Assigning OIDs to Node Templates
The following applies to SNMP devices.
Log in to EMX. Under the Manage tab, open the OPI drop down menu and click on OPI Templates.
Click on the ( + ) icon to expose the "Add Reading" dialog box. This will allow the addition of individual register points along with their characteristics.

Complete all fields.
Channel: Designates the EMX channel that the register map shall be aligned with
Scale: The scaling factor or multiple applied to the register. Most device register maps will note the scaling factor of each register.
Offset: Offset implies where the register map starts. If the register map starts at 0 vs 1, each register may have an offset of 1.
OID: The OID that corresponds to EMX channel for measurement
Click the "Submit" box to save.
Continue to add OIDs using the ( + ) add register function until all the required OIDs are populated.
Editing existing OIDs
To edit an existing OID, click on the pencil icon.