormal3EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactNormal3 3 } pcnsContactNormal3CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactNormal3 4 } pcnsContactNormal3CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsContactNormal3 5 } pcnsContactNormal4 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pcnsEvents 47 } pcnsContactNormal4Desc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Description of the event." ::= { pcnsContactNormal4 1 } pcnsContactNormal4EnableLogging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Log occurrences of this event in PCNS log." ::= { pcnsContactNormal4 2 } pcnsContactNormal4EnableCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Execute a command file when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactNormal4 3 } pcnsContactNormal4CommandFilePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Path of command file to execute when this event occurs." ::= { pcnsContactNormal4 4 } pcnsContactNormal4CommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long to wait after event occurs before executing command file (seconds)." ::= { pcnsContactNormal4 5 } -- the software group -- the powerChuteNetworkShutdown group -- the pcnsShutdown group pcnsShutdownCommandFileEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Run a shutdown command file before performing graceful shutdown." ::= { pcnsShutdown 1 } pcnsShutdownCommandFileDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long in seconds to wait before running a shutdown command file before graceful shutdown." ::= { pcnsShutdown 2 } pcnsShutdownCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Full name of the shutdown command file to run before graceful shutdown." ::= { pcnsShutdown 3 } pcnsShutdownCommandFileDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long in seconds shutdown command file takes to run." ::= { pcnsShutdown 4 } pcnsTurnOffUps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn off the UPS when performing a graceful shutdown." ::= { pcnsShutdown 5 } pcnsTurnOffSOG OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn off the Outlet Group on the UPS when performing a graceful shutdown." ::= { pcnsShutdown 6 } pcnsRuntimeRemainingThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This defines a threshold for runtime remaining. When the UPS is running on battery power and the runtime remaining on the UPS drops below the threshold, PowerChute will trigger a shutdown sequence." ::= { pcnsShutdown 7 } pcnsRuntimeRemainingCmdFileThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This defines a threshold for runtime remaining. When runtime remaining drops below this threshold, PowerChute will execute the command file." ::= { pcnsShutdown 8 } pcnsAdvancedShutdownTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PCNSAdvancedShutdownEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Network Management Cards in the UPS devices, which PCNS is monitoring to provide safe shutdown." ::= { pcnsShutdown 9 } pcnsAdvancedShutdownEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PCNSAdvancedShutdownEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Details of the NMC." INDEX { pcnsAdvancedGroupNo } ::= { pcnsAdvancedShutdownTable 1 } PCNSAdvancedShutdownEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pcnsAdvancedGroupNo Gauge, pcnsAdvancedGroupName DisplayString, pcnsAdvancedGroupNMC DisplayString, pcnsAdvancedShutdownUPSRequiredForLoad INTEGER, pcnsAdvancedShutdownCommandFileEnabled INTEGER, pcnsAdvancedShutdownCommandFile DisplayString, pcnsAdvancedShutdownCommandFileDuration INTEGER, pcnsAdvancedShutdownPowerchuteServer INTEGER, pcnsAdvancedShutdownOnLostRedundancy INTEGER, pcnsAdvancedTurnOffUps INTEGER, pcnsAdvancedTurnOffSOG INTEGER } pcnsAdvancedGroupNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of the Advanced Shutdown Group." ::= { pcnsAdvancedShutdownEntry 1 } pcnsAdvancedGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the Advanced Shutdown Group." ::= { pcnsAdvancedShutdownEntry 2 } pcnsAdvancedGroupNMC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of NMCs in the Advanced Shutdown Group." ::= { pcnsAdvancedShutdownEntry 3 } pcnsAdvancedShutdownUPSRequiredForLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of UPS devices required to power load." ::= { pcnsAdvancedShutdownEntry 4 } pcnsAdvancedShutdownCommandFileEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Run a shutdown command file before performing graceful shutdown." ::= { pcnsAdvancedShutdownEntry 5 } pcnsAdvancedShutdownCommandFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Full name of the shutdown command file to run before graceful shutdown." ::= { pcnsAdvancedShutdownEntry 6 } pcnsAdvancedShutdownCommandFileDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How long in seconds shutdown command file takes to run." ::= { pcnsAdvancedShutdownEntry 7 } pcnsAdvancedShutdownPowerchuteServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shut down PowerChute Server." ::= { pcnsAdvancedShutdownEntry 8 } pcnsAdvancedShutdownOnLostRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shut down if Redundancy lost." ::= { pcnsAdvancedShutdownEntry 9 } pcnsAdvancedTurnOffUps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn off the UPS when performing a graceful shutdown." ::= { pcnsAdvancedShutdownEntry 10 } pcnsAdvancedTurnOffSOG OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn off the Outlet Group on the UPS when performing a graceful shutdown." ::= { pcnsAdvancedShutdownEntry 11 } -- the software group -- the powerChuteNetworkShutdown group -- the pcnsAlarms group pcnsCriticalFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), clear (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PowerChute Network Shutdown has begun a safe shutdown of the host." ::= { pcnsAlarms 1 } pcnsCriticalCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The reason PowerChute Network Shutdown has begun a safe shutdown." ::= { pcnsAlarms 2 } pcnsNetComsLostFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), clear (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PowerChute cannot communicate with NMC." ::= { pcnsAlarms 3 } pcnsNMCComsLostFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), clear (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "NMC cannot communicate with UPS." ::= { pcnsAlarms 4 } pcnsUpdateAvailableFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), clear (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PowerChute has detected that a newer version is available." ::= { pcnsAlarms 5 } pcnsUpdateDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Details of the newer version of PowerChute." ::= { pcnsAlarms 6 } -- the software group -- the powerChuteBusinessEdition group -- the pcbeIdent group pcbeHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hostname of the PCBE instance." ::= { pcbeIdent 1 } pcbeVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of PCBE installed. x.x.x" ::= { pcbeIdent 2 } pcbeOS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of OS PCBE is installed on." ::= { pcbeIdent 3 } pcbeJavaVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of Java PCBE is running on." ::= { pcbeIdent 4 } pcbeUIProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { http(1), https(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Web Protocol used to connect to the PCBE UI." ::= { pcbeIdent 5 } pcbeHttpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port used for PCBE http UI." ::= { pcbeIdent 6 } pcbeHttpsPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port used for PCBE https UI." ::= { pcbeIdent 7 } -- the software group -- the powerChuteBusinessEdition group -- the pcbeAlarms group pcbeCriticalFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), clear (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PowerChute Business Edition has begun a safe shutdown of the host." ::= { pcbeAlarms 1 } pcbeCriticalCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The reason PowerChute Business Edition has begun a safe shutdown." ::= { pcbeAlarms 2 } pcbeComsLostFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), clear (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If active (1), PowerChute cannot communicate with UPS" ::= { pcbeAlarms 3 } -- pcbeAlarms 4 is deliberately skipped to make this consistent with PCNS pcbeUpdateAvailableFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), clear (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PowerChute has detected that a newer version is available." ::= { pcbeAlarms 5 } pcbeUpdateDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Details of the newer version of PowerChute." ::= { pcbeAlarms 6 } -- the ups group -- the upsIdent group -- the upsBasicIdent upsBasicIdentModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS model name (e.g. 'APC Smart-UPS 600')." ::= { upsBasicIdent 1 } upsBasicIdentName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An 8 byte ID string identifying the UPS. This object can be set by the administrator. For GVS, GPX and GVL products, this string can be up to 32 bytes." ::= { upsBasicIdent 2 } upsBasicIdentFamilyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS model family name for the product." ::= { upsBasicIdent 3 } upsBasicIdentModelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The detailed model information of the system." ::= { upsBasicIdent 4 } -- the upsAdvIdent group upsAdvIdentFirmwareRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the UPS system's microprocessor." ::= { upsAdvIdent 1 } upsAdvIdentDateOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date when the UPS was manufactured in mm/dd/yy (or yyyy) format." ::= { upsAdvIdent 2 } upsAdvIdentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An 8-character string (between 12 and 15 characters in case of 3 phase UPS) identifying the serial number of the UPS internal microprocessor. This number is set at the factory. NOTE: This number does NOT correspond to the serial number on the rear of the UPS." ::= { upsAdvIdent 3 } upsAdvIdentFirmwareRevision2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of a UPS system co-microprocessor." ::= { upsAdvIdent 4 } upsAdvIdentSkuNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The SKU number of a UPS system." ::= { upsAdvIdent 5 } upsAdvIdentHardwareRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of a UPS system." ::= { upsAdvIdent 6 } upsAdvIdentUpsPhaseConfigType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), threePhaseInOut(2), onePhaseInOut(3), threePhaseInOneOut(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type definition, based on phase configuration. 1 - Unknown 2 - 3 phase in/out 3 - 1 phase in/out 4 - 3 phase in/1 phase out" ::= { upsAdvIdent 7 } upsAdvEnergyStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), vrlaOrWetCells(2), niCdBatteries(3), liIonBatteries(4), noEnergyStorage(5), flywheel(6), ultracaps(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The energy storage type connected to the UPS. It states battery type and battery chemistry. 1 - Unknown 2 - VRLA or wet cells 3 - NiCd batteries 4 - Lithium-ion batteries 5 - No energy storage 6 - Flywheel 7 - Ultracaps" ::= { upsAdvIdent 8 } upsAdvIdentApparentPowerRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The apparent power rating of the UPS in Volt-Amps." ::= { upsAdvIdent 9 } -- the upsBattery group -- the upsBasicBattery group upsBasicBatteryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), batteryNormal(2), batteryLow(3), batteryInFaultCondition(4), noBatteryPresent(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the UPS batteries. A batteryLow(3) value indicates the UPS will be unable to sustain the current load, and its services will be lost if power is not restored. The amount of run time in reserve at the time of low battery can be configured by the upsAdvConfigLowBatteryRunTime OID. A batteryInFaultCondition(4)value indicates that a battery installed has an internal error condition. noBatteryPresent(5) indicate that no battery is present (no battery, battery breaker open, etc)to perform the battery diagnostic test" ::= { upsBasicBattery 1 } upsBasicBatteryTimeOnBattery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The elapsed time since the UPS has switched to battery power." ::= { upsBasicBattery 2 } upsBasicBatteryLastReplaceDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date when the UPS system's batteries were last replaced in mm/dd/yy (or yyyy) format. For Smart-UPS models, this value is originally set in the factory. When the UPS batteries are replaced, this value should be reset by the administrator. For Symmetra PX 250/500, this OID is read only and is configurable in the local display only. For Gutor modular, the format is YYYY-MM-DD.If not defined return 2000-01-01." ::= { upsBasicBattery 3 } -- the upsAdvBattery group upsAdvBatteryCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The remaining battery capacity expressed in percent of full capacity. If not supported, return 0." ::= { upsAdvBattery 1 } upsAdvBatteryTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current internal UPS temperature expressed in Celsius. Temperatures below zero read as 0. Consider using upsHighPrecExtdBatteryTemperature instead. If not present return maximum temperature value(255)." ::= { upsAdvBattery 2 } upsAdvBatteryRunTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS battery run time remaining before battery exhaustion." ::= { upsAdvBattery 3 } upsAdvBatteryReplaceIndicator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noBatteryNeedsReplacing(1), batteryNeedsReplacing(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the UPS batteries need replacing." ::= { upsAdvBattery 4 } upsAdvBatteryNumOfBattPacks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of external battery packs connected to the UPS. If the UPS does not use smart cells then the agent reports ERROR_NO_SUCH_NAME." ::= { upsAdvBattery 5 } upsAdvBatteryNumOfBadBattPacks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of external battery packs connected to the UPS that are defective. If the UPS does not use smart cells then the agent reports ERROR_NO_SUCH_NAME." ::= { upsAdvBattery 6 } upsAdvBatteryNominalVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal battery voltage in Volts." ::= { upsAdvBattery 7 } upsAdvBatteryActualVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The actual battery bus voltage in Volts. If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsAdvBattery 8 } upsAdvBatteryCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery current in Amps. If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsAdvBattery 9 } upsAdvTotalDCCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total DC current in Amps." ::= { upsAdvBattery 10 } upsAdvBatteryFullCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The full chargeable capacity of the battery which is expressed in percentage." ::= { upsAdvBattery 11 } -- Advanced Battery Voltage Table upsAdvBatteryActualVoltageTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSAdvBatteryActualVoltageEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of battery table entries. The number of battery frames present in UPS." ::= { upsAdvBattery 12 } upsAdvBatteryActualVoltageEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSAdvBatteryActualVoltageEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information applicable to each of the Battery frames." INDEX { upsAdvBatteryActualVoltageTableIndex } ::= { upsAdvBatteryActualVoltageTable 1 } UPSAdvBatteryActualVoltageEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsAdvBatteryActualVoltageTableIndex INTEGER, upsAdvBatteryActualVoltagePolarity INTEGER, upsAdvBatteryFrameActualVoltage INTEGER } upsAdvBatteryActualVoltageTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Battery Frame identifier. Battery Frame index." ::= { upsAdvBatteryActualVoltageEntry 1 } upsAdvBatteryActualVoltagePolarity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { positive (0), negative (1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The selected Battery Voltage Polarity. 0 indicates positive polarity. 1 indicates negative polarity." ::= { upsAdvBatteryActualVoltageEntry 2 } upsAdvBatteryFrameActualVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The actual battery bus voltage in Volts." ::= { upsAdvBatteryActualVoltageEntry 3 } -- Advanced TotalDC Current Table upsAdvTotalDCCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSAdvTotalDCCurrentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of Battery Frame table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of Number of Battery Frames." ::= { upsAdvBattery 13 } upsAdvTotalDCCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSAdvTotalDCCurrentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular Battery Frame." INDEX { upsAdvTotalDCCurrentTableIndex } ::= { upsAdvTotalDCCurrentTable 1 } UPSAdvTotalDCCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsAdvTotalDCCurrentTableIndex INTEGER, upsAdvTotalDCCurrentPolarity INTEGER, upsAdvTotalFrameDCCurrent INTEGER } upsAdvTotalDCCurrentTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Battery Frame identifier. Total DC Current Table Index." ::= { upsAdvTotalDCCurrentEntry 1 } upsAdvTotalDCCurrentPolarity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { positive (0), negative (1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The selected Battery Current Polarity. 0 indicates positive polarity. 1 indicates negative polarity." ::= { upsAdvTotalDCCurrentEntry 2 } upsAdvTotalFrameDCCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The Total DC Current of battery in Amperes." ::= { upsAdvTotalDCCurrentEntry 3 } -- Advanced Battery Current Table upsAdvBatteryCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSAdvBatteryCurrentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of Battery Frame table entries. The number of entries is given by number of Battery frames present." ::= { upsAdvBattery 14 } upsAdvBatteryCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSAdvBatteryCurrentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular battery frame." INDEX { upsAdvBatteryCurrentTableIndex, upsAdvBatteryCurrentIndex } ::= { upsAdvBatteryCurrentTable 1 } UPSAdvBatteryCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsAdvBatteryCurrentTableIndex INTEGER, upsAdvBatteryCurrentIndex INTEGER, upsAdvBatteryCurrentPolarity INTEGER, upsAdvBatteryFrameCurrent INTEGER } upsAdvBatteryCurrentTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Battery Frame identifier. Battery Current Table Index." ::= { upsAdvBatteryCurrentEntry 1 } upsAdvBatteryCurrentIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery frame identifier." ::= { upsAdvBatteryCurrentEntry 2 } upsAdvBatteryCurrentPolarity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { positive (0), negative (1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The selected Battery current polarity. 0 indicates positive polarity. 1 indicates negative polarity" ::= { upsAdvBatteryCurrentEntry 3 } upsAdvBatteryFrameCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Battery current measured in Amperes" ::= { upsAdvBatteryCurrentEntry 4 } upsAdvBatteryEstimatedChargeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The estimated remaining time required to charge the UPS to a full state of charge." ::= { upsAdvBattery 15 } upsAdvBatteryPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured battery power in kW." ::= { upsAdvBattery 16 } upsAdvBatteryChargerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ok(2), inFaultCondition(3), floatCharging(4), boostCharging(5), resting(6), notCharging(7), equalizationCharging(8), testInProgress(9), cyclicFloatCharging(10) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the battery charger. If the UPS is unable to find the state of charger, this variable is set to unknown(1)." ::= { upsAdvBattery 17 } upsAdvBatteryInternalSKU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The SKU of the internal battery." ::= { upsAdvBattery 19 } upsAdvBatteryExternalSKU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The SKU of the external battery." ::= { upsAdvBattery 20 } upsAdvBatteryRecommendedReplaceDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The recommended replacement date for the battery based on the UPS internal battery life algorithm." ::= { upsAdvBattery 21 } upsAdvBatteryNominalBackupTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the runtime of the user supplied battery in minutes, when battery is new." ::= { upsAdvBattery 22 } upsAdvBatteryCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ unknown(1), ok(2), weak(3), poor(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Health of the battries based on the battery test." ::= { upsAdvBattery 23 } upsAdvBatteryChargingCurrentRestricted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether battery charging current is restricted or not. The value of yes(1) indicates that battery charging current is restricted . The value of no(2) indicates that battery charging current is not restricted." ::= { upsAdvBattery 24 } upsAdvBatteryTotalCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The actual available battery capacity of the system expressed in ampere hours (Ah). The value is updated continuously, for example when battery breakers are opened or closed, or when battery strings/battery blocks are added or removed." ::= { upsAdvBattery 25 } upsAdvBatteryFuseStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fuseOpen(1), fuseOk(2), notPresent(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If battery system has one common fuse for the battery system, the status is given by this value. 1 = Fuse Open 2 = Fuse Ok 3 = Not present" ::= { upsAdvBattery 26 } upsAdvBatteryBreakerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disconnected(1), closed(2), notPresent(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value indicates the aggregated status of the battery breakers in the system. disconnected(1) indicates none of the battery breakers are closed, and the battery system is disconnected closed(2) indicates at least one of the battery breakers in the system is closed notPresent(3) if not present" ::= { upsAdvBattery 27 } upsAdvBatteryWiringConfiguration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { twoWire(1), threeWire(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value indicates the wiring configuration, whether the battery is 2-wire or 3-wire. If it's a 3-wire battery system, the system can have 2 voltages and currents per cabinet. 1 = 2-wire (a non-split battery) 2 = 3-wire (a split battery)" ::= { upsAdvBattery 28 } -- the upsHighPrecBattery group upsHighPrecBatteryCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The remaining battery capacity expressed in tenths of percent of full capacity." ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 1 } upsHighPrecBatteryTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current internal UPS temperature expressed in tenths of degrees Celsius. Temperatures below zero read as 0. Consider using upsHighPrecExtdBatteryTemperature instead. If not present, return maximum temperature value(255)." ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 2 } upsHighPrecBatteryNominalVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal battery voltage in tenths of Volts." ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 3 } upsHighPrecBatteryActualVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The actual battery bus voltage in tenths of Volts." ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 4 } upsHighPrecBatteryCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery current in tenths of Amps. If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 5 } upsHighPrecTotalDCCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total DC current in tenths of Amps." ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 6 } -- High Precision Actual Battery Voltage Table upsHighPrecBatteryActualVoltageTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSHighPrecBatteryActualVoltageEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of Battery frame table entries. The number of entries is given by the number of Battery frames." ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 7 } upsHighPrecBatteryActualVoltageEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSHighPrecBatteryActualVoltageEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular battery frame." INDEX { upsHighPrecBatteryActualVoltageTableIndex } ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryActualVoltageTable 1 } UPSHighPrecBatteryActualVoltageEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsHighPrecBatteryActualVoltageTableIndex INTEGER, upsHighPrecBatteryActualVoltagePolarity INTEGER, upsHighPrecBatteryVoltage INTEGER } upsHighPrecBatteryActualVoltageTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Battery Frame identifier. High Precision Actual Voltage Table Index." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryActualVoltageEntry 1 } upsHighPrecBatteryActualVoltagePolarity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { positive (0), negative (1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The selected Battery Voltage polarity. 0 indicates positive polarity. 1 indicates negative polarity." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryActualVoltageEntry 2 } upsHighPrecBatteryVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The actual battery bus voltage expressed as tenths of Volts. If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryActualVoltageEntry 3 } -- High Precision Total DC Current Table upsHighPrecTotalDCCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSHighPrecTotalDCCurrentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of Battery Frame table entries. The number of entries is given by the number of battery frames." ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 8 } upsHighPrecTotalDCCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSHighPrecTotalDCCurrentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular battery frame." INDEX { upsHighPrecTotalDCCurrentTableIndex } ::= { upsHighPrecTotalDCCurrentTable 1 } UPSHighPrecTotalDCCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsHighPrecTotalDCCurrentTableIndex INTEGER, upsHighPrecTotalDCCurrentPolarity INTEGER, upsHighPrecTotalDCFrameCurrent INTEGER } upsHighPrecTotalDCCurrentTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Battery Frame identifier. High precision Total DC Current index." ::= { upsHighPrecTotalDCCurrentEntry 1 } upsHighPrecTotalDCCurrentPolarity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { positive (0), negative (1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The selected Battery Current polarity. 0 indicates positive polarity. 1 indicates negative polarity." ::= { upsHighPrecTotalDCCurrentEntry 2 } upsHighPrecTotalDCFrameCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total DC current in tenths of Amperes. " ::= { upsHighPrecTotalDCCurrentEntry 3 } -- HighPrec Battery Current Table upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSHighPrecBatteryCurrentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of Battery Frame table entries. The number of entries is given by the number of battery frames." ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 9 } upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSHighPrecBatteryCurrentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular battery frame." INDEX { upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentTableIndex, upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentIndex } ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentTable 1 } UPSHighPrecBatteryCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentTableIndex INTEGER, upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentIndex INTEGER, upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentPolarity INTEGER, upsHighPrecBatteryFrameCurrent INTEGER } upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Battery frame identifier. Battery Frame index." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentEntry 1 } upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Battery frame identifier. Battery Index for each frame." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentEntry 2 } upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentPolarity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { positive (0), negative (1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The selected Battery Current polarity. 0 indicates positive polarity. 1 indicates negative polarity." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentEntry 3 } upsHighPrecBatteryFrameCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Battery current in tenths of Amperes." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryCurrentEntry 4 } -- High Precision Battery Packs upsHighPrecBatteryPacks OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 10 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the upsHighPrecBatteryPacks." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPacks 1 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSHighPrecBatteryPackEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of Battery Pack table entries. The number of entries is given by number of Battery Packs present." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPacks 2 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSHighPrecBatteryPackEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular battery pack." INDEX { upsHighPrecBatteryPackIndex, upsHighPrecBatteryCartridgeIndex } ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackTable 1 } UPSHighPrecBatteryPackEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsHighPrecBatteryPackIndex INTEGER, upsHighPrecBatteryCartridgeIndex INTEGER, upsHighPrecBatteryPackFirmwareRevision DisplayString, upsHighPrecBatteryPackSerialNumber DisplayString, upsHighPrecBatteryPackTemperature INTEGER, upsHighPrecBatteryPackStatus OCTET STRING, upsHighPrecBatteryPackCartridgeHealth OCTET STRING, upsHighPrecBatteryPackCartridgeReplaceDate DisplayString, upsHighPrecBatteryPackCartridgeInstallDate DisplayString, upsHighPrecBatteryPackCartridgeStatus OCTET STRING } upsHighPrecBatteryPackIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery pack identifier." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackEntry 1 } upsHighPrecBatteryCartridgeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery cartridge identifier." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackEntry 2 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackFirmwareRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery pack firmware revision." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackEntry 3} upsHighPrecBatteryPackSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery pack serial number." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackEntry 4} upsHighPrecBatteryPackTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery pack temperature measured in 10ths of degree Celcius" ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackEntry 5 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery status for the pack only. bit 0 Disconnected bit 1 Overvoltage bit 2 NeedsReplacement bit 3 OvertemperatureCritical bit 4 Charger bit 5 TemperatureSensor bit 6 BusSoftStart bit 7 OvertemperatureWarning bit 8 GeneralError bit 9 Communication bit 10 DisconnectedFrame bit 11 FirmwareMismatch " ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackEntry 6 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackCartridgeHealth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery cartridge health. bit 0 Battery lifetime okay bit 1 Battery lifetime near end, order replacement cartridge bit 2 Battery lifetime exceeded, replace battery bit 3 Battery lifetime near end acknowledged, order replacement cartridge bit 4 Battery lifetime exceeded acknowledged, replace battery bit 5 Battery measured lifetime near end, order replacement cartridge bit 6 Battery measured lifetime near end acknowledged, order replacement cartridge " ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackEntry 7} upsHighPrecBatteryPackCartridgeReplaceDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery cartridge estimated battery replace date." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackEntry 8 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackCartridgeInstallDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery cartridge install date." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackEntry 9 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackCartridgeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery cartridge status. bit 0 Disconnected bit 1 Overvoltage bit 2 NeedsReplacement bit 3 OvertemperatureCritical bit 4 Charger bit 5 TemperatureSensor bit 6 BusSoftStart bit 7 OvertemperatureWarning bit 8 GeneralError bit 9 Communication bit 10 DisconnectedFrame bit 11 FirmwareMismatch " ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackEntry 10 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the upsHighPrecBatteryPacks." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPacks 3 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of Battery Pack table entries. The number of entries is given by number of Battery Packs present." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPacks 4 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular battery pack." INDEX { upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyIndex } ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyTable 1 } UPSHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyIndex INTEGER, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyFirmwareRevision DisplayString, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlySerialNumber DisplayString, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyTemperature INTEGER, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyStatus OCTET STRING, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyHealth OCTET STRING, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyReplaceDate DisplayString, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyInstallDate DisplayString, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyManufactureDate DisplayString, upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlySKU DisplayString } upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery pack identifier." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyEntry 1 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyFirmwareRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery pack firmware revision." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyEntry 2} upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlySerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery pack serial number." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyEntry 3} upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery pack temperature measured in 10ths of degree Celcius" ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyEntry 4 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery status for the pack only. bit 0 Disconnected bit 1 Overvoltage bit 2 NeedsReplacement bit 3 OvertemperatureCritical bit 4 Charger bit 5 TemperatureSensor bit 6 BusSoftStart bit 7 OvertemperatureWarning bit 8 GeneralError bit 9 Communication bit 10 DisconnectedFrame bit 11 FirmwareMismatch " ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyEntry 5 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyHealth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery pack health. bit 0 Battery lifetime okay bit 1 Battery lifetime near end, order replacement pack bit 2 Battery lifetime exceeded, replace battery bit 3 Battery lifetime near end acknowledged, order replacement pack bit 4 Battery lifetime exceeded acknowledged, replace battery bit 5 Battery measured lifetime near end, order replacement pack bit 6 Battery measured lifetime near end acknowledged, order replacement pack " ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyEntry 6 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyReplaceDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery pack estimated battery replace date." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyEntry 7 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyInstallDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery pack install date." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyEntry 8 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery pack manufacture date." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyEntry 9 } upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlySKU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery pack SKU." ::= { upsHighPrecBatteryPackOnlyEntry 10 } -- end of High Precision Battery Packs upsHighPrecBatteryHealth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery health. Bit 0 Battery life okay Bit 1 Battery life near end, order battery cartridge Bit 2 Battery life exceeded, replace battery cartridge Bit 3 Battery life near end acknowledged, order battery cartridge Bit 4 Battery life exceeded acknowledged, replace battery cartridge Bit 5 Battery measured life near end, order battery cartridge Bit 6 Battery measured life near end acknowledged, order battery cartridge" ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 11} upsHighPrecActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Active Power of Battery in tenths of kW" ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 12 } upsHighPrecExtdBatteryTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current internal UPS temperature expressed in tenths of degrees Celsius. Can be negative." ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 13 } upsHighPrecMaximumModuleTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current maximum temperature across all battery modules in tenths of degrees Celsius. Can be negative." ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 14 } upsHighPrecMinimumModuleTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current minimum temperature across all battery modules in tenths of degrees Celsius. Can be negative." ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 15 } upsHighPrecMaximumCellVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current maximum cell voltage in mVDC across all batteries." ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 16 } upsHighPrecMinimumCellVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current minimum cell voltage in mVDC across all batteries." ::= { upsHighPrecBattery 17 } upsBatteryNumberOfCabinets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value indicates the number of battery cabinets in total, internal and external. If the UPS only has internal batteries, that number should be 1. If the UPS has external and internal, the number is 1 + number of external cabinets." ::= { upsBattery 4 } -- Battery Cabinet Table upsBatteryCabinetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSBatteryCabinetEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Table of battery cabinets" ::= { upsBattery 5 } upsBatteryCabinetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSBatteryCabinetEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular battery cabinet." INDEX { upsBatteryCabinetIndex } ::= { upsBatteryCabinetTable 1 } UPSBatteryCabinetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsBatteryCabinetIndex INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetLocalIndex INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetWiringConfiguration INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetVoltagePolarity1 INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetVoltagePolarity2 INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetCurrentPolarity1 INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetCurrentPolarity2 INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetTemperature INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetMaxTemperature INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetMinTemperature INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetAverageTemperature INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetFuse INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetBreaker INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetNumberOfStrings INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetNumberOfVerticalPositions INTEGER, upsBatteryCabinetNumberOfHorizontalPositions INTEGER } upsBatteryCabinetIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The Battery Cabinet identifier. Battery Cabinet Table Index." ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 1 } upsBatteryCabinetLocalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The identification number for the actual battery cabinet in the system. 0 corresponds to the internal batteries 1 and higher corresponds to external battery cabinets" ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 2 } upsBatteryCabinetWiringConfiguration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { twoWire(1), threeWire(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The value indicates the wiring configuration, whether the battery is 2-wire or 3-wire. If it's a 3-wire battery system, the system can have two voltages and currents per cabinet. 1 = 2-wire (a non-split battery) 2 = 3-wire (a split battery)" ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 3 } upsBatteryCabinetVoltagePolarity1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The battery voltage. For a non-split battery, it is the full voltage. For a split battery, the value is the voltage for one side/half of the battery" ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 4 } upsBatteryCabinetVoltagePolarity2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The voltage for the second side/half of the battery in a split battery system. If it is not a split battery, this reports -1" ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 5 } upsBatteryCabinetCurrentPolarity1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The battery current. For a non-split battery, it is the full current. For a split battery, the value is the current for one side/half of the battery" ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 6 } upsBatteryCabinetCurrentPolarity2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The current for the second side/half of the battery in a split battery system. If it is not a split battery, this reports -1" ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 7 } upsBatteryCabinetTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The measured temperature of the battery cabinet in tenths of degrees Celcius" ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 8 } upsBatteryCabinetMaxTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The highest temperature measured for the battery in the battery cabinet in tenths of degrees Celcius. If there are multiple sensors in the battery cabinet, it is the selected highest actual value of measured temperatures. If there is battery string information, it is the highest actual battery string temperature value." ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 9 } upsBatteryCabinetMinTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The lowest temperature measured for the battery in the battery cabinet in tenths of degrees Celcius. If there are multiple sensors in the battery cabinet, it is the selected lowest actual value of measured temperatures. If there is string information, it is the lowest actual battery string temperature value." ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 10 } upsBatteryCabinetAverageTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The average temperature for all the battery sensors in the battery cabinet and for the battery strings, if battery strings are present. Measured in tenths of degrees Celcius." ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 11 } upsBatteryCabinetFuse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fuseOpen(1), fuseOk(2), notPresent(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "If the battery cabinet has a common fuse, the status is given by this value. 1 = Fuse open 2 = Fuse OK 3 = Not present" ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 12 } upsBatteryCabinetBreaker OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noBreaker(1), unknown(2), breakerOpen(3), breakerClosed(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The value indicates the battery cabinet breaker status. Reports 1 if no breaker is present. 1 = No breaker 2 = Unknown 3 = Breaker open 4 = Breaker closed" ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 13 } upsBatteryCabinetNumberOfStrings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The number of battery strings in the battery cabinet. The value can be 0, meaning that no additional information on the battery string is available. 1 and higher means data in the table is provided." ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 14 } upsBatteryCabinetNumberOfVerticalPositions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The number of vertical levels or shelves for battery blocks/modules. The levels are indexed from the bottom up" ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 15 } upsBatteryCabinetNumberOfHorizontalPositions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The number of horizontal positions for battery blocks/modules. The levels are indexed from left to right" ::= { upsBatteryCabinetEntry 16 } -- Battery Cabinet String Table upsBatteryCabStringTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSBatteryCabStringEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Table of battery strings in the complete battery solution" ::= { upsBattery 6 } upsBatteryCabStringEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSBatteryCabStringEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular battery string in the battery cabinet." INDEX { upsBatteryCabStringIndex } ::= { upsBatteryCabStringTable 1 } UPSBatteryCabStringEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsBatteryCabStringIndex INTEGER, upsBatteryCabStringCabReference INTEGER, upsBatteryCabStringLocalIndex INTEGER, upsBatteryCabStringCurrent INTEGER, upsBatteryCabStringAverageTemperature INTEGER, upsBatteryCabStringMaxTemperature INTEGER, upsBatteryCabStringMinTemperature INTEGER, upsBatteryCabStringFuseStatus INTEGER, upsBatteryCabStringNumberOfBlocks INTEGER } upsBatteryCabStringIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The battery cabinet string identifier. Battery cabinet string or halfstring table index." ::= { upsBatteryCabStringEntry 1 } upsBatteryCabStringCabReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Reference to the global battery cabinet index where the battery string is placed." ::= { upsBatteryCabStringEntry 2 } upsBatteryCabStringLocalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Local battery string identification index in the actual battery cabinet (e.g. String 2 in cabinet)" ::= { upsBatteryCabStringEntry 3 } upsBatteryCabStringCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The current in a battery string or battery halfstring, in tenths of Amps." ::= { upsBatteryCabStringEntry 4 } upsBatteryCabStringAverageTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Temperature of the battery string or the average of the aggregated temperature of each battery block/module (in tenths of degrees Celcius). " ::= { upsBatteryCabStringEntry 5 } upsBatteryCabStringMaxTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The actual highest battery temperature measurement for the battery blocks/modules (in tenths of degrees Celcius)." ::= { upsBatteryCabStringEntry 6 } upsBatteryCabStringMinTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The actual lowest battery temperature measurement for the battery blocks/modules (in tenths of degrees Celcius)." ::= { upsBatteryCabStringEntry 7 } upsBatteryCabStringFuseStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fuseOpen(1), fuseOk(2), notPresent(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "If the battery string has a common fuse, the status is given by this value. 1 = Fuse open 2 = Fuse OK 3 = Not present" ::= { upsBatteryCabStringEntry 8 } upsBatteryCabStringNumberOfBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The number of battery blocks/modules in a battery string. Can be 0, if no data is available in the table of individual battery blocks/cartridges" ::= { upsBatteryCabStringEntry 9 } -- Battery Cabinet Block Table upsBatteryCabBlockTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSBatteryCabBlockEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Table of battery blocks/modules in the complete battery solution." ::= { upsBattery 7 } upsBatteryCabBlockEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSBatteryCabBlockEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular battery block in the battery cabinet." INDEX { upsBatteryCabBlockIndex } ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockTable 1 } UPSBatteryCabBlockEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsBatteryCabBlockIndex INTEGER, upsBatteryCabBlockStringReference INTEGER, upsBatteryCabBlockLocalIndex INTEGER, upsBatteryCabBlockPresent INTEGER, upsBatteryCabBlockType DisplayString, upsBatteryCabBlockTemperature INTEGER, upsBatteryCabBlockFuseStatus INTEGER, upsBatteryCabBlockVoltage INTEGER, upsBatteryCabBlockNumberOfCells INTEGER, upsBatteryCabBlockVerticalPosition INTEGER, upsBatteryCabBlockHorizontalPosition INTEGER } upsBatteryCabBlockIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The battery cabinet block identifier. Global battery cabinet block table index." ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockEntry 1 } upsBatteryCabBlockStringReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Reference to the specific global battery string index" ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockEntry 2 } upsBatteryCabBlockLocalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Local battery block/module identification index in the actual battery string (e.g. Battery block 3 in the battery string)" ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockEntry 3 } upsBatteryCabBlockPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { present(1), notPresent(2), notAvailable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Value indicates if battery block/module is present in the system. Typically battery modules are removable and battery blocks are static. Reports notAvailable(3) if data is not available" ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockEntry 4 } upsBatteryCabBlockType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Text string value, showing the vendor and model of the battery in the battery block/module" ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockEntry 5 } upsBatteryCabBlockTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The temperature for the battery block/module in tenths of degrees Celcius. If multiple sensors are available it is the highest temperature in the battery block/module" ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockEntry 6 } upsBatteryCabBlockFuseStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fuseOpen(1), fuseOk(2), notPresent(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "If the battery module has a fuse, the status is given by this value. 1 = Fuse open 2 = Fuse OK 3 = Not present" ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockEntry 7 } upsBatteryCabBlockVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The voltage of the battery block/module" ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockEntry 8 } upsBatteryCabBlockNumberOfCells OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The number of cells in the battery block/module" ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockEntry 9 } upsBatteryCabBlockVerticalPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The vertical position of the battery block/module in the actual battery cabinet (e.g. 4, if it is the 4th shelf counting from the bottom)" ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockEntry 10 } upsBatteryCabBlockHorizontalPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The horizontal position of the battery block/module in the actual battery cabinet (e.g. 3, if it is the 3rd position counting from the left)" ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockEntry 11 } -- Battery Block Cell Table upsBatteryCabBlockCellTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSBatteryCabBlockCellEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Table of battery cells in a battery block/module in the complete battery solution" ::= { upsBattery 8 } upsBatteryCabBlockCellEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSBatteryCabBlockCellEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular battery cell inside the battery block." INDEX { upsBatteryCabBlockCellIndex } ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockCellTable 1 } UPSBatteryCabBlockCellEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsBatteryCabBlockCellIndex INTEGER, upsBatteryCabBlockCellReference INTEGER, upsBatteryCabBlockCellLocalIndex INTEGER, upsBatteryCabBlockCellVoltage INTEGER, upsBatteryCabBlockCellTemperature INTEGER } upsBatteryCabBlockCellIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The battery block cell identifier. Global battery block cell table index." ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockCellEntry 1 } upsBatteryCabBlockCellReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Reference to the specific global battery block/module index." ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockCellEntry 2 } upsBatteryCabBlockCellLocalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Local battery block/module identification index in the actual battery block (e.g. battery cell 5 in the battery block)" ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockCellEntry 3 } upsBatteryCabBlockCellVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The measured battery cell voltage" ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockCellEntry 4 } upsBatteryCabBlockCellTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The temperature for the battery cell in tenths of degrees Celcius. If there is not a temperature sensor for each battery cell, then report -1 for those, which are not present." ::= { upsBatteryCabBlockCellEntry 5 } -- the upsBasicInput group upsBasicInputPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current AC input phase." ::= { upsBasicInput 1 } -- the upsAdvInput group upsAdvInputLineVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current utility line voltage in VAC." ::= { upsAdvInput 1 } upsAdvInputMaxLineVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum utility line voltage in VAC over the previous 1 minute period." ::= { upsAdvInput 2 } upsAdvInputMinLineVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum utility line voltage in VAC over the previous 1 minute period." ::= { upsAdvInput 3 } upsAdvInputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current input frequency to the UPS system in Hz." ::= { upsAdvInput 4 } upsAdvInputLineFailCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noTransfer(1), highLineVoltage(2), brownout(3), blackout(4), smallMomentarySag(5), deepMomentarySag(6), smallMomentarySpike(7), largeMomentarySpike(8), selfTest(9), rateOfVoltageChange(10) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The reason for the occurrence of the last transfer to UPS battery power. The variable is set to: - noTransfer(1) -- if there is no transfer yet. - highLineVoltage(2) -- if the transfer to battery is caused by an over voltage greater than the high transfer voltage. - brownout(3) -- if the duration of the outage is greater than five seconds and the line voltage is between 40% of the rated output voltage and the low transfer voltage. - blackout(4) -- if the duration of the outage is greater than five seconds and the line voltage is between 40% of the rated output voltage and ground. - smallMomentarySag(5) -- if the duration of the outage is less than five seconds and the line voltage is between 40% of the rated output voltage and the low transfer voltage. - deepMomentarySag(6) -- if the duration of the outage is less than five seconds and the line voltage is between 40% of the rated output voltage and ground. The variable is set to - smallMomentarySpike(7) -- if the line failure is caused by a rate of change of input voltage less than ten volts per cycle. - largeMomentarySpike(8) -- if the line failure is caused by a rate of change of input voltage greater than ten volts per cycle. - selfTest(9) -- if the UPS was commanded to do a self test. - rateOfVoltageChange(10) -- if the failure is due to the rate of change of the line voltage." ::= { upsAdvInput 5 } upsAdvInputNominalFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal input frequency of the UPS system in Hz." ::= { upsAdvInput 6 } upsAdvInputNominalVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal input voltage of the UPS system in VAC." ::= { upsAdvInput 7 } upsAdvInputBypassNominalFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal bypass input frequency of the UPS system in Hz." ::= { upsAdvInput 8 } upsAdvInputBypassNominalVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal bypass input voltage of the UPS system in VAC." ::= { upsAdvInput 9 } upsAdvInputStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsAdvInputStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of input table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of upsPhaseNumInputs." ::= { upsAdvInput 10 } upsAdvInputStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsAdvInputStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular input." INDEX { upsAdvInputStatisticsIndex } ::= { upsAdvInputStatisticsTable 1 } UpsAdvInputStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsAdvInputStatisticsIndex INTEGER, upsAdvInputApparentPower INTEGER, upsAdvInputVoltageTHD INTEGER, upsAdvInputBypassVoltageTHD INTEGER, upsAdvInputPeakCurrent INTEGER, upsAdvInputBypassPeakCurrent INTEGER, upsAdvInputActivePower INTEGER } upsAdvInputStatisticsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input identifier." ::= { upsAdvInputStatisticsEntry 1 } upsAdvInputApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input apparent power(sum of all of the three phases) measured in kVA." ::= { upsAdvInputStatisticsEntry 2 } upsAdvInputVoltageTHD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input voltage Total Harmonic Distortion in percent." ::= { upsAdvInputStatisticsEntry 3 } upsAdvInputBypassVoltageTHD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The bypass input voltage Total Harmonic Distortion in percent." ::= { upsAdvInputStatisticsEntry 4 } upsAdvInputPeakCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input peak current in Amperes." ::= { upsAdvInputStatisticsEntry 5 } upsAdvInputBypassPeakCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The bypass input peak current in Amperes." ::= { upsAdvInputStatisticsEntry 6 } upsAdvInputActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input active power measured in kW." ::= { upsAdvInputStatisticsEntry 7 } upsAdvInputTotalApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input total apparent power(sum of all three phases) of the UPS system in kVA." ::= { upsAdvInput 11 } upsAdvInputTotalActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input total active power(sum of all three phases) of the UPS system in kW. If not supported, return -1" ::= { upsAdvInput 12 } upsAdvInputBypassTotalApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input bypass total apparent power(sum of all three phases) of the UPS system in kVA." ::= { upsAdvInput 13 } upsAdvInputBypassTotalActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input bypass total active power(sum of all three phases) of the UPS system in kW." ::= { upsAdvInput 14 } upsAdvInputEnergyUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input energy usage of the UPS in kWh." ::= { upsAdvInput 15 } upsAdvInputDCVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The DC input voltage in Volts." ::= { upsAdvInput 16 } upsAdvInputDCCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The DC input current in Amps." ::= { upsAdvInput 17 } upsAdvInputNominalDCVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal input DC voltage of the inverter in Volts. If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsAdvInput 18 } -- the upsHighPrecInput group upsHighPrecInputLineVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current utility line voltage in tenths of VAC." ::= { upsHighPrecInput 1 } upsHighPrecInputMaxLineVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum utility line voltage in tenths of VAC over the previous 1 minute period." ::= { upsHighPrecInput 2 } upsHighPrecInputMinLineVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum utility line voltage in tenths of VAC over the previous 1 minute period." ::= { upsHighPrecInput 3 } upsHighPrecInputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current input frequency to the UPS system in tenths of Hz." ::= { upsHighPrecInput 4 } upsHighPrecInputEnergyUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input energy usage of the UPS in hundredths of kWh." ::= { upsHighPrecInput 5 } upsHighPrecInputBypassVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current bypass line voltage in tenths of VAC." ::= { upsHighPrecInput 6 } upsHighPrecInputBypassFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current input bypass frequency to the UPS system in tenths of Hz." ::= { upsHighPrecInput 7 } upsHighPrecInputDCVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The DC input voltage, in tenths, of Volts on the inverter. If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsHighPrecInput 8 } upsHighPrecInputDCCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The DC input current, in tenths of amperes, of the inverter." ::= { upsHighPrecInput 9 } -- the upsBasicOutput group upsBasicOutputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), onLine(2), onBattery(3), onSmartBoost(4), timedSleeping(5), softwareBypass(6), off(7), rebooting(8), switchedBypass(9), hardwareFailureBypass(10), sleepingUntilPowerReturn(11), onSmartTrim(12), ecoMode(13), hotStandby(14), onBatteryTest(15), emergencyStaticBypass(16), staticBypassStandby(17), powerSavingMode(18), spotMode(19), eConversion(20), chargerSpotmode(21), inverterSpotmode(22), activeLoad(23), batteryDischargeSpotmode(24), inverterStandby (25), chargerOnly(26), distributedEnergyReserve(27), selfTest(28) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of the UPS. If the UPS is unable to determine the state of the UPS this variable is set to unknown(1)." ::= { upsBasicOutput 1 } upsBasicOutputPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The actual number of output phases in a UPS" ::= { upsBasicOutput 2 } upsBasicSystemStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), onLine(2), onBattery(3), onSmartBoost(4), timedSleeping(5), softwareBypass(6), off(7), rebooting(8), switchedBypass(9), hardwareFailureBypass(10), sleepingUntilPowerReturn(11), onSmartTrim(12), ecoMode(13), inverter(14), eConversion(15), staticBypassStandby(16), efficiencyBoosterMode(17) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current state for the whole system (UPS and surrounding breakers). If the UPS is unable to determine the state of the system, this variable is set to unknown(1)." ::= { upsBasicOutput 3 } upsBasicSystemInternalTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The actual internal temperature of the UPS system in Celsius." ::= { upsBasicOutput 4 } upsBasicSystemInverterStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ok(2), inFaultCondition(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of the UPS inverter. If the UPS is unable to determine the state of the inverter, this variable is set to unknown(1)." ::= { upsBasicOutput 5 } upsBasicSystemPFCStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ok(2), inFaultCondition(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The general status of the power factor correction (AC input stage of the UPS). If the UPS is unable to determine the state of PFC, this variable is set to unknown(1)." ::= { upsBasicOutput 6 } upsBasicOutputACwiringConfiguration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), noNeutralWiredonSystem(2), neutralUsedforSupplyingLoad(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates if neutral wire on output side of the UPS is used (load wired line to neutral). If the UPS is unable to determine the state of neutral, this variable is set to unknown(1)." ::= { upsBasicOutput 7 } -- the upsAdvOutput group upsAdvOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output voltage of the UPS system in VAC." ::= { upsAdvOutput 1 } upsAdvOutputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current output frequency of the UPS system in Hz." ::= { upsAdvOutput 2 } upsAdvOutputLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current UPS load expressed in percent of rated capacity." ::= { upsAdvOutput 3 } upsAdvOutputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current in amperes drawn by the load on the UPS." ::= { upsAdvOutput 4 } upsAdvOutputRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of power modules which can fail or be removed without causing the UPS to generate a Minimum Redundancy Lost event." ::= { upsAdvOutput 5 } upsAdvOutputKVACapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum load that this UPS can support. This value is dynamic for scalable 3-phase UPS devices where power modules can be added for increased capacity. The value indicates the actual available output capacity. For non-scalable 3-phase UPS devices the value is fixed to the UPS rating." ::= { upsAdvOutput 6 } upsAdvOutputNominalFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal output frequency of the UPS system in Hz." ::= { upsAdvOutput 7 } upsAdvOutputActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total output active power of the UPS system in W. The total active power is the sum of phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3 power." ::= { upsAdvOutput 8 } upsAdvOutputApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total output apparent power of all phases of the UPS system in VA. If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsAdvOutput 9 } upsAdvOutputStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsAdvOutputStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of input table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of upsPhaseNumOutputs." ::= { upsAdvOutput 10 } upsAdvOutputStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsAdvOutputStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular output." INDEX { upsAdvOutputStatisticsIndex } ::= { upsAdvOutputStatisticsTable 1 } UpsAdvOutputStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsAdvOutputStatisticsIndex INTEGER, upsAdvOutputPeakCurrent INTEGER, upsAdvOutputCurrentTHD INTEGER, upsAdvOutputCrestFactor INTEGER } upsAdvOutputStatisticsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output identifier." ::= { upsAdvOutputStatisticsEntry 1 } upsAdvOutputPeakCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output peak current in Amperes." ::= { upsAdvOutputStatisticsEntry 2 } upsAdvOutputCurrentTHD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output current Total Harmonic Distortion in percent." ::= { upsAdvOutputStatisticsEntry 3 } upsAdvOutputCrestFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output current crest factor expressed in tenths." ::= { upsAdvOutputStatisticsEntry 4 } upsAdvOutputNeutralCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The neutral current in amperes." ::= { upsAdvOutput 11 } upsAdvOutputEnergyUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The output energy usage of the UPS in kWh." ::= { upsAdvOutput 12 } upsAdvOutputSourceSynchronization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the synchronization source for the inverter output frequency. 1. Main 2. Internal 3. External 4. On AC Bypass. 5. External / On Bypass For other values it is unknown" ::= { upsAdvOutput 13 } upsAdvOutputInverterFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output frequency in Hz measured at the output of inverter." ::= { upsAdvOutput 14 } upsAdvOutputInverterLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total active power at the output of all inverter modules in percent of rated system power (% of kW) If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsAdvOutput 15 } upsAdvOutputPercentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The relative active power at the output of the inverter system (static switch output) in percent of rated system power (% of kW). If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsAdvOutput 16 } upsAdvOutputInverterActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total active power at the output of all inverter modules in kW. If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsAdvOutput 17 } upsAdvOutputPercentLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The relative apparent power at the output of the inverter system (static switch output) in percent of rated system load (% of kVA) If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsAdvOutput 18 } upsAdvOutputInverterCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current, in amperes, drawn by the load on the inverter." ::= { upsAdvOutput 19 } upsAdvOutputReactivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total output reactive power of all phases of the UPS system in VAR. If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsAdvOutput 20 } upsAdvOutputInverterVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output voltage of the inverter in VAC." ::= { upsAdvOutput 21 } upsAdvOutputUpperAcceptPowerSettingPct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Upper acceptable voltage as percent of nominal voltage" ::= { upsAdvOutput 22 } -- the upsHighPrecOutput group upsHighPrecOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output voltage of the UPS system in tenths of VAC." ::= { upsHighPrecOutput 1 } upsHighPrecOutputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current output frequency of the UPS system in tenths of Hz." ::= { upsHighPrecOutput 2 } upsHighPrecOutputLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current UPS load expressed in tenths of percent of rated capacity." ::= { upsHighPrecOutput 3 } upsHighPrecOutputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current in tenths of amperes drawn by the load on the UPS." ::= { upsHighPrecOutput 4 } upsHighPrecOutputEfficiency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The positive values represent efficiency of the UPS in tenths of percent. -1 If UPS supports this OID but the result is not available -2 Load is too low to report efficiency -3 Output off and efficiency is 0 -4 On battery, efficiency is not measured or calculated in this mode -5 In Bypass, efficiency is not measured or calculated in this mode -6 Battery charging, battery is charging and adversely affecting efficiency -7 Poor AC input, the main input is outside the optimum efficiency range" ::= { upsHighPrecOutput 5 } upsHighPrecOutputEnergyUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output energy usage of the UPS in hundredths of kWh." ::= { upsHighPrecOutput 6 } -- the upsBasicConfig group upsBasicConfigNumDevices OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of devices that are plugged into the UPS. This value is customer configurable from the device entry table" ::= { upsBasicConfig 1 } upsBasicConfigDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsBasicConfigDeviceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of devices that are plugged into the UPS. The number of entries is given by the value of upsBasicConfigNumDevices." ::= { upsBasicConfig 2 } upsBasicConfigDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsBasicConfigDeviceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The devices plugged in to the UPS." INDEX { deviceIndex } ::= { upsBasicConfigDeviceTable 1 } UpsBasicConfigDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { deviceIndex INTEGER, deviceName DisplayString, vaRating INTEGER, acceptThisDevice INTEGER } deviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the device that is plugged into the UPS." ::= { upsBasicConfigDeviceEntry 1 } deviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name/description of the device plugged into the UPS." ::= { upsBasicConfigDeviceEntry 2 } vaRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The volt-amp rating of the device plugged into the UPS." ::= { upsBasicConfigDeviceEntry 3 } acceptThisDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes(1), no(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry is added if yes, the entry is deleted if no." ::= { upsBasicConfigDeviceEntry 4 } -- the upsAdvConfig group upsAdvConfigRatedOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal output voltage from the UPS in VAC. For a list of allowed values supported by your UPS model, see the UPS User's Manual. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the UPS interprets it as the next lower acceptable value. If the provided value is lower than the lowest acceptable value, the lowest acceptable value is used." ::= { upsAdvConfig 1 } upsAdvConfigHighTransferVolt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum line voltage in VAC allowed before the UPS system transfers to battery backup. For a list of allowed values supported by your UPS model, see the UPS User's Manual. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the UPS interprets it as the next higher acceptable value. If the provided value is higher than the highest acceptable value, the highest acceptable value is used." ::= { upsAdvConfig 2 } upsAdvConfigLowTransferVolt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum line voltage in VAC allowed before the UPS system transfers to battery backup. For a list of allowed values supported by your UPS model, see the UPS User's Manual. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the UPS interprets it as the next lower acceptable value. If the provided value is lower than the lowest acceptable value, the lowest acceptable value is used." ::= { upsAdvConfig 3 } upsAdvConfigAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { timed(1), atLowBattery(2), never(3), mute(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A flag indicating how the UPS should handle audible line fail alarms: timed(1): UPS alarm will sound after a preset timed duration starting from the line fail condition (see OID upsAdvConfigAlarmTimer for the alarm timer value) atLowBattery(2): UPS alarm will sound when the UPS has reached a Low Battery condition during a line fail never(3): Disables the UPS audible alarm mute(4): Mutes the current alarm for some UPS devices only when it is in an alarm state and will return to the previously configured option when the UPS recovers from the alarm condition" ::= { upsAdvConfig 4 } upsAdvConfigAlarmTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time after initial line failure at which the UPS begins emitting audible alarms (beeping). This timer is observed only if the value of extControlAlarm is timed(2). Allowed values are 0 or 30 seconds. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the UPS interprets it as the next lower acceptable value. If the provided value is lower than the lowest acceptable value, the lowest acceptable value is used." ::= { upsAdvConfig 5 } upsAdvConfigMinReturnCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum battery capacity required before the UPS will return from a low battery shutdown condition. The capacity is measured from 0% battery capacity (or Low Battery) as a percent of full capacity (100%). In other words, the UPS will not re-energize the output until the battery has charged so that its' capacity is equal to this value. For a list of allowed values supported by your UPS model, see the UPS User's Manual. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the UPS interprets it as the next higher acceptable value. If the provided value is higher than the highest acceptable value, the highest acceptable value is used." ::= { upsAdvConfig 6 } upsAdvConfigSensitivity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto(1), low(2), medium(3), high(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensitivity of the UPS to utility line abnormalities or noises." ::= { upsAdvConfig 7 } upsAdvConfigLowBatteryRunTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The desired run time of the UPS, in seconds, once the low battery condition is reached. During this time the UPS may produce a constant warning tone, which cannot be disabled, depending on the UPS model. For a list of allowed values supported by your UPS model, see the UPS User's Manual. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the UPS interprets the value as the next higher acceptable value. If the provided value is higher than the highest acceptable value, the highest acceptable value is used." ::= { upsAdvConfig 8 } upsAdvConfigReturnDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The delay in seconds after utility line power returns before the UPS will turn on. This value is also used when the UPS comes out of a reboot and before the UPS wakes up from 'sleep' mode. For a list of allowed values supported by your UPS model, see the UPS User's Manual. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the UPS interprets it as the next higher acceptable value. If the provided value is higher than the highest acceptable value, the highest acceptable value is used." ::= { upsAdvConfig 9 } upsAdvConfigShutoffDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The delay in seconds the UPS remains on after being told to turn off. For a list of allowed values supported by your UPS model, see the UPS User's Manual. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the UPS interprets it as the next higher acceptable value. If the provided value is higher than the highest acceptable value, the highest acceptable value is used." ::= { upsAdvConfig 10 } upsAdvConfigUpsSleepTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time in seconds for the UPS to go to 'sleep' when instructed. When in sleep mode, the UPS will not provide output power regardless of the input line state. Once the specified time has elapsed, output power will be restored. This is a configuration setting. The UPS will not go to sleep until told to do so by the manager from a management station. Any input value is allowed, however the UPS only recognizes 1/10 of an hour increments. The provided value will be rounded to the closest 1/10 of an hour with one exception: Any value entered between 1 and 540 seconds will be rounded to 360 seconds (or 6 minutes)." ::= { upsAdvConfig 11 } upsAdvConfigSetEEPROMDefaults OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noSetEEPROMDefaults(1), setEEPROMDefaults(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WRITE: Resets the UPS EEPROM variables to default values. READ: returns 1" ::= { upsAdvConfig 12 } upsAdvConfigDipSwitchTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsAdvConfigDipSwitchEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current settings of UPS dip switches." ::= { upsAdvConfig 13 } upsAdvConfigDipSwitchEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsAdvConfigDipSwitchEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current setting of one dip switch." INDEX { dipSwitchIndex } ::= { upsAdvConfigDipSwitchTable 1 } UpsAdvConfigDipSwitchEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dipSwitchIndex INTEGER, dipSwitchStatus INTEGER } dipSwitchIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of a UPS dip switch." ::= { upsAdvConfigDipSwitchEntry 1 } dipSwitchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The setting of a UPS dip switch." ::= { upsAdvConfigDipSwitchEntry 2 } upsAdvConfigBattExhaustThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds prior to battery exhaustion when the UPS will switch off power to its load." ::= { upsAdvConfig 14 } upsAdvConfigPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The password entered at the UPS front panel to enable local configuration of the EEProm. If the password is disabled or is not supported, then the agent returns a null string." ::= { upsAdvConfig 15 } upsAdvConfigAllowedSetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsAdvConfigAllowedSetEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table listing the allowed values for all discrete configurable UPS variables." ::= { upsAdvConfig 16 } upsAdvConfigAllowedSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsAdvConfigAllowedSetEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry for a configurable UPS variable." INDEX { apcUpsConfigFieldIndex } ::= { upsAdvConfigAllowedSetTable 1 } UpsAdvConfigAllowedSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apcUpsConfigFieldIndex INTEGER, apcUpsConfigFieldOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, apcUpsConfigFieldValueRange DisplayString } apcUpsConfigFieldIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to an eeprom field entry." ::= { upsAdvConfigAllowedSetEntry 1 } apcUpsConfigFieldOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The OID of the current configurable value." ::= { upsAdvConfigAllowedSetEntry 2 } apcUpsConfigFieldValueRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The discrete set of allowed values of a configurable register. Individual values are delimited by a comma." ::= { upsAdvConfigAllowedSetEntry 3 } upsAdvConfigBattCabAmpHour OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the amp-hour setting of the UPS battery solution. The value shows the maximum battery capacity configured for the UPS when using a third party battery solution regardless of the breaker positions. The actual available battery capacity based on breaker positions or connected/disconnected battery strings, is presented in OID upsAdvBatteryTotalCapacity" ::= { upsAdvConfig 17 } upsAdvConfigPositionSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), rack (2), tower (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure UPS position selector. If the UPS doesn't support this configuration it will report unknown (1). The positions are either rack (2) for rack mounted or tower (3) for tower unit." ::= { upsAdvConfig 18 } upsAdvConfigOutputFreqRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), freqRangeAUTO (2), freqRange60Var1 (3), freqRange60Var3 (4), freqRange50Var1 (5), freqRange50Var3 (6), freqRange60Var10 (7), freqRange50Var10 (8), freqRange60Var1dot0 (9), freqRange50Var1dot0 (10), freqRange50Pct0dot5 (11), freqRange50Pct1 (12), freqRange50Pct2 (13), freqRange50Pct4 (14), freqRange50Pct6 (15), freqRange50Pct8 (16), freqRange60Pct0dot5 (17), freqRange60Pct1 (18), freqRange60Pct2 (19), freqRange60Pct4 (20), freqRange60Pct6 (21), freqRange60Pct8 (22) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the output frequency tolerance range. unknown(1) indicates the output frequency is unknown. freqRangeAUTO(2) configure the output frequency range for automatic. freqRange60Var1(3) configure the output frequency range for 60 +/- 0.1 Hz freqRange60Var3(4) configure the output frequency range for 60 +/- 3.0 Hz freqRange50Var1(5) configure the output frequency range for 50 +/- 0.1 Hz freqRange50Var3(6) configure the output frequency range for 50 +/- 3.0 Hz freqRange60Var10(7) configure the output frequency range for 60 +/- 10 Hz freqRange50Var10(8) configure the output frequency range for 50 +/- 10 Hz freqRange60Var1dot0(9) configure the output frequency range for 60 +/- 1.0 Hz freqRange50Var1dot0(10) configure the output frequency range for 50 +/- 1.0 Hz freqRange50Pct0dot5(11) configure the output frequency range for 50 Hz +/- 0.5 % freqRange50Pct1(12) configure the output frequency range for 50 Hz +/- 1.0 % freqRange50Pct2(13) configure the output frequency range for 50 Hz +/- 2.0 % freqRange50Pct4(14) configure the output frequency range for 50 Hz +/- 4.0 % freqRange50Pct6(15) configure the output frequency range for 50 Hz +/- 6.0 % freqRange50Pct8(16) configure the output frequency range for 50 Hz +/- 8.0 % freqRange60Pct0dot5(17) configure the output frequency range for 60 Hz +/- 0.5 % freqRange60Pct1(18) configure the output frequency range for 60 Hz +/- 1.0 % freqRange60Pct2(19) configure the output frequency range for 60 Hz +/- 2.0 % freqRange60Pct4(20) configure the output frequency range for 60 Hz +/- 4.0 % freqRange60Pct6(21) configure the output frequency range for 60 Hz +/- 6.0 % freqRange60Pct8(22) configure the output frequency range for 60 Hz +/- 8.0 % For a list of allowed values and conditions when variable can be set by your UPS model, see the UPS User's Manual." ::= { upsAdvConfig 19 } upsAdvConfigUPSFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), gotoBypass (2), dropLoad (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the UPS fail action. If UPS fails, and frequency or voltage is out of range it will either GotoBypass (2) or DropLoad (3). This OID will report unknown (1) if it is not supported feature or option." ::= { upsAdvConfig 20 } upsAdvConfigAlarmRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure settings of UPS alarm if the redundancy is under the current redundancy. Use 0 for never." ::= { upsAdvConfig 21 } upsAdvConfigAlarmLoadOver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure settings of UPS alarm if the load is over the current load in kVA. Use -1 for never." ::= { upsAdvConfig 22 } upsAdvConfigAlarmRuntimeUnder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure settings of UPS alarm if the runtime is under the current time of minutes. Use -1 for never." ::= { upsAdvConfig 23 } upsAdvConfigVoutReporting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), voutAUTO (2), vout208 (3), vout240 (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the way the UPS scales its output voltage readings. unknown(1) indicates the Vout Reporting is unknown. voutAUTO(2) configure the Vout Reporting for automatic scaling. vout208(3) configure the Vout Reporting for 208 Volts. vout240(4) configure the Vout Reporting for 240 Volts." ::= { upsAdvConfig 24 } upsAdvConfigNumExternalBatteries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the number of external batteries connected to the UPS." ::= { upsAdvConfig 25 } upsAdvConfigSimpleSignalShutdowns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), disabled (2), enabled (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure Simple Signal shutdown commands from the Simple Signal port to be issued to the UPS. unknown(1) indicates the Simple Signal Shutdown setting is unknown. disabled(2) configure to disable Simple Signal Shutdowns. enabled(3) configure to enable Simple Signal Shutdowns." ::= { upsAdvConfig 26 } upsAdvConfigMaxShutdownTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum amount of time for server shutdown to complete before a UPS shutdown occurs." ::= { upsAdvConfig 27 } upsAsiUpsControlServerRequestShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { serverShutdownOff (1), serverShutdownReboot (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Start a server shutdown sequence: serverShutdownOff: Shutdown server and turn off UPS serverShutdownReboot: Shutdown server and turn reboot UPS." ::= { upsAdvConfig 28 } upsAdvConfigMinReturnRuntime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum amount of run time in seconds required before the output will be turned on, using power calculation captured at start of last shutdown." ::= { upsAdvConfig 29 } upsAdvConfigBasicSignalLowBatteryDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The duration of runtime in seconds during an on-battery condition at which the UPS will signal the basic low battery shutdown condition." ::= { upsAdvConfig 30 } upsAdvConfigBypassPhaseLockRequired OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), disabled (2), enabled (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sets the condition for when bypass is an acceptable mode of operation as a requirement." ::= { upsAdvConfig 31 } upsAdvConfigOutputFreqSlewRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), slewRateQuarterHzPerSec (2), slewRateHalfHzPerSec (3), slewRate1HzPerSec (4), slewRate2HzPerSec (5), slewRate4HzPerSec (6), slewRate6HzPerSec (7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The rate at which the UPS will change its output frequency in response to utility frequency changes." ::= { upsAdvConfig 32 } upsAdvConfigChargerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), low (2), high (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sets the rate at which the UPS charges its batteries." ::= { upsAdvConfig 33 } upsAdvConfigBypassToleranceSetting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), wide (2), medium (3), narrow (4), custom (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This setting allows selecting from standard bypass tolerance configurations to suit their situation." ::= { upsAdvConfig 34 } upsAdvConfigMainsSetting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { singleInput (1), dualInput (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the type of mains supply system. singleInput (1) indicates a single supply system. dualInput (2) indicates a dual supply system. " ::= { upsAdvConfig 35 } upsAdvConfigACWiringSetting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { threeWire (1), fourWire (2), fourWireHRG (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the AC wiring of the system. threeWire (1) indicates 3-wire system configuration. fourWire (2) indicates 4-wire system configuration. fourWireHRG (3) indicates a 4-wire High resistive Grounding system." ::= { upsAdvConfig 36 } upsAdvConfigUpperOutputVoltTolerance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Upper tolerance of the output RMS voltage before transferring to bypass. Expressed as percent of nominal voltage." ::= { upsAdvConfig 37 } upsAdvConfigLowerOutputVoltTolerance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Lower tolerance of the output RMS voltage before transferring to bypass. Expressed as percent of nominal voltage." ::= { upsAdvConfig 38 } upsAdvConfigUpperBypassVoltTolerance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Upper tolerance of the bypass voltage that allows transfer to bypass by user. Expressed as percent of nominal voltage." ::= { upsAdvConfig 39 } upsAdvConfigLowerBypassVoltTolerance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Lower tolerance of the bypass voltage that allows transfer to bypass by user. Expressed as percent of nominal voltage." ::= { upsAdvConfig 40 } upsAdvConfigOutofSyncBypassTransferDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the time (in milliseconds), indicating the gap in output voltage if an asynchronous transfer to bypass needs to occur." ::= { upsAdvConfig 41 } upsAdvConfigWarningAlarmDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the time delay for reporting warning alarms (in seconds)." ::= { upsAdvConfig 43 } upsAdvConfigInformationalAlarmDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the time delay for reporting informational alarms (in seconds)." ::= { upsAdvConfig 44 } upsAdvConfigGreenMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable UPS green mode feature." ::= { upsAdvConfig 45 } upsAdvConfigLCDLocalLanguage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { english (1), french (2), italian (3), german (4), spanish (5), portuguese (6), japanese (7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the language setting of the UPS LCD display information." ::= { upsAdvConfig 46 } upsAdvConfigLCDLockOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable the control function of the UPS via the LCD Display." ::= { upsAdvConfig 47 } upsAdvConfigChargerRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Change the maximum allowed UPS charge rate on select products where 100% represents the manufacturer's recommended rate. A charge/discharge rate of C/10 for a 10 Ah battery would be 1 where C is defined as the charge or discharge rate equal to the capacity of a battery divided by 1 hour. To increase the charge rate by a factor of 2 to C/5, this oid would be set to 200%. This number would not change when external packs are added or removed. Charging at too high a rate can result in boiling and/or venting of electrolyte and/or high gas pressure." ::= { upsAdvConfig 48 } upsAdvConfigBatterySelection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { vrla (1), ventedcell (2), nicd (3), li-ion(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the installed battery type; VRLA is a Valve Regulated Lead Acid type battery, Vented Cell is a wet cell type (car) battery, NiCd is a Nickel-Cadmium type battery, and Li-Ion is Lithium Ion type battery. Please use the OID defined under upsIdent: upsAdvEnergyStorageType" ::= { upsAdvConfig 49 } upsAdvConfigBatteryHealthAlarmWarningTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the number of days before the battery health is depleted that the battery health alarm is activated. Setting this to -1, if supported by the UPS, will suppress the battery health alarm." ::= { upsAdvConfig 50 } upsAdvConfigBatteryHealthAlarmSleepTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the number of days that the UPS device's battery health alarm should sleep before being activated again after being acknowledged. Setting this to -1, if supported by the UPS, displays no other alarms after the first alarm is acknowledged." ::= { upsAdvConfig 51 } upsAdvConfigSignalFlashVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the signal flash voltage in tenths of volts." ::= { upsAdvConfig 52 } upsAdvConfigBatteryTemperatureCompensation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the battery temperature compensation voltage in hundreds of volts per degree C. On products which support this field, the charger voltage is reduced for each degree C rise by the value configured in this setting multiplied by the number of battery cells attached to the UPS." ::= { upsAdvConfig 53 } upsAdvConfigBatteryChargerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID describes type of battery charger used: standard or extended. 1 - Internal charger, 2 - Extended (CLA), 3 - Large extension (other cases), 4 - Extra large extension (XL), 5 - Double extra large extension (XXL) For other numbers charger type is unknown" ::= { upsAdvConfig 54 } upsAdvConfigAutomaticRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether Automatic Restart is enabled or disabled." ::= { upsAdvConfig 55 } upsAdvConfigDeepDischargeProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether protection against deep discharge is enabled or disabled." ::= { upsAdvConfig 56 } upsAdvConfigFreqBypassTransferRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Tolerance of bypass AC frequency to switch on bypass. The frequency must be in range of -X% to +X% around the nominal value." ::= { upsAdvConfig 57 } upsAdvConfigUpsPowerconverterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the type of UPS in terms of output phase and redundancy. 2 - Galaxy 7000 Unitary 3:3 3 - Galaxy 7000 Redundant 3:3 4 - Galaxy 7000 Parallel SSC 3:3 6 - Galaxy 7000 SSC 3:3 10 - Galaxy 300 Unitary 3:3 11 - Galaxy 300 Unitary 3:1 12 - Galaxy 300 Redundant 3:3 13 - Galaxy 300 Redundant 3:1 14 - Galaxy 5000/5500 Unitary 15 - Galaxy 5000/5500 Parallel 16 - Galaxy 5000/5500 Unitary Frequency Converter 17 - Galaxy 5000/5500 Parallel Frequency Converter For other values UPS is unknown. " ::= { upsAdvConfig 58 } upsAdvConfigFrequencyConverterMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { autoRanging (1), frequencyConverter (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the output frequency is in Auto Ranging or Frequency converter mode. In Auto Ranging mode the inverter provides output frequency in the same range as the input. In Frequency converter mode it is possible to have 50Hz input and 60 Hz output and vice versa." ::= { upsAdvConfig 59 } upsAdvConfigACQualificationTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time in seconds that the voltage is required to be in the acceptable range before being declared to be acceptable." ::= { upsAdvConfig 60 } -- the upsSyncCtrlGroupConfig group upsSCGMembershipGroupNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The SCG Membership Group number (MGN) is a 16-bit number allowing up to 65534 separate groups that can be identified and distinguished per IP subnet. Zero and 65535 are not used. The MGN is used in all communication between members of the SCG and a Network Management Card (NMC) will listen and only respond to commands sent to it using its configured SCG ID." ::= { upsSyncCtrlGroupConfig 1 } upsSCGActiveMembershipStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabledSCG (1), disabledSCG (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Membership in the configured SCG can be enabled and disabled. If an NMC is configured for an SCG, but has its membership disabled, all synchronized control commands received will be ignored." ::= { upsSyncCtrlGroupConfig 2 } upsSCGPowerSynchronizationDelayTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Power Synchronization Delay Time (PSD) setting is the maximum number of seconds an SCG Initiator will wait for all SCG members to recover utility power before completing the reboot sequence of a reboot or sleep command. If all SCG members are ready to proceed, no additional delay is introduced." ::= { upsSyncCtrlGroupConfig 3 } upsSCGReturnBatteryCapacityOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A reboot command uses the Initiator's Return battery Capacity (RBC) to control when the SCG completes this operation. In a Normal Control Operation (NCC) the UPS will only complete the reboot if RBC is reached. Due to normal battery charge rate variations it may be desirable for the Followers to complete the reboot if they are within some range of the Initiator's RBC when the Initiator is prepared (charged to RBC) to complete the reboot. The Return Battery Capacity Offset (RBCO) defines a percent battery capacity subtracted from an RBC above which a Follower's battery must be charged for it to complete a reboot. For example, if the Initiator's RBC is 50% and the Initiator's RBCO is 5% then a Follower's battery capacity is within range if it is greater or equal to 45% (50% - 5%) at the time when the Initiator tries to complete the reboot command. The default RBCO is 10%. " ::= { upsSyncCtrlGroupConfig 4 } upsSCGMultiCastIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MultiCast IP address of the SCG Group." ::= { upsSyncCtrlGroupConfig 5 } -- the upsSyncCtrlGroupStatus group upsSCGNumOfGroupMembers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of active, communicating members in the Sync Control Group (SCG). This variable indicates the number of rows in the SCG Status Table." ::= { upsSyncCtrlGroupStatus 1 } -- Sync Control Group Status Table upsSCGStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsSCGStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of SCG status table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of upsSCGNumOfGroupMembers." ::= { upsSyncCtrlGroupStatus 2 } upsSCGStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsSCGStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular SCG Member." INDEX { upsSCGStatusTableIndex } ::= { upsSCGStatusTable 1 } UpsSCGStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsSCGStatusTableIndex INTEGER, upsSCGMemberIP IpAddress, upsSCGACInputStatus INTEGER, upsSCGACOutputStatus INTEGER } upsSCGStatusTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of a status entry for an active, communicating SCG member." ::= { upsSCGStatusEntry 1 } upsSCGMemberIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP address of an active, communicating SCG Member." ::= { upsSCGStatusEntry 2 } upsSCGACInputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { acInGood(1), acInBad(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID indicates the AC Input Status of the SCG Member. acInGood(1) indicates the AC Input is within tolerance. acInBad(2) indicates the AC Input is not within tolerance." ::= { upsSCGStatusEntry 3 } upsSCGACOutputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { acOutOn(1), acOutOff(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID indicates the AC Output Status of the SCG Member. acOutOn(1) indicates the UPS output is providing power to the load. acOutOff(2) indicates the UPS output is not providing power to the load. " ::= { upsSCGStatusEntry 4 } -- the upsBasicState group upsBasicStateOutputState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing the 64 flags representing the current state(s) of the UPS. If the Network Card is unable to determine the state of the UPS, this variable is set to 'UNKNOWN'. The flags are numbered 1 to 64, read from left to right. The flags are defined as follows: Flag 1: Abnormal Condition Present Flag 2: On Battery Flag 3: Low Battery Flag 4: On Line Flag 5: Replace Battery Flag 6: Serial Communication Established Flag 7: AVR Boost Active Flag 8: AVR Trim Active Flag 9: Overload Flag 10: Runtime Calibration Flag 11: Batteries Discharged Flag 12: Manual Bypass Flag 13: Software Bypass Flag 14: In Bypass due to Internal Fault Flag 15: In Bypass due to Supply Failure Flag 16: In Bypass due to Fan Failure Flag 17: Sleeping on a Timer Flag 18: Sleeping until Utility Power Returns Flag 19: On Flag 20: Rebooting Flag 21: Battery Communication Lost Flag 22: Graceful Shutdown Initiated Flag 23: Smart Boost or Smart Trim Fault Flag 24: Bad Output Voltage Flag 25: Battery Charger Failure Flag 26: High Battery Temperature Flag 27: Warning Battery Temperature Flag 28: Critical Battery Temperature Flag 29: Self Test In Progress Flag 30: Low Battery / On Battery Flag 31: Graceful Shutdown Issued by Upstream Device Flag 32: Graceful Shutdown Issued by Downstream Device Flag 33: No Batteries Attached Flag 34: Synchronized Command is in Progress Flag 35: Synchronized Sleeping Command is in Progress Flag 36: Synchronized Rebooting Command is in Progress Flag 37: Inverter DC Imbalance Flag 38: Transfer Relay Failure Flag 39: Shutdown or Unable to Transfer Flag 40: Low Battery Shutdown Flag 41: Electronic Unit Fan Failure Flag 42: Main Relay Failure Flag 43: Bypass Relay Failure Flag 44: Temporary Bypass Flag 45: High Internal Temperature Flag 46: Battery Temperature Sensor Fault Flag 47: Input Out of Range for Bypass Flag 48: DC Bus Overvoltage Flag 49: PFC Failure Flag 50: Critical Hardware Fault Flag 51: Green Mode/ECO Mode Flag 52: Hot Standby Flag 53: Emergency Power Off (EPO) Activated Flag 54: Load Alarm Violation Flag 55: Bypass Phase Fault Flag 56: UPS Internal Communication Failure Flag 57: Efficiency Booster Mode Flag 58: Off Flag 59: Standby Flag 60: Minor or Environment Alarm Flag 61: Flag 62: Flag 63: Flag 64: " ::= { upsBasicState 1 } upsBasicStateAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAlarms (1), infoAlarm (2), warningAlarm (3), criticalAlarm (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The alarm status of the Power Module. noAlarms(1) indicates the device has no alarms present. infoAlarm (2) indicates the device has alarms and the highest severity of the alarms present is infomational. warningAlarm (3) indicates the device has alarms and the highest severity of the alarms present is warning. criticalAlarm (4) indicates the device has alarms and the highest severity of the alarms present is critical." ::= { upsBasicState 2 } -- the upsAdvState group upsAdvStateAbnormalConditions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing the 32 flags representing the current active UPS faults. If the Network Card is unable to determine the values of the flags, this variable is set to 'UNKNOWN'. If this variable is not supported by the connected UPS, this variable is set to 'NOT SUPPORTED'. The flags are numbered from 1 to 32, and read from left to right. The flags are defined as follows: Flag 1: Power Module Failure Flag 2: Main Intelligence Module Failure Flag 3: Redundant Intelligence Module Failure Flag 4: Battery Failure Flag 5: Load(kVA) Alarm Threshold Violation Flag 6: Redundancy Lost Flag 7: Redundancy Below Alarm Threshold Flag 8: Bypass not in Range; Either Frequency or Voltage Flag 9: Bypass Contactor Stuck in Bypass Condition Flag 10: Bypass Contactor Stuck in On-Line Condition Flag 11: In Bypass due to an Internal Fault Flag 12: In Bypass due to an Overload Flag 13: In Maintenance Bypass Flag 14: Input Circuit Breaker Tripped Open Flag 15: System Level Fan Failure Flag 16: Redundant Intelligent Module in Control Flag 17: IIC Inter-Module Communication Failure Flag 18: No Working Power Modules Flag 19: Load Shutdown From Bypass; Input Frequency Flag 20: Runtime Below Alarm Threshold Flag 21: Extended Run Frame Fault Flag 22: Output Voltage out of Range Flag 23: UPS Not Synchronized Flag 24: No Batteries Installed Flag 25: Battery Voltage High Flag 26: UPS Specific Fault Detected Flag 27: Site Wiring Fault Flag 28: Backfeed Protection Relay Opened Flag 29: EPO (Emergency Power Off) switch is activated Flag 30: UPS surveillance has detected a fault Flag 31: System overload detected or short circuit detected on the output Flag 32: