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Legacy Reading Tables and Node Tables

Generating reading tables and node tables

  1. To see the data in a more structured format use “Table View”

  2. To get data in a more structured format select the “readingsTable” or “nodesTable” under the EG4 directory [private>packetPower]

  3. Right click and select “Table View”

  4. The table will appear in the right window

Node Tables / Node Map

  1. After performing a “TableView” on “Nodes Table” by selecting the “nodesTable” file, right click and select table view, it will reveal a listing of all nodes associated with the Gateway

  2. Node “GUIDs” will be displayed in the table

  3. These node IDs will correspond to the Node IDs on the Gateway Console accessed by selecting Data Destinations > SNMP > Nodes

Readings Table / Readings for all Nodes

  1. Performing a “TableView” on “Readings Table” by selecting the “readingsTable” file, right click and select [Table View] from the pop up menu, it will reveal a listing of all readings for all nodes associated with the Gateway

  2. Node IDs will correspond to the node readings on the Gateway Console accessed by selecting the Monitoring Data menu and highlighting the corresponding node

  3. Values from the Gateway Console will match those on the Readings Table

All readings share a common table until a virtual IP address can be defined per node allowing nodes to be segregated by IP address

Interpreting Readings Data from Table View

  1. The 16 digit node ID (GUID) that identifies each Packet Power device (node) is encoded within the OID

Clicking on a reading will allow you to associate it with a specific node ID via the OID

Any reading OID will always correspond to a specific channel for specific node (ie. energy on phase A for a particular node)

Readings Definitions

mnChannel ID: Identical for all like monitoring devices

mnChannel Name: Describes the function of the channel, i.e., Energy for phase A

mnValue: Measurement value for the channel

mnUnits: Units of measurement, i.e., Watt hours

mnTime Stamp: Time when the value was received

mnTime Stamp: Time when the value was received in hex

mnIndex Value:

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