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Editing Equipment Types and Layouts

Every equipment item needs to be defined as a type. There are several basic equipment types already defined for you, including Cabinets, ATS and PDU.

To define a custom equipment type, you may proceed to the EquipmentEquipment Types Menu.

Each equipment type that you add will represent some piece of equipment (Server Rack, PDU, etc).

From the Equipment Types menu, select “add” from the action drop down to start creating a type.

This will guide you through the equipment type wizard. We will create a custom type called “XYZ Cabinet”. Think of this like creating a broad device category such as PDU, Server Rack, etc.

Equipment Types Wizard

There are four steps to creating a new equipment type:

  • Name and Icon

  • Tags and Metrics

  • 3D View

  • Preview and Save

Step 1: Name and Icon

Here you can set the equipment type name and icon to represent it. For our example, we will create a type called “XYZ Cabinet”.

Step 2: Tags and Metrics

  • Tags are textual information that provides metadata for your equipment. They are manually entered for each piece of equipment of this type. By default each equipment type contains a “Name” attribute by default. An example of other tags you might add include serial number, building number, room etc.

  • Metrics are reading data that can be pulled from individual nodes or calculated from other metrics. As shown below, we have defined a Power and Voltage reading metric.

If you choose a custom metric, you will be prompted to select a calculation to perform on two other reading metrics.

Step 3: 3D View

After creating your desired tags and metrics, you can then choose how they will appear on the 3D view of your equipment. This is done by dragging your tags/metric onto the desired projected face. Here we will display the Name and Power on the top face, and the Power and Voltage on the front.

If you scroll down you will see a rotatable preview of your equipment in its 3D space.

Step 4: Preview and Save

Once you are satisfied with the layout of your tags and metrics on the 3D Projection, you can review your equipment type prior to saving it.

Equipment Locations

Now that we have created an Equipment type, we can add it into an equipment layout which represents a physical space.

Go to EquipmentLocations to add a new equipment layout.

Use the Action Drop down to add a new location.

We will call ours “Test Location” for this example. It is in locations that alerts can be defined for equipment. The notification destinations field will determine where these alerts are sent to. To learn more about Notifications and Alerts lists see: Node Alerts

From here you can proceed in multiple ways, one way is to manually add instances of your equipment using the “add” option in the action drop down. Inside a location, you will be required to indicate the type of the equipment you wish to add first.

As demonstrated below, you can then click on each metric to modify its settings. For node type metrics, you will be prompted to select a guid. For reading types, you will need to select a source node and a channel to display. Custom metrics are defined from other metrics and are not editable.

Once a metric is defined, you can edit or delete it by hovering your mouse over the existing value.

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