Ambient temperature is out of tolerance" ::= { upsAdvState 1 } upsAdvStateSymmetra3PhaseSpecificFaults OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing the 64 flags representing the current active UPS specific faults for the Symmetra 3-Phase UPS models. If the Network Card is unable to determine the values of the flags, this variable is set to 'UNKNOWN'. If the connected UPS does not use this variable, it is set to 'NOT SUPPORTED'. The flags are numbered from 1 to 64, and read from left to right. The bits are defined as follows: Flag 1: External Switch Gear Failure Flag 2: External Transformer Over Temperature Flag 3: External DC Circuit Breaker Tripped Flag 4: System Power Supply Failure Flag 5: Battery Monitor Card Failure Flag 6: Battery Monitor Card Removed Flag 7: XR Communication Card Failure Flag 8: XR Communication Card Removed Flag 9: External Switch Gear Monitoring Card Failure Flag 10: External Switch Gear Monitoring Card Removed Flag 11: Internal DC Circuit Breaker Tripped Flag 12: Static Bypass Switch Failure Flag 13: System EEPROM Removed Flag 14: System EEPROM Failure Flag 15: UPS in Forced Bypass Flag 16: Static Bypass Switch Module Removed Flag 17: System Start-Up Configuration Fault Flag 18: Battery Charger Shutdown Externally Flag 19: Flag 20: Flag 21: Flag 22: Flag 23: Flag 24: Flag 25: Flag 26: Flag 27: Flag 28: Flag 29: Flag 30: Flag 31: Flag 32: Flag 33: Flag 34: Flag 35: Flag 36: Flag 37: Flag 38: Flag 39: Flag 40: Flag 41: Flag 42: Flag 43: Flag 44: Flag 45: Flag 46: Flag 47: Flag 48: Flag 49: Flag 50: Flag 51: Flag 52: Flag 53: Flag 54: Flag 55: Flag 56: Flag 57: Flag 58: Flag 59: Flag 60: Flag 61: Flag 62: Flag 63: Flag 64: " ::= { upsAdvState 2 } upsAdvStateDP300ESpecificFaults OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing the 64 flags representing the current active UPS specific faults for the Silcon DP300E UPS models. If the Network Card is unable to determine the values of the flags, this variable is set to 'UNKNOWN'. If the connected UPS does not use this variable, it is set to 'NOT SUPPORTED'. The flags are numbered from 1 to 64, and read from left to right. The bits are defined as follows: Flag 1: Peak Current Limiter Active Flag 2: Bypass Power Supply Fault Flag 3: Delta Current Limiter Active Flag 4: Fan Fault Flag 5: High DC warning Flag 6: Inverter Voltage Error Flag 7: Parallel Synchronization Error Flag 8: Second Power Supply Fault Flag 9: Internal Power Supply Fault Flag 10: Flag 11: Flag 12: Flag 13: Flag 14: Bypass Static Switch High Temperature Flag 15: High Battery Temperature Flag 16: Battery Weak Flag 17: Flag 18: System Locked in Operation Mode Flag 19: RAM1 Memory Write Error Flag 20: Memory Write Error Flag 21: Communication to VQ Bypass Lost Flag 22: Communication to VQ Output Lost Flag 23: Communication to DMU Lost Flag 24: Communication to Controller Lost Flag 25: Communication to Parallel IF Lost Flag 26: External Shutdown Accepted Flag 27: DC Capacitor Charge Error Flag 28: Communication to VQ Mains Lost Flag 29: Bypass Synchronization Error Flag 30: Charge Error Flag 31: SII Aux Input Activiated Flag 32: Flag 33: Blown Inverter Fuse Flag 34: Blown Rectifier Fuse Flag 35: Auxilliary 1 Fault Flag 36: Flag 37: Flag 38: Flag 39: Flag 40: Flag 41: Flag 42: Flag 43: Flag 44: Flag 45: Flag 46: High Temperature Charger Magnetic Flag 47: Flag 48: Battery Monitor Warning Flag 49: Battery Monitor Alarm Flag 50: Flag 51: Flag 52: Flag 53: TSM 1/2/3 Temperature Shutdown Flag 54: Charger 0/30 Temperature Warning Flag 55: Charger 0/30 Temperature Shutdown Flag 56: High Output Voltage Flag 57: SSW Temperature Over 90 Flag 58: Flag 59: Low Current Failure In AC Capacitors Flag 60: Flag 61: Advanced Battery Management Not Installed Flag 62: Flag 63: Flag 64: " ::= { upsAdvState 3 } upsAdvStateSymmetraSpecificFaults OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing the 64 flags representing the current active UPS specific faults for the Symmetra UPS models. If the Network Card is unable to determine the values of the flags, this variable is set to 'UNKNOWN'. If the connected UPS does not use this variable, it is set to 'NOT SUPPORTED'. The flags are numbered from 1 to 64, and read from left to right. The bits are defined as follows: Flag 1: System Fault Flag 2: Bypass Relay Fault Flag 3: Power Module Turn Off Failure Flag 4: Frame Identification Fault Flag 5: Flag 6: Flag 7: Flag 8: Flag 9: Flag 10: Flag 11: Flag 12: Flag 13: Flag 14: Flag 15: Flag 16: Flag 17: Flag 18: Flag 19: Flag 20: Flag 21: Flag 22: Flag 23: Flag 24: Flag 25: Flag 26: Flag 27: Flag 28: Flag 29: Flag 30: Flag 31: Flag 32: Flag 33: Flag 34: Flag 35: Flag 36: Flag 37: Flag 38: Flag 39: Flag 40: Flag 41: Flag 42: Flag 43: Flag 44: Flag 45: Flag 46: Flag 47: Flag 48: Flag 49: Flag 50: Flag 51: Flag 52: Flag 53: Flag 54: Flag 55: Flag 56: Flag 57: Flag 58: Flag 59: Flag 60: Flag 61: Flag 62: Flag 63: Flag 64: " ::= { upsAdvState 4 } upsAdvStateSmartUPSSpecificFaults OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing the 64 flags representing the current active UPS specific faults for the Smart-UPS UPS models. If the Network Card is unable to determine the values of the flags, this variable is set to 'UNKNOWN'. If the connected UPS does not use this variable, it is set to 'NOT SUPPORTED'. The flags are numbered from 1 to 64, and read from left to right. The bits are defined as follows: Flag 1: EPO Switch Activated Flag 2: Static Bypass Switch Fault Flag 3: System Configuration Fault Flag 4: Power Supply Unit Fault Flag 5: Weak Battery Flag 6: High Battery Temperature Flag 7: Internal Mechanical Bypass Flag 8: Loss Of Parallel Redundancy Flag 9: Parallel Bus Communication Fault on Cable 1 Flag 10: Parallel Bus Communication Fault on Cable 2 Flag 11: Auxiliary Bus Communication Fault Flag 12: Parallel Bus Termination Fault on Cable 1 Flag 13: Parallel Bus Termination Fault on Cable 2 Flag 14: Auxiliary Bus Termination Fault Flag 15: No Master Present In The Parallel System Flag 16: Overload on a Parallel Unit Flag 17: Parallel Configuration Fault Flag 18: Flag 19: Flag 20: Flag 21: Flag 22: Flag 23: Flag 24: Flag 25: Flag 26: Flag 27: Flag 28: Flag 29: Flag 30: Flag 31: Flag 32: Flag 33: Flag 34: Flag 35: Flag 36: Flag 37: Flag 38: Flag 39: Flag 40: Flag 41: Flag 42: Flag 43: Flag 44: Flag 45: Flag 46: Flag 47: Flag 48: Flag 49: Flag 50: Flag 51: Flag 52: Flag 53: Flag 54: Flag 55: Flag 56: Flag 57: Flag 58: Flag 59: Flag 60: Flag 61: Flag 62: Flag 63: Flag 64: " ::= { upsAdvState 5 } upsAdvStateSystemMessages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing the 3 digit Decimal code representing the current active message from the System Message Register. Each code should remain active for a minimum of 15 seconds. However, in the worst case scenario, a code could be cleared after only 5 seconds. It is recommended that this object be polled at least once every 4 seconds in order to get the most accurate representation of the current UPS System Message. If the Network Card is unable to determine the value of the System Message Register, this variable is set to 'UNKNOWN'." ::= { upsAdvState 6 } upsAdvStateTotaltimeonbattery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total time the UPS has been in battery operation." ::= { upsAdvState 7 } upsAdvStateTotaltimeonbypass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total time the UPS has been in bypass operation." ::= { upsAdvState 8 } upsAdvStateTotaltimeonNormal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total time the UPS has been in normal operation." ::= { upsAdvState 9 } upsAdvStateNumberoftimesonbattery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of times the UPS was on battery. Since the last reset of statistical data." ::= { upsAdvState 10 } upsAdvStateNumberoftimesbypass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of times the UPS was in bypass. Since the last reset of statistical data." ::= { upsAdvState 11 } upsAdvStateNumberoftimesNormal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of times the UPS was in normal operation. Since the last reset of statistical data." ::= { upsAdvState 12 } upsAdvStateEcomode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsOnEcoMode(1), upsNotOnEcoMode(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Eco mode status. 1: UPS is on Eco-mode 2: UPS is not on Eco-mode." ::= { upsAdvState 13 } upsAdvStateLifeCycleManagement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing the 16 flags representing the life cycle management alerts for the device. If the Network Card is unable to determine the values of the flags, this variable is set to 'UNKNOWN'. If the connected UPS does not use this variable, it is set to 'NOT SUPPORTED'. The flags are numbered from 1 to 16, and read from left to right. The bits are defined as follows: Flag 1: End of Warranty Soon Flag 2: Battery Check Recommended Flag 3: Service Period On Wearing Parts Expired Flag 4: Secure Start-up Recommended Flag 5: Fan Life Expired Flag 6: DC Capacitor Life Expired Flag 7: AC Capacitor Life Expired Flag 8: Supply Service Life Expired Flag 9: Ups Out Of Limits Warning Flag 10: Air Filter Life Expired Flag 11: Flag 12: Flag 13: Flag 14: Flag 15: Flag 16: " ::= { upsAdvState 14 } upsAdvStateGalaxyVseriesSpecificFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing 32 flags representing current active faults on a Galaxy V series UPS. The upsAdvStateAbnormalConditions OID shall be used to report active faults as per its description. Additional fault information shall be provided through the upsAdvStateGalaxyVseriesSpecificFault OID. If the Network Card is unable to determine the values of the flags, this variable is set to 'UNKNOWN'. If this variable is not supported by the connected UPS, this variable is set to 'NOT SUPPORTED'. The flags are numbered from 1 to 32, and read from left to right. The flags are defined as follows: Flag 1: Input voltage is out of tolerance Flag 2: Input frequency is out of tolerance Flag 3: External sync frequency is out of tolerance Flag 4: Output frequency is out of tolerance Flag 5: The static bypass switch needs a technical check but is still fully operational Flag 6: Static bypass switch is inoperable. UPS is prevented from going into static bypass operation Flag 7: PBUS cable 1 may be damaged Flag 8: PBUS cable 2 may be damaged Flag 9: The parallel system is not configured correctly or is not working correctly Flag 10: The UC in the controller box is not working correctly Flag 11: Power module surveillance detected a fault Flag 12: The SLC in the controller box is not working correctly Flag 13: No SBS present Flag 14: No power module(s) present Flag 15: Controller box disabled Flag 16: Display communication lost - disconnected Flag 17: The energy storage surveillance has detected a battery temperature above shutdown limit Flag 18: Modular battery cabinet fuse blown Flag 19: Battery module temperature sensor not working correctly Flag 20: The energy storage surveillance has detected a battery discharge current above shutdown limit Flag 21: Ground fault detected Flag 22: External energy storage monitoring: Minor alarm Flag 23: External energy storage monitoring: Major alarm Flag 24: Temperature of input and/or output transformer is too high Flag 25: Parallel breaker status inconsistency detected Flag 26: UC communication lost - disconnected Flag 27: PMC communication lost - disconnected Flag 28: NMC communication lost - disconnected Flag 29: BMC communication lost - disconnected Flag 30: Flag 31: Flag 32: " ::= { upsAdvState 15 } upsAdvStateGutorModularSpecificFaults OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing the 64 flags representing the current active Charger Rectifier and UPS specific faults for Gutor Modular models. Flag allocation: Flag 1 to 16 for breakers status (Charger Rectifier + UPS). 16 Flags Flag 17 to 32 for module errors. 16 Flags Flag 33 to 44 For charger errors. 12 Flags Flag 45 to 54 for battery errors. 10 flags Flag 55 to 64 for temperature errors. 10 flags If the Network Card is unable to determine the values of the flags, this variable is set to 'UNKNOWN'. If the connected UPS does not use this variable, it is set to 'NOT SUPPORTED'. The flags are numbered from 1 to 64 and read from left to right. The bits are defined as follows: Breaker (16 signals) Flag 1: Q1 charger AC input breaker is OPEN Flag 2: Q4 Battery breaker is OPEN Flag 3: Q3 charger DC output breaker is OPEN Flag 4: Q_Distribution breaker OPEN Flag 5: Input Power Module Rectifier OPEN Flag 6: Z0 Surge arrestor OPEN Flag 7: Reserved Flag 8: Reserved Flag 9: Q020 - Inverter DC input breaker OPEN Flag 10: Q100 - Inverter AC output breaker OPEN Flag 11: Q050 - Manual bypass switch OPEN Flag 12: Q090 - Bypass input breaker OPEN Flag 13: Q_INVPowMod - Inverter input power module breakers OPEN Flag 14: Z0XX - AC bypass surge arrester OPEN Flag 15: 2Q20 - Inverter DC redundant input breaker OPEN Flag 16: RELIO2 - Input contact 7 OPEN Module (16 signals) Flag 17: < 1431 - Module configuration mismatch > Flag 18: < 1433 - Load sharing error (All power modules) > Flag 19: < 1435 - Fan fault (All power modules) > Flag 20: < 1437 - Output voltage out of range (All power modules) > Flag 21: < 1436 - Input voltage out of range (All power modules) > Flag 22: < 1504 - System switched off > Flag 23: < 1513 - Warning address reserve > Flag 24: < 1514 - Address reserve error > Flag 25: < 1515 - Power reserve error > Flag 26: Flag 27: Flag 28: Flag 29: Flag 30: Flag 31: Flag 32: Charger (12 signals) Flag 33: < 6 - Common Alarm > Flag 34: < 7 - Urgent incident > Flag 35: < 8 - Non-urgent alarm > Flag 36: < 9 - HMI-MCU Com. Error > Flag 37: < 1428 - Battery equalizing blocked > Flag 38: < 1432 - Boost charge blocked > Flag 39: < 1440 - High DC warning > Flag 40: < 1441 - High DC shutdown > Flag 41: < 1442 - Low DC warning > Flag 42: < 1443 - Low DC shutdown > Flag 43: Flag 44: Battery (10 signals) Flag 45: < 11 - Battery symmetry fault > Flag 46: < 1429 - Battery current limitation active > Flag 47: < 1430 - Battery current limitation configuration error > Flag 48: < 1512 - Battery temperature sensor defective > Flag 49: Flag 50: Flag 51: Flag 52: Flag 53: Flag 54: Temperature (10 signals) Flag 55: < 1444 - MCU temperature too high > Flag 56: Flag 57: Flag 58: Flag 59: Flag 60: Flag 61: Flag 62: Flag 63: Flag 64: " ::= { upsAdvState 16 } -- the upsBasicControl group upsBasicControlConserveBattery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noTurnOffUps(1), turnOffUpsToConserveBattery(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to turnUpsOffToConserveBattery(2) causes a UPS on battery to be put into 'sleep' mode. The UPS will turn back on when utility power is restored. Attempting to turn off a UPS that is not on battery will result in a badValue error. Setting this value to noTurnOffUps(1) has no effect. The value noTurnOffUps(1) will always be returned when the variable is read." ::= { upsBasicControl 1 } -- the upsAdvControl group upsAdvControlUpsOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noTurnUpsOff(1), turnUpsOff(2), turnUpsOffGracefully(3), turnUpsSyncGroupOff(4), turnUpsSyncGroupOffAfterDelay(5), turnUpsSyncGroupOffGracefully(6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to turnUpsOff(2) causes the UPS to shut off. When in this state, the UPS will not provide output power regardless of the input line state. Setting this variable to turnUpsOffGracefully(3) causes the UPS to shut off after a delay period. This allows the host to shut down in a graceful manner. When in this state, the UPS will not provide output power regardless of the input line state. If this UPS is an active member of a Synchronized Control Group (SCG) the turnUpsSyncGroupOff(4) command will perform a Synchronized Turn Off of all active Group members regardless of their current AC output status. If this UPS is an active member of a Synchronized Control Group (SCG) the turnUpsSyncGroupOffAfterDelay(5) command will perform a Synchronized Turn Off After Delay of all active Group members regardless of their current AC output status. This unit's Shutdown Delay will be used to execute the Turn Off After Delay command. If this UPS is an active member of an SCG, the turnUpsSyncGroupOffGracefully(6) command will perform a Synchronized Turn Off Gracefully of all active Group members regardless of their current AC output status. This unit's Maximum Shutdown Time and Shutdown Delay will be used to execute the Turn Off Gracefully command. Setting this value to noTurnUpsOff(1) has no effect. The value noTurnUpsOff(1) will always be returned when the variable is read." ::= { upsAdvControl 1 } upsAdvControlRebootShutdownUps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noRebootShutdownUps(1), rebootShutdownUps(2), rebootShutdownUpsGracefully(3), rebootShutdownSyncGroupUps(4), rebootShutdownSyncGroupUpsGracefully(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to rebootShutdownUps(2) causes the UPS to shut off and turn back on (as long as good AC input power is available, otherwise the UPS will remain off until good AC input power is available). Setting this variable to rebootShutdownUpsGracefully(3) causes the UPS to shut off after a delay period and then turn back on. This allows the host to shut down in a graceful manner. If this UPS is an active member of a Synchronized Control Group (SCG) the rebootShutdownSyncGroupUps(4) command will perform a Synchronized Reboot of all active Group members regardless of their current AC output status. If applicable, this unit's Power Synchronization Delay, Shutdown Delay, Return Delay, Return Battery Capacity, and Return Battery Capacity Offset will be used to execute the Reboot command. If this UPS is an active member of a SCG the rebootShutdownSyncGroupUpsGracefully(5) command will perform a Synchronized Reboot of all active Group members regardless of their current AC output status. If applicable, this unit's Power Synchronization Delay, Maximum Shutdown Time, Shutdown Delay, Return Delay, Return Battery Capacity, and Return Battery Capacity Offset will be used to execute the Reboot command. Setting this value to noRebootShutdownUps(1) has no effect. The value noRebootShutdownUps(1) will always be returned when the variable is read." ::= { upsAdvControl 2 } upsAdvControlUpsSleep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noPutUpsToSleep(1), putUpsToSleep(2), putUpsToSleepGracefully(3), putUpsSyncGroupToSleep(4), putUpsSyncGroupToSleepGracefully(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to putUpsToSleep(2) causes the UPS to go to sleep for the time specified by upsAdvConfigUpsSleepTime. Setting this variable to putUpsToSleepGracefully(3) causes the UPS to go to sleep for the time specified by upsAdvConfigUpsSleepTime after a delay period. This allows the host to shut down in a graceful manner. If this UPS is an active member of a Synchronized Control Group (SCG), the putUpsSyncGroupToSleep(4) command will perform a Synchronized Sleep of all active Group members regardless of their current AC output status. This unit's Power Synchronization Delay, Shutdown Delay, Sleep Time, and Return Delay will be used to execute the sleep command. If this UPS is an active member of a SCG the putUpsSyncGroupToSleepGracefully(5) command will perform a Synchronized Sleep Gracefully of all active Group members regardless of their current AC output status. This unit's Power Synchronization Delay, Maximum Shutdown Time, Shutdown Delay, Sleep Time, and Return Delay to execute the sleep command. When in sleep mode, the UPS will not provide output power regardless of the input line state. Once the specified time has elapsed, output power will be restored. Setting this value to noPutUpsToSleep(1) has no effect. The value noPutUpsToSleep(1) will always be returned when the variable is read." ::= { upsAdvControl 3 } upsAdvControlSimulatePowerFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noSimulatePowerFailure(1), simulatePowerFailure(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to simulatePowerFailure(2) causes the UPS switch to battery power. Setting this value to noSimulatePowerFailure(1) has no effect. The value noSimulatePowerFailure(1) will always be returned when the variable is read." ::= { upsAdvControl 4 } upsAdvControlFlashAndBeep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noFlashAndBeep(1), flashAndBeep(2), flashAndBeepSyncGroup(3), flashAndBeepCont(4), flashAndBeepCancel(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to flashAndBeep(2) causes the UPS to beep and simultaneously turn on the UPS front panel lights (Smart-UPS only). If this UPS is an active member of a Synchronized Control Group (SCG), the flashAndBeepSyncGroup(3) command will Flash and Beep all active Group members regardless of current AC output status. Setting this value to noFlashAndBeep(1) has no effect. Setting this value to flashAndBeepCont (4) commandcauses the UPS to beep and light the front panel lights until the flashAndBeepCancel (5) command is received. The value noFlashAndBeep(1) will always be returned when the variable is read." ::= { upsAdvControl 5 } upsAdvControlTurnOnUPS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noTurnOnUPS(1), turnOnUPS(2), turnOnUPSSyncGroup(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to turnOnUPS(2) causes the UPS to be turned on immediately. If this UPS is an active member of a Synchronized Control Group (SCG), the turnOnUPSSyncGroup(3) command will perform a Synchronized Turn On of all active Group members regardless of their current AC output status. Setting this value to noTurnOnUPS(1) has no effect. The value noTurnOnUPS(1) will always be returned when the variable is read." ::= { upsAdvControl 6 } upsAdvControlBypassSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noBypassSwitch (1), switchToBypass (2), switchOutOfBypass(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This switch puts the UPS in or out of bypass mode." ::= { upsAdvControl 7 } upsAdvControlRebootUpsWithOrWithoutAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noRebootUpsWithOrWithoutAC (1), rebootUpsImmediatelyWithOrWithoutAC (2), rebootUpsDelayedWithOrWithoutAC (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to rebootUpsImmediatelyWithOrWithoutAC (2) causes the UPS to turn off immediately, wait for a minimum time (typically 8 seconds), and then turn back on regardless of the AC input power on the UPS. Any supported switched outlet groups will be turned off immediately but will turn on based on their individual settings (to allow on sequencing). Setting this variable to rebootUpsDelayedWithOrWithoutAC (3) causes the UPS to turn off after a delay period, wait for a minimum time (typically 8 seconds), and then turn back on regardless of the AC input power on the UPS. Any supported switched outlet groups will be turned off and on based on their individual settings (to allow off and/or on sequencing). Setting this value to noRebootUpsWithOrWithoutAC (1) has no effect. The value noRebootUpsWithOrWithoutAC (1) will always be returned when the variable is read." ::= { upsAdvControl 8 } upsAdvControlFirmwareUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noFirmwareUpdate (1), firmwareUpdate (2), updateInProcess (3), updateSuccessful (4), updateFailed (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to firmwareUpdate(2) causes the UPS to begin a firmware update if possible. Setting this value to noFirmwareUpdate(1) will clear the previous results, if any, or otherwise has no effect. Reading this variable will return noFirmwareUpdate(1) when the UPS firmware has not been updated (or previous results have been cleared), updateInProcess(3) when the UPS firmware is being updated, updateSuccessful(4) when the UPS firmware has been successfully updated, or updateFailed(5) if the UPS firmware update failed." ::= { upsAdvControl 9 } -- the upsTest group -- the upsBasicTest group -- the upsAdvTest group upsAdvTestDiagnosticSchedule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), biweekly(2), weekly(3), atTurnOn(4), never(5), fourWeeks(6), twelveWeeks(7), biweeklySinceLastTest(8), weeklySinceLastTest(9), eightWeeks(10), twentysixWeeks(11), fiftytwoWeeks(12) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS system's automatic battery test schedule." ::= { upsAdvTest 1 } upsAdvTestDiagnostics OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noTestDiagnostics(1), testDiagnostics(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to testDiagnostics(2) causes the UPS to perform a diagnostic self test. Setting this value to noTestDiagnostics(1) has no effect. The value noTestDiagnostics(1) will always be returned when the variable is read." ::= { upsAdvTest 2 } upsAdvTestDiagnosticsResults OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), failed(2), invalidTest(3), testInProgress(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The results of the last UPS diagnostics test performed." ::= { upsAdvTest 3 } upsAdvTestLastDiagnosticsDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date the last UPS diagnostics test was performed in mm/dd/yy format." ::= { upsAdvTest 4 } upsAdvTestRuntimeCalibration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noPerformCalibration(1), performCalibration(2), cancelCurrentCalibration(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to performCalibration(2) causes the UPS to discharge to calibrate the UPS. The test will only start if the battery capacity is 100%. The test runs until capacity is less than 25%. Setting this variable to cancelCurrentCalibration(3) after setting performCalibration(2) will cancel the current discharge. Setting this variable to noPerformCalibration(1) will have no effect. The value noPerformCalibration(1) will always be returned when the variable is read. The result of the calibration will be saved in upsAdvTestCalibrationResult." ::= { upsAdvTest 5 } upsAdvTestCalibrationResults OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), invalidCalibration(2), calibrationInProgress(3), refused(4), aborted(5), pending(6), unknown(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The results of the last runtime calibration. Value ok(1) means a successful runtime calibration. Value invalidCalibration(2) indicates last calibration did not take place since the battery capacity was below 100%. Value calibrationInProgress(3) means a calibration is occurring now. Value refused(4) means the test was refused, it did not take place. Value aborted(5) indicates the test started but either someone cancelled it or the system encountered an error. Value pending(6) the test will commence shortly. " ::= { upsAdvTest 6 } upsAdvTestCalibrationDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date the last UPS runtime calibration was performed in mm/dd/yy format." ::= { upsAdvTest 7 } upsAdvTestDiagnosticTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time of the day to perform automatic battery test. Expressed in 24 hour notation - hh:mm." ::= { upsAdvTest 8 } upsAdvTestDiagnosticDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { monday (1), tuesday (2), wednesday (3), thursday (4), friday (5), saturday (6), sunday (7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The day of the week to perform automatic battery test." ::= { upsAdvTest 9 } upsAdvTestBatteryInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS system's automatic battery test period." ::= { upsAdvTest 10 } upsAdvTestCalibrationLastSuccessfulDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The latest date when the UPS performed a successful runtime calibration test. The format is YYYY-MM-DD" ::= { upsAdvTest 11 } upsAdvTestBatteryLastSuccessfulDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The latest date when the UPS performed a successful battery diagnostic test (battery monitoring test). The format is YYYY-MM-DD" ::= { upsAdvTest 12 } upsAdvTestBatteryLastDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The latest date when the UPS performed a battery diagnostic test (battery monitoring test), regardless of the test result.The format is YYYY-MM-DD. If not defined, return 2000-01-01" ::= { upsAdvTest 13 } upsAdvTestBatteryProcessStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), preconditionNotMeet(2), batteryTestInProgress(3), refused(4), aborted(5), pending(6), unknown(7), noBatteryPresent(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The results of the latest battery diagnostic test (battery monitoring test). ok(1) indicates a successful completion of the test. preconditionNotMeet(2) indicates that the test did not start, due to low capacity or low load. batteryTestInProgress(3) indicates that a test is in progress. refused(4) indicates that the test was refused and did not take place. aborted(5) indicates that the test started but it was either cancelled or the system encountered an error. pending(6) the test will commence shortly. noBatteryPresent(8) indicates that no battery is present (no battery, battery breaker open, etc.) to perform the battery diagnostic test." ::= { upsAdvTest 14 } upsAdvTestBatteryConditionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), batteryOK(2), batteryCapacityDecreased(3), batteryDefect(4), noBatteryPresent(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Result of the latest successful test 1 = unknown 2 = battery OK 3 = battery capacity decreased 4 = battery defect 5 = indicate that no battery is present (no battery, battery breaker open,..) to perform the battery diagnostic test" ::= { upsAdvTest 15 } upsAdvTestDiagnosticsBatteryInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { never(1), weekly(2), biweekly(3), every4weeks(4), every8weeks(5), every12weeks(6), every26weeks(7), every52weeks(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery test is a diagnostic test (also referred to as battery monitoring test). The test will be performed on the day stated in upsAdvTestDiagnosticDay and at the time stated in upsAdvTestDiagnosticTime. The result can be read in upsAdvTestBatteryConditionStatus. 1 = Never 2 = Weekly 3 = biweekly 4 = Every 4 weeks 5 = Every 8 weeks 6 = Every 12 weeks 7 = Every 26 weeks 8 = Every 52 weeks" ::= { upsAdvTest 16 } -- the upsComm group upsCommStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), noComm(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of agent's communication with UPS. " ::= { upsComm 1 } -- ups (integrated) output relay table upsOutputRelayStatusTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of integrated output relays on the UPS." ::= { upsOutputRelays 1 } upsOutputRelayStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSOutputRelayStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for access of individual relays." ::= { upsOutputRelays 2 } upsOutputRelayStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSOutputRelayStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output relays to access." INDEX { upsOutputRelayIndex } ::= { upsOutputRelayStatusTable 1 } UPSOutputRelayStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsOutputRelayIndex INTEGER, upsOutputRelayState INTEGER, upsOutputRelayDetailedStatus DisplayString } upsOutputRelayIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the output relay entry." ::= { upsOutputRelayStatusEntry 1 } upsOutputRelayState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outputRelayNormalState (1), outputRelayAbnormalState (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the output relay state. 1 - normal state 2 - abnormal state" ::= { upsOutputRelayStatusEntry 2 } upsOutputRelayDetailedStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing the 16 flags representing the status of the output relay. The flags are numbered from 1 to 16, and read from left to right. The bits are defined as follows: Flag 1: Cause is true which makes the output relay active if not pending a condition Flag 2: Pending delay Flag 3: Pending peak period Flag 4: Flag 5: Flag 6: Flag 7: Flag 8: Flag 9: Flag 10: Flag 11: Flag 12: Flag 13: Flag 14: Flag 15: Flag 16: " ::= { upsOutputRelayStatusEntry 3 } upsOutputRelayConfigTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of integrated output relays on the UPS." ::= { upsOutputRelays 3 } upsOutputRelayConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSOutputRelayConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for access of individual relays." ::= { upsOutputRelays 4 } upsOutputRelayConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSOutputRelayConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output relays to access." INDEX { upsOutputRelayConfigIndex } ::= { upsOutputRelayConfigTable 1 } UPSOutputRelayConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsOutputRelayConfigIndex INTEGER, upsOutputRelayConfigDelay INTEGER, upsOutputRelayConfigCause INTEGER } upsOutputRelayConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the output relay entry." ::= { upsOutputRelayConfigEntry 1 } upsOutputRelayConfigDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output relay delay 0 - 86400 seconds." ::= { upsOutputRelayConfigEntry 2 } upsOutputRelayConfigCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outputRelayConfigCauseNone (1), outputRelayConfigCauseOnBatPwrFail (2), outputRelayConfigCauseOnBatPwrFailExceptPeakPeriod (3), outputRelayConfigCauseLoBatWhileOnBat (4), outputRelayConfigCauseAlarm (5), outputRelayConfigCauseFault (6), outputRelayConfigCauseOutputOn (7), outputRelayConfigCauseOutputOff (8), outputRelayConfigCauseOnline (9), outputRelayConfigCauseInBypass (10) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable sets what causes the output relay state to change. 1 - none 2 - on battery power failure 3 - on battery power failure expect during peak period 4 - low battery while on battery 5 - alarm 6 - fault 7 - output on 8 - output off 9 - online 10 - in bypass" ::= { upsOutputRelayConfigEntry 3 } upsOutputRelayConfigPolarity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ upsOutputRelayAllRelaysEnergizedWhenTrue (1), upsOutputRelayAllRelaysNotEnergizedWhenTrue (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configures all output relays with one setting. 1 - all relays act normally open, when logic condition is true, relays are energized 2 - all relays act normally close, when logic condition is true relays are deenergized" ::= { upsOutputRelays 5 } upsOutputRelayConfigPeakPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing the 64 flags representing the peak period setting of the UPS. Flags are numbered 1-64 starting from the left. Each flag is either a '1', representing a flag that is set, or a '0', representing a flag that is /not/ set. The peak period intervals are times that are both: - on the days of the week set by the first 7 flags AND - within the time periods set by the remaining flags. UPS output relays triggered by 'On battery except peak period' will not signal when the UPS is on battery during a peak period. The flags are defined as follows: Flag 1: Sunday Flag 2: Monday Flag 3: Tuesday Flag 4: Wednesday Flag 5: Thursday Flag 6: Friday Flag 7: Saturday Flag 8: 00:00-00:29 Flag 9: 00:30-00:59 Flag 10: 01:00-01:29 Flag 11: 01:30-01:59 Flag 12: 02:00-02:29 Flag 13: 02:30-02:59 Flag 14: 03:00-03:29 Flag 15: 03:30-03:59 Flag 16: 04:00-04:29 Flag 17: 04:30-04:59 Flag 18: 05:00-05:29 Flag 19: 05:30-05:59 Flag 20: 06:00-06:29 Flag 21: 06:30-06:59 Flag 22: 07:00-07:29 Flag 23: 07:30-07:59 Flag 24: 08:00-08:29 Flag 25: 08:30-08:59 Flag 26: 09:00-09:29 Flag 27: 09:30-09:59 Flag 28: 10:00-00:29 Flag 29: 10:30-10:59 Flag 30: 11:00-11:29 Flag 31: 11:30-11:59 Flag 32: 12:00-12:29 Flag 33: 12:30-12:59 Flag 34: 13:00-13:29 Flag 35: 13:30-13:59 Flag 36: 14:00-14:29 Flag 37: 14:30-14:59 Flag 38: 15:00-15:29 Flag 39: 15:30-15:59 Flag 40: 16:00-16:29 Flag 41: 16:30-16:59 Flag 42: 17:00-17:29 Flag 43: 17:30-17:59 Flag 44: 18:00-18:29 Flag 45: 18:30-18:59 Flag 46: 19:00-19:29 Flag 47: 19:30-19:59 Flag 48: 20:00-20:29 Flag 49: 20:30-20:59 Flag 50: 21:00-21:29 Flag 51: 21:30-21:59 Flag 52: 22:00-22:29 Flag 53: 22:30-22:59 Flag 54: 23:00-23:29 Flag 55: 23:30-23:59 Flag 56: Flag 57: Flag 58: Flag 59: Flag 60: Flag 61: Flag 62: Flag 63: Flag 64: To set this OID you can either: - set the 64 flag bits as an ASCII string of '1's and '0's as described above. The same format is used when this OID is read. - or turn on/off an individual flags. Examples: Set for Sundays and Tuesdays from 00:00-01:29: 1010000111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Set Mondays to be part of the peak periods: +2 Set Tuesdays to not be part of the peak periods: -3 Include interval 23:30-23:59 in the peak period: +55" ::= { upsOutputRelays 6 } upsInputContactStatusTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of integrated input contacts on the UPS." ::= { upsInputContacts 1 } upsInputContactStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsInputContactStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for access of individual contacts." ::= { upsInputContacts 2 } upsInputContactStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsInputContactStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input contacts to access." INDEX { upsInputContactIndex } ::= { upsInputContactStatusTable 1 } UpsInputContactStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsInputContactIndex INTEGER, upsInputContactState INTEGER } upsInputContactIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the input contact entry." ::= { upsInputContactStatusEntry 1 } upsInputContactState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsInputContactNormalState (1), upsInputContactAbnormalState (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the input contact state. 1 - normal state 2 - abnormal state" ::= { upsInputContactStatusEntry 2 } upsInputContactConfigTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of integrated input contacts on the UPS." ::= { upsInputContacts 3 } upsInputContactConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsInputContactConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for access of individual contacts." ::= { upsInputContacts 4 } upsInputContactConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsInputContactConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input contacts to access." INDEX { upsInputContactConfigIndex } ::= { upsInputContactConfigTable 1 } UpsInputContactConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsInputContactConfigIndex INTEGER, upsInputContactConfigAction INTEGER } upsInputContactConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the input contact entry." ::= { upsInputContactConfigEntry 1 } upsInputContactConfigAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsInputContactConfigActionNone (1), upsInputContactConfigActionSelfTest (2), upsInputContactConfigActionExternalAlarmOn (3), upsInputContactConfigActionExternalAlarmOff (4), upsInputContactConfigActionOutputOffNoDelay (5), upsInputContactConfigActionOutputOn (6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When the input contact changes state, this action occurs. 1 - none 2 - self test 3 - external alarm on 4 - external alarm off 5 - output off no delay 6 - output on" ::= { upsInputContactConfigEntry 2 } upsInputContactConfigPolarity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ upsInputContactAllContactsClosedEqualsTrue (1), upsInputContactAllContactsOpenEqualsTrue (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configures all input contacts with one setting. 1 - all contacts act as normally open 2 - all contacts act as normally closed" ::= { upsInputContacts 5 } -- upsServiceInfo subgroup -- the upsServiceBatteryInfo subgroup -- Don't want to expose Ups Service information data to customer. -- Always be in experimental. -- upsECOmode subgroup upsEcoModeFreqTransferRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates tolerance of bypass AC frequency in Hz to switch on ECO mode." ::= { upsECOmode 1 } upsEcoModeHighVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates high threshold on AC voltage in volts to switch on ECO mode." ::= { upsECOmode 2 } upsEcoModeLowVoltThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates low threshold on AC voltage in volts to switch on ECO mode." ::= { upsECOmode 3 } upsEcoModeSetting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether ECO feature is avaiable to this UPS or not." ::= { upsECOmode 4 } upsEcoModeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), inactive (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether UPS is running in ECO mode or not." ::= { upsECOmode 5 } upsEcoModeCountSinceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of times UPS entered into ECO mode since maintenance reset." ::= { upsECOmode 6 } upsEcoModeOnlineSinceCommission OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total runtime in online mode with ECO feature enabled once product is authorized to use (in minutes)." ::= { upsECOmode 7 } upsEcoModeOnlineSinceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total runtime in online mode with ECO feature enabled since maintenance reset (in minutes)." ::= { upsECOmode 8 } upsEcoModeTotalPercentTimeSinceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates percentage of runtime in ECO mode since maintenance reset." ::= { upsECOmode 9 } upsEcoModePercentTimeSinceCommission OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates percentage of operation time in ECO mode once product is authorized to use." ::= { upsECOmode 10 } upsEcoModeTotalTimeSinceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total runtime of UPS in ECO mode since maintenance reset (in minutes)." ::= { upsECOmode 11 } upsEcoModeTotalTimeSinceCommission OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total runtime in ECO mode once product is authorized to use (in minutes)." ::= { upsECOmode 12 } upsEcoModeTotalTimeInMonth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total runtime of UPS in ECO mode since beginning of month (in minutes)." ::= { upsECOmode 13 } -- upsEBMmode subgroup upsEbmModeSetting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether efficiency booster mode feature is avaiable to this UPS or not." ::= { upsEBMmode 1 } upsEbmModeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), inactive (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether UPS is running on EBM mode or not." ::= { upsEBMmode 2 } upsEbmModeCountSinceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of times UPS entered into efficiency booster mode since maintenance reset." ::= { upsEBMmode 3 } upsEbmModeTotalTimeInMonth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total runtime of UPS in efficiency booster mode since beginning of month (in minutes)." ::= { upsEBMmode 4 } upsEbmModeTotalTimeSinceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total runtime of UPS in efficiency booster mode since maintenance reset (in minutes)." ::= { upsEBMmode 5 } upsEbmModeTotalPercentTimeSinceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates percentage of runtime in efficiency booster mode since maintenance reset." ::= { upsEBMmode 6 } upsEbmModeOnlineSinceCommission OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates runtime in online mode with EBM feature enabled once product is authorized to use (in minutes)." ::= { upsEBMmode 7 } upsEbmModePercentTimeSinceCommission OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates percentage of operation time in efficiency booster mode once product is authorized to use." ::= { upsEBMmode 8 } upsEbmModeRuntimeSinceCommission OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total runtime in efficiency booster mode once product is authorized to use (in minutes)." ::= { upsEBMmode 9 } upsEbmModeOnlineSinceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total runtime in online mode with EBM feature enabled since maintenance reset (in minutes)." ::= { upsEBMmode 10 } upsEbmModeUpsCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of UPS devices running in efficiency booster mode." ::= { upsEBMmode 11 } -- upsBatteryStats group upsBatteryStatsReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), noOperation (2), reset (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to reset(3) will reset the Battery Stats timer. Getting this OID will return: notSupported(1) - reset feature is not supported. noOperation(2) - indicates reset is supported, does nothing." ::= { upsBatteryStats 1 } upsBatteryStatsTimeSinceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time since battery timer reset (in minutes)." ::= { upsBatteryStats 2 } upsBatteryStatsTimeOnBattery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total time for UPS in battery operation (in minutes)." ::= { upsBatteryStats 3 } -- upsOperationalStats group upsOpStatsReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), noOperation (2), reset (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to reset(3) will reset the Operational Stats timer. Getting this OID will return: notSupported(1) - reset feature is not supported. noOperation(2) - indicates reset is supported, does nothing." ::= { upsOperationalStats 1 } upsOpStatsTimeSinceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time since timer reset (in minutes)." ::= { upsOperationalStats 2 } upsOpStatsTimeInNormalOperation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total time for UPS in normal operation since timer reset via upsOpStatsReset (in minutes)." ::= { upsOperationalStats 3 } upsOpStatsTimeInBypassOperation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total time for UPS in bypass operation since timer reset via upsOpStatsReset (in minutes)." ::= { upsOperationalStats 4 } upsOpStatsTimeInECOmodeOperation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total time for UPS in ECO mode since timer reset via upsOpStatsReset (in minutes)." ::= { upsOperationalStats 5 } upsOpStatsTimeInECOnversionOperation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total time for UPS in ECOnversion since timer reset via upsOpStatsReset (in minutes)." ::= { upsOperationalStats 6 } -- upsEnergyEfficiencyStats group upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), noOperation (2), reset (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to reset(3) will reset the Energy Efficiency Stats timer. Getting this OID will return: notSupported(1) - reset feature is not supported. noOperation(2) - indicates reset is supported, does nothing." ::= { upsEnergyEfficiencyStats 1 } upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsOutputEnergyTimeSinceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time (in minutes) since last timer reset of the OID upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsOutputEnergyUsage" ::= { upsEnergyEfficiencyStats 2 } upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsTimeInECOmode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Total time (in minutes) for UPS in ECO mode since last timer reset via upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsReset" ::= { upsEnergyEfficiencyStats 3 } upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsTimeInECOnversion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Total time (in minutes) for UPS in ECOnversion since last timer reset via upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsReset" ::= { upsEnergyEfficiencyStats 4 } upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsInputEnergyUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input energy usage of the UPS in kWh since timer reset." ::= { upsEnergyEfficiencyStats 5 } upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsOutputEnergyUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output energy usage of the UPS in kWh since timer reset." ::= { upsEnergyEfficiencyStats 6 } upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsInputEnergyTimeSinceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time (in minutes) since last timer reset of the OID upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsInputEnergyUsage" ::= { upsEnergyEfficiencyStats 7 } upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsECOmodeTimeSinceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Time (in minutes) since last timer reset of the OID upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsTimeInECOmode" ::= { upsEnergyEfficiencyStats 8 } upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsECOnversionTimeSinceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Time (in minutes) since last timer reset of the OID upsEnergyEfficiencyStatsTimeInECOnversion" ::= { upsEnergyEfficiencyStats 9 } -- the measureUps group -- the Environ group mUpsEnvironAmbientTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ambient temperature in Celsius for Probe 1." ::= { mUpsEnviron 1 } mUpsEnvironRelativeHumidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The relative humidity as a percentage for Probe 1." ::= { mUpsEnviron 2 } mUpsEnvironAmbientTemperature2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ambient temperature in Celsius for Probe 2." ::= { mUpsEnviron 3 } mUpsEnvironRelativeHumidity2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The relative humidity as a percentage for Probe 2." ::= { mUpsEnviron 4 } -- the mUpsContact group mUpsContactNumContacts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of contacts supported by the Measure-UPS." ::= { mUpsContact 1 } mUpsContactTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MUpsContactEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of contacts supported by the Measure-UPS." ::= { mUpsContact 2 } mUpsContactEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MUpsContactEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A contact entry containing information for a given contact." INDEX { contactNumber } ::= { mUpsContactTable 1 } MUpsContactEntry ::= SEQUENCE { contactNumber INTEGER, normalState INTEGER, description DisplayString, monitoringStatus INTEGER, currentStatus INTEGER } contactNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An index identifying the contact on the Measure-UPS." ::= { mUpsContactEntry 1 } normalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), open(2), closed(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The normal operating position of the contact. If the normal operating position cannot be set then it is controlled via the dip switch on the Measure-UPS and is therefore read-only." ::= { mUpsContactEntry 2 } description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The description of the purpose/use of the contact." ::= { mUpsContactEntry 3 } monitoringStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), enabled(2), disabled(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A flag indicating whether this contact is monitored, or not." ::= { mUpsContactEntry 4 } currentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), noFault(2), fault(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the current state of the contact. If the contact is not in its normal state. This value is set to fault(2)." ::= { mUpsContactEntry 5 } -- Three Phase Group -- -- Reset Max/Min Values Group -- upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), reset (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reset the maximum and minimum UPS values: upsPhaseInputMaxVoltage, upsPhaseInputMinVoltage, upsPhaseInputMaxCurrent, upsPhaseInputMinCurrent, upsPhaseInputMaxPower, upsPhaseInputMinPower, upsPhaseOutputMaxCurrent, upsPhaseOutputMinCurrent, upsPhaseOutputMaxLoad, upsPhaseOutputMinLoad, upsPhaseOutputMaxPercentLoad, upsPhaseOutputMinPercentLoad, upsPhaseOutputMaxPower, upsPhaseOutputMinPower, upsPhaseOutputMaxPercentPower, upsPhaseOutputMinPercentPower." ::= { upsPhaseResetValues 1 } -- -- Input Group -- -- Number of Inputs upsPhaseNumInputs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of input feeds to this device. This variable indicates the number of rows in the input table." ::= { upsPhaseInput 1 } -- Input Table upsPhaseInputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsPhaseInputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of input table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of upsPhaseNumInputs." ::= { upsPhaseInput 2 } upsPhaseInputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsPhaseInputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular input." INDEX { upsPhaseInputTableIndex } ::= { upsPhaseInputTable 1 } UpsPhaseInputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsPhaseInputTableIndex INTEGER, upsPhaseNumInputPhases INTEGER, upsPhaseInputVoltageOrientation INTEGER, upsPhaseInputFrequency INTEGER, upsPhaseInputType INTEGER, upsPhaseInputName DisplayString } upsPhaseInputTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input identifier." ::= { upsPhaseInputEntry 1 } upsPhaseNumInputPhases OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of input phases utilized in this device. The sum of all the upsPhaseNumInputPhases variable indicates the number of rows in the input phase table." ::= { upsPhaseInputEntry 2 } upsPhaseInputVoltageOrientation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), singlePhase(2), splitPhase(3), threePhasePhaseToNeutral(4), threePhasePhaseToPhase(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input voltage orientation: 1: unknown for this UPS 2: singlePhase - phase 1 voltage is between Phase 1 and Neutral. 