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Managing EMX Alerts

EMX alerts are used to generate notifications when specified conditions are met. This involves defining three things:

  • Destinations are an email or phone number (for SMS texts) that can receive alert messages.

  • Lists are collections of destinations.

  • Alerts are criteria that specify when notice should be sent to a list or lists.

Four Key Steps for Creating and Managing Alerts in EMX

1. Packet Power adds the appropriate number of email messages (free) and text messages (fee) to your account. This enables the email or SMS channel for an account.

Contact if you need changes made.

2.  Create Destinations by adding the name and contact info (email or phone number).

3.  Create Lists using one or more destinations per list.

4.  Finally, create the Alerts and select the list(s) to which notifications should be sent and the monitoring units you wish the alert to apply to.

Set up Destinations

1. Log in to

2. Navigate to Alerts > Node Alert Destinations

3. With the Destinations tab selected, click the + Add button in the lower left corner

4. Complete the Add pop up window

  • Name: usually the name of the individual or group who will receive the notification, i.e. Acme Data Center Operations, John Smith, etc.

  • Delivery Channel: choose Email or SMS from the dropdown menu. Nothing will appear in the drop down menu if messages have not been allocated to the account. Contact if this occurs.

  • Destination: Enter the email address for email delivery channel or phone number for SMS delivery channel. If using SMS, the entire phone number should be entered including country code (i.e. 1 for USA, 44 for UK) but excluding any "0s" that may precede the country code.

Email Delivery Channel

SMS Delivery Channel

5. Click the blue Add button to submit.

6. Repeat to add additional destinations.

Set up Lists

1. Navigate to Alerts > Node Alert Destination. With the Lists tab selected, click the + Add button in the lower left corner to add a new list.

2. Give your list a name in the pop up window and click the blue Add button.

3.  Still in the Lists tab, click the Add members link next to the new list just created.

4.     In the Select Destinations for [list name] pop up window, click the box next to those who should be included under the On? column heading.
        Click the Close button to save changes and close the window.

5.   Repeat for any additional lists you would like to add.

Creating Alerts

1. Log in to

2. Navigate to Alerts > Node Alerts

3. Click the + Add button in the lower left corner

4. Complete the fields in the Add pop up window.

  • Alert Name: Create a name that makes sense to you (i.e. Gateway Timeout)

  • Timeout: Select desired interval from the drop down menu. This refers to the notification timeout. For example: If set to 1 hour, you will no longer receive an alert notification (email or SMS) past 1 hour of when the initial alert was triggered.

  • Enabled?: Click if you would like to enable the alert right away. It can always be enabled (and disabled) later.

5. Click the blue Add button to submit.

6. Under the Conditions column heading, click on the None link beside the respective alert being created. This will open up a new tab.

7. Select the alert for which you are adding a condition from the dropdown box. Click the + Add button in the lower left corner

8. Complete the fields in the Add pop up window.

  • Channel: The attribute for which you desire an alert (i.e. kW, Most recent report, etc.). If you are setting up a timeout report (i.e. alert if a device hasn't communicated in x amount of time) choose the "MostRecentReport" Channel.

  • Condition: Choose from the drop down menu

  • Value: The value for the selected Channel. For example: If you chose Current as the Channel and want to be alerted at a threshold of 24 Amps, enter "24" in the Value field. The Value for time-based alerts such as MostRecentReport, should be entered in seconds (1 hour = 3600 seconds).

9. Click the blue Add button when complete.

10. Click the Alerts tab. Find the alert you are editing and click the None link in the Nodes column. This will open a new tab.

11. Check the box for the nodes to be included in the alert. There is no limit to the number of nodes which can be included. If you are looking for a specific device you can search for it by the Monitoring Node ID or Node Name under the applicable columns.

12.  When done, close the Nodes tab by clicking the X

13.  Click the Alerts tab. Find the alert you are editing and click the None link in the Notify column. This will open a new tab. 

14. Check the box for the list(s) to be included in the alert. There is no limit to the number of lists that can be included. If you are looking for a specific list you can sort the Message list or search for it by typing the list name in the blank cell under Message List.

15. When done close the Notifications tab by clicking the X.

Repeat steps 2 - 15 for any additional alerts you would like to add.

Editing Alerts

To edit an alert, simply follow the steps for creating an alert except instead of creating a new one, you'll modify elements of an existing alert.

Turning Alerts On and Off

1. Navigate to Alerts > Node Alerts

2. Find the applicable alert and click the check box in the "Enabled?" column to turn the alert on; clear the check box to turn it off.

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