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Legacy EG4 Firmware Transition from 1.x.x to 2.x.x

This document provides instructions for updating Packet Power Ethernet Gateways, Hubs and Data Diodes from our 1.x.x firmware to the latest 2.x.x firmware version.

Prerequisites for updating to 2.x

  • Device is under warranty, extended support, or upgrade fee has been paid

    • Ethernet Gateway (GW04-xxxx)

    • Hub (GH04-xxxx)

    • Data Diode (DDRX-xxxx and DDTX-xxxx)

  • Must be running firmware version 1.19.4 or 1.19.5

  • 600 MB free disk space (see STEP 3 for more information)

  • Device must be powered 

  • Device must have an Ethernet connection with an assigned and accessible IP address

  • User is able to access the device’s Web Console

Instructions to update

The update process must be completed separately for each device. While the time to update can vary, on average expect 15 minutes per device. Note that screenshots are from an Ethernet Gateway web console. Web consoles for Hubs and Data Diodes are similar.

STEP 1: Confirm existing firmware is 1.19.4, 1.19.5 or 2.x.x

A device’s current firmware can be found on the Status page of the Web Console under ‘System firmware’ as shown below. 

If the ‘System firmware’ version is 1.19.4 or 1.19.5, proceed to STEP 2.

If the ‘System firmware’ version is less than 1.19.4, follow these instructions:

  1. Contact Packet Power support for the transition package File Download.

  2. Access the device’s Web Console. 

  3. Navigate to System > System Update on the left menu

  4. Click ‘Choose File’ and select the 1.19.4 file from the saved location on your PC, click ‘Open’

  5. Click ‘Upload’ to initiate the update process (this will take 5-6 minutes) and will initiate a reboot

  6. Once the Web Console reloads, confirm on the Status page that ‘System firmware’ shows 1.19.4. If it has, proceed to STEP 2

  7. If not, continue with the following, navigate to System > System Firmware Selection on the left menu and note the ‘Active firmware’.  

    1. If it is 1.19.4 then proceed to System > Reboot and Reboot the device. Confirm on the Status page that ‘System firmware’ shows 1.19.4.  

    2. If it is something other than 1.19.4, click the drop down menu and see if 1.19.4 is present in the menu. If it is, select it and click “Use Selected firmware”. If 1.19.4 is not present, repeat instructions 3-7 as applicable. 

STEP 2:  Back up settings 

It is unlikely that a gateway will fail during the upgrade process, but we still highly recommend saving any customized settings from the web console as outlined below (you will not have data present in every area):

  • Network Configuration

    • Take screenshots or detailed notes of the System > Networking page

  • If using SNMP, Modbus or BACnet, click the gear icon in the bottom right corner and select ‘Export’ from each relevant page

    • Data Destinations > Modbus > Register Maps

    • Data Destinations > Modbus > Node Map

    • Data Destinations > SNMP > Nodes 

    • Data Destinations > BACnet > Channel Maps

    • Data Destinations > BACnet > Nodes Table 

  • If using virtual panels, go to Data Processing > Virtual Panels

    • From the dropdown menu select ‘Select All’

    • Click ‘Apply’

    • From the dropdown menu select ‘Export selected panel(s)’

    • Click ‘Apply’ 

  • If using master gateways, go to Data Sources > Peer Gateways

    • Click the gear icon in the bottom right corner

    • Select ‘Export’ 

STEP 3: Ensure device has at least 600 MB of storage available 

On the Status page of the Web Console, confirm that the ‘Persistent storage’ value is greater than 600 MB.

If enough space is available, proceed to STEP 4

If not, follow these instructions to free additional space:

  1. On the Web console, navigate to System > System Firmware Selection on the left menu. 

  2. On the dropdown menu, you will see a list of all firmware files that are currently uploaded to the device’s disk. You will be able to remove any firmware files that are a) not listed as the factory default and b) not the currently active firmware. 

  3. Click on the row of the firmware file you wish to remove to select it.

  4. Click the red ‘Remove Selected Firmware’ button.

  5. Click ‘Okay’ when prompted.

Check to see if enough disk space has been allocated, if not, repeat by removing additional firmware files until enough persistent storage space is available.

STEP 4:  Upload and execute Transition Package

  1. Contact Packet Power Support for the transition package File Download

  2. Access the Web Console 

  3. Navigate to System > System Update on the left menu

  4. Click ‘Choose File’ and select the Transition Package from the saved location on your PC, click ‘Open’

  5. Click the green ‘Upload’ button to initiate the upgrade process. If the device does not reboot automatically, go to System Firmware Selection, select the Transition Package from the dropdown menu and click ‘Use Selected Firmware’. This step will take approximately 15-20 minutes. Note that you may lose visibility to the device’s Web Console during this time. Do not power off the device during this process. 

  6. Confirm that the device has been successfully updated by looking at the ‘System firmware’ on the Status page to make sure the firmware version is 2.3.2

STEP 5:  Upload the .mud file for 2.6.1

  1. Contact Packet Power Support for the updated EG4 Firmware Mud File.

  2. Access the Web Console 

  3. Navigate to System > System Update on the left menu

  4. Click ‘Choose File’ and select the .mud from the saved location on your PC, click ‘Open’

  5. Click the green ‘Upload’ button to initiate the upgrade process. If the device does not reboot automatically, go to System Firmware Selection, select the Transition Package from the dropdown menu and click ‘Use Selected Firmware’. This step will take approximately 5-7 minutes. Note that you may lose visibility to the device’s Web Console during this time. Do not power off the device during this process. 

  6. Confirm that the device has been successfully updated by looking at the ‘System firmware’ on the Status page to make sure the firmware version is 2.6.1

Repeat STEPs 1 - 4 for each active device. 


Contact with any questions about the update process. 

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