3: splitPhase - phase 1 voltage is between Phase 1 and Neutral; phase 2 voltage is between Phase 2 and Neutral; phase 3 voltage is between Phase 1 and Phase 2. 4: threePhasePhaseToNeutral - phase 1 voltage is between Phase 1 and Neutral; phase 2 voltage is between Phase 2 and Neutral; phase 3 voltage is between Phase 3 and Neutral. 5: threePhasePhaseToPhase - phase 1 voltage is between Phase 1 and Phase 2; phase 2 voltage is between Phase 2 and Phase 3; phase 3 voltage is between Phase 3 and Phase 1." ::= { upsPhaseInputEntry 3 } upsPhaseInputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input frequency in 0.1 Hertz, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsPhaseInputEntry 4 } upsPhaseInputType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), main(2), bypass(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input type." ::= { upsPhaseInputEntry 5 } upsPhaseInputName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A name given to a particular input." ::= { upsPhaseInputEntry 6 } -- Input Phase Table upsPhaseInputPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsPhaseInputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of input table entries. The number of entries is given by the sum of the upsPhaseNumInputPhases." ::= { upsPhaseInput 3 } upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsPhaseInputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular input phase." INDEX { upsPhaseInputPhaseTableIndex, upsPhaseInputPhaseIndex } ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseTable 1 } UpsPhaseInputPhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsPhaseInputPhaseTableIndex INTEGER, upsPhaseInputPhaseIndex INTEGER, upsPhaseInputVoltage INTEGER, upsPhaseInputMaxVoltage INTEGER, upsPhaseInputMinVoltage INTEGER, upsPhaseInputCurrent INTEGER, upsPhaseInputMaxCurrent INTEGER, upsPhaseInputMinCurrent INTEGER, upsPhaseInputPower INTEGER, upsPhaseInputMaxPower INTEGER, upsPhaseInputMinPower INTEGER, upsPhaseInputApparentPower INTEGER, upsPhaseInputPowerFactor INTEGER, upsPhaseInputVoltagePN INTEGER } upsPhaseInputPhaseTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input identifier." ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry 1 } upsPhaseInputPhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input phase identifier." ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry 2 } upsPhaseInputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input voltage in VAC, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry 3 } upsPhaseInputMaxVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum input voltage in VAC measured since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry 4 } upsPhaseInputMinVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum input voltage in VAC measured since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry 5 } upsPhaseInputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input current in 0.1 amperes, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry 6 } upsPhaseInputMaxCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum input current in 0.1 amperes measured since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry 7 } upsPhaseInputMinCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum input current in 0.1 amperes measured since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry 8 } upsPhaseInputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input power in Watts, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry 9 } upsPhaseInputMaxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum input power in Watts measured since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry 10 } upsPhaseInputMinPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum input power in Watts measured since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry 11 } upsPhaseInputApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input apparent power of the UPS in kVA." ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry 12 } upsPhaseInputPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input power factor measured in hundredth." ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry 13 } upsPhaseInputVoltagePN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input voltage measured across Phase to Neutral in VAC, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsPhaseInputPhaseEntry 14 } -- -- The Output group. -- -- Number of Outputs upsPhaseNumOutputs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of output feeds to this device. This variable indicates the number of rows in the output table." ::= { upsPhaseOutput 1 } -- Output Table upsPhaseOutputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsPhaseOutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of output table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of upsOutputNumPhases." ::= { upsPhaseOutput 2 } upsPhaseOutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsPhaseOutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular output." INDEX { upsPhaseOutputTableIndex } ::= { upsPhaseOutputTable 1 } UpsPhaseOutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsPhaseOutputTableIndex INTEGER, upsPhaseNumOutputPhases INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputVoltageOrientation INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputFrequency INTEGER } upsPhaseOutputTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output identifier." ::= { upsPhaseOutputEntry 1 } upsPhaseNumOutputPhases OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of output phases utilized in this device. The sum of all the upsPhaseNumOutputPhases variable indicates the number of rows in the output phase table." ::= { upsPhaseOutputEntry 2 } upsPhaseOutputVoltageOrientation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), singlePhase(2), splitPhase(3), threePhasePhaseToNeutral(4), threePhasePhaseToPhase(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output voltage orientation: 1: unknown for this UPS 2: singlePhase - phase 1 voltage is between Phase 1 and Neutral. 3: splitPhase - phase 1 voltage is between Phase 1 and Neutral; phase 2 voltage is between Phase 2 and Neutral; phase 3 voltage is between Phase 1 and Phase 2. 4: threePhasePhaseToNeutral - phase 1 voltage is between Phase 1 and Neutral; phase 2 voltage is between Phase 2 and Neutral; phase 3 voltage is between Phase 3 and Neutral. 5: threePhasePhaseToPhase - phase 1 voltage is between Phase 1 and Phase 2; phase 2 voltage is between Phase 2 and Phase 3; phase 3 voltage is between Phase 3 and Phase 1." ::= { upsPhaseOutputEntry 3 } upsPhaseOutputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output frequency in 0.1 Hertz, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsPhaseOutputEntry 4 } -- Output Phase Table upsPhaseOutputPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of output table entries. The number of entries is given by the sum of the upsPhaseNumOutputPhases." ::= { upsPhaseOutput 3 } upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular output phase." INDEX { upsPhaseOutputPhaseTableIndex, upsPhaseOutputPhaseIndex } ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseTable 1 } UpsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsPhaseOutputPhaseTableIndex INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputPhaseIndex INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputVoltage INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputCurrent INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputMaxCurrent INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputMinCurrent INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputLoad INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputMaxLoad INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputMinLoad INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputPercentLoad INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputMaxPercentLoad INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputMinPercentLoad INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputPower INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputMaxPower INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputMinPower INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputPercentPower INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputMaxPercentPower INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputMinPercentPower INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputPowerFactor INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputApparentPower INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputInverterVoltage INTEGER, upsPhaseOutputVoltagePN INTEGER } upsPhaseOutputPhaseTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output identifier." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 1 } upsPhaseOutputPhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output phase identifier." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 2 } upsPhaseOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output voltage in VAC, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 3 } upsPhaseOutputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output current in 0.1 amperes drawn by the load on the UPS, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 4 } upsPhaseOutputMaxCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum output current in 0.1 amperes measured since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 5 } upsPhaseOutputMinCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum output current in 0.1 amperes measured since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 6 } upsPhaseOutputLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output load in VA, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 7 } upsPhaseOutputMaxLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum output load in VA measured since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 8 } upsPhaseOutputMinLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum output load in VA measured since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 9 } upsPhaseOutputPercentLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The percentage of the UPS load capacity in VA at redundancy @ (n + x) presently being used on this output phase, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 10 } upsPhaseOutputMaxPercentLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum percentage of the UPS load capacity in VA measured at redundancy @ (n + x) presently being used on this output phase since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 11 } upsPhaseOutputMinPercentLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum percentage of the UPS load capacity in VA measured at redundancy @ (n + x) presently being used on this output phase since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 12 } upsPhaseOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output power in Watts, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 13 } upsPhaseOutputMaxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum output power in Watts measured since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 14 } upsPhaseOutputMinPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum output power in Watts measured since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 15 } upsPhaseOutputPercentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The percentage of the UPS power capacity in Watts at redundancy @ (n + x) presently being used on this output phase, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 16 } upsPhaseOutputMaxPercentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum percentage of the UPS power capacity in Watts measured at redundancy @ (n + x) presently being used on this output phase since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 17 } upsPhaseOutputMinPercentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum percentage of the UPS power capacity in Watts measured at redundancy @ (n + x) presently being used on this output phase since the last reset (upsPhaseResetMaxMinValues), or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS. Sampled every 30 seconds." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 18 } upsPhaseOutputPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Output power factor of the UPS in hundredth." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 19 } upsPhaseOutputApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Apparent power in kVA" ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 20 } upsPhaseOutputInverterVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output voltage in VAC measured at the output of inverter." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 21 } upsPhaseOutputVoltagePN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output voltage measured across Phase to Neutral in VAC, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsPhaseOutputPhaseEntry 22 } -- the upsOutletGroupStatus group upsOutletGroupStatusTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of outlet groups for the UPS." ::= { upsOutletGroupStatus 1 } upsOutletGroupStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsOutletGroupStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting status of the outlet groups. The number of entries is contained in the upsOutletGroupStatusTableSize OID." ::= { upsOutletGroupStatus 2 } upsOutletGroupStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsOutletGroupStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlet group status to get." INDEX { upsOutletGroupStatusIndex} ::= { upsOutletGroupStatusTable 1 } UpsOutletGroupStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsOutletGroupStatusIndex INTEGER, upsOutletGroupStatusName DisplayString, upsOutletGroupStatusGroupState INTEGER, upsOutletGroupStatusCommandPending INTEGER, upsOutletGroupStatusOutletType INTEGER, upsOutletGroupStatusGroupFullState DisplayString } upsOutletGroupStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet group entry." ::= { upsOutletGroupStatusEntry 1 } upsOutletGroupStatusName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet group. This OID is provided for informational purposes only. This value is set by the upsOutletGroupConfigName OID." ::= { upsOutletGroupStatusEntry 2 } upsOutletGroupStatusGroupState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsOutletGroupStatusOn (1), upsOutletGroupStatusOff (2), upsOutletGroupStatusUnknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the outlet group state. If the outlet group is on, the upsOutletGroupStatusOn (1) value will be returned. If the outlet group is off, the upsOutletGroupStatusOff (2) value will be returned. If the state of the outlet group cannot be determined, the upsOutletGroupStatusUnknown (3) value will be returned." ::= { upsOutletGroupStatusEntry 3 } upsOutletGroupStatusCommandPending OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsOutletGroupCommandPending (1), upsOutletGroupNoCommandPending (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the command pending state of the outlet group. If a command is pending on the outlet group, the upsOutletGroupCommandPending (1) value will be returned. If there is not a command pending on the outlet group, the upsOutletGroupNoCommandPending (2) will be returned." ::= { upsOutletGroupStatusEntry 4 } upsOutletGroupStatusOutletType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsSwitchedOutletGroup (1), upsMainOutletGroup (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the type of outlet group. If present in the system, the main outlet group is 'unswitched' and must be on in order for any of the switched outlet groups to be on. Conversely, if the main outlet group is off, all the switched outlet groups must also be off. Therefore, any commands made to the main outlet group that turn it off will also be applied to all switched outlet groups that are on, unless the state of a switched outlet group prevents it, in which case the command will fail." ::= { upsOutletGroupStatusEntry 5 } upsOutletGroupStatusGroupFullState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing the 32 flags representing the current state(s) of the outlet group. If the Network Card is unable to determine the state of the outlet group, this variable is set to 'UNKNOWN'. The flags are numbered from 1 to 32, and read from left to right. The flags are defined as follows: Flag 1: On Flag 2: Off Flag 3: Reboot in Progress Flag 4: Shutdown in Progress Flag 5: Sleep in Progress Flag 6: Flag 7: Flag 8: Pending Load Shed Flag 9: Pending On Delay Flag 10: Pending Off Delay Flag 11: Pending AC Presence Flag 12: Pending On Minimum Runtime Flag 13: Member Group Process 1 Flag 14: Member Group Process 2 Flag 15: Runtime Below Turn On Setting Flag 16: Flag 17: Flag 18: Flag 19: Flag 20: Flag 21: Flag 22: Flag 23: Flag 24: Flag 25: Flag 26: Flag 27: Flag 28: Flag 29: Flag 30: Flag 31: Flag 32: " ::= { upsOutletGroupStatusEntry 6 } -- the upsOutletGroupConfig group upsOutletGroupConfigTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of outlet groups for the UPS." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfig 1 } upsOutletGroupConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsOutletGroupConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The list of outlet groups to configure. The number of entries is defined by the upsOutletGroupConfigTableSize OID." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfig 2 } upsOutletGroupConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsOutletGroupConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlet groups to configure." INDEX { upsOutletGroupConfigIndex} ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigTable 1 } UpsOutletGroupConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsOutletGroupConfigIndex INTEGER, upsOutletGroupConfigName DisplayString, upsOutletGroupConfigPowerOnDelay INTEGER, upsOutletGroupConfigPowerOffDelay INTEGER, upsOutletGroupConfigRebootDuration INTEGER, upsOutletGroupConfigMinReturnRuntime INTEGER, upsOutletGroupConfigOutletType INTEGER, upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlSkipOffDelay INTEGER, upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlAutoRestart INTEGER, upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlTimeOnBattery INTEGER, upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlRuntimeRemaining INTEGER, upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlInOverload INTEGER, upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedTimeOnBattery INTEGER, upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedRuntimeRemaining INTEGER } upsOutletGroupConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet group entry." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigEntry 1 } upsOutletGroupConfigName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet group." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigEntry 2 } upsOutletGroupConfigPowerOnDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time (seconds) the outlet group will delay powering on when the delayed on, reboot, or shutdown command is applied. Allowed values vary by UPS model. The value of -1 is used for Never if supported by the UPS and the outlet group." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigEntry 3 } upsOutletGroupConfigPowerOffDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time (seconds) the outlet group will delay powering off when the delayed off, reboot, or shutdown command is applied. Allowed values vary by UPS model. The value of -1 is used for Never if supported by the UPS and the outlet group." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigEntry 4 } upsOutletGroupConfigRebootDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "During a reboot sequence, power is turned off and then back on. This OID defines the amount of time to wait (seconds) after turning the power off, at the start of the sequence, before initiating the power on sequence. Allowed values vary by UPS model." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigEntry 5 } upsOutletGroupConfigMinReturnRuntime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "In an Outlet Group shutdown sequence, the Outlet Group cycles power off then on. This OID defines the minimum amount of UPS runtime (seconds) that is required in order to power the Outlet Group on. Allowed values vary by UPS model." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigEntry 6 } upsOutletGroupConfigOutletType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsSwitchedOutletGroup (1), upsMainOutletGroup (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the type of outlet group. If present in the system, the main outlet group is 'unswitched' and must be on in order for any of the switched outlet groups to be on. Conversely, if the main outlet group is off, all the switched outlet groups must also be off. Therefore, any commands made to the main outlet group that turn it off will also be applied to all switched outlet groups that are on, unless the state of a switched outlet group prevents it, in which case the command will fail." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigEntry 7 } upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlSkipOffDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsOutletGroupConfigSkipOffDelay (1), upsOutletGroupConfigUseOffDelay (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configures whether the outlet group's off delay setting (upsOutletGroupConfigPowerOffDelay) will be used in a load shedding situation, where applicable." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigEntry 8 } upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlAutoRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsOutletGroupConfigAutoRestart (1), upsOutletGroupConfigManualRestart (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configures whether the outlet group will automatically restart after a load shedding situation, where applicable." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigEntry 9 } upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlTimeOnBattery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsOutletGroupConfigDisableTimeOnBatteryLoadShed (1), upsOutletGroupConfigEnableTimeOnBatteryLoadShed (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configures whether the outlet group will load shed (turn off) after the UPS device's time on battery has exceeded the upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedTimeOnBattery OID setting. The settings for upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlSkipOffDelay and upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlAutoRestart are valid for this load shed condition." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigEntry 10 } upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlRuntimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsOutletGroupConfigDisableRuntimeRemainingLoadShed (1), upsOutletGroupConfigEnableRuntimeRemainingLoadShed (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configures whether the outlet group will load shed (turn off) when the UPS is on battery and the remaining runtime is less than the upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedRuntimeRemaining OID setting. The settings for upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlSkipOffDelay and upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlAutoRestart are valid for this load shed condition." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigEntry 11 } upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlInOverload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsOutletGroupConfigDisableInOverloadLoadShed (1), upsOutletGroupConfigEnableInOverloadLoadShed (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configures whether the outlet group will load shed (turn off) when the UPS is in an overload condition. The setting for upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlSkipOffDelay is valid for this load shed condition. Returns -1 if not supported by this outlet group." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigEntry 12 } upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedTimeOnBattery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When the UPS has been on battery for more time than this value, the outlet group will turn off if this condition is enabled by the upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlTimeOnBattery OID. Allowed values vary by UPS model." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigEntry 13 } upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedRuntimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When the runtime remaining is less than this value, the outlet group will turn off if this condition is enabled by the upsOutletGroupConfigLoadShedControlRuntimeRemaining OID. Allowed values vary by UPS model." ::= { upsOutletGroupConfigEntry 14 } -- the upsOutletGroupControl group upsOutletGroupControlTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of outlet groups for the UPS." ::= { upsOutletGroupControl 1 } upsOutletGroupControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsOutletGroupControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for control of individual outlet groups. The number of entries is contained in the upsOutletGroupControlTableSize OID." ::= { upsOutletGroupControl 2 } upsOutletGroupControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsOutletGroupControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlet group to control." INDEX { upsOutletGroupControlIndex} ::= { upsOutletGroupControlTable 1 } UpsOutletGroupControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsOutletGroupControlIndex INTEGER, upsOutletGroupControlName DisplayString, upsOutletGroupControlCommand INTEGER, upsOutletGroupControlOutletType INTEGER } upsOutletGroupControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet group entry." ::= { upsOutletGroupControlEntry 1 } upsOutletGroupControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet group. This OID is provided for informational purposes only. This value is set by the upsOutletGroupConfigName OID." ::= { upsOutletGroupControlEntry 2 } upsOutletGroupControlCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsOutletGroupImmediateOn (1), upsOutletGroupImmediateOff (2), upsOutletGroupImmediateRebootWithOrWithoutAC (3), upsOutletGroupDelayedOn (4), upsOutletGroupDelayedOff (5), upsOutletGroupDelayedRebootWithOrWithoutAC (6), upsOutletGroupCancelPendingCommand (7), upsOutletGroupControlUnknown (8), upsOutletGroupImmediateRebootShutdown (9), upsOutletGroupDelayedRebootShutdown (10) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the outlet group state. If the outlet group is on, the upsOutletGroupImmediateOn (1) value will be returned. If the outlet group is off, the upsOutletGroupImmediateOff (2) value will be returned. If the state of the outlet group cannot be determined, the upsOutletGroupControlUnknown (8) value will be returned. Setting this variable to upsOutletGroupImmediateOn (1) will turn the outlet group on immediately. Setting this variable to upsOutletGroupImmediateOff (2) will turn the outlet group off immediately. Setting this variable to upsOutletGroupImmediateRebootWithOrWithoutAC (3) will turn the outlet group off immediately, wait the upsOutletGroupConfigRebootDuration OID time, wait the upsOutletGroupConfigPowerOnDelay OID, and then turn the outlet group on regardless of the AC input power on the UPS. Setting this variable to upsOutletGroupDelayedOn (4) will turn the outlet group on after the upsOutletGroupConfigPowerOnDelay OID has elapsed. Setting this variable to upsOutletGroupDelayedOff (5) will turn the outlet group off after the upsOutletGroupConfigPowerOffDelay OID has elapsed. Setting this variable to upsOutletGroupDelayedRebootWithOrWithoutAC (6) will turn the outlet group off after the upsOutletGroupConfigPowerOffDelay OID has elapsed, wait the upsOutletGroupConfigRebootDuration OID time, wait the upsOutletGroupConfigPowerOnDelay OID, and then turn the outlet group on regardless of the AC input power on the UPS. Setting this variable to upsOutletGroupCancelPendingCommand (7) will cause any pending command to this outlet group to be canceled. Setting this variable to upsOutletGroupImmediateRebootShutdown (9) will turn the outlet group off immediately, wait for the AC power to return to normal (a minimum of the upsOutletGroupConfigRebootDuration OID time), wait the upsOutletGroupConfigPowerOnDelay OID time, and then turn the outlet group on. Setting this variable to upsOutletGroupDelayedRebootShutdown (10) will turn the outlet group off after the upsOutletGroupConfigPowerOffDelay OID has elapsed, wait for the AC power to return to normal (a minimum of the upsOutletGroupConfigRebootDuration OID time), wait the upsOutletGroupConfigPowerOnDelay OID time, and then turn the outlet group on. In systems with a main outlet group, commands to the main outlet group must be performed with caution. It may be clearer to use the ups control commands available from upsAdvControl... OIDs. If any command is made to the main outlet group that will turn it off, one of two things will happen: 1) If any switched outlet group is in a state that prevents this command from occurring on the main outlet group, the command will be rejected. Note that a switched outlet group being on without a command in progress is not a state that normally prevents the command. 2) The command will be accepted and applied to the main outlet group and all switched outlet groups that are on. There is one additional special case for systems with a main outlet group. If the main outlet group is off and a switched outlet group is commanded to turn on, the on command will be applied to both the main outlet group and that switched outlet group." ::= { upsOutletGroupControlEntry 3 } upsOutletGroupControlOutletType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsSwitchedOutletGroup (1), upsMainOutletGroup (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the type of outlet group. If present in the system, the main outlet group is 'unswitched' and must be on in order for any of the switched outlet groups to be on. Conversely, if the main outlet group is off, all the switched outlet groups must also be off. Therefore, any commands made to the main outlet group that turn it off will also be applied to all switched outlet groups that are on, unless the state of a switched outlet group prevents it, in which case the command will fail." ::= { upsOutletGroupControlEntry 4 } -- the upsDiagnosticIM group upsDiagIMTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Intelligence Modules in or attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticIM 1 } upsDiagIMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagIMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual Intelligence Modules. The number of entries is contained in the upsDiagIMTableSize OID." ::= { upsDiagnosticIM 2 } upsDiagIMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagIMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics and information of an Intelligence Module." INDEX { upsDiagIMIndex} ::= { upsDiagIMTable 1 } UpsDiagIMEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagIMIndex INTEGER, upsDiagIMType INTEGER, upsDiagIMStatus INTEGER, upsDiagIMFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagIMSlaveFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagIMHardwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagIMSerialNum DisplayString, upsDiagIMManufactureDate DisplayString, upsDiagIMInControl INTEGER } upsDiagIMIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Intelligence Module entry." ::= { upsDiagIMEntry 1 } upsDiagIMType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { imUnknown (1), imMIM (2), imRIM (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the Intelligence Module. imUnknown(1) indicates the IM type is unknown. imMIM(2) indicates the IM type is a Main Intelligence Module. imRIM(3) indicates the IM type is Redundant Intelligence Module." ::= { upsDiagIMEntry 2 } upsDiagIMStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Intelligence Module. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagIMEntry 3 } upsDiagIMFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the Intelligence Module." ::= { upsDiagIMEntry 4 } upsDiagIMSlaveFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The slave firmware revision of the Intelligence Module." ::= { upsDiagIMEntry 5 } upsDiagIMHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the Intelligence Module." ::= { upsDiagIMEntry 6 } upsDiagIMSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the Intelligence Module." ::= { upsDiagIMEntry 7 } upsDiagIMManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The manufacture date of the Intelligence Module." ::= { upsDiagIMEntry 8 } upsDiagIMInControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { activeInControl (1), passive (2), unknown (3), fault (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Intelligence Module state. activeInControl(1) indicates the IM is active and in control. passive(2) indicates the IM is in passive state. unknown(3) indicates the IM is in unknown state. fault(4) indicates the IM is in fault state." ::= { upsDiagIMEntry 9 } -- the upsDiagnosticPowerModules group upsDiagPMTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of Power Modules supported by the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticPowerModules 1 } upsDiagPMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagPMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of Individual Power modules. The number of entries is contained in the upsDiagPMTableSize OID." ::= { upsDiagnosticPowerModules 2 } upsDiagPMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagPMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of a Power Module." INDEX { upsDiagPMIndex} ::= { upsDiagPMTable 1 } UpsDiagPMEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagPMIndex INTEGER, upsDiagPMStatus INTEGER, upsDiagPMFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagPMHardwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagPMSerialNum DisplayString, upsDiagPMManufactureDate DisplayString, upsDiagPMModelNum DisplayString } upsDiagPMIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Power Module entry." ::= { upsDiagPMEntry 1 } upsDiagPMStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Power Module. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagPMEntry 2 } upsDiagPMFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the Power Module." ::= { upsDiagPMEntry 3 } upsDiagPMHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the Power Module." ::= { upsDiagPMEntry 4 } upsDiagPMSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the Power Module." ::= { upsDiagPMEntry 5 } upsDiagPMManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The manufacture date of the Power Module." ::= { upsDiagPMEntry 6 } upsDiagPMModelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The model number of the Power Module." ::= { upsDiagPMEntry 7 } upsDiagPMLifetimeInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagPMLifetimeInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual power module's lifetime information. The number of entries is contained in the upsDiagPMTableSize OID." ::= { upsDiagnosticPowerModules 3 } upsDiagPMLifetimeInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagPMLifetimeInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of a Power Module lifetime information." INDEX { upsDiagPMLifetimeInfoIndex} ::= { upsDiagPMLifetimeInfoTable 1 } UpsDiagPMLifetimeInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagPMLifetimeInfoIndex INTEGER, upsDiagPMLifetimeStatus INTEGER, upsDiagPMEstmtdLifetimeRmng INTEGER, upsDiagPMEstmtdLifetimeRmngPct INTEGER, upsDiagPMFanLifetimeStatus INTEGER, upsDiagPMFanEstmtdLifetimeRmng INTEGER, upsDiagPMFanEstmtdLifetimeRmngPct INTEGER } upsDiagPMLifetimeInfoIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Power Module lifetime information entry." ::= { upsDiagPMLifetimeInfoEntry 1 } upsDiagPMLifetimeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (1), nearEnd (2), exceeded (3), unknown (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Power Module lifetime information. ok(1) indicates the device lifetime status is OK. nearEnd(2) indicates the device lifetime status is near end. exceeded(3) indicates the device lifetime status is exceeded. unknown(4) indicates the device lifetime status is unknown." ::= { upsDiagPMLifetimeInfoEntry 2 } upsDiagPMEstmtdLifetimeRmng OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Displays the time remaining for the module before it should be replaced. Measured in months. This value is set when you originally install the module." ::= { upsDiagPMLifetimeInfoEntry 3 } upsDiagPMEstmtdLifetimeRmngPct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Displays the percentage of the total lifetime remaining for the module before it should be replaced." ::= { upsDiagPMLifetimeInfoEntry 4 } upsDiagPMFanLifetimeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (1), nearEnd (2), exceeded (3), unknown (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Power Module Fan lifetime information. ok(1) indicates the device lifetime status is OK. nearEnd(2) indicates the device lifetime status is near end. exceeded(3) indicates the device lifetime status is exceeded. unknown(4) indicates the device lifetime status is unknown." ::= { upsDiagPMLifetimeInfoEntry 5 } upsDiagPMFanEstmtdLifetimeRmng OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Displays the time remaining, measured in months, before the module's fan should be replaced. It is reset by the field service engineer when a new fan is installed." ::= { upsDiagPMLifetimeInfoEntry 6 } upsDiagPMFanEstmtdLifetimeRmngPct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Displays the percentage of the total lifetime remaining before the module's fan should be replaced." ::= { upsDiagPMLifetimeInfoEntry 7 } upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of power module enclosures attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticPowerModules 4 } upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for the diagnostics of individual power module enclosure door filters. The number of entries is contained in the upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrTableSize OID." ::= { upsDiagnosticPowerModules 5 } upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power module door filter diagnostics info." INDEX { upsDiagPMEnclIndex} ::= { upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrTable 1 } UpsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagPMEnclIndex INTEGER, upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrLifetime INTEGER, upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrStatus INTEGER, upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrEstmtdLifetimeRmng INTEGER, upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrEstmtdLifetimeRmngPct INTEGER } upsDiagPMEnclIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the power module enclosure entry. Enclosure 0 indicates the Power enclosure 1. Enclosure 1 indicates the Power enclosure 2." ::= { upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrEntry 1 } upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrLifetime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { heavyFiltration15days (1), normalFiltration30days(2), lightFiltration60days (3), notPresent (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Door filter replacement time interval, based on the installation enivironment. heavyFiltration15days (1) indicates door filter needs to be replaced within 15 days. normalFiltration30days (2) indicates door filter needs to be replaced within 30 days. lightFiltration60days (3) indicates door filter needs to be replaced within 60 days. notPresent(4) indicates that the door filter is not present." ::= { upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrEntry 2 } upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (1), nearEnd (2), exceeded (3), unknown (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current status of the door filter. ok(1) indicates the device lifetime status is OK. nearEnd(2) indicates the device lifetime status is near end. exceeded(3) indicates the device lifetime status is exceeded. unknown(4) indicates the device lifetime status is unknown." ::= { upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrEntry 3 } upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrEstmtdLifetimeRmng OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Displays the time remaining, measured in days, before the module door filter should be replaced. This value is set when you originally install the module." ::= { upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrEntry 4 } upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrEstmtdLifetimeRmngPct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Displays the percentage of the total lifetime remaining for the module door filter before it should be replaced." ::= { upsDiagPMEnclDoorFltrEntry 5 } -- the upsDiagnosticBatteries group upsDiagBatteryTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of batteries supported by the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticBatteries 1 } upsDiagBatteryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagBatteryEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual batteries. The number of entries is contained in the upsDiagBattTableSize OID." ::= { upsDiagnosticBatteries 2 } upsDiagBatteryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagBatteryEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of a battery." INDEX { upsDiagBatteryIndex} ::= { upsDiagBatteryTable 1 } UpsDiagBatteryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagBatteryFrameIndex INTEGER, upsDiagBatteryIndex INTEGER, upsDiagBatteryStatus INTEGER, upsDiagBatterySerialNumber DisplayString, upsDiagBatteryFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagBatteryManufactureDate DisplayString, upsDiagBatteryType DisplayString, upsDiagBatteryFramePresent INTEGER, upsDiagBatteryFrameTemperature INTEGER } upsDiagBatteryFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the battery frame entry. Frame 0 indicates the Main frame. Extended Run (XR) frames start from index 1." ::= { upsDiagBatteryEntry 1 } upsDiagBatteryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the battery entry." ::= { upsDiagBatteryEntry 2 } upsDiagBatteryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), ok (3), failed (4), highTemperature (5), replaceImmediately (6), lowCapacity (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the battery. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. ok(3) indicates the battery status is OK. failed(4) indicates the battery status is failed. highTemperature(5) indicates the battery has a high temperature condition. replaceImmediately(6) indicates the battery must be replaced immediately. lowCapacity(7) indicates the battery has a low capacity." ::= { upsDiagBatteryEntry 3 } upsDiagBatterySerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the battery." ::= { upsDiagBatteryEntry 4 } upsDiagBatteryFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the battery." ::= { upsDiagBatteryEntry 5 } upsDiagBatteryManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The manufacture date of the battery." ::= { upsDiagBatteryEntry 6 } upsDiagBatteryType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery type or rating for the battery." ::= { upsDiagBatteryEntry 7 } upsDiagBatteryFramePresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent(0), present(1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery frame/cabinet status. 0 indicates frame/cabinet is not present. 1 indicates frame/cabinet is present." ::= { upsDiagBatteryEntry 8 } upsDiagBatteryFrameTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery frame/cabinet temperature in tenths of degrees celsius. If the frame/cabinet is not present, this variable is set to (-1)." ::= { upsDiagBatteryEntry 9 } upsDiagBatteryFrameTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of battery frames supported by the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticBatteries 3 } upsDiagBatteryFrameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagBatteryFrameEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual battery frame. The number of entries is contained in the upsDiagBatteryFrameTableSize OID." ::= { upsDiagnosticBatteries 4 } upsDiagBatteryFrameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagBatteryFrameEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of a battery frame." INDEX { upsDiagBatteryFrameTableIndex} ::= { upsDiagBatteryFrameTable 1 } UpsDiagBatteryFrameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagBatteryFrameTableIndex INTEGER, upsDiagBatteryModuleStatusPerFrame DisplayString, upsDiagBatteryPositiveVoltage INTEGER, upsDiagBatteryNegativeVoltage INTEGER, upsDiagBatteryTemperature INTEGER } upsDiagBatteryFrameTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the battery frame entry." ::= { upsDiagBatteryFrameEntry 1 } upsDiagBatteryModuleStatusPerFrame OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing the 64 flags representing the status of battery modules. 1 indicates battery module installed, 0 indicates battery module not installed. The flags are numbered from 1 to 64, and read from left to right. The flags are defined as follows: Flag 1: Battery Module Level 1 A Flag 2: Battery Module Level 1 B Flag 3: Battery Module Level 1 C Flag 4: Battery Module Level 1 D Flag 5: Battery Module Level 1 E Flag 6: Battery Module Level 1 F Flag 7: Battery Module Level 2 A Flag 8: Battery Module Level 2 B Flag 9: Battery Module Level 2 C Flag 10: Battery Module Level 2 D Flag 11: Battery Module Level 2 E Flag 12: Battery Module Level 2 F Flag 13: Battery Module Level 3 A Flag 14: Battery Module Level 3 B Flag 15: Battery Module Level 3 C Flag 16: Battery Module Level 3 D Flag 17: Battery Module Level 3 E Flag 18: Battery Module Level 3 F Flag 19: Battery Module Level 4 A Flag 20: Battery Module Level 4 B Flag 21: Battery Module Level 4 C Flag 22: Battery Module Level 4 D Flag 23: Battery Module Level 4 E Flag 24: Battery Module Level 4 F Flag 25: Battery Module Level 7 A Flag 26: Battery Module Level 7 B Flag 27: Battery Module Level 7 C Flag 28: Battery Module Level 7 D Flag 29: Battery Module Level 7 E Flag 30: Battery Module Level 7 F Flag 31: Battery Module Level 8 A Flag 32: Battery Module Level 8 B Flag 33: Battery Module Level 8 C Flag 34: Battery Module Level 8 D Flag 35: Battery Module Level 8 E Flag 36: Battery Module Level 8 F Flag 37: Battery Module Level 9 A Flag 38: Battery Module Level 9 B Flag 39: Battery Module Level 9 C Flag 40: Battery Module Level 9 D Flag 41: Battery Module Level 9 E Flag 42: Battery Module Level 9 F Flag 43: Battery Module Level 10 A Flag 44: Battery Module Level 10 B Flag 45: Battery Module Level 10 C Flag 46: Battery Module Level 10 D Flag 47: Battery Module Level 10 E Flag 48: Battery Module Level 10 F Flag 49: Flag 50: Flag 51: Flag 52: Flag 53: Flag 54: Flag 55: Flag 56: Flag 57: Flag 58: Flag 59: Flag 60: Flag 61: Flag 62: Flag 63: Flag 64: " ::= { upsDiagBatteryFrameEntry 2 } upsDiagBatteryPositiveVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery positive voltage, in Volts." ::= { upsDiagBatteryFrameEntry 3 } upsDiagBatteryNegativeVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery negative voltage, in Volts." ::= { upsDiagBatteryFrameEntry 4 } upsDiagBatteryTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery frame/cabinet temperature in tenths of degrees celsius. If the frame/cabinet is not present, this variable is set to (-1)." ::= { upsDiagBatteryFrameEntry 5 } -- the upsDiagnosticSubsystem group upsDiagSubSysFrameTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of frames attached to the UPS including the Main frame." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 1 } upsDiagSubSysFrameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysFrameEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual XR Frames." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 2 } upsDiagSubSysFrameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysFrameEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of an XR Frame." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysFrameIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysFrameTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysFrameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysFrameIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysFrameType INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysFrameFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysFrameHardwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysFrameSerialNum DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysFrameManufactureDate DisplayString } upsDiagSubSysFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frame index entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysFrameEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysFrameType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), frameTypeMain (3), frameTypeXR (4), frameTypeLXR (5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of Frame. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. frameTypeMain(3) indicates the frame type is the Main Frame. frameTypeXR(4) indicates the frame type is an XR Frame. frameTypeLXR(5) indicates the frame type is an LXR Frame." ::= { upsDiagSubSysFrameEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysFrameFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the frame." ::= { upsDiagSubSysFrameEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysFrameHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the frame." ::= { upsDiagSubSysFrameEntry 4 } upsDiagSubSysFrameSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the frame." ::= { upsDiagSubSysFrameEntry 5 } upsDiagSubSysFrameManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The manufacture date of the frame." ::= { upsDiagSubSysFrameEntry 6 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Internal Bypass switches attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 3 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of the Internal Bypass Switch." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 4 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of the Internal Bypass Switch." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFrameIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchStatus INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchHardwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchSerialNum DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchManufactureDate DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchModelNum DisplayString } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frame index entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Internal Bypass Switch index entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Internal Bypass Switch status. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the Internal Bypass Switch." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchEntry 4 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the Internal Bypass Switch." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchEntry 5 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the Internal Bypass Switch." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchEntry 6 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The manufacture date of the Internal Bypass Switch." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchEntry 7 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchModelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The model number of the Internal Bypass Switch." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchEntry 8 } upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Battery Monitor Boards attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 5 } upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysBattMonitorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of the Battery Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 6 } upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysBattMonitorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of the Battery Monitor Board." