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Wireless Gateway Easy Start Guide

This Wireless Gateway Easy Start guide explains how to configure your new Gateway. For more detailed instructions see or email

1. Physical Connections

Gateway must be connected to a network to enable configuration

  • Insert Ethernet cable into the network port and connect other end to the network.

  • Connect the universal power supply provided to the 5V DC jack to power the Gateway.

If the amber network status light does not flash, that indicates a problem with the network connection. A network connection must be established before proceeding.

2. Navigation

  • Unlock by tapping MENU three times

  • Lock by tapping EXIT

The touchpad automatically locks after 10 seconds of inactivity.

3. Configuring DHCP (Dynamic IP)

  • Using the touchpad, navigate to the DHCP settings menu

  • Select DHCP ON (default) or OFF if using a static IP address

If you are using DHCP, skip to Step 5.

4. Setting IP Address (static IP)

If using a static IP instead of DHCP, follow these steps:

  • Once DHCP is turned off, enter the IP, Netmask, and IP Gateway address

    • Note: The IP Gateway is the IP address of the network gateway, and it is NOT the IP address of the Packet Power Wireless Gateway device

  • A temporary IP address can be assigned and modified once you have access to the Gateway web console.

Refer to Setting Gateway IP from a Windows PC for additional instructions on setting the IP from a Windows PC.

5. Access Gateway Web Console

  • Access the gateway Console by entering the Gateway’s IP address into a web browser.

  • From the left hand menu select “System” and then the “Networking” tab.

Make sure the Gateway and browser are both connected to an accessible switch or router.

6. Network Settings

  • Click on “System” → “Networking” on the left hand menu.

  • image-20250218-170558.png
  • If needed, enter the DNS address(es). This is typically only needed for non-DHCP networks.

  • Select a proxy server if applicable

    • Some network policies may implement access restrictions that necessitate the use of an HTTP proxy server to push data to Cloud EMX

Note that static IP addresses can also be modified here if DHCP is turned off.

  • Click “Save” icon to input settings.

Time Synchronization

  • Enter an NTP time server IP address or domain name

  • Available servers can be found at

  • Default time servers are and

  • Click “save” icon to input settings

7. Choose your Data Destination

  • Click on “Data Destinations” on the left hand menu.

  • Select how you want to receive your data: EMX, Modbus, SNMP, or MQTT. EMX feeds can be delivered simultaneously with Modbus, SNMP, or MQTT feeds.

  • For SNMP, Modbus, or MQTT output, ensure the Gateway is licensed correctly as indicated by a green light next to the corresponding tab under Data Destinations.

Contact Packet Power if the SNMP, Modbus, or MQTT feed needs to be enabled.

Ensure the Gateway IP address has outbound access to port 443 (HTTPS) for * when using cloud EMX

  • For Local EMX, enter the IP address of the server using port 8080. (e.g.

  • Your Packet Power representative will set up an EMX account so you can access your data via EMX. Visit for more details.

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