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Smart Power Cables - Displays & Indicators

The display and indicators vary based on the type of power meter used in the Smart Power Cable. Generally, cables shipped before September 2021 use one type of power meter while cables shipped September 2021 or later use a different power meter. 

Generally used in single-phase (SGXX) and three-phase (RGXX) Smart Power Cables shipped September 2021 or later

Generally used in single-phase (SGXX) and three-phase (RGXX) Smart Power Cables shipped before September 2021  

Display and indicators for RGXX and SGXX cables shipped September 2021 or later

The P5T8 power meter features a high-quality graphical display that presents various information including device configuration, device status and electrical readings.

Status Lights

1 🟩 Green Light (Power Status)

  • ON: Power correctly connected and supplied

  • OFF: Power not supplied or incorrectly connected

2 🟦 Blue Light (Mesh Status)

  • SOLID ON: PMM connected to a mesh network

  • SLOW FLASHING: PMM actively searching for a mesh network

  • OFF: PMM not connected to a mesh network

3 🟥 Red Light (Non Mesh Status)

  • SLOW FLASHING: PMM actively searching for a mesh network

  • RAPID FLASHING: Test/configuration mode

  • ALTERNATING FLASHING/OFF: receiving a firmware/config update

  • 10 SECOND FLASHING: PMM has received a FINDME signal

  • OFF: No mesh issues

4 🟧 Amber Light (Power Status)

  • ON: Power correctly connected and supplied

  • OFF: Power not supplied or incorrectly connected

Graphical display

The P5T8 power meter graphical display shows device configuration and electrical readings. This information is collected into a series of pages, displayed in sequence with a configurable period of off-time between each displayed page. Tapping the side of the display advances to the next page in the sequence, temporarily overriding the normal page rotation timing. After 10 seconds, with no further tap, the auto-sequence resumes.

There are a few different display sequences that can be selected, based on the desired information to be displayed, using the tap interface. These sequences are detailed in the following table.

Startup sequence

The Packet Power logo and name are displayed when the device first powers up, followed by a sequence of power on self-test (POST) display pages.

Boot sequence

The boot sequence is displayed once at startup (following the logo), but is not normally shown as part of any display sequence. However, if the page is manually advanced by a button tap from the user, the boot sequence pages will be displayed after the end of the normal page sequence.

Firmware and checksum

Version number consists of two parts:  image.version (35.X)

Checksum is a sequence of 8 hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F)

System and meter status

For both the system and metrology subsystem, displays either "OK" or an error code

Display sequence:  Standard

The standard display sequence provides input-level readings for the configured input lines (L1, L2, and/or L3).

Input voltage [V]

Input current [A]

Input power [W]

Input energy [Wh]

Input energy, total [Wh]

Display sequence:  Full

The full display sequence provides input-level readings for the configured input lines (L1, L2, and/or L3) as well as the infrared output pulse count, and details of the load-side circuits.

Input voltage [V]

Input current [A]

Input power [W]

Input energy [Wh]

Input energy, total [Wh]

Pulses - the count of the IR output pulses

Load details

One page per load circuit depending on meter configuration

May show current [A], power [W], and/or energy [Wh], depending on meter configuration

Display sequence:  Blank

This sequence does not display any information, to be used if the user desires a completely blank display. A button tap will still be able to display the Boot Sequence pages when desired.

Display and indicators for RGXX and SGXX cables shipped before September 2021

The P5T3-generation power meters have 3 large alpha-numeric LEDs that provide local display of monitoring data and 3 small lights adjacent to the LEDs that provide operating status information.

Status lights

1 🟩 Top Green Light (measurement status)

  • This LED changes state each time the power measuring chip completes a measurement, roughly every 950 ms. If the firmware fails to read the measurement, the LED will blink at 8 Hz until the next accumulation.

2 🟥 Red Light (non-mesh status)

  • OFF: Disabled

  • SOLID ON: Indicates an error condition is present on the node.

  • SLOW FLASHING (2Hz): Searching for a mesh

  • RAPID FLASHING (8Hz): Near Communication Mode (configuration) activity

  • ALTERNATING 8Hz FLASHING: Receiving firmware or configuration update.

  • 10s of 4Hz Flashing: Receiving the FINDME signal.

3 🟩 Bottom Green Light (mesh status)

  • OFF: disabled or not configured to connect to a mesh

  • SOLID ON: Connected to a mesh

  • SLOW FLASHING (2Hz): active, monitoring power

Numerical display

The P5T3 and P5T3X meters can be configured to display all or some of the following data via the numeric LEDs.  The order of display can also be customized. The data type indicator is shown followed by the corresponding value, e.g. to show a reading of 10.1 amps on channel A, the PMM displays "A1" followed by "10.1".

Power on sequence

P5= XXX firmware version

Normal operation

Cycles through repeatedly

Id = ABC last 3 digits of the node ID

A1 = ### current on channel A [A]

U1 = ### voltage on channel A [V]

A2 = ### current on channel B [A]

U2 = ### voltage on channel B [V]

A3 = ### current on channel C [A]

U3 = ### voltage on channel C [V]

Available but not enabled in standard configuration

P1 = ### power on channel A [kW]

F1 = ### power factor on channel A [n]

P2 = ### power on channel B [kW]

F2 = ### power factor on channel B [n]

P3 = ### power on channel C [kW]

F3 = ### power factor on channel C [n]

Fr = ### frequency [Hz]


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