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysBattMonitorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorFrameIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorStatus INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorHardwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorSerialNum DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorManufactureDate DisplayString } upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frame index entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the Battery Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Battery Monitor Board. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the Battery Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorEntry 4 } upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the Battery Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorEntry 5 } upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the Battery Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorEntry 6 } upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date of the manufacture for the Battery Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagSubSysBattMonitorEntry 7 } upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of External Switch Gears attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 7 } upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of the individual External Switch Gear." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 8 } upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of an individual External Switch Gear." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearFrameIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearStatus INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearHardwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearSerialNum DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearManufactureDate DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearTemperature INTEGER } upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frame index entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the External Switch Gear." ::= { upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the External Switch Gear. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the External Switch Gear monitor card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearEntry 4 } upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the External Switch Gear monitor card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearEntry 5 } upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the External Switch Gear monitor card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearEntry 6 } upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date of the manufacture for the External Switch Gear monitor card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearEntry 7 } upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The temperature of the air around the External Switch Gear monitor card in tenths of degrees Celsius." ::= { upsDiagSubSysExternalSwitchGearEntry 8 } upsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Display Interface Cards attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 9 } upsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual Display Interface Cards." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 10 } upsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of a Display Interface Card." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardFrameIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardStatus INTEGER } upsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frame index entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the Display Interface Card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Display Interface Card. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagSubSysDisplayInterfaceCardEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of DC Circuit Breakers attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 11 } upsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual DC Circuit Breakers." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 12 } upsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of a DC Circuit Breaker." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerFrameIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerStatus INTEGER } upsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frame index entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the DC Circuit Breaker." ::= { upsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), opened (3), closed (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the DC Circuit Breaker. unknown(1) indicates the circuit breaker status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the circuit breaker is not installed. opened(3) indicates the circuit breaker is opened. closed(4) indicates the circuit breaker is closed." ::= { upsDiagSubSysDCCircuitBreakerEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of System Power Supplies attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 13 } upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual System Power Supplies." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 14 } upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of a System Power Supply." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyFrameIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyStatus INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyHardwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplySerialNum DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyManufactureDate DisplayString } upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frame index entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of a System Power Supply." ::= { upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the System Power Supply. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the System Power Supply monitor card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyEntry 4 } upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the System Power Supply monitor card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyEntry 5 } upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplySerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the System Power Supply monitor card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyEntry 6 } upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date of the manufacture for the System Power Supply monitor card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysSystemPowerSupplyEntry 7 } upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of XR Communication Cards attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 15 } upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual XR Communication Cards." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 16 } upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of an XR Communication Card." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardFrameIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardStatus INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardSerialNum DisplayString } upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frame index entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of an XR Communication Card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the XR Communication Card. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the XR Communication card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardEntry 4 } upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the XR Communication card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysXRCommunicationCardEntry 5 } upsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of External Power Frame Boards attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 17 } upsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual External Power Frame Boards." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 18 } upsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of an External Power Frame Board." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardFrameIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardStatus INTEGER } upsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frame index entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of an External Power Frame Board." ::= { upsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the External Power Frame Board. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagSubSysExternalPowerFrameBoardEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysChargerTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Chargers attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 19 } upsDiagSubSysChargerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysChargerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual chargers." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 20 } upsDiagSubSysChargerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysChargerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of a charger." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysChargerIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysChargerTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysChargerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysChargerFrameIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysChargerIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysChargerStatus INTEGER } upsDiagSubSysChargerFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frame index entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysChargerEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysChargerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of a charger." ::= { upsDiagSubSysChargerEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysChargerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Charger. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagSubSysChargerEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysInverterTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Inverters attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 21 } upsDiagSubSysInverterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysInverterEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual Inverters." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 22 } upsDiagSubSysInverterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysInverterEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of an Inverter." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysInverterIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysInverterTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysInverterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysInverterFrameIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysInverterIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysInverterStatus INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysInverterFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysInverterHardwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysInverterSerialNum DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysInverterManufactureDate DisplayString } upsDiagSubSysInverterFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frame index entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysInverterEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysInverterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of an Inverter." ::= { upsDiagSubSysInverterEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysInverterStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Inverter. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagSubSysInverterEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysInverterFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the Inverter monitor." ::= { upsDiagSubSysInverterEntry 4 } upsDiagSubSysInverterHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the Inverter monitor." ::= { upsDiagSubSysInverterEntry 5 } upsDiagSubSysInverterSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the Inverter monitor." ::= { upsDiagSubSysInverterEntry 6 } upsDiagSubSysInverterManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date of manufacture for the Inverter monitor." ::= { upsDiagSubSysInverterEntry 7 } upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Power Factor Correction devices attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 23 } upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual PowerFactorCorrections." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 24 } upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of a Power Factor Correction." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionFrameIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionStatus INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionHardwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionSerialNum DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionManufactureDate DisplayString } upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frame index entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of a Power Factor Correction." ::= { upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Power Factor Correction. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the Power Factor Correction monitor." ::= { upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionEntry 4 } upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the Power Factor Correction monitor." ::= { upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionEntry 5 } upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the Power Factor Correction monitor." ::= { upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionEntry 6 } upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date of the manufacture for the Power Factor Correction monitor." ::= { upsDiagSubSysPowerFactorCorrectionEntry 7 } upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Network Communication Cards attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 25 } upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting diagnostics information of an individual Network Communication Card." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 26 } upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of a Network Communication Card." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardModelNumber DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardSerialNumber DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardDateOfManufacture DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardHardwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardFirmwareAppRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardFirmwareAppOSRev DisplayString } upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS network and display interface communication card index entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying the model number of the UPS network and display interface communication card. This value is set at the factory." ::= { upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A character string identifying the serial number of the UPS network and display interface communication card. This value is set at the factory." ::= { upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardDateOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date when the UPS network and display interface communication card was manufactured in mm/dd/yyyy format. This value is set at the factory." ::= { upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardEntry 4 } upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the UPS network and display interface communication card. This value is set at the factory." ::= { upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardEntry 5 } upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardFirmwareAppRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ID string identifying the application firmware revision of the UPS network and display interface communication card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardEntry 6 } upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardFirmwareAppOSRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ID string identifying the application operating system firmware revision of the UPS network and display interface communication card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysNetworkComCardEntry 7 } upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of user supplied Battery Monitor Boards attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 27 } upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of the user supplied Battery Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 28 } upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of the user supplied Battery Monitor Board." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorStatus INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorHardwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorSerialNum DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorTemperature INTEGER } upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the user supplied Battery Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the user supplied Battery Monitor Board. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the user supplied Battery Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the user supplied Battery Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorEntry 4 } upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the user supplied Battery Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorEntry 5 } upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The temperature of the air around the user supplied Battery Monitor Board in tenths of degrees Celsius." ::= { upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattMonitorEntry 6 } upsDiagSubSysUsrSuppBattBreakerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), opened (3), closed (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the user supplied Battery Breaker. unknown(1) indicates the circuit breaker status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the circuit breaker is not installed. opened(3) indicates the circuit breaker is opened. closed(4) indicates the circuit breaker is closed." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 29 } upsDiagSubSysPSUTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Power Supply Units in the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 30 } upsDiagSubSysPSUTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysPSUEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual Power Supply Units. The number of entries is contained in the upsDiagSubSysPSUTableSize OID." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 31 } upsDiagSubSysPSUEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysPSUEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics information of a Power Supply Unit." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysPSUIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysPSUTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysPSUEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysPSUIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysPSUStatus INTEGER } upsDiagSubSysPSUIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Power Supply Unit entry." ::= { upsDiagSubSysPSUEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysPSUStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Power Supply Unit. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagSubSysPSUEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysIDRCTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of ID and Relay Controller Cards attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 32 } upsDiagSubSysIDRCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysIDRCEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of the ID and Relay Controller Card." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 33 } upsDiagSubSysIDRCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysIDRCEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of the ID and Relay Controller Card." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysIDRCIndex} ::= { upsDiagSubSysIDRCTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysIDRCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysIDRCIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysIDRCStatus INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysIDRCFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysIDRCHardwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysIDRCSerialNum DisplayString } upsDiagSubSysIDRCIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the ID and Relay Controller Card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIDRCEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysIDRCStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the ID and Relay Controller Card. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIDRCEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysIDRCFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the ID and Relay Controller Card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIDRCEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysIDRCHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the ID and Relay Controller Card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIDRCEntry 4 } upsDiagSubSysIDRCSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the ID and Relay Controller Card." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIDRCEntry 5 } upsDiagSubSysExternalConnectorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the external connector board. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 34 } upsDiagSubSysBackfeedContactorTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of backfeed protection contactor attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 35 } upsDiagSubSysBackfeedContactorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysBackfeedContactorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Backfeed protection contactor table." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 36 } upsDiagSubSysBackfeedContactorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysBackfeedContactorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of backfeed protection contactors." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysbackfeedContactorIndex } ::= { upsDiagSubSysBackfeedContactorTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysBackfeedContactorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysbackfeedContactorIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysbackfeedContactorName DisplayString, upsDiagSubSysbackfeedContactorType INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysbackfeedContactorStatus INTEGER } upsDiagSubSysbackfeedContactorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the backfeed protection contactor." ::= { upsDiagSubSysBackfeedContactorEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysbackfeedContactorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the backfeed protection contactor." ::= { upsDiagSubSysBackfeedContactorEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysbackfeedContactorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), normalAC(2), bypassAC(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the backfeed protection contactor types available in the UPS system. If the UPS is unable to find any attached contactors, this variable is set to unknown(1)." ::= { upsDiagSubSysBackfeedContactorEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysbackfeedContactorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), opened(2), closed(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of backfeed protection contactor. unknown(1) indicates the contactor status is unknown. opened (2) indicates the contactor is opened. closed (3) indicates the contactor is closed." ::= { upsDiagSubSysBackfeedContactorEntry 4 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeInfoTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of backfeed protection contactor attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 37 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of the Internal Bypass Switch life time infomation." ::= { upsDiagnosticSubsystem 38 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of the Internal Bypass Switch." INDEX { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeInfoIndex } ::= { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeInfoTable 1 } UpsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeInfoIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeStatus INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanEstmtdLifetimeRmng INTEGER, upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanEstmtdLifetimeRmngPct INTEGER } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeInfoIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Internal Bypass Switch Fan liftime information entry" ::= { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeInfoEntry 1 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (1), nearEnd (2), exceeded (3), unknown (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Internal Bypass Switch Fan lifetime information. ok(1) indicates the device lifetime status is OK. nearEnd(2) indicates the device lifetime status is near end. exceeded(3) indicates the device lifetime status is exceeded. unknown(4) indicates the device lifetime status is unknown." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeInfoEntry 2 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanEstmtdLifetimeRmng OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Displays the time remaining for the module before it should be replaced. Measured in months. This value is set when you originally install the module." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeInfoEntry 3 } upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanEstmtdLifetimeRmngPct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Displays the percentage of the total lifetime remaining for the module before it should be replaced." ::= { upsDiagSubSysIntBypSwitchFanLifetimeInfoEntry 4 } -- the upsDiagnosticExternalDevices group upsDiagSwitchGearStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), ok (3), fail (4), lostComm (5), overtemp (6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Switch Gear. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. ok(3) indicates the device status is OK. fail(4) indicates the device status has failed. lostComm(5) indicates the device has lost communication. overtemp(6) indicates the device has an over temperature condition." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 1 } upsDiagSwitchGearInputSwitchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), opened (3), closed (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Switch Gear Input Switch. unknown(1) indicates the switch status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the switch is not installed. opened(3) indicates the switch is opened. closed(4) indicates the switch is closed." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 2 } upsDiagSwitchGearOutputSwitchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), opened (3), closed (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Switch Gear Output Switch. unknown(1) indicates the switch status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the switch is not installed. opened(3) indicates the switch is opened. closed(4) indicates the switch is closed." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 3 } upsDiagSwitchGearBypassSwitchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), opened (3), closed (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Switch Gear Bypass Switch. unknown(1) indicates the switch status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the switch is not installed. opened(3) indicates the switch is opened. closed(4) indicates the switch is closed." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 4 } upsDiagSwitchGearBypassInputSwitchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), opened (3), closed (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Switch Gear Bypass Input Switch. unknown(1) indicates the switch status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the switch is not installed. opened(3) indicates the switch is opened. closed(4) indicates the switch is closed." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 5 } upsDiagSwitchGearBreakerTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of switchgear breakers attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 6 } upsDiagSwitchGearBreakerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSwitchGearBreakerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Switchgear breaker table." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 7 } upsDiagSwitchGearBreakerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSwitchGearBreakerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of switchgear breakers." INDEX { switchgearBreakerIndex } ::= { upsDiagSwitchGearBreakerTable 1 } UpsDiagSwitchGearBreakerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { switchgearBreakerIndex INTEGER, switchgearBreakerPresent INTEGER, switchgearBreakerName DisplayString, switchgearBreakerType INTEGER, switchgearBreakerStatus INTEGER } switchgearBreakerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the switchgear breaker." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGearBreakerEntry 1 } switchgearBreakerPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent(1), present(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the switchgear breaker is present. notPresent(1) indicates that the breaker is not present. present(2) indicates that the breaker is present." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGearBreakerEntry 2 } switchgearBreakerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the switchgear breaker." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGearBreakerEntry 3 } switchgearBreakerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), unitInputBreaker(2), staticSwitchInputBreaker(3), maintenanceBypassBreaker(4), unitOutputBreaker(5), systemIsolationBreaker(6), batteryBreaker(7), bypassBackFeedBreaker(8), internalMaintenanceBypassBreaker(9), redundantInternalMaintenanceBypassBreaker(10) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the switchgear breaker types available in the UPS system. If the UPS is unable to find any attached breakers, this variable is set to unknown(1). If the system has multiple breakers of the same type (e.g. multiple battery breakers) the status shown in OID switchgearBreakerStatus will be the aggregated status." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGearBreakerEntry 4 } switchgearBreakerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), opened(2), closed(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of switchgear breaker. unknown(1) indicates the breaker status is unknown. opened (2) indicates the breaker is opened. closed (3) indicates the breaker is closed. NOTE: If there are more than one breaker of the same type, the status reflects the aggregated value. For battery breakers as example, closed would mean that at least one breaker is closed." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGearBreakerEntry 5 } upsDiagSubFeedBreakerTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of subfeed breakers attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 8 } upsDiagSubFeedBreakerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagSubFeedBreakerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Subfeed breaker table." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 9 } upsDiagSubFeedBreakerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagSubFeedBreakerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of subfeed breakers." INDEX { subfeedBreakerIndex } ::= { upsDiagSubFeedBreakerTable 1 } UpsDiagSubFeedBreakerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { subfeedBreakerIndex INTEGER, subfeedBreakerPresent INTEGER, subfeedBreakerRating INTEGER, subfeedBreakerUpperAcceptPowerWarning INTEGER, subfeedBreakerUpperAcceptPowerCritical INTEGER, subfeedBreakerStatus INTEGER, subfeedBreakerName DisplayString, subfeedBreakerCurrent INTEGER } subfeedBreakerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the subfeed breakers." ::= { upsDiagSubFeedBreakerEntry 1 } subfeedBreakerPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent (1), present (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the subfeed breaker is present. notPresent (1) indicates that the breaker is not present. present (2) indicates that the breaker is present." ::= { upsDiagSubFeedBreakerEntry 2 } subfeedBreakerRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current rating of the installed subfeed breaker." ::= { upsDiagSubFeedBreakerEntry 3 } subfeedBreakerUpperAcceptPowerWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum acceptable load before warning is issued. Expressed as percent of the subfeed breaker rating." ::= { upsDiagSubFeedBreakerEntry 4 } subfeedBreakerUpperAcceptPowerCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..125) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum load before a critical alarm occurs. Expressed as percent of the subfeed breaker rating." ::= { upsDiagSubFeedBreakerEntry 5 } subfeedBreakerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), opened (3), closed (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Circuit Breaker. unknown(1) indicates the circuit breaker status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the circuit breaker is not installed. opened(3) indicates the circuit breaker is opened. closed(4) indicates the circuit breaker is closed." ::= { upsDiagSubFeedBreakerEntry 6 } subfeedBreakerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the subfeed breaker." ::= { upsDiagSubFeedBreakerEntry 7} subfeedBreakerCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The subfeed current in tenths of Amps." ::= { upsDiagSubFeedBreakerEntry 8 } upsDiagSwitchGearInstallationLoadPct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The actual output load expressed as a percentage of the rating of the UPS." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 10 } upsDiagSubFeedPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UPSDiagSubFeedPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of subfeed phase table." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 11 } upsDiagSubFeedPhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UPSDiagSubFeedPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular phase." INDEX { upsDiagSubFeedPhaseIndex } ::= { upsDiagSubFeedPhaseTable 1 } UPSDiagSubFeedPhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagSubFeedBreakerIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubFeedPhaseIndex INTEGER, upsDiagSubFeedPhaseCurrent INTEGER, upsDiagSubFeedPhaseCurrentAlternate INTEGER } upsDiagSubFeedBreakerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The subfeed breaker index." ::= { upsDiagSubFeedPhaseEntry 1 } upsDiagSubFeedPhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The subfeed phase index." ::= { upsDiagSubFeedPhaseEntry 2 } upsDiagSubFeedPhaseCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The subfeed phase current in Amps." ::= { upsDiagSubFeedPhaseEntry 3 } upsDiagSubFeedPhaseCurrentAlternate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The subfeed phase current in tenths of Amps." ::= { upsDiagSubFeedPhaseEntry 4 } upsDiagSwitchgearSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the UPS I/O Cabinet." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 12 } upsDiagSwitchgearAmbientTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ambient temperature of I/O Cabinet in tenths of degrees Celsius." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 13 } upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of user supplied Switch Gear Monitor Boards attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 14 } upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of the user supplied Switch Gear Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagSwitchGear 15 } upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of the user supplied Switch Gear Monitor Board." INDEX { upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorIndex} ::= { upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorTable 1 } UpsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorIndex INTEGER, upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorStatus INTEGER, upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorHardwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorSerialNum DisplayString, upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorTemperature INTEGER } upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the user supplied Switch Gear Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorEntry 1 } upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the user supplied Switch Gear Monitor Board. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorEntry 2 } upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the user supplied Switch Gear Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorEntry 3 } upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the user supplied Switch Gear Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorEntry 4 } upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the user supplied Switch Gear Monitor Board." ::= { upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorEntry 5 } upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The temperature of the air around the user supplied Switch Gear Monitor Board in tenths of degrees Celsius." ::= { upsDiagUsrSuppSwitchgearMonitorEntry 6 } upsDiagMCCBBoxStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), opened (3), closed (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the MCCB Box (Molded Case Circuit Breaker Box) external device. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. opened(3) indicates the circuit is opened. closed(4) indicates the circuit is closed." ::= { upsDiagMCCBBox 1 } upsDiagTransformerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), ok (3), fail (4), lostComm (5), overtemp (6), opened (7), closed (8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the External Transformer. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. ok(3) indicates the device status is OK. fail(4) indicates the device status has failed. lostComm(5) indicates the device has lost communication. overtemp(6) indicates the device has an over temperature condition. opened(7) indicates the circuit is opened. closed(8) indicates the circuit is closed." ::= { upsDiagTransformer 1 } upsDiagFlyWheelStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), present(2), notPresent(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of flywheel connected to UPS. If the UPS is unable to determine the state of flywheel, this variable is set to unknown(1)." ::= { upsDiagFlyWheel 1 } -- the upsDiagnosticComBus group upsDiagComBusInternalMIMStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), ok (3), lostComm (4), rxFailure (5), txFailure (6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the internal MIM communication bus. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. ok(3) indicates the device status is OK. lostComm(4) indicates the device has lost communication. rxFailure(5) indicates the device has a receive failure. txFailure(6) indicates the device has a transmit failure." ::= { upsDiagnosticComBus 1 } upsDiagComBusInternalRIMStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), ok (3), lostComm (4), rxFailure (5), txFailure (6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the internal RIM communication bus. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. ok(3) indicates the device status is OK. lostComm(4) indicates the device has lost communication. rxFailure(5) indicates the device has a receive failure. txFailure(6) indicates the device has a transmit failure." ::= { upsDiagnosticComBus 2 } upsDiagComBusMIMtoRIMStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), ok (3), lostComm (4), rxFailure (5), txFailure (6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the MIM to RIM communication bus. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. ok(3) indicates the device status is OK. lostComm(4) indicates the device has lost communication. rxFailure(5) indicates the device has a receive failure. txFailure(6) indicates the device has a transmit failure." ::= { upsDiagnosticComBus 3 } upsDiagComBusExternalMIMStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), ok (3), lostComm (4), rxFailure (5), txFailure (6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the external MIM communication bus. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. ok(3) indicates the device status is OK. lostComm(4) indicates the device has lost communication. rxFailure(5) indicates the device has a receive failure. txFailure(6) indicates the device has a transmit failure." ::= { upsDiagnosticComBus 4 } upsDiagComBusExternalRIMStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), ok (3), lostComm (4), rxFailure (5), txFailure (6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the external RIM communication bus. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. ok(3) indicates the device status is OK. lostComm(4) indicates the device has lost communication. rxFailure(5) indicates the device has a receive failure. txFailure(6) indicates the device has a transmit failure." ::= { upsDiagnosticComBus 5 } -- the upsDiagnosticPowerCabinet group upsDiagnosticPowerCabinetTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of Power Cabinets supported by the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticPowerCabinet 1 } upsDiagnosticPowerCabinetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagnosticPowerCabinetEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual Power Cabinets. The number of entries is contained in the upsDiagnosticPowerCabinetTableSize OID." ::= { upsDiagnosticPowerCabinet 2 } upsDiagnosticPowerCabinetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagnosticPowerCabinetEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of a Power Cabinet." INDEX { upsDiagnosticPowerCabinetIndex} ::= { upsDiagnosticPowerCabinetTable 1 } UpsDiagnosticPowerCabinetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagnosticPowerCabinetIndex INTEGER, upsDiagnosticPowerCabinetAmbientTemperature INTEGER } upsDiagnosticPowerCabinetIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Power Cabinet." ::= { upsDiagnosticPowerCabinetEntry 1 } upsDiagnosticPowerCabinetAmbientTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ambient temperature of Power Cabinet in tenths of degrees Celsius. If the Power Cabinet is not present, this variable is set to (-1)." ::= { upsDiagnosticPowerCabinetEntry 2 } -- the upsDiagnosticDisplay group upsDiagnosticDisplayHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the Display." ::= { upsDiagnosticDisplay 1 } upsDiagnosticDisplaySerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the Display." ::= { upsDiagnosticDisplay 2 } upsDiagnosticDisplayFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the Display." ::= { upsDiagnosticDisplay 3 } upsDiagnosticDisplayModelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The model number of the Display." ::= { upsDiagnosticDisplay 4 } upsDiagnosticDisplayStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The System Level Controller Status. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagnosticDisplay 5 } -- the upsDiagnosticSLC group upsDiagnosticSLCHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the System Level Controller." ::= { upsDiagnosticSLC 1 } upsDiagnosticSLCSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the System Level Controller." ::= { upsDiagnosticSLC 2 } upsDiagnosticSLCFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the System Level Controller." ::= { upsDiagnosticSLC 3 } upsDiagnosticSLCModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Model number of the System Level Controller." ::= { upsDiagnosticSLC 4 } upsDiagSLCStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The System Level Controller Status. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagnosticSLC 5 } -- upsDiagnosticTemperature upsDiagnosticTemperatureAmbientTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ambient temperature in tenths of degrees Celsius. If not available, this variable is set to (-1999)." ::= { upsDiagnosticTemperature 1 } --upsDiagnosticLifeCycleManagement upsDiagLCMDCCapacitorMaintenanceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DC capacitor maintenance interval in days." ::= { upsDiagnosticLifeCycleManagement 1 } upsDiagLCMDCCapacitorTimeSinceMaintenance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DC capacitor time since last maintenance in days. Note: Some UPS devices only internally support a higher reporting value such as tenths of months or even months so this value may jump rather than count daily as expected." ::= { upsDiagnosticLifeCycleManagement 2 } upsDiagLCMACCapacitorMaintenanceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "AC capacitor maintenance interval in days." ::= { upsDiagnosticLifeCycleManagement 3 } upsDiagLCMACCapacitorTimeSinceMaintenance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "AC capacitor time since last maintenance in days. Note: Some UPS devices only internally support a higher reporting value such as tenths of months or even months so this value may jump rather than count daily as expected." ::= { upsDiagnosticLifeCycleManagement 4 } upsDiagLCMBatteryMaintenanceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Battery maintenance interval in days." ::= { upsDiagnosticLifeCycleManagement 5 } upsDiagLCMBatteryTimeSinceMaintenance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Battery time since last maintenance in days. Note: Some UPS devices only internally support a higher reporting value such as tenths of months or even months so this value may jump rather than count daily as expected." ::= { upsDiagnosticLifeCycleManagement 6 } upsDiagLCMAuxPowerSupplyMaintenanceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Auxiliary Power Supply maintenance interval in days" ::= { upsDiagnosticLifeCycleManagement 7 } upsDiagLCMAuxPowerSupplyTimeSinceMaintenance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Auxiliary Power Supply time since last maintenance in days. Note: Some UPS devices only internally support a higher reporting value such as tenths of months or even months so this value may jump rather than count daily as expected." ::= { upsDiagnosticLifeCycleManagement 8 } upsDiagLCMAirFilterMaintenanceInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Air Filter maintenance interval in days." ::= { upsDiagnosticLifeCycleManagement 9 } upsDiagLCMAirFilterTimeSinceMaintenance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Air Filter time since last maintenance in days. Note: Some UPS devices only internally support a higher reporting value such as tenths of months or even months so this value may jump rather than count daily as expected." ::= { upsDiagnosticLifeCycleManagement 10 } upsDiagLCMWarrantyInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Warranty interval in days." ::= { upsDiagnosticLifeCycleManagement 11 } upsDiagLCMWarrantyElapsedTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Elapsed Warranty time since system start-up in days. Note: Some UPS devices only internally support a higher reporting value such as tenths of months or even months so this value may jump rather than count daily as expected." ::= { upsDiagnosticLifeCycleManagement 12 } -- upsDiagnosticUnitContoller group upsDiagUnitControllerTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Unit Controllers in or attached to the UPS." ::= { upsDiagnosticUnitController 1 } upsDiagUnitControllerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDiagUnitControllerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of individual Intelligence Modules. The number of entries is contained in the upsDiagUnitControllerTableSize OID." ::= { upsDiagnosticUnitController 2 } upsDiagUnitControllerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDiagUnitControllerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics and information of an Intelligence Module." INDEX { upsDiagUnitControllerIndex} ::= { upsDiagUnitControllerTable 1 } UpsDiagUnitControllerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDiagUnitControllerIndex INTEGER, upsDiagUnitControllerStatus INTEGER, upsDiagUnitControllerFirmwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagUnitControllerHardwareRev DisplayString, upsDiagUnitControllerSerialNum DisplayString, upsDiagUnitControllerModelNum DisplayString } upsDiagUnitControllerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Unit Controller entry." ::= { upsDiagUnitControllerEntry 1 } upsDiagUnitControllerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), offOk (3), onOk (4), offFail (5), onFail (6), lostComm (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Unit Controller. unknown(1) indicates the device status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the device is not installed. offOk(3) indicates the device status is off and OK. onOk(4) indicates the device status is on and OK. offFail(5) indicates the device status is off and failed. onFail(6) indicates the device status is on and failed. lostComm(7) indicates the device has lost communication." ::= { upsDiagUnitControllerEntry 2 } upsDiagUnitControllerFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the Unit Controller." ::= { upsDiagUnitControllerEntry 3 } upsDiagUnitControllerHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the Unit Controller." ::= { upsDiagUnitControllerEntry 4 } upsDiagUnitControllerSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the Unit Controller." ::= { upsDiagUnitControllerEntry 5 } upsDiagUnitControllerModelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The model number of the Unit Controller." ::= { upsDiagUnitControllerEntry 6 } -- the upsParallelSystem group upsParallelSysLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the UPS ID number in the parallel system." ::= { upsParallelSystem 1 } upsParallelSysRemoteAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the total number of UPS devices in parallel." ::= { upsParallelSystem 2 } upsParallelSysRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nplus0 (1), nplus1 (2), nplus2 (3), nplus3 (4), nplus4 (5), nplus5 (6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The redundancy warning level for paralleled UPS nplus0 (1) indicates that there are no redundant units. nplus1 (2) indicates that there is one redundant unit. nplus2 (3) indicates that there are two redundant units. nplus3 (4) indicates that there are three redundant units. nplus4 (5) indicates that there are four redundant unit. nplus5 (6) indicates that there are five redundant units." ::= { upsParallelSystem 3 } upsParallelInputMaximumCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum input RMS current of the parallel system measured in Amperes." ::= { upsParallelSystem 4 } upsParallelTotalOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Total Output power of UPS in kW when UPS are configured in parallel or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsParallelSystem 5 } upsParallelTotalOutputApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Total Output Apparent power of UPS in kVA when UPS are configured in parallel or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsParallelSystem 6 } -- Parallel Input Phase Table upsParallelInputPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsParallelInputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of input table entries." ::= { upsParallelSystem 7 } upsParallelInputPhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsParallelInputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular input phase." INDEX { upsParallelInputPhaseTableIndex, upsParallelInputPhaseIndex } ::= { upsParallelInputPhaseTable 1 } UpsParallelInputPhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsParallelInputPhaseTableIndex INTEGER, upsParallelInputPhaseIndex INTEGER, upsParallelInputCurrent INTEGER, upsParallelInputActivePower INTEGER, upsParallelInputApparentPower INTEGER, upsParallelInputVoltage INTEGER, upsParallelInputMaxVoltage INTEGER, upsParallelInputMaxCurrent INTEGER, upsParallelInputTotalActivePower INTEGER, upsParallelInputTotalApparentPower INTEGER } upsParallelInputPhaseTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The parallel unit identifier." ::= { upsParallelInputPhaseEntry 