SSO / SAML Setup
SAML, or Security Assertion Markup Language, is a protocol that allows you to use a single set of login credentials to access multiple web applications. It works by securely passing authentication information between two parties: an identity provider (IdP) and a service provider (like Packet Power). This process ensures that users can log in once and gain access to various applications without needing to authenticate separately for each one.
Step 1: Obtain Packet Power's SAML Metadata
Visit the following link to download our SAML metadata XML file: Packet Power SAML Metadata
Step 2: Import Packet Power's Metadata into Your SAML System
Take the downloaded SAML metadata XML file and import it into your identity provider's SAML system. This step will enable your system to recognize and trust Packet Power as a service provider.
Configure your identity provider to send the email address of the authenticating user back to EMX as an attribute with the name "email" (case-sensitive).
Step 3: Provide Your Identity Provider Metadata
Export your identity provider's SAML metadata XML file.
Send the exported metadata to our support team at or through your preferred communication method.
Step 4: Configuration on Our Side
Once we receive your identity provider metadata, we will configure our system to recognize and enable your SSO setup.
Step 5: SAML Login Process
After the setup is complete, users will be able to log in using SSO.

The SAML login will be prompted based on the email address domain of the logging-in user. Ensure that the email domains are correctly configured and recognized by your SAML system.