Configuring Device Settings
Once a device is added, it is necessary to populate the applicable protocol configurations.
Configure device Modbus settings
To configure a specific Modbus device, log in to EMX. Under the Manage tab, open the OPI drop down menu and click on OPI Nodes.
This will reveal the "Monitored Devices" screen. From here, click on the Modbus hyperlink in the device credentials column.
The "Modbus Settings" dialog box will appear.
Populate with the appropriate device information.
IP Port: This is typically 502 for most Modbus applications
Device ID: This is set on customer device and will be a number ranging from 0 to 254. The customer is required to identify the device number for each device.
Protocol: This is "TCP" for Modbus applications
Click the "Submit" box to save.
Repeat this process for each individual Modbus monitoring device.
Configure device SNMP settings
To configure a specific SNMP device, log in to EMX. Under the Manage tab, open the OPI drop down menu and click on OPI Nodes.
This will reveal the "Monitored Devices" screen. From here, click on the SNMP hyperlink in the device credentials column.
The "SNMP Settings" dialog box will appear. Populate with the appropriate device information.
SNMP Version: Indicate the correct version (1, 2, 3)
Read Community: This is typically "public" unless the administrator has issued a password
Password: Password used to access the device (if required)
Click the "Submit" box to save.
Repeat this process for each individual SNMP monitoring device.