1 } upsParallelInputPhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input phase identifier." ::= { upsParallelInputPhaseEntry 2 } upsParallelInputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input current in amperes, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsParallelInputPhaseEntry 3 } upsParallelInputActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input power in kW, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsParallelInputPhaseEntry 4 } upsParallelInputApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input apparent power in kVA, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsParallelInputPhaseEntry 5 } upsParallelInputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input voltage of UPS in volts, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsParallelInputPhaseEntry 6 } upsParallelInputMaxVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The peak input voltage in VAC measured since the last reset, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsParallelInputPhaseEntry 7 } upsParallelInputMaxCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The peak input current in amperes measured since last reset, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsParallelInputPhaseEntry 8 } upsParallelInputTotalActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total active input power of the parallel system in kW." ::= { upsParallelInputPhaseEntry 9 } upsParallelInputTotalApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total apparent input power of the parallel system in kVA." ::= { upsParallelInputPhaseEntry 10 } -- Parallel Output Phase Table upsParallelOutputPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsParallelOutputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of output table entries. The number of entries is given by the sum of the upsPhaseNumOutputPhases." ::= { upsParallelSystem 8 } upsParallelOutputPhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsParallelOutputPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular output phase." INDEX { upsParallelOutputPhaseTableIndex, upsParallelOutputPhaseIndex } ::= { upsParallelOutputPhaseTable 1 } UpsParallelOutputPhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsParallelOutputPhaseTableIndex INTEGER, upsParallelOutputPhaseIndex INTEGER, upsParallelOutputCurrent INTEGER, upsParallelOutputLoad INTEGER, upsParallelOutputPercentLoad INTEGER, upsParallelOutputPower INTEGER } upsParallelOutputPhaseTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output identifier." ::= { upsParallelOutputPhaseEntry 1 } upsParallelOutputPhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output phase identifier." ::= { upsParallelOutputPhaseEntry 2 } upsParallelOutputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output current in amperes drawn by the load on the UPS, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsParallelOutputPhaseEntry 3 } upsParallelOutputLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output load in VA, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsParallelOutputPhaseEntry 4 } upsParallelOutputPercentLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The percentage of the UPS load capacity in VA at present redundancy being used on this output phase, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsParallelOutputPhaseEntry 5 } upsParallelOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output power in Watts, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsParallelOutputPhaseEntry 6 } -- Parallel Output Apparent Power Table upsParallelOutputApparentPowerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsParallelOutputApparentPowerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of output table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of upsOutputNumPhases." ::= { upsParallelSystem 9 } upsParallelOutputApparentPowerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsParallelOutputApparentPowerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular output." INDEX { upsParallelOutputApparentPowerTableIndex } ::= { upsParallelOutputApparentPowerTable 1 } UpsParallelOutputApparentPowerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsParallelOutputApparentPowerTableIndex INTEGER, upsParallelOutputApparentPower INTEGER } upsParallelOutputApparentPowerTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS parallel output identifier." ::= { upsParallelOutputApparentPowerEntry 1 } upsParallelOutputApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The apparent power of each of UPS in kVA when UPS are configured in parallel." ::= { upsParallelOutputApparentPowerEntry 2 } upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for diagnostics of parallel Circuit Breakers." ::= { upsParallelSystem 10 } upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The diagnostics of Circuit Breaker." INDEX { upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerFrameIndex, upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerIndex} ::= { upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerTable 1 } UpsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerFrameIndex INTEGER, upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerIndex INTEGER, upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerStatus INTEGER, upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerName DisplayString } upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Parallel UPS index entry." ::= { upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerEntry 1 } upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the Circuit Breaker." ::= { upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerEntry 2 } upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), notInstalled (2), opened (3), closed (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Circuit Breaker. unknown(1) indicates the circuit breaker status is unknown. notInstalled(2) indicates the circuit breaker is not installed. opened(3) indicates the circuit breaker is opened. closed(4) indicates the circuit breaker is closed." ::= { upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerEntry 3 } upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of Circuit Breaker." ::= { upsParallelDiagSubSysBreakerEntry 4 } upsParallelOutputTotalPercentLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The percentage of the UPS total load capacity in kVA or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS." ::= { upsParallelSystem 11 } -- Parallel Output Active Power Table upsParallelOutputActivePowerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsParallelOutputActivePowerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of output table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of upsParallelSysRemoteAddress." ::= { upsParallelSystem 12 } upsParallelOutputActivePowerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsParallelOutputActivePowerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular output." INDEX { upsParallelOutputActivePowerTableIndex } ::= { upsParallelOutputActivePowerTable 1 } UpsParallelOutputActivePowerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsParallelOutputActivePowerTableIndex INTEGER, upsParallelOutputActivePower INTEGER } upsParallelOutputActivePowerTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS parallel output identifier." ::= { upsParallelOutputActivePowerEntry 1 } upsParallelOutputActivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The active power of each UPS in kW when UPS devices are configured in parallel." ::= { upsParallelOutputActivePowerEntry 2 } upsParallelSysSwitchGearInstallationLoadPct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The actual output load expressed as a percentage of the rating of the Parallel UPS system." ::= { upsParallelSystem 13 } upsParallelSysRedundancyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nplus0 (1), nplus1 (2), nplus2 (3), nplus3 (4), nplus4 (5), nplus5 (6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Displays the number of backup or redundant UPS devices set up on the parallel system. nplus0 (1) no redundant units. nplus1 (2) one redundant unit. nplus2 (3) two redundant units. nplus3 (4) three redundant units. nplus4 (5) four redundant units. nplus5 (6) five redundant units." ::= { upsParallelSystem 14 } upsParallelSysName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ID string for the group of UPS units in the same parallel system. Some products do not allow write operations for this OID." ::= { upsParallelSystem 15 } upsParallelSysUpsTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of UPS devices in parallel." ::= { upsParallelSystem 16 } upsParallelSysUpsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsParallelSysUpsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of UPS table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of upsParallelSysUpsTableize." ::= { upsParallelSystem 17 } upsParallelSysUpsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsParallelSysUpsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular UPS in parallel." INDEX { upsParallelSysUpsIndex} ::= { upsParallelSysUpsTable 1 } UpsParallelSysUpsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsParallelSysUpsIndex INTEGER, upsParallelSysUpsName DisplayString, upsParallelSysUpsAlarmStatus INTEGER, upsParallelSysUpsMode INTEGER, upsParallelSysUpsSerialNumber DisplayString } upsParallelSysUpsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Parallel System UPS table entry." ::= { upsParallelSysUpsEntry 1 } upsParallelSysUpsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS id as assigned by the system." ::= { upsParallelSysUpsEntry 2 } upsParallelSysUpsAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), normal (2), informational (3), warning (4), critical (5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The alarm status of the UPS. unknown(1) indicates the UPS status is unknown. normal(2) indicates UPS is functioning normally. informational(3) indicates informational alarm present in the UPS. warning(4) indicates warning alarm present in the UPS. critical(5) indicates critical alarm present in the UPS." ::= { upsParallelSysUpsEntry 3 } upsParallelSysUpsMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), onLine(2), onBattery(3), onBatteryTest(4), requestedStaticBypass(5), forcedBypass(6), maintenanceBypass(7), off(8), ecoMode(9), hotStandby(10), inquiring(11) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current operating mode of the UPS. If the UPS is unable to determine the state of the UPS, this variable is set to unknown(1)." ::= { upsParallelSysUpsEntry 4 } upsParallelSysUpsSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Serial number of the UPS in parallel. Equivalent to OID (upsAdvIdentSerialNumber)." ::= { upsParallelSysUpsEntry 5 } upsParallelNumOfUpsPoweringLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of UPS powered and protecting the load which are not defective (no battery fault, no internal fault)." ::= { upsParallelSystem 18 } upsParallelMinNumOfRequiredUps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimal number of UPS required to guarantee the availability of power." ::= { upsParallelSystem 19 } -- the upsPhysicalLayout group upsIOFrameLayoutPositionID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the position ID of UPS frame." ::= { upsPhysicalLayout 1 } upsBottomFeedFrameLayoutPositionID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the position ID of bottom feed frame." ::= { upsPhysicalLayout 2 } upsSwitchGearLayoutPositionID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the position ID of switchgear." ::= { upsPhysicalLayout 3 } -- the upsBatteryFrameLayoutTable subgroup upsBatteryFrameLayoutTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of battery frames." ::= { upsPhysicalLayout 4 } upsBatteryFrameLayoutTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsBatteryFrameLayoutEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Battery frame layout position ID table." ::= { upsPhysicalLayout 5 } upsBatteryFrameLayoutEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsBatteryFrameLayoutEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of layout position IDs of battery frames." INDEX { batteryFrameIndex } ::= { upsBatteryFrameLayoutTable 1 } UpsBatteryFrameLayoutEntry ::= SEQUENCE { batteryFrameIndex INTEGER, batteryFramePositionID INTEGER } batteryFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the battery frame." ::= { upsBatteryFrameLayoutEntry 1 } batteryFramePositionID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the position ID of each of the battery frames in the row." ::= { upsBatteryFrameLayoutEntry 2 } -- the upsSideCarFrameLayoutTable subgroup upsSideCarFrameLayoutTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of sidecar frames." ::= { upsPhysicalLayout 6 } upsSideCarFrameLayoutTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsSideCarFrameLayoutEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sidecar frame layout position ID table." ::= { upsPhysicalLayout 7 } upsSideCarFrameLayoutEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsSideCarFrameLayoutEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of sidecar frame layout position IDs." INDEX { sideCarFrameIndex } ::= { upsSideCarFrameLayoutTable 1 } UpsSideCarFrameLayoutEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sideCarFrameIndex INTEGER, sideCarFramePositionID INTEGER } sideCarFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the sidecar frame." ::= { upsSideCarFrameLayoutEntry 1 } sideCarFramePositionID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the position ID of each of the sidecar frames in the row." ::= { upsSideCarFrameLayoutEntry 2 } -- the upsPowerFrameLayoutTable subgroup upsPowerFrameLayoutTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of power frames." ::= { upsPhysicalLayout 8 } upsPowerFrameLayoutTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsPowerFrameLayoutEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power frame layout position ID table." ::= { upsPhysicalLayout 9 } upsPowerFrameLayoutEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsPowerFrameLayoutEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of power frame layout position IDs." INDEX { powerFrameIndex } ::= { upsPowerFrameLayoutTable 1 } UpsPowerFrameLayoutEntry ::= SEQUENCE { powerFrameIndex INTEGER, powerFramePositionID INTEGER } powerFrameIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the power frame." ::= { upsPowerFrameLayoutEntry 1 } powerFramePositionID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the position ID of each of the power frames in the row." ::= { upsPowerFrameLayoutEntry 2 } -- the upsIntegratedATS group upsIntegratedATSSelectedSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noSourceSelected (1), unknown (2), sourceA (3), sourceB (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The source which is currently selected by the ATS to supply the UPS." ::= { upsIntegratedATS 1 } upsIntegratedATSPreferredSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsIntegratedATSNoSourcePreference (1), upsIntegratedATSPreferSourceA (2), upsIntegratedATSPreferSourceB (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The preferred source of power when both sources are OK." ::= { upsIntegratedATS 2 } upsIntegratedATSUpsReturnStaggering OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is a delay factor applied to the retransfer of this UPS with integrated ATS. When multiple UPS devices are in use from a single source, each UPS can have a unique delay value, which will reduce inrush by preventing all UPS devices from transferring at the same time." ::= { upsIntegratedATS 3 } upsIntegratedATSSourceTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of input sources for this integrated ATS." ::= { upsIntegratedATS 4 } upsIntegratedATSSourceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsIntegratedATSSourceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting status and settings for the ATS input sources. The number of entries is contained in the upsIntegratedATSSourceTableSize OID." ::= { upsIntegratedATS 5 } upsIntegratedATSSourceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsIntegratedATSSourceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input source status to get." INDEX { upsIntegratedATSSourceIndex} ::= { upsIntegratedATSSourceTable 1 } UpsIntegratedATSSourceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsIntegratedATSSourceIndex INTEGER, upsIntegratedATSSourceName DisplayString, upsIntegratedATSSourceStatus INTEGER, upsIntegratedATSLineFailDelay INTEGER, upsIntegratedATSLineStabilityDelay INTEGER } upsIntegratedATSSourceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the input source entry." ::= { upsIntegratedATSSourceEntry 1 } upsIntegratedATSSourceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the input source. This OID is provided for informational purposes only." ::= { upsIntegratedATSSourceEntry 2 } upsIntegratedATSSourceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upsIntegratedATSSourceGood (1), upsIntegratedATSSourceBad (2), upsIntegratedATSSourceUnknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the input source status." ::= { upsIntegratedATSSourceEntry 3 } upsIntegratedATSLineFailDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The delay between a selected input source becoming bad, and the ATS switching away from that source. This delay is used to make sure that the line has truly failed before the ATS will be switched. Specified in seconds." ::= { upsIntegratedATSSourceEntry 4 } upsIntegratedATSLineStabilityDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The delay between an unselected input source becoming good, and the ATS switching to that source. This delay is used to make sure that the line has truly returned before the ATS will be switched. Specified in seconds." ::= { upsIntegratedATSSourceEntry 5 } -- the upsDCOutput group upsDCOutputStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { upsDCOutput 1 } upsDCOutputStatusTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of DC outputs on the UPS." ::= { upsDCOutputStatus 1 } upsDCOutputStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UpsDCOutputStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Provides status information on UPS DC outputs. The number of entries is contained in the upsDCOutputStatusTableSize OID." ::= { upsDCOutputStatus 2 } upsDCOutputStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpsDCOutputStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The DC output." INDEX { upsDCOutputStatusTableIndex} ::= { upsDCOutputStatusTable 1 } UpsDCOutputStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { upsDCOutputStatusTableIndex INTEGER, upsDCOutputStatusVoltageNominal INTEGER, upsDCOutputStatusCurrentRating INTEGER, upsDCOutputStatusVoltage INTEGER, upsDCOutputStatusCurrent INTEGER, upsDCOutputStatusAbnormalConditions DisplayString } upsDCOutputStatusTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the DC output status entry." ::= { upsDCOutputStatusEntry 1 } upsDCOutputStatusVoltageNominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The desired voltage for this output in tenths of VDC. When the output is on and there are no fault conditions, the actual voltage should be near the nominal. If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsDCOutputStatusEntry 2 } upsDCOutputStatusCurrentRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of current this output is able to supply in tenths of amperes. If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsDCOutputStatusEntry 3 } upsDCOutputStatusVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The voltage measured on this output in tenths of VDC. If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsDCOutputStatusEntry 4 } upsDCOutputStatusCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current drawn by the load measured on this output in tenths of amperes. If not supported, return -1." ::= { upsDCOutputStatusEntry 5 } upsDCOutputStatusAbnormalConditions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string containing flags representing active output faults. If the Network Card is unable to determine the state of the faults, this variable is set to 'UNKNOWN'. The flags are numbered 1 onward, read from left to right. The flags are defined as follows starting from 1: Flag 1: Output Overload Flag 2: Output Short Circuit Flag 3: Output Over Voltage Flag 4: Flag 5: Overtemperature Flag 6: Backfeed Relay Fault Flag 7: Flag 8: PFC Input Relay Fault Flag 9: Flag 10: Bypass Relay Fault Flag 11: Flag 12: Flag 13: Flag 14: Flag 15: Flag 16: Flag 17: Flag 18: Flag 19: Output Fault (over or undervoltage) Flag 20: Bus Converter Fault Flag 21: Sensor Fault Flag 21: Flag 22: Flag 23: Flag 24: Flag 25: Flag 26: Flag 27: Flag 28: Flag 29: Flag 30: Flag 31: Flag 32: " ::= { upsDCOutputStatusEntry 6 } -- the serialPort2Config group serialPort2Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { localConsole(1), passthrough(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to passthrough will enable mini's port2 behave like a UPS port. Choosing localConsole will enable the port to be used as local console." ::= { serialPort2Config 1 } -- the serialPort2Control group setPulseOnTXD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noSetPulseOnTXD(1), setPulseOnTXD(2), setTXDLow(3), setTXDHigh(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to setPulseOnTXD(2) causes adapter to generate a PULSE on TXD pin of serial port 2. The duration in the prototype implementation will be 1 second. Setting this value to noSetPulseOnTXD(1) has no effect. The value noSetPulseOnTXD(1) will always be returned when the variable is read. Setting this value to setTXDLow(3), or setTXDHigh(4) will keep TXD always low or high respectively." ::= { serialPort2Control 1 } -- the sPDUIdent group sPDUIdentHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the PDU. This value is set at the factory." ::= { sPDUIdent 1 } sPDUIdentFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An 8 byte ID string identifying the PDU firmware revision. This value is set at the factory." ::= { sPDUIdent 2 } sPDUIdentDateOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date when the PDU was manufactured in mm/dd/yy format. This value is set at the factory. The year 2000 will be represented by 00." ::= { sPDUIdent 3 } sPDUIdentModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A 10-character string identifying the model number of the PDU internal. This value is set at the factory." ::= { sPDUIdent 4 } sPDUIdentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A 12-character string identifying the serial number of the PDU internal microprocessor. This value is set at the factory." ::= { sPDUIdent 5 } -- the sPDUMasterControl group sPDUMasterControlSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { turnAllOnNow (1), turnAllOnSequence (2), turnAllOffNow (3), rebootAllNow (4), rebootAllSequence (5), noCommand (6), turnAllOffSequence (7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to turnAllOnNow (1) will turn all outlets on immediately. Setting this OID to turnAllOnSequence (2) will turn all outlets on as defined by each outlet's sPDUOutletPowerOnTime OID value. Setting this OID to turnAllOff (3) will turn all outlets off immediately. Setting this OID to rebootAllNow (4) will reboot all outlets immediately. For MasterSwitch firmware version 1.X, setting this OID to rebootAllSequence (5) reboots all outlets, with power returned to the outlets in the sequence defined by each outlet's sPDUOutletPowerOnTime OID value. For MasterSwitch firmware version 2.X, setting this OID to rebootAllSequence (5) will cause a turnAllOffSequence to be performed. Once all outlets are off, the MasterSwitch will then delay the sPDUMasterConfigReboot OID time, and then perform a turnAllOnSequence. For MasterSwitch firmware version 2.X, setting this OID to turnAllOffSequence (7) will turn all outlets off as defined by each outlet's sPDUOutletPowerOffTime OID value. For MasterSwitch firmware version 1.X, setting this OID to turnAllOffSequence (7) will have no effect. Getting this OID will return the noCommand (6) value." ::= { sPDUMasterControl 1 } sPDUMasterState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will cause the status of all outlets to be returned. This OID is provided for informational purposes only. To change the outlet state, the user should use the sPDUOutletCtl OID in the sPDUOutletControlTable. The format of the data returned is a character string consisting of the word 'On' if the outlet is on or 'Off' if the outlet is off. At least one space will delimit each outlet entry in the string. If the outlet states are unknown, the character string 'Unknown' will be returned. This signifies that there is an inconsistency in the PDU. In the rare case that this should happen, the user is advised to shut down all equipment powered by the PDU and then cycle the PDU's power. This will put the PDU in a consistent state." ::= { sPDUMasterControl 2 } sPDUMasterPending OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will cause the command pending status of all outlets to be returned. The format of the data returned is a character string consisting of the word 'Yes' if a command is pending for the outlet or 'No' if there is no command pending for the outlet. At least one space will delimit each outlet entry in the string. If the pending states are unknown, the character string 'Unknown' will be returned. This signifies that there is an inconsistency in the PDU. In the rare case that this should happen, the user is advised to shut down all equipment powered by the PDU and then cycle the PDU's power. This will put the PDU in a consistent state." ::= { sPDUMasterControl 3 } -- the sPDUMasterConfig group sPDUMasterConfigPowerOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The amount of delay, in seconds, between when power is provided to the PDU and when the PDU provides basic master power to the outlets. Allowed values are: -1 never apply power automatically. 0 apply power immediately. 15 apply power in 15 seconds. 30 apply power in 30 seconds. 45 apply power in 45 seconds. 60 apply power in 60 seconds (1 minute). 120 apply power in 120 seconds (2 minutes). 300 apply power in 300 seconds (5 minutes). If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the PDU interprets it as the next lower acceptable value. If the provided value is lower than the lowest acceptable value, the lowest acceptable value is used." ::= { sPDUMasterConfig 1 } sPDUMasterConfigReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "During a reboot sequence, power is turned off and then back on. This OID defines the amount of time to wait, in seconds, after turning the power off, at the start of the sequence, before turning power back on, at the end of the reboot sequence. Allowed values are: 5 wait 5 seconds between off/on. 10 wait 10 seconds between off/on. 15 wait 15 seconds between off/on. 20 wait 20 seconds between off/on. 30 wait 30 seconds between off/on. 45 wait 45 seconds between off/on. 60 wait 60 seconds (1 minute) between off/on. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the PDU interprets it as the next lower acceptable value. If the provided value is lower than the lowest acceptable value, the lowest acceptable value is used. This OID is read-only for the MasterSwitch version 2.X and is the maximum sPDUOutletRebootDuration OID of the individual outlets." ::= { sPDUMasterConfig 2 } sPDUMasterConfigPDUName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the PDU." ::= { sPDUMasterConfig 3 } -- the sPDUOutletControl group sPDUOutletControlTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of outlets for the PDU." ::= { sPDUOutletControl 1 } sPDUOutletControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUOutletControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for control of individual outlet switches. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUOutletControlTableSize OID." ::= { sPDUOutletControl 2 } sPDUOutletControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUOutletControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlets to control." INDEX { sPDUOutletControlIndex} ::= { sPDUOutletControlTable 1 } SPDUOutletControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUOutletControlIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletPending INTEGER, sPDUOutletCtl INTEGER, sPDUOutletCtlName DisplayString } sPDUOutletControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet entry." ::= { sPDUOutletControlEntry 1 } sPDUOutletPending OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ commandPending (1), noCommandPending (2), commandPendingUnknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reports whether the current outlet has a pending command. If the commandPendingUnknown (3) value is returned, all devices powered by the PDU should be shut down. The PDU's power should then be cycled to clear this condition." ::= { sPDUOutletControlEntry 2 } sPDUOutletCtl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outletOn (1), outletOff (2), outletReboot (3), outletUnknown (4), outletOnWithDelay (5), outletOffWithDelay (6), outletRebootWithDelay (7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the outlet state. If the outlet is on, the outletOn (1) value will be returned. If the outlet is off, the outletOff (2) value will be returned. If the state of the outlet cannot be determined, the outletUnknown (4) value will be returned. If the outletUnknown condition should occur, all devices powered by the PDU should be shut down. The PDU's power should then be cycled to clear this condition. Setting this variable to outletOn (1) will turn the outlet on. Setting this variable to outletOff (2) will turn the outlet off. Setting this variable to outletReboot (3) will reboot the outlet. Setting this variable to outletOnWithDelay (5) will turn the outlet on after the sPDUOutletPowerOnTime OID has elapsed. This option is not valid for MasterSwitch firmware version 1.X. Setting this variable to outletOffWithDelay (6) will turn the outlet off after the sPDUOutletPowerOffTime OID has elapsed. This option is not valid for MasterSwitch firmware version 1.X. Setting this variable to outletRebootWithDelay (7) will turn the outlet off after the sPDUOutletPowerOffTime OID has elapsed, wait the sPDUOutletRebootDuration OID time, then turn the outlet back on. This option is not valid for MasterSwitch firmware version 1.X." ::= { sPDUOutletControlEntry 3 } sPDUOutletCtlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet. Maximum size is 20 characters. This OID is provided for informational purposes only. This value is set by the sPDUOutletName OID." ::= { sPDUOutletControlEntry 4 } -- the sPDUOutletConfig group sPDUOutletConfigTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of outlets for the PDU." ::= { sPDUOutletConfig 1 } sPDUOutletConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUOutletConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The list of outlets to configure. The number of entries is defined by the sPDUOutletConfigTableSize OID." ::= { sPDUOutletConfig 2 } sPDUOutletConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUOutletConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlets to control." INDEX { sPDUOutletConfigIndex} ::= { sPDUOutletConfigTable 1 } SPDUOutletConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUOutletConfigIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletPowerOnTime INTEGER, sPDUOutletName DisplayString, sPDUOutletPowerOffTime INTEGER, sPDUOutletRebootDuration INTEGER } sPDUOutletConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet entry." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigEntry 1 } sPDUOutletPowerOnTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time (in seconds) the outlet will delay powering on when the MasterSwitch is powered on. Allowed values are: -1 never power on automatically. 0 power on with the Master Switch. 15 power on 15 seconds after the MasterSwitch has power applied. 30 power on 30 seconds after the MasterSwitch has power applied. 45 power on 45 seconds after the MasterSwitch has power applied. 60 power on 60 seconds (1 minute) after the MasterSwitch has power applied. 120 power on 120 seconds (2 minutes) after the MasterSwitch has power applied. 300 power on 300 seconds (5 minutes) after the MasterSwitch has power applied. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the PDU interprets it as the next lower acceptable value. If the provided value is lower than the lowest acceptable value, the lowest acceptable value is used." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigEntry 2 } sPDUOutletName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet. Maximum size is 20 characters." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigEntry 3 } sPDUOutletPowerOffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time (in seconds) the outlet will delay powering off. Allowed values are: -1 never power off automatically. 0 power off with the MasterSwitch. 15 power off 15 seconds after being commanded. 30 power off 30 seconds after being commanded. 45 power off 45 seconds after being commanded. 60 power off 60 seconds (1 minute) after being commanded. 120 power off 120 seconds (2 minutes) after being commanded. 300 power off 300 seconds (5 minutes) after being commanded. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the PDU interprets it as the next lower acceptable value. If the provided value is lower than the lowest acceptable value, the lowest acceptable value is used. This OID is not available for MasterSwitch firmware version 1.X." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigEntry 4 } sPDUOutletRebootDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "During a reboot sequence, power is turned off and then back on. This OID defines the amount of time to wait, in seconds, after turning the power off, at the start of the sequence, before turning power back on, at the end of the reboot sequence. Allowed values are: 5 wait 5 seconds between off/on. 10 wait 10 seconds between off/on. 15 wait 15 seconds between off/on. 20 wait 20 seconds between off/on. 30 wait 30 seconds between off/on. 45 wait 45 seconds between off/on. 60 wait 60 seconds (1 minute) between off/on. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the PDU interprets it as the next lower acceptable value. If the provided value is lower than the lowest acceptable value, the lowest acceptable value is used. This OID is not available for MasterSwitch firmware version 1.X." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigEntry 5 } -- the sPDUIdentVM group sPDUIdentVMTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of MasterSwitch VMs controllable by this IP address." ::= { sPDUIdentVM 1 } sPDUIdentVMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUIdentVMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for query of the individual MasterSwitch VMs. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUIdentVMTableSize OID." ::= { sPDUIdentVM 2 } sPDUIdentVMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUIdentVMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MasterSwitch VMs to query." INDEX { sPDUIdentVMIndex} ::= { sPDUIdentVMTable 1 } SPDUIdentVMEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUIdentVMIndex INTEGER, sPDUIdentNameVM DisplayString, sPDUIdentHardwareRevVM DisplayString, sPDUIdentFirmwareRevVM DisplayString, sPDUIdentDateOfManufactureVM DisplayString, sPDUIdentModelNumberVM DisplayString, sPDUIdentSerialNumberVM DisplayString } sPDUIdentVMIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch VM entry." ::= { sPDUIdentVMEntry 1 } sPDUIdentNameVM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A 23-character string identifying the MasterSwitch VM. " ::= { sPDUIdentVMEntry 2 } sPDUIdentHardwareRevVM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware version of the MasterSwitch VM. This value is set at the factory." ::= { sPDUIdentVMEntry 3 } sPDUIdentFirmwareRevVM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An 6-character ID string identifying the MasterSwitch VM firmware version. This value is set at the factory." ::= { sPDUIdentVMEntry 4 } sPDUIdentDateOfManufactureVM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date when the MasterSwitch VM was manufactured in mm/dd/yyyy format. This value is set at the factory. " ::= { sPDUIdentVMEntry 5 } sPDUIdentModelNumberVM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A 17-character string identifying the model number of the MasterSwitch VM. This value is set at the factory." ::= { sPDUIdentVMEntry 6 } sPDUIdentSerialNumberVM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A 17-character string identifying the serial number of the MasterSwitch VM. This value is set at the factory." ::= { sPDUIdentVMEntry 7 } -- the sPDUMasterControlVM group sPDUMasterControlVMTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of MasterSwitch VMs controllable by this IP address." ::= { sPDUMasterControlVM 1 } sPDUMasterControlVMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUMasterControlVMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for control of the individual MasterSwitch VMs. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterControlVMTableSize OID." ::= { sPDUMasterControlVM 2 } sPDUMasterControlVMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUMasterControlVMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MasterSwitch VMs to control." INDEX { sPDUMasterControlVMIndex} ::= { sPDUMasterControlVMTable 1 } SPDUMasterControlVMEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUMasterControlVMIndex INTEGER, sPDUMasterControlVMName DisplayString, sPDUMasterControlVMCommand INTEGER } sPDUMasterControlVMIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch VM entry." ::= { sPDUMasterControlVMEntry 1 } sPDUMasterControlVMName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch VM. The maximum value is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUMasterConfigVMName OID." ::= { sPDUMasterControlVMEntry 2 } sPDUMasterControlVMCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noCommandAllVM (1), immediateAllOnVM (2), immediateAllOffVM (3), immediateAllRebootVM (4), delayedAllOnVM (5), delayedAllOffVM (6), sequencedAllRebootVM (7), delayedAllRebootVM (8), delayedSequenceAllRebootVM (9), cancelAllPendingCommandsVM (10), audioAlarmMute (11) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to immediateAllOnVM (2) will turn all outlets on immediately. Setting this OID to immediateAllOffVM (3) will turn all outlets off immediately. Setting this OID to immediateAllRebootVM (4) will reboot all outlets immediately. Setting this OID to delayedAllOnVM (5) will turn all outlets on as defined by each outlet's sPDUOutletConfigVMPowerOnTime OID value. Setting this OID to delayedAllOffVM (6) will turn all outlets off as defined by each outlet's sPDUOutletConfigVMPowerOffTime OID value. Setting this OID to sequencedAllRebootVM (7) will cause a immediateAllOffVM command to be performed. The MasterSwitch VM will then delay the sPDUMasterStatusVMRebootDuration OID time, and then perform a delayedAllOnVM command. Setting this OID to delayedAllRebootVM (8) will cause a delayedAllOffVM command to be performed. Each outlet will then wait its sPDUOutletConfigVMRebootDuration before returning power to the outlet. Setting this OID to delayedSequenceAllRebootVM (9) will cause a delayedAllOffVM command to be performed. Once all outlets are off, the MasterSwitch VM will then delay the sPDUMasterStatusVMRebootDuration OID time, and then perform a delayedAllOnVM command. Setting this OID to cancelAllPendingCommandsVM (10) will cause all pending commands on the MasterSwitch VM to be canceled. Setting this OID to audioAlarmMute (11) will temporarily silence the audible alarm for the duration of the current overload condition. The audible alarm will be activated on subsequent overload alarms. Getting this OID will return the noCommandAllVM (1) value." ::= { sPDUMasterControlVMEntry 3 } -- the sPDUMasterConfigVM group sPDUMasterConfigVMTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of MasterSwitch VMs configurable by this IP address." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigVM 1 } sPDUMasterConfigVMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUMasterConfigVMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for configuration of the individual MasterSwitch VMs. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterConfigVMTableSize OID." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigVM 2 } sPDUMasterConfigVMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUMasterConfigVMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MasterSwitch VMs to configure." INDEX { sPDUMasterConfigVMIndex} ::= { sPDUMasterConfigVMTable 1 } SPDUMasterConfigVMEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUMasterConfigVMIndex INTEGER, sPDUMasterConfigVMName DisplayString, sPDUMasterConfigVMColdstartDelay INTEGER, sPDUMasterConfigVMAudioAlarmActivated INTEGER, sPDUMasterConfigVMHighLoadWarningThreshold INTEGER, sPDUMasterConfigVMLowLoadWarningThreshold INTEGER, sPDUMasterConfigVMOverloadRestriction INTEGER } sPDUMasterConfigVMIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch VM entry." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigVMEntry 1 } sPDUMasterConfigVMName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch VM. Maximum size is 23 characters." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigVMEntry 2 } sPDUMasterConfigVMColdstartDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The amount of delay, in seconds, between when power is provided to the MasterSwitch VM and when the MasterSwitch VM provides basic master power to the outlets. Allowed values are: -1 never apply power automatically. 0 apply power immediately. 15 apply power in 15 seconds. 30 apply power in 30 seconds. 45 apply power in 45 seconds. 60 apply power in 60 seconds (1 minute). 120 apply power in 120 seconds (2 minutes). 300 apply power in 300 seconds (5 minutes). If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the MasterSwitch VM interprets it as the next lower acceptable value. If the provided value is lower than the lowest acceptable value, the lowest acceptable value is used." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigVMEntry 3 } sPDUMasterConfigVMAudioAlarmActivated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { audioAlarmActiveNever (1), audioAlarmActiveOnOverload (2), audioAlarmActiveOnOverloadImminent (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to audioAlarmActiveNever (1) will disable the audio alarm on the MasterSwitch VM. Setting this OID to audioAlarmActiveOnOverload (2) will activate the audio alarm on the MasterSwitch VM when an overload condition is present. Setting this OID to audioAlarmActiveOnOverloadImminent (3) will activate the audio alarm on the MasterSwitch VM when the load on the MasterSwitch VM has surpassed the sPDUMasterConfigVMHighLoadWarningThreshold OID value." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigVMEntry 4 } sPDUMasterConfigVMHighLoadWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A threshold that indicates the power consumption of the load is nearing an overload condition. It is represented as a percentage of full load." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigVMEntry 5 } sPDUMasterConfigVMLowLoadWarningThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A threshold that indicates the power consumption of the load is nearing a low consumption condition. It is represented as a percentage of full load." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigVMEntry 6 } sPDUMasterConfigVMOverloadRestriction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { alwaysAllowTurnON (1), restrictOnWarning (2), restrictOnOverload (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID controls the behavior of the MasterSwitch VM when an overload condition is possible and additional outlets are requested to be turned on. Setting this OID to alwaysAllowTurnON (1) will always allow the outlets to turn on. Setting this OID to restrictOnWarning (2) will not allow outlets to turn on if the sPDUMasterConfigVMHighLoadWarningThreshold OID is exceeded. Setting this OID to restrictOnOverload (3) will not allow outlets to turn on if the MasterSwitch Vm is in an overload condition." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigVMEntry 7 } -- the sPDUMasterStatusVM group sPDUMasterStatusVMTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of MasterSwitch VMs at this IP address." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusVM 1 } sPDUMasterStatusVMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUMasterStatusVMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for gathering of status from the individual MasterSwitch VMs. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterStatusVMTableSize OID." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusVM 2 } sPDUMasterStatusVMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUMasterStatusVMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MasterSwitch VMs to gather status from." INDEX { sPDUMasterStatusVMIndex} ::= { sPDUMasterStatusVMTable 1 } SPDUMasterStatusVMEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUMasterStatusVMIndex INTEGER, sPDUMasterStatusVMName DisplayString, sPDUMasterStatusVMCommandPending INTEGER, sPDUMasterStatusVMOverloadCondition INTEGER, sPDUMasterStatusVMLowLoadCondition INTEGER, sPDUMasterStatusVMCurrentLoad INTEGER, sPDUMasterStatusVMMaxLoad INTEGER, sPDUMasterStatusVMOutletCount INTEGER, sPDUMasterStatusVMRebootDuration INTEGER } sPDUMasterStatusVMIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch VM entry." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusVMEntry 1 } sPDUMasterStatusVMName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch VM. Maximum size is 23 characters." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusVMEntry 2 } sPDUMasterStatusVMCommandPending OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { commandPendingMasterTrueVM (1), commandPendingMasterFalseVM (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return commandPendingMasterTrueVM (1) if the MasterSwitch VM has a pending command on any of its outlets. commandPendingMasterFalseVM (2) will be returned if there are no pending commands." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusVMEntry 3 } sPDUMasterStatusVMOverloadCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { overloadConditionTrueVM (1), overloadConditionFalseVM (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return overloadConditionTrueVM (1) if the sPDUMasterConfigVMHighLoadWarningThreshold OID is violated. overloadConditionFalseVM (2) will be returned if the sPDUMasterConfigVMHighLoadWarningThreshold OID is not violated." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusVMEntry 4 } sPDUMasterStatusVMLowLoadCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { lowLoadConditionTrueVM (1), lowLoadConditionFalseVM (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return lowLoadConditionTrueVM (1) if the sPDUMasterConfigVMLowLoadWarningThreshold OID is violated. lowLoadConditionFalseVM (2) will be returned if the sPDUMasterConfigVMHighLoadWarningThreshold OID is not violated. " ::= { sPDUMasterStatusVMEntry 5 } sPDUMasterStatusVMCurrentLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the total amount of power being consumed by the load. It is represented as a percentage of full load." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusVMEntry 6 } sPDUMasterStatusVMMaxLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the total amount of power that this MasterSwitch VM can provide. It is represented in Amps." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusVMEntry 7 } sPDUMasterStatusVMOutletCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the number of controllable outlets for this MasterSwitch VM." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusVMEntry 8 } sPDUMasterStatusVMRebootDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the largest sPDUOutletConfigVMRebootDuration OID time for this MasterSwitch VM." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusVMEntry 9 } -- the sPDUOutletControlVM group sPDUOutletControlVMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUOutletControlVMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for control of individual outlet switches. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterStatusOutletCount OID." ::= { sPDUOutletControlVM 1 } sPDUOutletControlVMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUOutletControlVMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlets to control." INDEX { sPDUOutletControlVMIndex, sPDUOutletControlVMOutletIndex } ::= { sPDUOutletControlVMTable 1 } SPDUOutletControlVMEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUOutletControlVMIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletControlVMName DisplayString, sPDUOutletControlVMOutletIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletControlVMOutletName DisplayString, sPDUOutletControlVMOutletCommand INTEGER } sPDUOutletControlVMIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch VM." ::= { sPDUOutletControlVMEntry 1 } sPDUOutletControlVMName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch VM. Maximum size is 23 characters. This OID is provided for informational purposes only." ::= { sPDUOutletControlVMEntry 2 } sPDUOutletControlVMOutletIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet entry." ::= { sPDUOutletControlVMEntry 3 } sPDUOutletControlVMOutletName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet. Maximum size is 23 characters. This OID is provided for informational purposes only." ::= { sPDUOutletControlVMEntry 4 } sPDUOutletControlVMOutletCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { immediateOnVM (1), immediateOffVM (2), immediateRebootVM (3), delayedOnVM (4), delayedOffVM (5), delayedRebootVM (6), cancelPendingCommandVM (7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the outlet state. If the outlet is on, the immediateOnVM (1) value will be returned. If the outlet is off, the immediateOffVM (2) value will be returned. Setting this variable to immediateOnVM (1) will immediately turn the outlet on. Setting this variable to immediateOffVM (2) will immediately turn the outlet off. Setting this variable to immediateRebootVM (3) will immediately reboot the outlet. Setting this variable to delayedOnVM (4) will turn the outlet on after the sPDUOutletConfigVMPowerOnTime OID time has elapsed. Setting this variable to delayedOffVM (5) will turn the outlet off after the sPDUOutletConfigVMPowerOffTime OID time has elapsed. Setting this variable to delayedRebootVM (6) will cause the MasterSwitch VM to perform a delayedOffVM command, wait the sPDUOutletConfigVMRebootDuration OID time, and then perform the immediateOnVM command. Setting this variable to cancelPendingCommandVM (7) will cause any pending command to this outlet to be canceled." ::= { sPDUOutletControlVMEntry 5 } -- the sPDUOutletConfigVM group sPDUOutletConfigVMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUOutletConfigVMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for configuration of individual outlets. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterStatusOutletCount OID." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigVM 1 } sPDUOutletConfigVMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUOutletConfigVMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlets to configure." INDEX { sPDUOutletConfigVMIndex, sPDUOutletConfigVMOutletIndex } ::= { sPDUOutletConfigVMTable 1 } SPDUOutletConfigVMEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUOutletConfigVMIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigVMName DisplayString, sPDUOutletConfigVMOutletIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigVMOutletName DisplayString, sPDUOutletConfigVMPowerOnTime INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigVMPowerOffTime INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigVMRebootDuration INTEGER } sPDUOutletConfigVMIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch VM." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigVMEntry 1 } sPDUOutletConfigVMName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch VM. Maximum size is 23 characters." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigVMEntry 2 } sPDUOutletConfigVMOutletIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet entry." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigVMEntry 3 } sPDUOutletConfigVMOutletName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet. Maximum size is 23 characters." