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Legacy Loading MIB Files

For Downloading MIB Files from an Ethernet Gateway, see:

Legacy SNMP for Ethernet Gateways | Downloading-the-Standard-MIB-File

Loading General MIB Files

  1. Load the MIB for “General SNMP management” using the [Load MIBs] function under the [FILE] menu

  2. This is the “SNMPv2-MIB” file if using SNMP V2.



For older SNMP versions use the appropriate MIB file supplied in the MIB directory.

This file will automatically be supplied with iReasoning in the “mibs” directory.

Loading Gateway and Node MIB files

  1. Load the MIB for Gateway and/or monitoring nodes using the [Load MIBs] function under the [FILE] menu

  2. PACKETPOWER-EG4-MIB is for the Gateway and PACKETPOWER-NODE-MIB is for the monitoring nodes

For Instructions on how to download SNMP MIB files from an ethernet gateway see:

Legacy SNMP for Ethernet Gateways



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