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ServerTech Serial Devices

Supported Devices

  • C2WG48TE-DQM

  • C2SG36TE-4PAE2M 66

  • C2WG36TE-YCM FAM 66

  • Any ServerTech PDU with Version 8.0 Command Line Interface

Required WNC Firmware


Device Documentation

ServerTech FAQ documentation

C2WG48TE-DQM Datasheet

Required PDU Configuration

Factory reset the ServerTech PDU.

A factory reset can be performed by using the reset button inside an unlabeled hole next to the LED displays or network port. Use a paperclip or other tool to press and hold the button for between 10 and 15 seconds. The reset process will take about 3-1/2 minutes to complete. This process will not affect outlet on/off status.

ServerTech C2WG48TE-DQM Connections

WNC Connections

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 3.43.09 PM.png

The WNC is powered from the ServerTech PDU via the LINK cable. The WNC’s LCD display should light up when all cables are attached.

Cable Installation

Attach the WNC to the PDU as shown below.


On powerup, the WNC will take 10 to 20 seconds to show the message “State: Poll” on its LCD display. This message indicates successful serial communications with the PDU and indicates that the PDU’s login/password are configured correctly.

WNCs are configured for radio zone US.4. Gateways need to use the same radio zone configuration. Open the Gateway’s Web Console and verify the radio zone on the “Status” page. Then check the “Monitoring Nodes” list to determine if the WNC is connected to the Gateway via the mesh. If connected, open the “Readings” page. Expect gauges, phase readings, and outlet readings to arrive in < 2 minutes.



Steps to resolve

No power to WNC.

  • LCD Display doesn’t turn on when WNC is attached to the PDU.

Verify connections are secure, RJ12 Cable should connect to link port, RJ45 ethernet should connect to SER port.

No data from WNC

  • WNC not showing on the Gateway's “Monitoring Nodes” List.

Check the WNC display for the status “NO:US.4“ or “COM: 900M”.

  • If the WNC communication status is “NO:US.4”, the WNC is not communicating to a Gateway. Use the Gateway’s Web Console to verify the Gateway’s configured radio zone.

  • If the WNC communication status is “COM: 900M”, the WNC is communicating to a Gateway via the mesh. Verify that the correct Gateway was chosen to view the “Monitoring Nodes” list.

    If the WNC communication status is “NO:XX.X, and XX.X. is not set to US.4, then contact Packet Power support.

No data from PDU.

  • Your ServerTech device may have a non-default password or the connection may be incorrect.

Make sure your connections are secure. Verify WNC connection to ServerTech on the LCD by checking that the following message is displayed:

State: Poll

If instead you see:

State: Scan 

for more than 1 minute you should factory reset the PDU.

WNC will stay in scan mode until the ServerTech PDU has completed its factory reset. Expect a 3 1/2 minute delay.

In State: Scan and does not leave that state or Expecting CLI but WNC transitioned to PSP1

Reset Admin Password to factory Default or set Admin password to PacketPower1.

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