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigVMEntry 4 } sPDUOutletConfigVMPowerOnTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time (in seconds) the outlet will delay powering on at coldstart or when a command that requires a turn-on delay is issued. Allowed values are: -1 never power on. 0 power on immediately. 15 power on 15 seconds after being commanded. 30 power on 30 seconds after being commanded. 45 power on 45 seconds after being commanded. 60 power on 60 seconds (1 minute) after being commanded. 120 power on 120 seconds (2 minutes) after being commanded. 300 power on 300 seconds (5 minutes) after being commanded. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the MasterSwitch VM interprets it as the next lower acceptable value. If the provided value is lower than the lowest acceptable value, the lowest acceptable value is used." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigVMEntry 5 } sPDUOutletConfigVMPowerOffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time (in seconds) the outlet will delay powering off when a command that requires a turn-off delay is issued. Allowed values are: -1 never power off automatically. 0 power off immediately. 15 power off 15 seconds after being commanded. 30 power off 30 seconds after being commanded. 45 power off 45 seconds after being commanded. 60 power off 60 seconds (1 minute) after being commanded. 120 power off 120 seconds (2 minutes) after being commanded. 300 power off 300 seconds (5 minutes) after being commanded. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the MasterSwitch VM interprets it as the next lower acceptable value. If the provided value is lower than the lowest acceptable value, the lowest acceptable value is used." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigVMEntry 6 } sPDUOutletConfigVMRebootDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "During a reboot sequence, power is turned off and then back on. This OID defines the amount of time to wait, in seconds, after turning the power off, at the start of the sequence, before turning power back on, at the end of the reboot sequence. Allowed values are: 5 wait 5 seconds between off/on. 10 wait 10 seconds between off/on. 15 wait 15 seconds between off/on. 20 wait 20 seconds between off/on. 30 wait 30 seconds between off/on. 45 wait 45 seconds between off/on. 60 wait 60 seconds (1 minute) between off/on. If a value other than a supported value is provided in a set request, the MasterSwitch VM interprets it as the next lower acceptable value. If the provided value is lower than the lowest acceptable value, the lowest acceptable value is used." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigVMEntry 7 } -- the sPDUOutletStatusVM group sPDUOutletStatusVMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUOutletStatusVMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting of status of individual outlets. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterStatusOutletCount OID." ::= { sPDUOutletStatusVM 1 } sPDUOutletStatusVMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUOutletStatusVMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlets to gather status from." INDEX { sPDUOutletStatusVMIndex, sPDUOutletStatusVMOutletIndex } ::= { sPDUOutletStatusVMTable 1 } SPDUOutletStatusVMEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUOutletStatusVMIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletStatusVMName DisplayString, sPDUOutletStatusVMOutletIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletStatusVMOutletName DisplayString, sPDUOutletStatusVMOutletState INTEGER, sPDUOutletStatusVMCommandPending INTEGER } sPDUOutletStatusVMIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch VM." ::= { sPDUOutletStatusVMEntry 1 } sPDUOutletStatusVMName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch VM. Maximum size is 23 characters." ::= { sPDUOutletStatusVMEntry 2 } sPDUOutletStatusVMOutletIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet entry." ::= { sPDUOutletStatusVMEntry 3 } sPDUOutletStatusVMOutletName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet. Maximum size is 23 characters." ::= { sPDUOutletStatusVMEntry 4 } sPDUOutletStatusVMOutletState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outletStatusVMOn (1), outletStatusVMOff (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the outlet state. If the outlet is on, the outletStatusOnVM (1) value will be returned. If the outlet is off, the outletStatusOffVM (2) value will be returned. " ::= { sPDUOutletStatusVMEntry 5 } sPDUOutletStatusVMCommandPending OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outletStatusVMCommandPending (1), outletStatusVMNoCommandPending (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the command pending state of the outlet. If a command is pending on the outlet, the outletStatusVMCommandPending (1) value will be returned. If there is not a command pending on the outlet, the outletStatusVMNoCommandPending (2) will be returned." ::= { sPDUOutletStatusVMEntry 6 } -- the sPDUIdentMSP group sPDUIdentMSPTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of MasterSwitch pluses controllable by this IP address." ::= { sPDUIdentMSP 1 } sPDUIdentMSPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUIdentMSPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for query of the individual MasterSwitch pluses. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUIdentMSPTableSize OID." ::= { sPDUIdentMSP 2 } sPDUIdentMSPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUIdentMSPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MasterSwitch pluses to query." INDEX { sPDUIdentMSPIndex} ::= { sPDUIdentMSPTable 1 } SPDUIdentMSPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUIdentMSPIndex INTEGER, sPDUIdentNameMSP DisplayString, sPDUIdentHardwareRevMSP DisplayString, sPDUIdentFirmwareRevMSP DisplayString, sPDUIdentDateOfManufactureMSP DisplayString, sPDUIdentModelNumberMSP DisplayString, sPDUIdentSerialNumberMSP DisplayString } sPDUIdentMSPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch plus entry." ::= { sPDUIdentMSPEntry 1 } sPDUIdentNameMSP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch plus. The maximum value is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUMasterConfigMSPName OID." ::= { sPDUIdentMSPEntry 2 } sPDUIdentHardwareRevMSP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware version of the MasterSwitch plus. This value is set at the factory." ::= { sPDUIdentMSPEntry 3 } sPDUIdentFirmwareRevMSP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An 6-character ID string identifying the MasterSwitch plus firmware version. This value is set at the factory." ::= { sPDUIdentMSPEntry 4 } sPDUIdentDateOfManufactureMSP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date when the MasterSwitch plus was manufactured in mm/dd/yyyy format. This value is set at the factory. " ::= { sPDUIdentMSPEntry 5 } sPDUIdentModelNumberMSP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A 17-character string identifying the model number of the MasterSwitch plus. This value is set at the factory." ::= { sPDUIdentMSPEntry 6 } sPDUIdentSerialNumberMSP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A 17-character string identifying the serial number of the MasterSwitch plus. This value is set at the factory." ::= { sPDUIdentMSPEntry 7 } -- the sPDUMasterControlMSP group sPDUMasterControlMSPTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of MasterSwitch pluses controllable by this IP address." ::= { sPDUMasterControlMSP 1 } sPDUMasterControlMSPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUMasterControlMSPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for control of the individual MasterSwitch pluses. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterControlMSPTableSize OID." ::= { sPDUMasterControlMSP 2 } sPDUMasterControlMSPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUMasterControlMSPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MasterSwitch pluses to control." INDEX { sPDUMasterControlMSPIndex} ::= { sPDUMasterControlMSPTable 1 } SPDUMasterControlMSPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUMasterControlMSPIndex INTEGER, sPDUMasterControlMSPName DisplayString, sPDUMasterControlMSPCommand INTEGER } sPDUMasterControlMSPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch plus entry." ::= { sPDUMasterControlMSPEntry 1 } sPDUMasterControlMSPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch plus. The maximum value is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUMasterConfigMSPName OID." ::= { sPDUMasterControlMSPEntry 2 } sPDUMasterControlMSPCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noCommandAllMSP (1), immediateAllOnMSP (2), sequencedAllOnMSP (3), immediateAllOffMSP (4), gracefulAllRebootMSP (5), immediateAllRebootMSP (6), gracefulAllShutdownMSP (7), overrideAllBatCapThreshMSP (8), cancelAllPendingCommandsMSP (9), restoreFactoryDefaultsMSP (10) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to immediateAllOnMSP (2) will turn all outlets on immediately. Setting this OID to sequencedAllOnMSP (3) will turn all outlets on as defined by each outlet's sPDUOutletConfigMSPPowerOnDelay OID value. Setting this OID to immediateAllOffMSP (4) will turn all outlets off immediately. Setting this OID to gracefulAllRebootMSP (5) will reboot all outlets (after the device running PowerChute confirms shutdown) as defined by each outlet's sPDUOutletConfigMSPRebootDuration OID time value. Setting this OID to immediateAllRebootMSP (6) will reboot all outlets immediately. Setting this OID to gracefulAllShutdownMSP (7) will shutdown all outlets (after the device running PowerChute confirms shutdown) as defined by each outlet's sPDUOutletConfigMSPPowerOffDelay OID time value. Each outlet will then turn on after the sum of its sPDUOutletConfigMSPRestartDelay and sPDUOutletConfigMSPPowerOnDelay OID values. Setting this OID to overrideAllBatCapThreshMSP (8) will cause the outlet to ignore the Battery Capacity Threshold and proceed turning on the outlets as defined by each outlet's sPDUOutletConfigMSPPowerOnDelay OID value. Setting this OID to cancelAllPendingCommandsMSP (9) will cause all pending commands on the MasterSwitch plus to be canceled. Setting this OID to restoreFactoryDefaultsMSP (10) will cause the settings of the MasterSwitch plus to be restored to the factory defaults. Getting this OID will return the noCommandAllMSP (1) value." ::= { sPDUMasterControlMSPEntry 3 } -- the sPDUMasterConfigMSP group sPDUMasterConfigMSPTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of MasterSwitch pluses configurable by this IP address." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigMSP 1 } sPDUMasterConfigMSPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUMasterConfigMSPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for configuration of the individual MasterSwitch pluses. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterConfigMSPTableSize OID." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigMSP 2 } sPDUMasterConfigMSPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUMasterConfigMSPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MasterSwitch pluses to configure." INDEX { sPDUMasterConfigMSPIndex} ::= { sPDUMasterConfigMSPTable 1 } SPDUMasterConfigMSPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUMasterConfigMSPIndex INTEGER, sPDUMasterConfigMSPName DisplayString, sPDUMasterConfigMSPPowerOnTimeDelay INTEGER, sPDUMasterConfigMSPManualButton INTEGER } sPDUMasterConfigMSPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch plus entry." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigMSPEntry 1 } sPDUMasterConfigMSPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch plus. Maximum size is 23 characters." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigMSPEntry 2 } sPDUMasterConfigMSPPowerOnTimeDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..9999) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The amount of delay, in seconds, between when power is provided to the MasterSwitch plus and when the MasterSwitch plus provides basic master power to the outlets. Allowed values are: 0 - 9999 seconds (0 - 2hrs, 46 mins, 39 secs). 0 indicates to apply power immediately." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigMSPEntry 3 } sPDUMasterConfigMSPManualButton OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manualButtonDisabled (1), manualButtonEnabled (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to manualButtonDisabled (1) will disable the manual button on the MasterSwitch plus. Setting this OID to manualButtonEnabled (2) will enable the manual button on the MasterSwitch plus." ::= { sPDUMasterConfigMSPEntry 4 } -- the sPDUMasterStatusMSP group sPDUMasterStatusMSPTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of MasterSwitch pluses at this IP address." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusMSP 1 } sPDUMasterStatusMSPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUMasterStatusMSPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for gathering of status from the individual MasterSwitch pluses. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterStatusMSPTableSize OID." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusMSP 2 } sPDUMasterStatusMSPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUMasterStatusMSPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MasterSwitch pluses to gather status from." INDEX { sPDUMasterStatusMSPIndex} ::= { sPDUMasterStatusMSPTable 1 } SPDUMasterStatusMSPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUMasterStatusMSPIndex INTEGER, sPDUMasterStatusMSPName DisplayString, sPDUMasterStatusMSPOutletCount INTEGER } sPDUMasterStatusMSPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch plus entry." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusMSPEntry 1 } sPDUMasterStatusMSPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch plus. The maximum value is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUMasterConfigMSPName OID." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusMSPEntry 2 } sPDUMasterStatusMSPOutletCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the number of controllable outlets for this MasterSwitch plus." ::= { sPDUMasterStatusMSPEntry 3 } -- the sPDUOutletControlMSP group sPDUOutletControlMSPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUOutletControlMSPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for control of individual outlet switches. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterStatusMSPOutletCount OID." ::= { sPDUOutletControlMSP 1 } sPDUOutletControlMSPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUOutletControlMSPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlets to control." INDEX { sPDUOutletControlMSPIndex, sPDUOutletControlMSPOutletIndex } ::= { sPDUOutletControlMSPTable 1 } SPDUOutletControlMSPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUOutletControlMSPIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletControlMSPName DisplayString, sPDUOutletControlMSPOutletIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletControlMSPOutletName DisplayString, sPDUOutletControlMSPOutletCommand INTEGER } sPDUOutletControlMSPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch plus." ::= { sPDUOutletControlMSPEntry 1 } sPDUOutletControlMSPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch plus. The maximum value is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUMasterConfigMSPName OID." ::= { sPDUOutletControlMSPEntry 2 } sPDUOutletControlMSPOutletIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet entry." ::= { sPDUOutletControlMSPEntry 3 } sPDUOutletControlMSPOutletName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet. The maximum size is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUOutletConfigMSPallOutletName OID. This OID is provided for informational purposes only." ::= { sPDUOutletControlMSPEntry 4 } sPDUOutletControlMSPOutletCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { immediateOnMSP (1), delayedOnMSP (2), immediateOffMSP (3), gracefulRebootMSP (4), immediateRebootMSP (5), gracefulshutdownMSP (6), overrideBatCapThreshMSP (7), cancelPendingCommandMSP (8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the outlet state. If the outlet is on, the immediateOnMSP (1) value will be returned. If the outlet is off, the immediateOffMSP (3) value will be returned. Setting this variable to immediateOnMSP (1) will immediately turn the outlet on. Setting this variable to delayedOnMSP (2) will turn the outlet on after the sPDUOutletConfigMSPPowerOnDelay OID time has elapsed. Setting this variable to immediateOffMSP (3) will immediately turn the outlet off. Setting this variable to gracefulRebootMSP (4) will cause the outlet to wait for device confirmation (if applicable) and then turn the outlet off after the sPDUOutletConfigMSPPowerOffDelay OID time has elapsed. The outlet will then turn on after the sPDUOutletConfigMSPRebootDuration OID time has elapsed. Setting this variable to immediateRebootMSP (5) will immediately reboot the outlet. Setting this variable to gracefulshutdownMSP (6) will cause the outlet to wait for device confirmation (if applicable) and then turn the outlet off after the sPDUOutletConfigMSPPowerOffDelay OID time has elapsed. The outlet will then turn on after the sum of the sPDUOutletConfigMSPRestartTime OID time and the sPDUOutletConfigMSPPowerOnDelay OID time has elapsed. Setting this variable to overrideBatCapThreshMSP (7) will cause the outlet to ignore the Battery Capacity Threshold and proceed waiting on the sPDUOutletConfigMSPPowerOnDelay OID time before turning the outlet on. Setting this variable to cancelPendingCommandMSP (8) will cause any pending command to this outlet to be canceled." ::= { sPDUOutletControlMSPEntry 5 } -- the sPDUOutletConfigMSPall group sPDUOutletConfigMSPallTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUOutletConfigMSPallEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for configuration of individual outlets. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterStatusMSPOutletCount OID." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPall 1 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPallEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUOutletConfigMSPallEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlets to configure." INDEX { sPDUOutletConfigMSPallIndex, sPDUOutletConfigMSPallOutletIndex } ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPallTable 1 } SPDUOutletConfigMSPallEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUOutletConfigMSPallIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPallName DisplayString, sPDUOutletConfigMSPallOutletIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPallOutletName DisplayString, sPDUOutletConfigMSPallOutletCtrlMode INTEGER } sPDUOutletConfigMSPallIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch plus." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPallEntry 1 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPallName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch plus. The maximum value is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUMasterConfigMSPName OID." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPallEntry 2 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPallOutletIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet entry." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPallEntry 3 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPallOutletName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet. Maximum size is 23 characters." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPallEntry 4 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPallOutletCtrlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { modeGracefulShutdown (1), modeAnnunciator (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to modeGracefulShutdown (1) will put this outlet into the Graceful Shutdown control mode. Setting this OID to modeAnnunciator (2) will put this outlet into the Annunciator control mode." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPallEntry 5 } -- the sPDUOutConfigMSPgs group sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for configuration of individual outlets. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterStatusMSPOutletCount OID." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgs 1 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlets to configure." INDEX { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsIndex, sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsOutletIndex } ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsTable 1 } SPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsName DisplayString, sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsOutletIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsOutletName DisplayString, sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsOutletCtrlMode INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsDeviceConfirm INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsLowBattWarning INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsLowBattMult INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsRestartDelay INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsPowerOnDelay INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsPowerOffDelay INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsBattCapThresh INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsRebootDuration INTEGER } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch plus." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry 1 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch plus. The maximum value is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUMasterConfigMSPName OID." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry 2 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsOutletIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet entry." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry 3 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsOutletName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet. The maximum size is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUOutletConfigMSPallOutletName OID. This OID is provided for informational purposes only." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry 4 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsOutletCtrlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { modeGracefulShutdown (1), modeAnnunciator (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Control Mode of the outlet. This OID is provided for informational purposes only." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry 5 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsDeviceConfirm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { deviceConfirmNo (1), deviceConfirmYes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to deviceConfirmNo (1) cause the outlet to NOT wait for device confirmation while performing graceful operations. Setting this OID to deviceConfirmYes (2) cause the outlet to wait for device confirmation while performing graceful operations." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry 6 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsLowBattWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-2..9999) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The amount of delay, in 6 second intervals, between when the UPS goes on battery and the power down sequence for the outlet is initiated. Allowed values are: -2 - Never initiate the power down sequence on low battery warning. -1 - Initiate power down sequence based on remaining runtime. 1 - 9999 six second intervals (6 secs - 16hrs, 39 mins, 54 secs). 0 indicates to immediately initiate power down sequence on low battery warning." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry 7 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsLowBattMult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " Only applicable if sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsLowBattWarning OID is set to -1 (On Runtime Remaining). Allows you to set the value to stagger the shutdown sequence of the outlets. 1 provides the longest delay (the outlet to shutoff first), and 7 would provide the shortest delay (the outlet to shut off last). Allowed values are: 1 - 7." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry 8 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsRestartDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1..9999) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The amount of delay, in 6 minute intervals, between when the outlet is turned off and the outlet is turned back on when performing a Graceful Shutdown. Allowed values are: -1 - Never turn outlet back on after a Graceful shutdown. 0 - 9999 six minute intervals (0 - 999hrs, 54 mins)." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry 9 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsPowerOnDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1..9999) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The amount of delay, in seconds, between the UPS entering normal (on-line) state and the outlet being powered on. Allowed values are: -1 - Remain Off when the UPS enters the on-line state. 0 - 9999 seconds (0 - 2 hrs, 46 mins, 39 secs)." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry 10 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsPowerOffDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..9999) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The amount of delay, in seconds, between when the server shuts down and the outlet is powered off. Allowed values are: 0 - 9999 seconds (0 - 2 hrs, 46 mins, 39 secs)." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry 11 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsBattCapThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The minimum battery capacity, as a percent (0-100%), required of the UPS before an outlet will be allowed to power on. Allowed values are: 0 - 100 percent." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry 12 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsRebootDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..9999) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The amount of delay, in seconds, from outlet off until outlet on during a reboot. Allowed values are: 0 - 9999 seconds (0 - 2 hrs, 46 mins, 39 secs)." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPgsEntry 13 } -- the sPDUOutConfigMSPannun group sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUOutletConfigMSPannunEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for configuration of individual outlets. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterStatusMSPOutletCount OID." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPannun 1 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUOutletConfigMSPannunEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlets to configure." INDEX { sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunIndex, sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunOutletIndex } ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunTable 1 } SPDUOutletConfigMSPannunEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunName DisplayString, sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunOutletIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunOutletName DisplayString, sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunOutletCtrlMode INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunInitialState INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunAlarmActionDly INTEGER } sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch plus." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunEntry 1 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch plus. The maximum value is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUMasterConfigMSPName OID." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunEntry 2 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunOutletIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet entry." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunEntry 3 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunOutletName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet. The maximum size is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUOutletConfigMSPallOutletName OID. This OID is provided for informational purposes only." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunEntry 4 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunOutletCtrlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { modeGracefulShutdown (1), modeAnnunciator (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Control Mode of the outlet. This OID is provided for informational purposes only." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunEntry 5 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunInitialState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { initialStateOff (1), initialStateOn (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to initialStateOff (1) causes the outlet to default to off when in the non-alarmed condition. Setting this OID to initialStateOn (2) causes the outlet to default to on when in the non-alarmed condition." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunEntry 6 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunAlarmActionDly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..9999) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The amount of time, in seconds, that an enabled Measure-UPS alarm must be asserted before an alarm condition is recognized. Allowed values are: 0 - 9999 seconds (0 - 2 hrs, 46 mins, 39 secs)." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPannunEntry 7 } -- the sPDUOutConfigMSPmups group sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for configuration of individual outlets. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterStatusMSPOutletCount OID." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmups 1 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlets to configure." INDEX { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsIndex, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsOutletIndex } ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsTable 1 } SPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsName DisplayString, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsOutletIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsOutletName DisplayString, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsZone1 INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsZone2 INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsZone3 INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsZone4 INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP1LowHum INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP1HiHum INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP1LowTemp INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP1HiTemp INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP2LowHum INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP2HiHum INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP2LowTemp INTEGER, sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP2HiTemp INTEGER } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch plus." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 1 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch plus. The maximum value is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUMasterConfigMSPName OID." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 2 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsOutletIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet entry." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 3 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsOutletName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet. The maximum size is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUOutletConfigMSPallOutletName OID. This OID is provided for informational purposes only." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 4 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsZone1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disableAlarm (1), enableAlarm (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to disableAlarm (1) disables the Zone 1 alarm for this outlet. Setting this OID to enableAlarm (2) enables the Zone 1 alarm for this outlet." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 5 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsZone2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disableAlarm (1), enableAlarm (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to disableAlarm (1) disables the Zone 2 alarm for this outlet. Setting this OID to enableAlarm (2) enables the Zone 2 alarm for this outlet." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 6 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsZone3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disableAlarm (1), enableAlarm (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to disableAlarm (1) disables the Zone 3 alarm for this outlet. Setting this OID to enableAlarm (2) enables the Zone 3 alarm for this outlet." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 7 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsZone4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disableAlarm (1), enableAlarm (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to disableAlarm (1) disables the Zone 4 alarm for this outlet. Setting this OID to enableAlarm (2) enables the Zone 4 alarm for this outlet." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 8 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP1LowHum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disableAlarm (1), enableAlarm (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to disableAlarm (1) disables the Probe 1 low humidity alarm for this outlet. Setting this OID to enableAlarm (2) enables the Probe 1 low humidity alarm for this outlet." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 9 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP1HiHum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disableAlarm (1), enableAlarm (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to disableAlarm (1) disables the Probe 1 high humidity alarm for this outlet. Setting this OID to enableAlarm (2) enables the Probe 1 high humidity alarm for this outlet." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 10 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP1LowTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disableAlarm (1), enableAlarm (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to disableAlarm (1) disables the Probe 1 low temperature alarm for this outlet. Setting this OID to enableAlarm (2) enables the Probe 1 low temperature alarm for this outlet." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 11 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP1HiTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disableAlarm (1), enableAlarm (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to disableAlarm (1) disables the Probe 1 high temperature alarm for this outlet. Setting this OID to enableAlarm (2) enables the Probe 1 high temperature alarm for this outlet." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 12 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP2LowHum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disableAlarm (1), enableAlarm (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to disableAlarm (1) disables the Probe 2 low humidity alarm for this outlet. Setting this OID to enableAlarm (2) enables the Probe 2 low humidity alarm for this outlet." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 13 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP2HiHum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disableAlarm (1), enableAlarm (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to disableAlarm (1) disables the Probe 2 high humidity alarm for this outlet. Setting this OID to enableAlarm (2) enables the Probe 2 high humidity alarm for this outlet." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 14 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP2LowTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disableAlarm (1), enableAlarm (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to disableAlarm (1) disables the Probe 2 low temperature alarm for this outlet. Setting this OID to enableAlarm (2) enables the Probe 2 low temperature alarm for this outlet." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 15 } sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsP2HiTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disableAlarm (1), enableAlarm (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to disableAlarm (1) disables the Probe 2 high temperature alarm for this outlet. Setting this OID to enableAlarm (2) enables the Probe 2 high temperature alarm for this outlet." ::= { sPDUOutletConfigMSPmupsEntry 16 } -- the sPDUOutletStatusMSP group sPDUOutletStatusMSPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SPDUOutletStatusMSPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting of status of individual outlets. The number of entries is contained in the sPDUMasterStatusOutletCount OID." ::= { sPDUOutletStatusMSP 1 } sPDUOutletStatusMSPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPDUOutletStatusMSPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlets to gather status from." INDEX { sPDUOutletStatusMSPIndex, sPDUOutletStatusMSPOutletIndex } ::= { sPDUOutletStatusMSPTable 1 } SPDUOutletStatusMSPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sPDUOutletStatusMSPIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletStatusMSPName DisplayString, sPDUOutletStatusMSPOutletIndex INTEGER, sPDUOutletStatusMSPOutletName DisplayString, sPDUOutletStatusMSPOutletState INTEGER, sPDUOutletStatusMSPCommandPending INTEGER, sPDUOutletStatusMSPOutletCtrlMode INTEGER } sPDUOutletStatusMSPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the MasterSwitch MSP." ::= { sPDUOutletStatusMSPEntry 1 } sPDUOutletStatusMSPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the MasterSwitch plus. The maximum value is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUMasterConfigMSPName OID." ::= { sPDUOutletStatusMSPEntry 2 } sPDUOutletStatusMSPOutletIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet entry." ::= { sPDUOutletStatusMSPEntry 3 } sPDUOutletStatusMSPOutletName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet. The maximum size is 23 characters. The name is set by using the sPDUOutletConfigMSPallOutletName OID. This OID is provided for informational purposes only." ::= { sPDUOutletStatusMSPEntry 4 } sPDUOutletStatusMSPOutletState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outletStatusMSPOn (1), outletStatusMSPOff (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the outlet state. If the outlet is on, the outletStatusMSPOn (1) value will be returned. If the outlet is off, the outletStatusMSPOff (2) value will be returned. " ::= { sPDUOutletStatusMSPEntry 5 } sPDUOutletStatusMSPCommandPending OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outletStatusMSPCommandPending (1), outletStatusMSPNoCommandPending (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the command pending state of the outlet. If a command is pending on the outlet, the outletStatusMSPCommandPending (1) value will be returned. If there is not a command pending on the outlet, the outletStatusMSPNoCommandPending (2) will be returned." ::= { sPDUOutletStatusMSPEntry 6 } sPDUOutletStatusMSPOutletCtrlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { modeGracefulShutdown (1), modeAnnunciator (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Control Mode of the outlet. This OID is provided for informational purposes only." ::= { sPDUOutletStatusMSPEntry 7 } -- the rPDUIdent group rPDUIdentName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the Rack PDU. The maximum string size is device dependent." ::= { rPDUIdent 1 } rPDUIdentHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision of the Rack PDU. This value is set at the factory." ::= { rPDUIdent 2 } rPDUIdentFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An 8-byte ID string identifying the Rack PDU firmware revision. This value is set at the factory." ::= { rPDUIdent 3 } rPDUIdentDateOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date when the Rack PDU was manufactured in mm/dd/yyyy format. This value is set at the factory. The year 2000 will be represented by 00." ::= { rPDUIdent 4 } rPDUIdentModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A 10-character string identifying the model number of the Rack PDU. This value is set at the factory." ::= { rPDUIdent 5 } rPDUIdentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A 12-character string identifying the serial number of the Rack PDU. This value is set at the factory." ::= { rPDUIdent 6 } rPDUIdentDeviceRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the electrical rating of the device in Amps." ::= { rPDUIdent 7 } rPDUIdentDeviceNumOutlets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the number of outlets contained in the device." ::= { rPDUIdent 8 } rPDUIdentDeviceNumPhases OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the number of phases supported by the device." ::= { rPDUIdent 9 } rPDUIdentDeviceNumBreakers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the number of circuit breakers supported by the device. This is the same as the number of banks of outlets. 0 will be returned if the unit has no phase breakers. " ::= { rPDUIdent 10 } rPDUIdentDeviceBreakerRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return rating of the circuit breakers on the device in Amps if it has any." ::= { rPDUIdent 11 } rPDUIdentDeviceOrientation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { orientHorizontal (1), orientVertical (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the intended physical orientation of the device. OrientHorizonatal(1) indicates Horizontal. OrientVertical(2) indicates Vertical." ::= { rPDUIdent 12 } rPDUIdentDeviceOutletLayout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { seqPhaseToNeutral (1), seqPhaseToPhase (2), seqPhToNeu21PhToPh (3), seqPhToPhGrouped (4), seqPhToNGrouped (5), seqPToN1516PToPGrouped (6), seqPhToPh2xGrouped (7), seqPhToN2xGrouped (8), seqNotApplicable (9) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return outlet layout for the device. seqPhaseToNeutral(1) indicates outlet layout as follows: 1:1-N,2:2-N,3:3-N,4:1-N,5:2-N,... seqPhaseToPhase(2) indicates outlet layout as follows: 1:1-2,2:2-3,3:3-1,4:1-2,5:2-3,... seqPhToNeu21PhToPh(3) indicates outlet layout as follows: 1:1-N,2:2-N...21:3-N,22:1-2,23:2-3,24:3-1,... seqPhToPhGrouped(4) indicates outlet layout as follows: For AP8xxx SKU's Group 1:1-2, Group 2:2-3, Group 3:3-1. For AP7xxx SKU's Group 1:3-1. Group 2:2-3, Group 3:1-2. seqPhToNGrouped(5) indicates outlet layout as follows: This unit has 3 outlet groups. Group 1:1-N, Group 2:2-N, Group 3:3-N. seqPToN1516PToPGrouped(6) indicates outlet layout as follows: This unit has 4 outlet groups. Group 1 (Outlets 1-14):1-2, Group 2 (Outlets 15-16):1-N, Group 3:2-3, Group 4:3-1. seqPhToPh2xGrouped(7) indicates outlet layout as follows: This unit has 6 outlet groups. Group 1:1-2, Group 2:1-2, Group 3:2-3, Group 4:2-3, Group 5:3-1, Group 6:3-1. seqPhToN2xGrouped(8) indicates outlet layout as follows: This unit has 6 outlet groups. Group 1:1-N, Group 2:1-N, Group 3:2-N, Group 4:2-N, Group 5:3-N, Group 6:3-N. seqNotApplicable(9): Outlet layout does not affect any of the user interfaces. These SKUs may report seqNotApplicable(9) if there is not an exact outlet layout match available. Only AP7xxx, AP8xxx SKUs support this feature. Product which does not support this feature will respond to this OID with a value of -1." ::= { rPDUIdent 13 } rPDUIdentDeviceDisplayOrientation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { displayNormal (1), displayReverse (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the intended physical orientation of the Seven-Segment Display or LCD. Normal(1) indicates Normal. Reverse(2)indicates Upside-Down." ::= { rPDUIdent 14 } rPDUIdentDeviceLinetoLineVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting/Setting this OID will return/set the Line to Line Voltage. This OID defaults to the nominal input line voltage in volts AC. This setting is used to calculate total power and must be configured for best accuracy. Only AP7xxx SKUs support this feature. The valid range is between 0V to 440V" ::= { rPDUIdent 15 } rPDUIdentDevicePowerWatts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the Power in Watts." ::= { rPDUIdent 16 } rPDUIdentDevicePowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting/setting this OID will return/set the Power Factor in thousandths (1000 is power factor of 1). This OID is only writable for AP7xxx SKUs Valid range is from 0 to 1000." ::= { rPDUIdent 17 } rPDUIdentDevicePowerVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the Power in VA." ::= { rPDUIdent 18 } rPDUIdentDeviceLinetoNeutralVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting/Setting this OID will return/set the Line to Neutral Voltage. This OID defaults to the nominal line to neutral voltage in volts AC. This setting is used to calculate total power and must be configured for best accuracy. This OID applies only to AP7823. For all other models, the OID is fixed at 0. The valid range is between 0V to 440V." ::= { rPDUIdent 19 } -- the rPDULoadDevice group rPDULoadDevMaxPhaseLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the maximum rated power that each phase of the Rack PDU can provide. It is represented in Amps. 0 will be returned if the unit is banked." ::= { rPDULoadDevice 1 } rPDULoadDevNumPhases OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of phases available with this Rack PDU." ::= { rPDULoadDevice 2 } rPDULoadDevMaxBankLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the maximum rated power that a bank of the Rack PDU can provide. It is represented in Amps. 0 will be returned if the device does not have any banks." ::= { rPDULoadDevice 3 } rPDULoadDevNumBanks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of banks of outlets available with this Rack PDU. A bank of outlets has a unique circuit breaker for a subset of the total number of outlets on the rPDU. 0 will be returned if the unit has no banks." ::= { rPDULoadDevice 4 } rPDULoadDevBankTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The size of the Bank Table." ::= { rPDULoadDevice 5 } rPDULoadDevBankTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDULoadDevBankEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting the Bank Max Load in the Rack PDU." ::= { rPDULoadDevice 6 } rPDULoadDevBankEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDULoadDevBankEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU Banks Access." INDEX { rPDULoadDevBankIndex} ::= { rPDULoadDevBankTable 1 } RPDULoadDevBankEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDULoadDevBankIndex INTEGER, rPDULoadDevBankNumber INTEGER, rPDULoadDevBankMaxLoad INTEGER } rPDULoadDevBankIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU bank entry." ::= { rPDULoadDevBankEntry 1 } rPDULoadDevBankNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the bank number." ::= { rPDULoadDevBankEntry 2 } rPDULoadDevBankMaxLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the maximum rated power that each bank of the Rack PDU can provide. It is represented in Amps." ::= { rPDULoadDevBankEntry 3 } rPDULoadDevMaxOutletTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The size of the Outlet Table." ::= { rPDULoadDevice 7 } rPDULoadDevMaxOutletTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDULoadDevMaxOutletEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting the Max Outlet Load in an Outlet Monitored Rack PDU." ::= { rPDULoadDevice 8 } rPDULoadDevMaxOutletEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDULoadDevMaxOutletEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This gives access to Max Outlet Load of an Outlet Monitored Rack PDU" INDEX { rPDULoadDevOutletIndex} ::= { rPDULoadDevMaxOutletTable 1 } RPDULoadDevMaxOutletEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDULoadDevOutletIndex INTEGER, rPDULoadDevOutletNumber INTEGER, rPDULoadDevMaxOutletLoad INTEGER } rPDULoadDevOutletIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Outlet Monitored Rack PDU Max Outlet Load entry." ::= { rPDULoadDevMaxOutletEntry 1 } rPDULoadDevOutletNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the Outlet number." ::= { rPDULoadDevMaxOutletEntry 2 } rPDULoadDevMaxOutletLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the maximum rated power that each Outlet of an Outlet Monitored Rack PDU can provide. It is represented in Amps. " ::= { rPDULoadDevMaxOutletEntry 3 } -- the rPDULoadPhaseConfig group rPDULoadPhaseConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDULoadPhaseConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for configuration of each Rack PDU phase. The number of entries is contained in the rPDULoadDevNumPhases OID." ::= { rPDULoadPhaseConfig 1 } rPDULoadPhaseConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDULoadPhaseConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU phase to configure." INDEX { rPDULoadPhaseConfigIndex} ::= { rPDULoadPhaseConfigTable 1 } RPDULoadPhaseConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDULoadPhaseConfigIndex INTEGER, rPDULoadPhaseConfigLowLoadThreshold INTEGER, rPDULoadPhaseConfigNearOverloadThreshold INTEGER, rPDULoadPhaseConfigOverloadThreshold INTEGER, rPDULoadPhaseConfigAlarm INTEGER } rPDULoadPhaseConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { phase1 (1), phase2 (2), phase3 (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU phase entry." ::= { rPDULoadPhaseConfigEntry 1 } rPDULoadPhaseConfigLowLoadThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A threshold that indicates the power consumption of the load is nearing a low consumption condition. It is represented in Amps. A warning will be issued when the load is less than the threshold value. A threshold value of 0 Amps effectively disables this warning. Maximum value must be less than the value returned by the rPDULoadPhaseConfigNearOverloadThreshold OID." ::= { rPDULoadPhaseConfigEntry 2 } rPDULoadPhaseConfigNearOverloadThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A threshold that indicates the power consumption of the load is nearing an overload condition. It is represented in Amps. A warning will be issued when the load is greater than or equal to the threshold value. Minimum value must be greater than the value returned by the rPDULoadPhaseConfigLowLoadThreshold OID. Maximum value must be less than or equal to the value returned by the rPDULoadPhaseConfigOverloadThreshold OID." ::= { rPDULoadPhaseConfigEntry 3 } rPDULoadPhaseConfigOverloadThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A threshold that indicates the power consumption of the load has entered an overload condition. It is represented in Amps. A warning will be issued when the load is greater than or equal to the threshold value. Minimum value must be greater than or equal to the value returned by the rPDULoadPhaseConfigNearOverloadThreshold OID. Maximum value must be less than or equal to the value returned by the rPDULoadDevMaxPhaseLoad OID." ::= { rPDULoadPhaseConfigEntry 4 } rPDULoadPhaseConfigAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noLoadAlarm (1), underCurrentAlarm (2), nearOverCurrentAlarm (3), overCurrentAlarm (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the current Phase Alarm." ::= { rPDULoadPhaseConfigEntry 5 } -- the rPDULoadStatus group rPDULoadStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDULoadStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting of status of each Rack PDU phase/bank. The number of entries is calculated by adding the number of phases (rPDULoadDevNumPhases OID) and the number of banks of outlets (rPDULoadDevNumBanks) Number of entries = #phases + #banks. NOTE: If a device has phase and bank information, all phase information shall precede the bank information. If a device has total information, it shall precede both the bank and the phase information." ::= { rPDULoadStatus 1 } rPDULoadStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDULoadStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU phase/bank to gather status from." INDEX { rPDULoadStatusIndex} ::= { rPDULoadStatusTable 1 } RPDULoadStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDULoadStatusIndex INTEGER, rPDULoadStatusLoad Gauge, rPDULoadStatusLoadState INTEGER, rPDULoadStatusPhaseNumber INTEGER, rPDULoadStatusBankNumber INTEGER } rPDULoadStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU phase/bank entry. All phase information will precede any bank information" ::= { rPDULoadStatusEntry 1 } rPDULoadStatusLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the phase/bank load measured in tenths of Amps." ::= { rPDULoadStatusEntry 2 } rPDULoadStatusLoadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { phaseLoadNormal (1), phaseLoadLow (2), phaseLoadNearOverload (3), phaseLoadOverload (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the phase/bank load state. phaseLoadNormal(1) indicates that the phase/bank is operating properly within the rPDULoadConfigLowLoadThreshold and rPDULoadConfigNearOverloadThreshold OID values. phaseLoadLow(2) indicates that the phase/bank load has dropped below the rPDULoadConfigLowLoadThreshold OID value. An SNMP trap will occur when this state is entered or cleared. phaseLoadNearOverload(3) indicates that the phase/bank load is greater than or equal to the rPDULoadConfigNearOverloadThreshold OID value. An SNMP trap will occur when this state is entered or cleared. phaseLoadOverload(4) indicates that the phase/bank load is greater than or equal to the rPDULoadConfigOverloadThreshold OID value. An SNMP trap will occur when this state is entered or cleared." ::= { rPDULoadStatusEntry 3 } rPDULoadStatusPhaseNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The phase number to which this record refers." ::= { rPDULoadStatusEntry 4 } rPDULoadStatusBankNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The bank number to which this record refers. A value of 0 will be returned if any bank is not present or if it is phase related." ::= { rPDULoadStatusEntry 5 } -- the rPDULoadBankConfig group rPDULoadBankConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDULoadBankConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for configuration of each Rack PDU bank. The number of entries is contained in the rPDULoadDevNumBanks OID." ::= { rPDULoadBankConfig 1 } rPDULoadBankConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDULoadBankConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU bank to configure." INDEX { rPDULoadBankConfigIndex} ::= { rPDULoadBankConfigTable 1 } RPDULoadBankConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDULoadBankConfigIndex INTEGER, rPDULoadBankConfigLowLoadThreshold INTEGER, rPDULoadBankConfigNearOverloadThreshold INTEGER, rPDULoadBankConfigOverloadThreshold INTEGER, rPDULoadBankConfigAlarm INTEGER } rPDULoadBankConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU bank entry." ::= { rPDULoadBankConfigEntry 1 } rPDULoadBankConfigLowLoadThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A threshold that indicates the power consumption of the load is nearing a low consumption condition. It is represented in Amps. A warning will be issued when the load is less than the threshold value. A threshold value of 0 Amps effectively disables this warning. Maximum value must be less than the value returned by the rPDULoadBankConfigNearOverloadThreshold OID." ::= { rPDULoadBankConfigEntry 2 } rPDULoadBankConfigNearOverloadThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A threshold that indicates the power consumption of the load is nearing an overload condition. It is represented in Amps. A warning will be issued when the load is greater than or equal to the threshold value. Minimum value must be greater than the value returned by the rPDULoadBankConfigLowLoadThreshold OID. Maximum value must be less than or equal to the value returned by the rPDULoadBankConfigOverloadThreshold OID." ::= { rPDULoadBankConfigEntry 3 } rPDULoadBankConfigOverloadThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A threshold that indicates the power consumption of the load has entered an overload condition. It is represented in Amps. A warning will be issued when the load is greater than or equal to the threshold value. Minimum value must be greater than or equal to the value returned by the rPDULoadBankConfigNearOverloadThreshold OID. Maximum value must be less than or equal to the value returned by the rPDULoadDevMaxBankLoad OID." ::= { rPDULoadBankConfigEntry 4 } rPDULoadBankConfigAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noLoadAlarm (1), underCurrentAlarm (2), nearOverCurrentAlarm (3), overCurrentAlarm (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " Getting this OID will return the current Bank Alarm." ::= { rPDULoadBankConfigEntry 5 } -- the rPDUOutletDevice group rPDUOutletDevCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noCommandAll (1), immediateAllOn (2), immediateAllOff (3), immediateAllReboot (4), delayedAllOn (5), delayedAllOff (6), delayedAllReboot (7), cancelAllPendingCommands (8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to immediateAllOn (2) will turn all outlets on immediately. Setting this OID to immediateAllOff (3) will turn all outlets off immediately. Setting this OID to immediateAllReboot (4) will reboot all outlets immediately. Setting this OID to delayedAllOn (5) will turn all outlets on as defined by each outlet's rPDUOutletConfigPowerOnTime OID value. Setting this OID to delayedAllOff (6) will turn all outlets off as defined by each outlet's rPDUOutletConfigPowerOffTime OID value. Setting this OID to delayedAllReboot (7) will cause a delayedAllOff command to be performed. Once all outlets are off, the Switched Rack PDU will then delay the largest rPDUOutletConfigRebootDuration OID time, and then perform a delayedAllOn command. Setting this OID to cancelAllPendingCommands (8) will cause all pending commands on the Switched Rack PDU to be canceled. Getting this OID will return the noCommandAll (1) value." ::= { rPDUOutletDevice 1 } rPDUOutletDevColdstartDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of delay, in seconds, between when power is provided to the Switched Rack PDU and when the Switched Rack PDU provides basic master power to the outlets. Allowed values are: -1 - never apply power automatically. 0 - apply power immediately. 1 to 300 - delay up to 300 seconds (5 minutes)." ::= { rPDUOutletDevice 2 } rPDUOutletDevNumCntrlOutlets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of controlled outlets on this Switched Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUOutletDevice 3 } rPDUOutletDevNumTotalOutlets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of outlets on this Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUOutletDevice 4 } rPDUOutletDevMonitoredOutlets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of monitored outlets on this Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUOutletDevice 5 } -- the rPDUOutletPhase group rPDUOutletPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUOutletPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for management of outlets on a per phase basis." ::= { rPDUOutletPhase 1 } rPDUOutletPhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUOutletPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The phase to manage." INDEX { rPDUOutletPhaseIndex} ::= { rPDUOutletPhaseTable 1 } RPDUOutletPhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUOutletPhaseIndex INTEGER, rPDUOutletPhaseOverloadRestriction INTEGER } rPDUOutletPhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { phase1 (1), phase2 (2), phase3 (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Switched Rack PDU phase entry." ::= { rPDUOutletPhaseEntry 1 } rPDUOutletPhaseOverloadRestriction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { alwaysAllowTurnON (1), restrictOnNearOverload (2), restrictOnOverload (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID controls the behavior of a Switched Rack PDU phase when an overload condition is possible and additional outlets are requested to be turned on. Setting this OID to alwaysAllowTurnON (1) will always allow the outlets on the corresponding phase to turn on. Setting this OID to restrictOnNearOverload (2) will not allow outlets on the corresponding phase to turn on if the rPDULoadConfigNearOverloadThreshold OID is exceeded. Setting this OID to restrictOnOverload (3) will not allow outlets on the corresponding phase to turn on if the rPDULoadConfigOverloadThreshold OID is exceeded." ::= { rPDUOutletPhaseEntry 2 } -- the rPDUOutletControl group rPDUOutletControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUOutletControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for control of the individual outlets. The number of entries is contained in the rPDUOutletDevNumCntrlOutlets OID." ::= { rPDUOutletControl 1 } rPDUOutletControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUOutletControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlet to control." INDEX { rPDUOutletControlIndex} ::= { rPDUOutletControlTable 1 } RPDUOutletControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUOutletControlIndex INTEGER, rPDUOutletControlOutletName DisplayString, rPDUOutletControlOutletPhase INTEGER, rPDUOutletControlOutletCommand INTEGER, rPDUOutletControlOutletBank INTEGER } rPDUOutletControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet entry." ::= { rPDUOutletControlEntry 1 } rPDUOutletControlOutletName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet. The maximum string size is device dependent. An error will be returned if the set request exceeds the max size. This OID is provided for informational purposes only." ::= { rPDUOutletControlEntry 2 } rPDUOutletControlOutletPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { phase1 (1), phase2 (2), phase3 (3), phase1-2 (4), phase2-3 (5), phase3-1 (6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The phase/s associated with this outlet. For single phase devices, this object will always return phase1(1). For 3-phase devices, this object will return phase1 (1), phase2 (2), or phase3 (3) for outlets tied to a single phase. For outlets tied to two phases, this object will return phase1-2 (4) for phases 1 and 2, phase2-3 (5) for phases 2 and 3, and phase3-1 (6) for phases 3 and 1." ::= { rPDUOutletControlEntry 3 } rPDUOutletControlOutletCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { immediateOn (1), immediateOff (2), immediateReboot (3), delayedOn (4), delayedOff (5), delayedReboot (6), cancelPendingCommand (7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the outlet state. If the outlet is on, the immediateOn (1) value will be returned. If the outlet is off, the immediateOff (2) value will be returned. Setting this variable to immediateOn (1) will immediately turn the outlet on. Setting this variable to immediateOff (2) will immediately turn the outlet off. Setting this variable to immediateReboot (3) will immediately reboot the outlet. Setting this variable to delayedOn (4) will turn the outlet on after the rPDUOutletConfigPowerOnTime OID time has elapsed. Setting this variable to delayedOff (5) will turn the outlet off after the rPDUOutletConfigPowerOffTime OID time has elapsed. Setting this variable to delayedReboot (6) will cause the Switched Rack PDU to perform a delayedOff command, wait the rPDUOutletConfigRebootDuration OID time, and then perform a delayedOn command. Setting this variable to cancelPendingCommand (7) will cause any pending command to this outlet to be canceled." ::= { rPDUOutletControlEntry 4 } rPDUOutletControlOutletBank OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The bank associated with this outlet." ::= { rPDUOutletControlEntry 5 } -- the rPDUOutletConfig group rPDUOutletConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUOutletConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for configuration of individual outlets. The number of entries is contained in the rPDUOutletDevNumCntrlOutlets OID." ::= { rPDUOutletConfig 1 } rPDUOutletConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUOutletConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlet to configure." INDEX { rPDUOutletConfigIndex} ::= { rPDUOutletConfigTable 1 } RPDUOutletConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUOutletConfigIndex INTEGER, rPDUOutletConfigOutletName DisplayString, rPDUOutletConfigOutletPhase INTEGER, rPDUOutletConfigPowerOnTime INTEGER, rPDUOutletConfigPowerOffTime INTEGER, rPDUOutletConfigRebootDuration INTEGER, rPDUOutletConfigOutletBank INTEGER } rPDUOutletConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet entry." ::= { rPDUOutletConfigEntry 1 } rPDUOutletConfigOutletName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet. The maximum string size is device dependent. An error will be returned if the set request exceeds the max size." ::= { rPDUOutletConfigEntry 2 } rPDUOutletConfigOutletPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { phase1 (1), phase2 (2), phase3 (3), phase1-2 (4), phase2-3 (5), phase3-1 (6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The phase/s associated with this outlet. For single phase devices, this object will always return phase1(1). For 3-phase devices, this object will return phase1 (1), phase2 (2), or phase3 (3) for outlets tied to a single phase. For outlets tied to two phases, this object will return phase1-2 (4) for phases 1 and 2, phase2-3 (5) for phases 2 and 3, and phase3-1 (6) for phases 3 and 1." ::= { rPDUOutletConfigEntry 3 } rPDUOutletConfigPowerOnTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time (in seconds) the outlet will delay powering on at coldstart or when a command that requires a turn-on delay is issued. Allowed values are: -1 - never power on. 0 - power on immediately. 1 to 7200 - power on up to 7200 seconds after being commanded." ::= { rPDUOutletConfigEntry 4 } rPDUOutletConfigPowerOffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time (in seconds) the outlet will delay powering off when a command that requires a turn-off delay is issued. Allowed values are: -1 - never power off. 0 - power off immediately. 1 to 7200 - power off up to 7200 seconds after being commanded." ::= { rPDUOutletConfigEntry 5 } rPDUOutletConfigRebootDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "During a reboot sequence, power is turned off and then back on. This OID defines the amount of time to wait, in seconds, after turning the power off, at the start of the sequence, before turning power back on, at the end of the reboot sequence. Allowed range is any value between 5 and 60 seconds (1 minute)." ::= { rPDUOutletConfigEntry 6 } rPDUOutletConfigOutletBank OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The bank associated with this outlet." ::= { rPDUOutletConfigEntry 7 } -- Monitored Outlets table rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The size of the Outlet Config Monitored Table" ::= { rPDUOutletConfig 2 } rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUOutletConfigMonitoredEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting/setting of outlet thresholds of an Outlet Monitored Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUOutletConfig 3 } rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUOutletConfigMonitoredEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This gives access to Monitored Outlet entries" INDEX { rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredIndex } ::= { rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredTable 1 } RPDUOutletConfigMonitoredEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredIndex INTEGER, rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredName DisplayString, rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredNumber INTEGER, rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredLowLoadThreshold INTEGER, rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredNearOverloadThreshold INTEGER, rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredOverloadThreshold INTEGER } rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the RACK PDU Phase entry." ::= { rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredEntry 1 } rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the Monitored Outlet. The maximum string size is device dependent. An error will be returned if the set request exceeds the max size." ::= { rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredEntry 2 } rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlet number of an Outlet Monitored RACK PDU." ::= { rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredEntry 3 } rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredLowLoadThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A threshold that indicates the power consumption of the load is nearing a low consumption condition. It is represented in Amps. A warning will be issued when the load is less than the threshold value. A threshold value of 0 Amps effectively disables this warning. Maximum value must be less than the value returned by the rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredNearOverloadThreshold OID. 0 will be returned if the unit is not Outlet Monitored Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredEntry 4 } rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredNearOverloadThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A threshold that indicates the power consumption of the load is nearing an overload condition. It is represented in Amps. A warning will be issued when the load is greater than or equal to the threshold value. Minimum value must be greater than the value returned by the rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredLowLoadThreshold OID. Maximum value must be less than or equal to the value returned by the rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredOverloadThreshold OID. 0 will be returned if the unit is not Outlet Monitored Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredEntry 5 } rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredOverloadThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A threshold that indicates the power consumption of the load has entered an overload condition. It is represented in Amps. A warning will be issued when the load is greater than or equal to the threshold value. Minimum value must be greater than or equal to the value returned by the rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredNearOverloadThreshold OID. Maximum value must be less than or equal to the value returned by the rPDULoadDevMaxOutletLoad OID. 0 will be returned if the unit is not Outlet Monitored Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredEntry 6 } -- the rPDUOutletStatus group rPDUOutletStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUOutletStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting of status of individual outlets. The number of entries is contained in the rPDUOutletDevNumCntrlOutlets OID or rPDUOutletDevMonitoredOutlets OID." ::= { rPDUOutletStatus 1 } rPDUOutletStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUOutletStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outlet to gather status from." INDEX { rPDUOutletStatusIndex} ::= { rPDUOutletStatusTable 1 } RPDUOutletStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUOutletStatusIndex INTEGER, rPDUOutletStatusOutletName DisplayString, rPDUOutletStatusOutletPhase INTEGER, rPDUOutletStatusOutletState INTEGER, rPDUOutletStatusCommandPending INTEGER, rPDUOutletStatusOutletBank INTEGER, rPDUOutletStatusLoad Gauge } rPDUOutletStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the outlet entry." ::= { rPDUOutletStatusEntry 1 } rPDUOutletStatusOutletName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the outlet. The maximum string size is device dependent. This OID is provided for informational purposes only." ::= { rPDUOutletStatusEntry 2 } rPDUOutletStatusOutletPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { phase1 (1), phase2 (2), phase3 (3), phase1-2 (4), phase2-3 (5), phase3-1 (6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The phase/s associated with this outlet. For single phase devices, this object will always return phase1(1). For 3-phase devices, this object will return phase1 (1), phase2 (2), or phase3 (3) for outlets tied to a single phase. For outlets tied to two phases, this object will return phase1-2 (4) for phases 1 and 2, phase2-3 (5) for phases 2 and 3, and phase3-1 (6) for phases 3 and 1." ::= { rPDUOutletStatusEntry 3 } rPDUOutletStatusOutletState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outletStatusOn (1), outletStatusOff (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the outlet state. If the outlet is on, the outletStatusOn (1) value will be returned. If the outlet is off, the outletStatusOff (2) value will be returned." ::= { rPDUOutletStatusEntry 4 } rPDUOutletStatusCommandPending OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outletStatusCommandPending (1), outletStatusNoCommandPending (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the command pending state of the outlet. If a command is pending on the outlet, the outletStatusCommandPending (1) value will be returned. If there is not a command pending on the outlet, the outletStatusNoCommandPending (2) will be returned." ::= { rPDUOutletStatusEntry 5 } rPDUOutletStatusOutletBank OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The bank associated with this outlet." ::= { rPDUOutletStatusEntry 6 } rPDUOutletStatusLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the measured Outlet load for an Outlet Monitored Rack PDU in tenths of Amps. For other models this OID is not supported." ::= { rPDUOutletStatusEntry 7 } -- the rPDUOutletBank group rPDUOutletBankTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUOutletBankEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for management of outlets on a per bank basis." ::= { rPDUOutletBank 1 } rPDUOutletBankEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUOutletBankEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The bank to manage." INDEX { rPDUOutletBankIndex} ::= { rPDUOutletBankTable 1 } RPDUOutletBankEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUOutletBankIndex INTEGER, rPDUOutletBankOverloadRestriction INTEGER } rPDUOutletBankIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Switched Rack PDU bank entry." ::= { rPDUOutletBankEntry 1 } rPDUOutletBankOverloadRestriction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { alwaysAllowTurnON (1), restrictOnNearOverload (2), restrictOnOverload (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID controls the behavior of a Switched Rack PDU bank when an overload condition is possible and additional outlets are requested to be turned on. Setting this OID to alwaysAllowTurnON (1) will always allow the outlets on the corresponding bank to turn on. Setting this OID to restrictOnNearOverload (2) will not allow outlets on the corresponding bank to turn on if the rPDULoadBankConfigNearOverloadThreshold OID is exceeded. Setting this OID to restrictOnOverload (3) will not allow outlets on the corresponding bank to turn on if the rPDULoadBankConfigOverloadThreshold OID is exceeded." ::= { rPDUOutletBankEntry 2 } -- the rPDUPowerSupplyDevice group rPDUPowerSupply1Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { powerSupplyOneOk (1), powerSupplyOneFailed (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return powerSupply1Ok(1) if power supply 1 is functioning normally. If not functioning normally, this OID will return powerSupply1Failed(2)." ::= { rPDUPowerSupplyDevice 1 } rPDUPowerSupply2Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { powerSupplyTwoOk (1), powerSupplyTwoFailed (2), powerSupplyTwoNotPresent (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return powerSupply2Ok(1) if power supply 2 is functioning normally. If not functioning normally, this OID will return powerSupply2Failed(2). Metered Rack PDUs do not have a redundant powersupply." ::= { rPDUPowerSupplyDevice 2 } rPDUPowerSupplyAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { allAvailablePowerSuppliesOK (1), powerSupplyOneFailed (2), powerSupplyTwoFailed (3), powerSupplyOneandTwoFailed (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return powerSupply Alarm" ::= { rPDUPowerSupplyDevice 3 } -- the rPDUStatus group rPDUStatusBankTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The size of the Status Bank Table" ::= { rPDUStatus 1 } rPDUStatusBankTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUStatusBankEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting of status of each Rack PDU Bank" ::= { rPDUStatus 2 } rPDUStatusBankEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUStatusBankEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This gives access to Bank entries" INDEX { rPDUStatusBankIndex } ::= { rPDUStatusBankTable 1 } RPDUStatusBankEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUStatusBankIndex INTEGER, rPDUStatusBankNumber INTEGER, rPDUStatusBankState INTEGER } rPDUStatusBankIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the RACK PDU Bank entry." ::= { rPDUStatusBankEntry 1 } rPDUStatusBankNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the bank number." ::= { rPDUStatusBankEntry 2 } rPDUStatusBankState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bankLoadNormal (1), bankLoadLow (2), bankLoadNearOverload (3), bankLoadOverload (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the bank load state. bankLoadNormal(1) indicates that the bank is operating properly within the rPDULoadBankConfigLowLoadThreshold and rPDULoadBankConfigNearOverloadThreshold OID values. bankLoadLow(2) indicates that the bank load has dropped below the rPDULoadBankConfigLowLoadThreshold OID value. An SNMP trap will occur when this state is entered or cleared. bankLoadNearOverload(3) indicates that the bank load is greater than or equal to the rPDULoadBankConfigNearOverloadThreshold OID value. An SNMP trap will occur when this state is entered or cleared. bankLoadOverload(4) indicates that the bank load is greater than or equal to the rPDULoadBankConfigOverloadThreshold OID value. An SNMP trap will occur when this state is entered or cleared." ::= { rPDUStatusBankEntry 3 } -- Phase status table rPDUStatusPhaseTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The size of the Status Phase Table" ::= { rPDUStatus 3 } rPDUStatusPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUStatusPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting of status of each Rack PDU Phase" ::= { rPDUStatus 4 } rPDUStatusPhaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUStatusPhaseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This gives access to Phase entries" INDEX { rPDUStatusPhaseIndex } ::= { rPDUStatusPhaseTable 1 } RPDUStatusPhaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUStatusPhaseIndex INTEGER, rPDUStatusPhaseNumber INTEGER, rPDUStatusPhaseState INTEGER } rPDUStatusPhaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the RACK PDU Phase entry." ::= { rPDUStatusPhaseEntry 1 } rPDUStatusPhaseNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the phase number." ::= { rPDUStatusPhaseEntry 2 } rPDUStatusPhaseState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { phaseLoadNormal (1), phaseLoadLow (2), phaseLoadNearOverload (3), phaseLoadOverload (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the Phase load state. phaseLoadNormal(1) indicates that the Phase is operating properly within the rPDULoadPhaseConfigLowLoadThreshold and rPDULoadPhaseConfigNearOverloadThreshold OID values. phaseLoadLow(2) indicates that the Phase load has dropped below the rPDULoadPhaseConfigLowLoadThreshold OID value. An SNMP trap will occur when this state is entered or cleared. phaseLoadNearOverload(3) indicates that the Phase load is greater than or equal to the rPDULoadPhaseConfigNearOverloadThreshold OID value. An SNMP trap will occur when this state is entered or cleared. phaseLoadOverload(4) indicates that the Phase load is greater than or equal to the rPDULoadPhaseConfigOverloadThreshold OID value. An SNMP trap will occur when this state is entered or cleared." ::= { rPDUStatusPhaseEntry 3 } -- Outlet status table rPDUStatusOutletTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The size of the Status Outlet Table" ::= { rPDUStatus 5 } rPDUStatusOutletTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUStatusOutletEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows for getting of status of each Outlet of an Outlet Monitored Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUStatus 6 } rPDUStatusOutletEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUStatusOutletEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This gives access to Outlet entries" INDEX { rPDUStatusOutletIndex } ::= { rPDUStatusOutletTable 1 } RPDUStatusOutletEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUStatusOutletIndex INTEGER, rPDUStatusOutletNumber INTEGER, rPDUStatusOutletState INTEGER } rPDUStatusOutletIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the RACK PDU Outlet entry." ::= { rPDUStatusOutletEntry 1 } rPDUStatusOutletNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the Outlet number." ::= { rPDUStatusOutletEntry 2 } rPDUStatusOutletState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outletLoadNormal (1), outletLoadLow (2), outletLoadNearOverload (3), outletLoadOverload (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the Outlet load state. outletLoadNormal(1) indicates that the Outlet is operating properly within the rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredLowLoadThreshold and rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredNearOverloadThreshold OID values. outletLoadLow(2) indicates that the Outlet load has dropped below the rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredLowLoadThreshold OID value. An SNMP trap will occur when this state is entered or cleared. outletLoadNearOverload(3) indicates that the Outlet load is greater than or equal to the rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredNearOverloadThreshold OID value. An SNMP trap will occur when this state is entered or cleared. outletLoadOverload(4) indicates that the Outlet load is greater than or equal to the rPDUOutletConfigMonitoredOverloadThreshold OID value. An SNMP trap will occur when this state is entered or cleared." ::= { rPDUStatusOutletEntry 3 } -- Common rPDU2 values Rpdu2OutletPhaseLayoutType ::= INTEGER { seqPhase1ToNeutral (1), seqPhase2ToNeutral (2), seqPhase3ToNeutral (3), seqPhase1ToPhase2 (4), seqPhase2ToPhase3 (5), seqPhase3ToPhase1 (6) } -- rPDU2 Ident Table rPDU2IdentTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Rack PDUs" ::= { rPDU2 1 } rPDU2IdentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDU2IdentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU identification data" ::= { rPDU2 2 } rPDU2IdentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDU2IdentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identification data from Rack PDU being queried" INDEX { rPDU2IdentIndex } ::= { rPDU2IdentTable 1 } RPDU2IdentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDU2IdentIndex INTEGER, rPDU2IdentModule INTEGER, rPDU2IdentName DisplayString, rPDU2IdentLocation DisplayString, rPDU2IdentHardwareRev DisplayString, rPDU2IdentFirmwareRev DisplayString, rPDU2IdentDateOfManufacture DisplayString, rPDU2IdentModelNumber DisplayString, rPDU2IdentSerialNumber DisplayString, rPDU2IdentContact DisplayString, rPDU2IdentBootMonitorRev DisplayString, rPDU2IdentLongDescription DisplayString, rPDU2IdentNMCSerialNumber DisplayString, rPDU2IndentAppBuildDate DisplayString, rPDU2IndentAOSBuildDate DisplayString, rPDU2IndentBootMonBuildDate DisplayString } rPDU2IdentIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU identification table entry" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 1 } rPDU2IdentModule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined Rack PDU numeric ID" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 2 } rPDU2IdentName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user-defined string identifying the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 3 } rPDU2IdentLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user-defined string identifying the location of the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 4 } rPDU2IdentHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU hardware version" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 5 } rPDU2IdentFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU firmware version" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 6 } rPDU2IdentDateOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date the Rack PDU was manufactured in mm/dd/yyyy format" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 7 } rPDU2IdentModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU model number" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 8 } rPDU2IdentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU serial number" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 9 } rPDU2IdentContact OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user-defined string identifying the person to contact regarding the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 10 } rPDU2IdentBootMonitorRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU Boot Monitor version" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 11 } rPDU2IdentLongDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU Long Description name" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 12 } rPDU2IdentNMCSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU Network Management Card (NMC) serial number" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 13 } rPDU2IndentAppBuildDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU Application build date" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 14 } rPDU2IndentAOSBuildDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU AOS build date" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 15 } rPDU2IndentBootMonBuildDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU Boot Monitor build date" ::= { rPDU2IdentEntry 16 } -- rPDU2 Device Data rPDU2DeviceTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Rack PDUs" ::= { rPDU2 3 } rPDU2Device OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDU2 4 } -- rPDU2 Device Config rPDU2DeviceConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDU2DeviceConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU configuration data" ::= { rPDU2Device 1 } rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDU2DeviceConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration data from Rack PDU being queried" INDEX { rPDU2DeviceConfigIndex } ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigTable 1 } RPDU2DeviceConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDU2DeviceConfigIndex INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceConfigModule INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceConfigName DisplayString, rPDU2DeviceConfigLocation DisplayString, rPDU2DeviceConfigDisplayOrientation INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceConfigColdstartDelay INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceConfigLowLoadPowerThreshold INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceConfigNearOverloadPowerThreshold INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceConfigOverloadPowerThreshold INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceConfigDevicePeakPowerReset INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceConfigDeviceEnergyReset INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceConfigOutletsEnergyReset INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceConfigOutletsPeakLoadReset INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceConfigContact DisplayString } rPDU2DeviceConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU table entry" ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry 1 } rPDU2DeviceConfigModule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined Rack PDU numeric ID" ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry 2 } rPDU2DeviceConfigName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user-defined string identifying the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry 3 } rPDU2DeviceConfigLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user-defined string identifying the location of the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry 4 } rPDU2DeviceConfigDisplayOrientation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { displayNormal (1), displayReverse (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the intended physical orientation of the display. displayNormal(1) indicates normal orientation displayReverse(2) indicates upside down orientation" ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry 5 } rPDU2DeviceConfigColdstartDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of delay, measured in seconds, between when power is provided to the Rack PDU and when the Rack PDU provides basic master power to the outlets. Allowed values are: -1 - never apply power automatically. 0 - apply power immediately. 1 to 300 - delay up to 300 seconds (5 minutes)." ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry 6 } rPDU2DeviceConfigLowLoadPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User-defined low power draw alarm threshold, measured in tenths of kilowatts. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with a value of -1." ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry 7 } rPDU2DeviceConfigNearOverloadPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User-defined near power overload threshold, measured in tenths of kilowatts. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with a value of -1." ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry 8 } rPDU2DeviceConfigOverloadPowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User-defined power overload threshold, measured in tenths of kilowatts. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with a value of -1." ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry 9 } rPDU2DeviceConfigDevicePeakPowerReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noOperation (1), reset (2), notSupported (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to reset (2) will cause the existing peak power value to be replaced by the current load power value. Getting this OID will do nothing and return the noOperation(1) value. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with a value of not supported (3). Attempts to set this OID in these models will fail." ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry 10 } rPDU2DeviceConfigDeviceEnergyReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noOperation (1), reset (2), notSupported (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to reset (2) will cause the device energy meter value to be reset to zero. Getting this OID in models that support this feature will do nothing and return the noOperation(1) value. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with a value of notSupported (3). Attempts to set this OID in these models will fail." ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry 11 } rPDU2DeviceConfigOutletsEnergyReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noOperation (1), reset (2), notSupported (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to reset (2) will cause the all outlet energy meter values to be reset to zero. Getting this OID will do nothing and return the noOperation(1) value. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with a value of notSupported (3). Attempts to set this OID in these models will fail." ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry 12 } rPDU2DeviceConfigOutletsPeakLoadReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noOperation (1), reset (2), notSupported (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to reset (2) will cause the all outlet peak load values to be reset to zero. Getting this OID will do nothing and return the noOperation(1) value. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with a value of notSupported (3). Attempts to set this OID in these models will fail." ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry 13 } rPDU2DeviceConfigContact OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user-defined string identifying the person to contact regarding the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2DeviceConfigEntry 14 } -- rPDU2 Device Properties rPDU2DevicePropertiesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU properties" ::= { rPDU2Device 2 } rPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Properties of the Rack PDU being queried" INDEX { rPDU2DevicePropertiesIndex } ::= { rPDU2DevicePropertiesTable 1 } RPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDU2DevicePropertiesIndex INTEGER, rPDU2DevicePropertiesModule INTEGER, rPDU2DevicePropertiesName DisplayString, rPDU2DevicePropertiesNumOutlets INTEGER, rPDU2DevicePropertiesNumSwitchedOutlets INTEGER, rPDU2DevicePropertiesNumMeteredOutlets INTEGER, rPDU2DevicePropertiesNumPhases INTEGER, rPDU2DevicePropertiesNumMeteredBanks INTEGER, rPDU2DevicePropertiesMaxCurrentRating INTEGER, rPDU2DevicePropertiesOrientation INTEGER, rPDU2DevicePropertiesOutletLayout INTEGER, rPDU2DevicePropertiesMaxPhaseCurrentRating INTEGER, rPDU2DevicePropertiesDevicePowerRating INTEGER } rPDU2DevicePropertiesIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU properties table entry" ::= { rPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry 1 } rPDU2DevicePropertiesModule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined Rack PDU numeric ID" ::= { rPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry 2 } rPDU2DevicePropertiesName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user-defined string identifying the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry 3 } rPDU2DevicePropertiesNumOutlets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of outlets on the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry 4 } rPDU2DevicePropertiesNumSwitchedOutlets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of switched outlets on the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry 5 } rPDU2DevicePropertiesNumMeteredOutlets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of metered outlets on the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry 6 } rPDU2DevicePropertiesNumPhases OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of phases present in the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry 7 } rPDU2DevicePropertiesNumMeteredBanks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of metered banks present in the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry 8 } rPDU2DevicePropertiesMaxCurrentRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum current rating, measured in Amps, for the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry 9 } rPDU2DevicePropertiesOrientation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { horizontal (1), vertical (2), verticalISXv2 (3), verticalISXv3 (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Rack PDU orientation" ::= { rPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry 10 } rPDU2DevicePropertiesOutletLayout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { seqPhaseToNeutral (1), seqPhaseToPhase (2), seqPhToNeu21PhToPh (3), seqPhToPhGrouped (4), seqPhToNGrouped (5), seqPToN1516PToPGrouped (6), seqPhToPh2xGrouped (7), seqPhToN2xGrouped (8), seqNotApplicable (9), seqPhToNPhToPhPhToN (10) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return outlet layout for the device. seqPhaseToNeutral(1) indicates outlet layout as follows: 1:1-N,2:2-N,3:3-N,4:1-N,5:2-N,... or for single phase SKUs, all outlets 1-N seqPhaseToPhase(2) indicates outlet layout as follows: 1:1-2,2:2-3,3:3-1,4:1-2,5:2-3,... seqPhToNeu21PhToPh(3) indicates outlet layout as follows: 1:1-N,2:2-N...21:3-N,22:1-2,23:2-3,24:3-1,... seqPhToPhGrouped(4) indicates outlet layout as follows: For AP8xxx SKU's Group 1:1-2, Group 2:2-3, Group 3:3-1. seqPhToNGrouped(5) indicates outlet layout as follows: This unit has 3 outlet groups. Group 1:1-N, Group 2:2-N, Group 3:3-N. seqPToN1516PToPGrouped(6) indicates outlet layout as follows: This unit has 4 outlet groups. Group 1 (Outlets 1-14):1-2, Group 2 (Outlets 15-16):1-N, Group 3:2-3, Group 4:3-1. seqPhToPh2xGrouped(7) indicates outlet layout as follows: This unit has 6 outlet groups. Group 1:1-2, Group 2:1-2, Group 3:2-3, Group 4:2-3, Group 5:3-1, Group 6:3-1. seqPhToN2xGrouped(8) indicates outlet layout as follows: This unit has 6 outlet groups. Group 1:1-N, Group 2:1-N, Group 3:2-N, Group 4:2-N, Group 5:3-N, Group 6:3-N. seqNotApplicable(9): Outlet layout does not affect any of the user interfaces for AP88XX SKUs. These SKUs may report seqNotApplicable(9) if there is not an exact outlet layout match available. seqPhToNPhToPhPhToN(10) indicates outlet layout as follows: Group 1:1-N, Group 2:1-2, Group 3:2-N. Only AP7xxx, AP8xxx SKUs support this feature. Product which does not support this feature will respond with -1" ::= { rPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry 11 } rPDU2DevicePropertiesMaxPhaseCurrentRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum current rating, measured in Amps, for the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry 12 } rPDU2DevicePropertiesDevicePowerRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum power rating, measured in tenths of kilowatts, for the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2DevicePropertiesEntry 13 } -- rPDU2 Device Status rPDU2DeviceStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDU2DeviceStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU status information" ::= { rPDU2Device 3 } rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDU2DeviceStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status information from the Rack PDU being queried" INDEX { rPDU2DeviceStatusIndex } ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusTable 1 } RPDU2DeviceStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDU2DeviceStatusIndex INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceStatusModule INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceStatusName DisplayString, rPDU2DeviceStatusLoadState INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceStatusPower INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceStatusPeakPower INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceStatusPeakPowerTimestamp DisplayString, rPDU2DeviceStatusPeakPowerStartTime DisplayString, rPDU2DeviceStatusEnergy INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceStatusEnergyStartTime DisplayString, rPDU2DeviceStatusCommandPending INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceStatusPowerSupplyAlarm INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceStatusPowerSupply1Status INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceStatusPowerSupply2Status INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceStatusOutletsEnergyStartTime DisplayString, rPDU2DeviceStatusApparentPower INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceStatusPowerFactor INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceStatusNPSType INTEGER } rPDU2DeviceStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU status table entry" ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 1 } rPDU2DeviceStatusModule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined Rack PDU numeric ID" ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 2 } rPDU2DeviceStatusName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user-defined string identifying the Rack PDU" ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 3 } rPDU2DeviceStatusLoadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { lowLoad (1), normal (2), nearOverload (3), overload (4), notsupported (5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the present load status of the Rack PDU. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with a value of notsupported (5)." ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 4 } rPDU2DeviceStatusPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The power consumption of the Rack PDU load in hundredths of kilowatts. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with a value of -1." ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 5 } rPDU2DeviceStatusPeakPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The peak power consumption of the Rack PDU load in hundredths of kilowatts. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with a value of -1." ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 6 } rPDU2DeviceStatusPeakPowerTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the date and time that peak power consumption occurred. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with string 'notsupported'." ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 7 } rPDU2DeviceStatusPeakPowerStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the date and time of the last device peak power reset. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with string 'notsupported'." ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 8 } rPDU2DeviceStatusEnergy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user resettable energy meter measuring Rack PDU load energy consumption in tenths of kilowatt-hours. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with a value of -1." ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 9 } rPDU2DeviceStatusEnergyStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the date and time of the last device energy meter reset. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with string 'notsupported'." ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 10 } rPDU2DeviceStatusCommandPending OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { commandPending (1), noCommandPending (2), commandPendingUnknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not the device is processing a pending command. If the commandPendingUnknown (3) value is returned, all devices powered by the Rack PDU should be shut down. The Rack PDU's power should then be cycled to clear this condition." ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 11 } rPDU2DeviceStatusPowerSupplyAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates a power supply alarm is active when value equals alarm (2)" ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 12 } rPDU2DeviceStatusPowerSupply1Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2), notInstalled (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not an alarm is active in Power Supply 1" ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 13 } rPDU2DeviceStatusPowerSupply2Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2), notInstalled (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not an alarm is active in Power Supply 2" ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 14 } rPDU2DeviceStatusOutletsEnergyStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the date and time of the last outlets energy meter reset. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with string 'notsupported'." ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 15 } rPDU2DeviceStatusApparentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The apparent power consumption of the Rack PDU load in hundredths of kiloVoltAmps (kVA). Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with a value of -1." ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 16 } rPDU2DeviceStatusPowerFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The power factor of the Rack PDU load in hundredths. Models that do not support this feature will respond to this OID with a value of -1." ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 17 } rPDU2DeviceStatusNPSType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notNPS (1), host (2), guest (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The device NPS status: notNPS (1) indicates the Rack PDU is not in an NPS group. host (2) indicates the Rack PDU has been designated as a host in an NPS group. Only one Rack PDU in an NPS group is allowed to be the host. guest (3) indicates the Rack PDU has been designated as a guest in an NPS group." ::= { rPDU2DeviceStatusEntry 18 } -- rPDU2 Device Control rPDU2DeviceControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDU2DeviceControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU control data" ::= { rPDU2Device 4 } rPDU2DeviceControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDU2DeviceControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Control data from Rack PDU being queried" INDEX { rPDU2DeviceControlIndex } ::= { rPDU2DeviceControlTable 1 } RPDU2DeviceControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDU2DeviceControlIndex INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceControlModule INTEGER, rPDU2DeviceControlName DisplayString, rPDU2DeviceControlCommand INTEGER } rPDU2DeviceControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU control table entry" ::= { rPDU2DeviceControlEn